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It's not fair (vent, JAWM)


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I can't believe the number of people who are covid deniers and DON'T have to live with the consequences of having gotten it.  It sucks.  

I took it seriously all along.  We didn't completely lock down but were careful.  I got it from my college student coming home for a major family (private) event.   He got it from a 7 person family event that is also major in our religion.   He came home before realizing he was carrying it.  But he wasn't being stupid. 

All these people going on cruises, flying to FLORIDA of all places, going to whatever they want because they don't live in fear. 

I mean I *am* glad that they aren't sick.  Of course I am. I'm not saying that. 

I'm just having a pity party. I don't feel good.  I never do. And I made the mistake of posting in a very mainstream homeschool group FB thread about covid and being cautious.  

Someone said I had half a brain.

These are the people who DON'T have long covid.  

But not me.  Here I am.  They are the lucky ones who can live in such ignorance. 

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1 minute ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I am sorry. 

I had a pastor’s wife tell me once that “it served me right “ for getting fibromyalgia. Guess who I never confided in anymore?  

That is awful.  What a terrible thing to say.  I am so sorry. 

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34 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

people going on cruises

It really sucks that you have long covid, totally agree. But at least know that the majority of people cruising right now are vaccinated. 


35 minutes ago, busymama7 said:


The less time I spend on FB, the happier I am. 


36 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

I don't feel good.  I never do.

They're treating long covid with HBOT, though I have no clue if it helps.

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1 hour ago, PeterPan said:

It really sucks that you have long covid, totally agree. But at least know that the majority of people cruising right now are vaccinated. 


The less time I spend on FB, the happier I am. 


They're treating long covid with HBOT, though I have no clue if it helps.

Yes true they are vaccinated. But I really do know a lot of people who are vaccinated and have gotten it.  But yes hopefully they wouldn't get long haul since they have the vax. 

Yes I need to drop FB for a bit. I'm pretty rattled. I should have just stayed out of it but I didn't want it to be an echo chamber.  

Is that hyperbaric oxygen? Or something else?

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29 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

But I really do know a lot of people who are vaccinated and have gotten it.  But yes hopefully they wouldn't get long haul since they have the vax. 

Ironically I saw a headline last night saying people who get covid after being vaccinated are more likely to get long covid. 

Yeah, it's tough to walk away from the internet when wrong stuff is going about. However it's really good advice just to walk away.

Yes, HBOT=hyper baric oxygen therapy. 

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2 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Ironically I saw a headline last night saying people who get covid after being vaccinated are more likely to get long covid. 


Please provide a link to the headline, as that both seems very unlikely due to the fact that the vaccine greatly reduces one’s risk of even getting covid and also because it’s likely too soon to know given how long vaccines have been available.


Edited by Frances
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The gist of the article:

Between 20 to 80 percent of people who get Covid get Long Covid.  (my opinion - that huge percentage range tells me right there that this article is not to be taken dogmatically because there is still so much unknown)

People suspect that Long Covid can happen in vaccinated people.  (note the word I bolded)

A poll of a Long Covid advocacy group (how big a poll?  details?) shows that some people who were vaccinated went on to have Long Covid (how many is "some"?)

Last line:  "Health experts say we don’t have enough data to understand the risk of long-haul COVID in vaccinated people who develop the disease. "

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11 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

zWhy did it serve you right?  WHat a jerk.

Why?  I don't know!  Perhaps she thought that I had somehow caused it?  I was young - probably only about 22 or so which would make me only about a year after I first got sick.  I actually didn't have the name "fibromyalgia" yet - just chronic illness/pain.  I didn't get a formal diagnosis until the 1990's and even then I had to go to a medical school library to find any information on it. 

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4 hours ago, busymama7 said:

I can't believe the number of people who are covid deniers and DON'T have to live with the consequences of having gotten it.  It sucks.  

I took it seriously all along.  We didn't completely lock down but were careful.  I got it from my college student coming home for a major family (private) event.   He got it from a 7 person family event that is also major in our religion.   He came home before realizing he was carrying it.  But he wasn't being stupid. 

All these people going on cruises, flying to FLORIDA of all places, going to whatever they want because they don't live in fear. 

I mean I *am* glad that they aren't sick.  Of course I am. I'm not saying that. 

I'm just having a pity party. I don't feel good.  I never do. And I made the mistake of posting in a very mainstream homeschool group FB thread about covid and being cautious.  

Someone said I had half a brain.

These are the people who DON'T have long covid.  

But not me.  Here I am.  They are the lucky ones who can live in such ignorance. 

