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THREE math classes???!!!????

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3 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

That seems kind of... problematic. Has anyone pointed out to her that failing classes might be a problem later in life? 

Yes...but it doesn't seem to matter. I think she is figuring that she can always go back to homeschooling, graduate, and it won't matter what she does this year. Of course, she had the same attitude about the online school last year, which is why we ended up with this "three periods of math" thing. 


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3 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

Yes...but it doesn't seem to matter. I think she is figuring that she can always go back to homeschooling, graduate, and it won't matter what she does this year. Of course, she had the same attitude about the online school last year, which is why we ended up with this "three periods of math" thing. 


This is making me rather glad that we're instituting grades with my extremely bright but resistant child this year. I'd like her to get used to the idea that how she does on things matters. She's very bright but not all that interested in doing things carefully or well as long as she seems to be learning things by her own metrics... which is admirable and all, but I can see leading to problems down the road! 

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I think it's a combination of things, but yeah. It's a mess.  It's very frustrating to see a competent, capable kid essentially choosing to flunk out, with no awareness of just how much this is likely to hurt. Even the local community college won't take you without a high school diploma or test scores showing college readiness. And if she's failing algebra 1 and geometry, I don't know what the chances of getting above the 50th% on an ACT or SAT math section is. As far as I can tell, she's gone backwards over the last 18 months. 

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On 9/11/2021 at 3:06 PM, Dmmetler said:

And if she's failing algebra 1 and geometry, I don't know what the chances of getting above the 50th% on an ACT or SAT math section is. 

She could take a practice test, and that would give some great information on whether her school performance is a match to her ability. 

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4 minutes ago, katilac said:

She could take a practice test, and that would give some great information on whether her school performance is a match to her ability. 

Assuming she'd actually pay attention to the test, I guess 😕 . If she's flunking tests due to lack of caring, she may do the same here... 

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On 8/21/2021 at 6:20 AM, Dmmetler said:

Vet med is one of the hardest programs to get into here, too, but it's a grad course, so she's got some time. And she may well end up as a vet tech or something a little less rigorous. 

Two weeks in and they still haven't gotten her schedule straightened out. She's actually enjoying it because it's easy. Sigh....

We don't do the 2 step thing you do so that probably explains this.  Entrance to many selective courses us based on first year university results (though vet seems to have just changed to first semester).  You are simply not going to get the grades required in first year without really solid high school results.  Here get is a 5 year course so it must end up being 8? Years there.

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On 9/13/2021 at 4:07 PM, Not_a_Number said:

Assuming she'd actually pay attention to the test, I guess 😕 . If she's flunking tests due to lack of caring, she may do the same here... 

Is it likely she is just writing the answer on tests and not showing any working?

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50 minutes ago, kiwik said:

We don't do the 2 step thing you do so that probably explains this.  Entrance to many selective courses us based on first year university results (though vet seems to have just changed to first semester).  You are simply not going to get the grades required in first year without really solid high school results.  Here get is a 5 year course so it must end up being 8? Years there.

Yes-Most PhD/Prof level degrees in the US are 8 year programs, depending on field. Some are faster than others, others are almost glacially slow (it is rare for anyone to get from high school grad to a PhD in Organismal bio or more organism-focused ecology degrees in under a decade).  


I get the impression that it's less failing test and more not doing anything outside of class except under extreme duress-hence the trying to catch up on 6 weeks worth of work at once. And I suspect she's doing less well on tests than she expects as well. I'm guessing that the material is just familiar enough to seem easy, but without practice and revision, she's just plain not doing well on the tests without the assignments-and not doing the assignments is sinking her grade even if she aces the tests. 



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That is too bad 😞 

I think it is so hard for kids who do not have a support system or accountability -- and it is so hard for a non-parent to provide!  And can be hard for parents, too!  

