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Just an observation on shortages.


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I don’t have enough evidence to assume this is universal, but...

A lot of chatter that I’m seeing all over the place is referencing light shelves at Walmart. That is also my experience at my local Walmart. The last time I was in there, certain aisles were EERILY light.  Aldi was also kind of spotty.

That said, my local regular supermarket (a regional co-op with individual owners, not a national chain) seems pretty fine.

I just wanted to throw that out there. If anyone’s having trouble getting certain things from WM and has access to a regular grocery store, try there! 
I don’t pretend to know why there’s such a difference in my location, but there is.

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We are seeing similar.  Our large chain grocery store is having trouble with certain types of items.  Our small chain store is much more reliable right now.  One of the weirdest things we have found hard to get are big containers of plain Greek yogurt. The large chain may have 1 of their normal 4 brands, and not much supply if they do have any. 

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My local Walmart (Philly suburbs) has always had big pockets of empty shelves, well before pandemic and supply chain issues. Sometimes it's drinking water - but not necessarily when there is/has been a storm. Sometimes it's detergent or other cleaning products, or breads, or canned goods. Very often it seems to be deodorant, of all things. 

I've chalked it up to them being lousy at planning and executing their stocking process.

Target, on the other hand, is always well-stocked, though of course at the  height of covid they were out of toilet paper and cleaning products like everyone else.

Aldi always seems to be out of the fun things I see in their flyer and want to try.

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I am starting to have items not available at the 3 stores I shop at (Walmart, Giant, and Safeway).  Today at Walmart was Honey Nut Cheerios, Emergen-C Immune+ Gummies, and BBQ pulled pork that we like.  Yesterday I was not able to add some cleaning supplies to my order that I have been able to easily find this summer.

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Oddly enough, I’ve notice in two stores that I’ve been in lately that the toy sections have been super, super empty. Like big chunks of aisles with nothing. 

so far my stores have plenty of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, etc. 

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9 minutes ago, mmasc said:

Oddly enough, I’ve notice in two stores that I’ve been in lately that the toy sections have been super, super empty. Like big chunks of aisles with nothing. 

It's my fault.  Five of my six kids have summer birthdays. :)

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We've had random shortages at our HEB, too. Juices, the pretzels I like, stuff like that. TP, cleaners -- totally fine. It's very random. 

I was in Joann's and noticed empty shelves in areas, too, which I thought weird. And then we were trying to find canning jars and had to check 3 stores to get the size we wanted. 


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I have not been inside our Wal-Mart since the pandemic began. I know that with curbside pick up, I often have items that they cannot get. My newest thing is to use a local, pretty new meat market. The quality is high, very high, and at 2 pm on Mondays, I am usually the only customer. The employees are behind a long plexiglass divider. I can't get a lot of groceries there, but I can get herbs and spices, and some canned goods. As long as the outdoor farmer markets last, I will frequent them and am freezing a ton of veggies, making salsa and pasta sauce and freezing too. I am getting an extra T.P. any time I can from WM as well as cat and dog food, and cat litter. So if things get really sparse, we will be good for quite a while. The drive through pharmacy is always well stocked on OTC meds and first aid supplies.


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2 hours ago, mlktwins said:

Honey Nut Cheerios

Our local HEB and Walmart were both out of regular Cheerios, but had the Honey Nut Cheerios. It's strange what's not available and that it's so different in  various locations. Our Costco had regular cheerios, but it costs a bit more.


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I've noticed gallon drinking water (generic) is hard to find. I don't like the plastic waste of small bottles, so I usually buy in gallons (small bottles are in stock). My grocery store hasn't had the gallon size for weeks, and Walmart has been out the last few times I've tried to find it there. 

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We  have noticed ‘our’ Walmart has gone way downhill. It’s very poorly stocked, the floors are dirty, produce section looks awful , and the staff acts like zombies- just no emotion or enthusiasm AT ALL.  So today we trekked in the other direction to a different Walmart and it was like a whole new world. A super clean, very well stocked, employees greeted us and were friendly and helpful. Produce section was beautiful. I was shocked at the selection and how well everything was presented. Frozen food section was well stocked. 
It’s confusing because these stores aren’t far apart and are surely served by the same distribution center. Puzzling. 

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13 minutes ago, Annie G said:

We  have noticed ‘our’ Walmart has gone way downhill. It’s very poorly stocked, the floors are dirty, produce section looks awful , and the staff acts like zombies- just no emotion or enthusiasm AT ALL.  So today we trekked in the other direction to a different Walmart and it was like a whole new world. A super clean, very well stocked, employees greeted us and were friendly and helpful. Produce section was beautiful. I was shocked at the selection and how well everything was presented. Frozen food section was well stocked. 
It’s confusing because these stores aren’t far apart and are surely served by the same distribution center. Puzzling. 