Im very sorry you are having troubles and as your post is a JAWM, I agree as requested. I went from being healthy to having chronic illness around 30 years ago. I can’t relate exactly to your situation, but to some degree I can at least understand dealing with chronic illness and can remember back to the phase when it was newer like you are probably in now. Since it’s a JAWM I won’t offer any suggestions, but feel free to pm if you want to   

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13 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I am sorry. 

I had a pastor’s wife tell me once that “it served me right “ for getting fibromyalgia. Guess who I never confided in anymore?  

That is so awful and I am sorry it happened to you. 

When I was pg with my first kiddo I had a doctor degrade me for not taking one of the optional gestational tests to see if there was something wrong with the baby.  She said I would have a not healthy baby (in some horrible words) and I deserved it.  Needless to say I found a different doctor.  But I was horribly sick at the time and it rattled me for a long time. 

Some people suck.

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Busymama7, I am so sorry that long Covid happened to you.  It isn't fair and I am just sending lots of hugs to you.  UGH I am so sorry that you ran into some sucky people.  Block them on social media.  I am sorry you are dealing with a medical issue that people are downgrading and dismissing.  That isn't ok.  I had a medical issue in middle and high school and nobody believed me that something was going on for a long time.  It is an lonely place to be. 


Are there any covid long haul support groups? 

Are you being treated?  

You got vaccinated right?  I think I talked about this with you in another thread.  That didn't relieve everything? 

Have you read this?  I believe I posted it somewhere, but I read it in the newspaper. 

Are Latent Viruses Causing Long Covid-19 Symptoms? Patient Groups Push for Testing - WSJ

It says that for some people with Long Covid have gotten relief with Herpes antiviral drugs.


Just sending lots of hugs your way.  I hope that your symptoms ease and you are able to find something that works.

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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Busymama7, I am so sorry that long Covid happened to you.  It isn't fair and I am just sending lots of hugs to you.  UGH I am so sorry that you ran into some sucky people.  Block them on social media.  I am sorry you are dealing with a medical issue that people are downgrading and dismissing.  That isn't ok.  I had a medical issue in middle and high school and nobody believed me that something was going on for a long time.  It is an lonely place to be. 


Are there any covid long haul support groups? 

Are you being treated?  

You got vaccinated right?  I think I talked about this with you in another thread.  That didn't relieve everything? 

Have you read this?  I believe I posted it somewhere, but I read it in the newspaper. 

Are Latent Viruses Causing Long Covid-19 Symptoms? Patient Groups Push for Testing - WSJ

It says that for some people with Long Covid have gotten relief with Herpes antiviral drugs.


Just sending lots of hugs your way.  I hope that your symptoms ease and you are able to find something that works.

I've had the first dose. Waiting for second. No issues but no relief from first one yet. 

There are several on FB.  Have been somewhat helpful.  Mostly just so I know I'm not crazy.

Yes I have read about the EBV connection.  I had mono in high school so it's interesting for sure. 

I am being treated but not by long haul clinic or anyone very familiar.  Doing lots of my own advocating.

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8 hours ago, DawnM said:

I am so done with this whole "I never went to medical school and have no medical background, but let me tell you how stupid doctors are" crap.

I think the surge with Delta is shifting this a bit. I was in line at Walmart chatting with someone and they were saying their doctor got on them AGAIN about getting vaxed and they finally decided to do it. I asked politely what their reason was for not doing it before, and the reasoning was just so vague (statistics can say anything, little perceived risk basically). So Delta has shifted that risk equation and they had gotten it done just that day, go figure.

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1 minute ago, PeterPan said:

I think the surge with Delta is shifting this a bit. I was in line at Walmart chatting with someone and they were saying their doctor got on them AGAIN about getting vaxed and they finally decided to do it. I asked politely what their reason was for not doing it before, and the reasoning was just so vague (statistics can say anything, little perceived risk basically). So Delta has shifted that risk equation and they had gotten it done just that day, go figure.

That's good to hear.  I celebrate every vaccination I hear about. 

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14 hours ago, Pen said:

Im very sorry you are having troubles and as your post is a JAWM, I agree as requested. I went from being healthy to having chronic illness around 30 years ago. I can’t relate exactly to your situation, but to some degree I can at least understand dealing with chronic illness and can remember back to the phase when it was newer like you are probably in now. Since it’s a JAWM I won’t offer any suggestions, but feel free to pm if you want to   

Thank you.  I am in a better head space today. I would be open to anything you have to share. 

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