It's really hard to get out of a downward spiral 😞  

It is so hard to watch 😞 

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I suggested she talk to the music teachers and see if maybe she could arrange to practice piano some at school over lunch, or before or after school if she catches the early or late bus , or some time when she has a break. Not so much to get the practice in, but I’m hoping she can connect with some of the music kids socially, and maybe find a music extracurricular even if she can’t take a class. She can’t do choir, but maybe there’s Glee club, or a spring musical or something. And maybe, if she finds something she likes, she’ll be more motivated. Right now, school is just an endless slog, eating not only her days but her nights and weekends, too. 

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I hope so, too!

My 16yo was involved in drama productions in 9th grade, and it was really beneficial for him

in every way ECs can be so beneficial.


Then we moved and the teacher here just does things in such a poor way.  Not in a way that is beneficial.  He is not involved this year and from what he hears from kids who are still involved — no regrets.


It was a good EC for him, not something where it was his top interest.  But it was a good school connection!!!!!!!!!  In every way!!!!!!


It is such a missed opportunity here, and I am just glad it’s more of a “too bad” for my son and not a “this is make or break situation.”


I hope there are some music staff there who would take an interest and/or a nice peer group!  It does make such a difference!!!!!!

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It sounds like the 7th grade is better than it was….. the Tik Tok bathroom thing has died down and they have been doing more outreach-type things.  I think the teacher has slowed down too, which I would think would help with engagement but is not ideal lol.  

For my Junior, he said he likes how the teacher is doing it now.  He watches a 20-min video as homework, and works problems as he watches the video.  Then all the class time is available for the teacher to help students.  I think this is a change and is going better?  He still says most of the kids are extremely behind.  

I think I posted this originally at what turned out to be peak Tik Tok bathroom stuff here.  It was going on at the middle school and the high school.  My impression is it was a bigger deal at the middle school.  I think it is over now at least.  Pretty ridiculous stuff!  

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On 9/17/2021 at 9:19 PM, Dmmetler said:

As of tonight, she's trying to catch up on 6 weeks worth of homework....sigh.... 

C also is playing catch up due to not realizing (or just not doing) an online part of required assignments. 


Both are failing math as of Midway thriufh the first quarter. 

My son is a 9th grader and also missed some parts of homework that he caught just in time to NOT have grades below 70 at the checkpoint (Which would mean he could no longer participate in marching band. OTOH marching band is a large part of the reason he is having barely enough time to do homework/sleep/etc)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, she’s no longer behind in math, but is now behind in science, which she likes. Meanwhile, C has been referred for RTI in ELA due to his difficulties in getting words on paper. I am really hoping that doesn’t pull him out of Band or STEM, where he’s excelling. (This is a known struggle. Both his mom and I think he is likely dyslexic, but the school doesn’t accept “he’s had vision therapy, which helped  and the only thing that has worked to improve reading past that point is explicit phonics from someone trained in OG methods, and he’s now pretty good at handling most reading needed, but be still can’t spell, struggles with drawing letters instead of writing them, and reverses letters and words if he’s tired as a diagnosis, so it has taken until October and into the second quarter to even start the ball rolling, and probably into next Spring to actually get any testing done). 

Both kids are exhausted. 


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  • 2 months later...

Well, the good news is that at the semester, M is passing all three math classes. One with an 80, two with a 65. Hopefully, she's now figured out how everything works and can get those other two up to a solid C, which would at least mean she can move to Algebra 2 next year, which would give her enough math completed to graduate. Not enough for a prospective vet student, but enough to get out of high school with a diploma, go to a community college and take college algebra, and to get into a non STEM field OR build her math skills up for a STEM field. 


C failed Social studies, due mostly to not doing the work, but passed everything else, and passed Band, Math, and STEM with flying colors. 


Overall, I feel that the PS transition has been...not as bad as it could have been. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

M now has a 504 in place (for Dysautonomia/POTS), primarily involving the ability to take breaks, an elevator key, and eat in class if needed, as well as accommodations to take breaks during testing (hopefully including the ACT/SAT). Hopefully that will help. 

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