Wow. We must be neighbors. LOL. Your store sounds just like mine. The next closest one, though, is through a horrible stretch of under-construction, heavily-traveled road, so I simply stopped shopping at WM. For the things I can only get there, I am keeping a list on my person and will pop in to a different store if I pass one while out and about. So far, though, I've not had enough on that list to make it worth the effort.

Anyway, I remember in the previous thread many people mentioning not being able to find Shout stain remover. I did score one at a Win Dixie (they were fully stocked and even had those big refills), but I wanted to mention that my local Home Depot and Lowe's stores all have plenty of it, so check those stores, too!

I also see odd differences in what stores have and don't have. I wonder if it has anything to do with whoever put in their order for fill in the blank first getting their order, which means the other store(s) don't get any this go-round? That's all I can think of. The two grocery stores I frequent (different companies) seem to have consistently different blank shelves than the others, whereas they are usually both well-stocked.


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4 hours ago, mmasc said:

Oddly enough, I’ve notice in two stores that I’ve been in lately that the toy sections have been super, super empty. Like big chunks of aisles with nothing. 

so far my stores have plenty of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, etc. 

The local news have told parents to shop for Christmas NOW.  Toy stores (and other stores that carry toys) are having trouble putting in orders for toys because of the lack of shipping containers to get them here (from China or wherever they are being ordered from). 

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Well now... I was in our local wine and spirits store (PA has specific stores for this, though some larger grocery stores have a beer and wine section, generally lower selection and higher price)  a while ago and whoa, lots of empty spaces on shelves there. Also very crowded for early afternoon... [cue ominous music]

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4 hours ago, mmasc said:

Oddly enough, I’ve notice in two stores that I’ve been in lately that the toy sections have been super, super empty. Like big chunks of aisles with nothing. 

so far my stores have plenty of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, etc. 

This is likely do to toy cycling not because of shortages. Many stores start deeply discounting toys this time of year to push things that have sat for too long in preparation for new shipments for the holiday season.

So, what resellers will do is buy up the super cheap stock, hence emptying entire shelves, and then resell stuff online for the holiday sales at regular price or slightly lower than what are current in store prices.

My sister use to make bank doing this with Legos at her Walmart. She lived in such a depressed area that the really expensive sets were still expensive when deeply discounted so they would sit on the shelves. She buy them up and sell online at retail price because the items were hard to find in other parts of the country

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59 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

The local news have told parents to shop for Christmas NOW.  Toy stores (and other stores that carry toys) are having trouble putting in orders for toys because of the lack of shipping containers to get them here (from China or wherever they are being ordered from). 

Yes, the shipping container issue is huge, and affecting a lot of imports from SE Asia. It’s why we have gaps in tennis shoes and other commodities primarily produced in that region. If the product is premium enough, they will air freight, but for low margin items you just get to wait.

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So here is a weird one, on our way to ds’s new apartment we stopped at our local iga. No hamburger buns, tons of hot dog but no hamburger. That’s weird, we drove on 40 minutes into the city and went to Kroger for buns. There I stood in disbelief with three click list shopper kids all staring at the empty hamburger bun space, none, not of any brand. 

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Generic OTC meds have been hard to find across Walmart, Target, and the other places I order from locally. Famotidine, Benadryl, Dramamine, Kids Tylenol, Kids Ibuprofen and olopatadine/Pataday were all name brand labels only, not generics.

On the Rx end of things, although I was able to fill epipens and albuterol inhalers in generic, I'm lucky because they are still on the ASHP drug shortage list. 

At Walmart a couple of weeks ago, all five freezer case aisles were almost completely empty. Our restaurant store was similarly decimated.  A regional fulfillment center was closed due to a covid outbreak for the restaurant store---not sure what Walmart's issue was. 

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52 minutes ago, saraha said:

So here is a weird one, on our way to ds’s new apartment we stopped at our local iga. No hamburger buns, tons of hot dog but no hamburger. That’s weird, we drove on 40 minutes into the city and went to Kroger for buns. There I stood in disbelief with three click list shopper kids all staring at the empty hamburger bun space, none, not of any brand. 

That’s funny, because I couldn’t get hot dog rolls last week, just hamburger. 

Dh said McDonalds was out of quarter pounder patties today. I don’t know how rare that might be. McDonalds makes my tummy icky. 

A local restaurant posted a thing about supply costs increasing, including a 40% increase on chicken breasts. But those have only gone up about 4-5% in my grocery store and Walmart, so I don’t get it. 

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9 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

That’s funny, because I couldn’t get hot dog rolls last week, just hamburger. 

Dh said McDonalds was out of quarter pounder patties today. I don’t know how rare that might be. McDonalds makes my tummy icky. 

A local restaurant posted a thing about supply costs increasing, including a 40% increase on chicken breasts. But those have only gone up about 4-5% in my grocery store and Walmart, so I don’t get it. 

Tyson was quoted this week in some article I was reading that their costs (grain feed, etc.) are rising higher than the speed at which they can jump up prices. 

Found it: it was reuters....https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/tyson-foods-raises-2021-revenue-forecast-strong-beef-demand-2021-08-09/

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3 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Tyson was quoted this week in some article I was reading that their costs (grain feed, etc.) are rising higher than the speed at which they can jump up prices. 

