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Just read a really interesting article about people who have great memories, and the psych interviewed said the secret is really paying attention.

Now, I think a lot of people are just born with it. But what strategies do you think work for teaching a kid to really pay attention, to ignore distractions? I mean, it's something we verbalise a lot. Staring contests? Learning poems off by heart?


We do not naturally have long attention spans in our house.  For us, it's a lot of different activities.  We listen to short pieces of music to really hear each note and how they're played (Suzuki violin). We play games of putting 20 items on a tray and then figuring out which is missing. We do Understood Betsy as a read aloud, and the part where she's asked to describe something she has seen is a good jumping off point for practicing the same skill. We do poetry memorization and narration and art studies.


It's also the ability to form memories. there are several in this house who struggle to retain information.  It's not about not paying attention, it just doesn't "register".

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