Found it: it was reuters....https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/tyson-foods-raises-2021-revenue-forecast-strong-beef-demand-2021-08-09/

So, get this - I just went to work on my grocery order for the week. My supermarket price doubled from last week. Hot dang!

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It's crazy, isn't it!

I've been cramming meat into every spare niche in my freezer, because it's only going to get worse.

*putting on my "grew up on a cattle ranch" hat*:  A lot of small to midsize ranches have been thinning their herds over the last few years because grain and hay prices are going up. There was a huge kerfuffle some years ago talking about how meat processors are making a ton of profit, but the ranchers aren't seeing the money. That is still largely holding true....only this year there is even less margin for beef for the ranchers. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-20/it-s-not-just-shoppers-riled-by-pricey-beef-ranchers-seethe-too

Right now the market is adjusting at the packing plant level---they've added shifts, are expanding facilities, etc.---so soon you are going to see more plant line space.... and fewer cattle to process. 

Beef dipped a bit in my stores two weeks ago, and I stocked up. Feed lots are all on tight cycles, and I think a lot of suppliers are finishing up calf to cow cycles and are going to get out before winter hits.....and looking at how hay and grain prices have fared this year, I think we're going to see better prices on the market now-October as mature beef go to market, with a steeper jump starting in October through all next year since there will be fewer cattle in the process cycle.

I don't know that that's a bad thing. Honestly, our current beef consumption rate isn't feasible ecologically. But, that's not something I say in ranching circles. 

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The HEB by me seemed well stocked when I popped in today. 

Walmart seems to be having staffing issues. The girl loading my pickup order was near tears and told me she was so stressed and worried she would get yelled at because they were so short staffed. I told her I was in no hurry and wouldn't yell at her. Poor thing 😞 I hope she has a better day tomorrow. 


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3 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I have to admit the coffee thing is worrying me.  That’s one thing I don’t want to make do without.

I like to drink a mixture of International Delight Iced Mocha, actual coffee, and then either milk or half and half added.  SInce the pandemic began- it has been really hard to get the Iced Mocha and none of my home versions have worked well.  I scored 2 last Thursday but those were the last 2 in stock at Publix.  Target is sold out.  I don't know about Kroger or when Publix will get a new delivery.

As to other items- Publix is out of a lot of things--not necessarily what I want but freezers have empty spots' Dh ended up getting Arm and Hammer scent free because they were out of Tide scent free.  They keep being in and out of stock

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7 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I don't know that that's a bad thing. Honestly, our current beef consumption rate isn't feasible ecologically. But, that's not something I say in ranching circles. 

The big issue that I personally participate in is the overuse of specific ‘cuts’. We’re a ground beef and chicken breast family, with other things just making special appearances. We also do some meatless meals, but that doesn’t change how little we use of really any animal.  
Ive had the tab open for fractional animal orders from a local farm for ages now, but haven’t made enough freezer space. I know that would make me feel a little better on multiple levels. But I had loaded up on other, easier, junkier stuff that I can’t bring myself to feed my people for days on end, lol.  I’m hoping my balancing act works out soon.

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11 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I have to admit the coffee thing is worrying me.  That’s one thing I don’t want to make do without.

This would be an apocalypse here! I just ordered two cans, and since we do like it thinned some with ground cacao beans to make a dark chocolate flavor, I am grinding up a couple of bags of beans, mixing it 3 parts coffee, 1 part cacao, and putting it in sealed containers in the freezer to keep it fresh.

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Was able to get everything on my list from Costco.  Stocked up on paper towels, waters, ground beef, boneless pork chops, and chicken breasts.  Red meat (i.e. steaks) has really gone up in $$$ so none of those for now.  We'll use up what we have and then we'll see.

Got 5 cans of our favorite Kirkland decaf coffee.  We were not able to get that for about 5 months during last winter/early spring and have just about used up our stash of Folgers.


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3 hours ago, MEmama said:

My favorite coffee—Peets Major Dickason's blend—cost over $16 at Target today. *faint*

It’s $16.95/lb directly from Peet’s. My Target has it for $12.79 for 18oz. 

Stumptown is $14.99 for a bag of whole beans at Target and $16 if I buy it from the roaster.

Coffee prices are in a super odd flux right now with everyone moving prices up, but not at the same time.

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I can't decide whether most of the empty shelves at our stores are due to shortage of products or shortage of workers. A neighboring Walmart Supercenter shut down for two full days due to a Covid outbreak among the employees. The article in the paper said the shutdown was to sanitize and to give workers time to restock the shelves.

Overall, I'm quite bummed about the loss of variety on the shelves (mostly at Walmart). And, I feel like some healthier varieties are being cut. For example, our Walmart now only carries Healthy Harvest applesauce cups in blueberry flavor. There used to be at least three flavors. It's a lucky day when I find mini pita breads anywhere.

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