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DS22 has Covid


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PLEASE don't send him to a hotel. That only exposes many other unsuspecting people. Same with an Air BnB. Someone has to clean it before the next clients come in and they don't deserve to be exposed either.

Sending good thoughts for him and all of you.

Edited by TarynB
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If he needs to stay in your house I would have him quarantine in his room. I would get his room an air purifier. 

Food on trays outside his door  Mask on when retrieving his food  

Does he have his own bathroom?  If not- mask when going to the bathroom. Wipe down surfaces with disinfectant wipes afterwards. Flush with lid down. 

The fact that he’s vaccinated is good. 

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When we were concerned about possible transmission in our home, we placed fans pointing out in the windows of the specific room, so they would suck the air out.  Our AC bill last summer was a little nuts and I have no idea if it worked since the person we were worried about transmitting never got the virus, but it’s how we handled it. 

I hope you all get through this safely.

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52 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

If he needs to stay in your house I would have him quarantine in his room. I would get his room an air purifier. 

Food on trays outside his door  Mask on when retrieving his food  

Does he have his own bathroom?  If not- mask when going to the bathroom. Wipe down surfaces with disinfectant wipes afterwards. Flush with lid down. 

The fact that he’s vaccinated is good. 

These are the protocals we were just using with my young adult who is vaccinated but was exposed.  Mercifully he tested negative, he is isolating through today.  If we hear nothing else about spread in the group and he remains asymptomatic  he can spring free in the morning.  

I have heard about a number of breakthrough cases and they sounded really like not much more than a cold.  I know he has that heart history, we have the same family history.  But since he's been vaccinated, I really think his odds of not having big issues are very high.  I'd worry more about you all getting exposed, I hope you can keep him isolated and he recovers soon!  ❤️  

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So, this is the set up....that plastic contains the part of the hall with the door to his room and the door to the bathroom. It is triple layer - so you sort of have to weave your way through it to get through. We put a fan in the window in the bathroom as he has a window AC unit in his only window in his room and we didn't want to go in there to take it out right now. There is obvious negative pressure now, you can see the sheeting bowing inward, towards his room, so we should be good. 

I put a cooler in the hall (while masked) with chocolate milk, orange juice, iced tea, and regular milk plus set in there the boxes of cereal he asked for, paper bowls/plates/knives/forks. 


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8 minutes ago, mathnerd said:

You have a nice set up ...

Another idea is to use his window to pass him a basket of food or medicine if he could remove the window screens. That way he need not open his doorway often.

His window has an AC unit in it, that we are not running at the moment, so not accessible 

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Adding to the voices suggesting moving him away from home if possible. Delta is more transmissible and what is being seen in Australia is if one family member gets it, it goes through the whole family unlike the earlier variants.  I’m also really sorry you’re dealing with this after being so so careful for so long.

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Oh, and I just hold my breath and shove stuff through the plastic, I'm not even going in there - just sticking my arm through and putting stuff on the floor. 

My brain knows I should have just sent him away to the other house, but my mama heart is very glad to be able to bring him a big bowl of homemade chili, cold drinks, etc. Telling my child, of any age, to get out so they don't contaminate me was not something I wanted to have to do. Thankfully DH is handy at this stuff and could build that! And we had all the supplies already from other home improvement projects. 

Only problem now is I'm freezing because the thermostat is on the other side, and with the air blowing out the window it is running more. Will have DS adjust it up, lol. 

Edited by ktgrok
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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

So, this is the set up....that plastic contains the part of the hall with the door to his room and the door to the bathroom. It is triple layer - so you sort of have to weave your way through it to get through. We put a fan in the window in the bathroom as he has a window AC unit in his only window in his room and we didn't want to go in there to take it out right now. There is obvious negative pressure now, you can see the sheeting bowing inward, towards his room, so we should be good. 

I put a cooler in the hall (while masked) with chocolate milk, orange juice, iced tea, and regular milk plus set in there the boxes of cereal he asked for, paper bowls/plates/knives/forks. 


That looks like a really good set up. I'm glad he's even able to have his bathroom contained. How long will you have him quarantine? Two weeks? Poor guy! Hope he stays feeling well and it goes by quickly for all.

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50 minutes ago, KSera said:

That looks like a really good set up. I'm glad he's even able to have his bathroom contained. How long will you have him quarantine? Two weeks? Poor guy! Hope he stays feeling well and it goes by quickly for all.

I think newer guidelines are 10 days if there is a negative test on a particular day...I need to look it all up again. Seems to change a lot. I will definitely make sure he gets a negative test or three beforehand. 

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Ok, my current annoyance about this is....that's the only bathtub in the house! My routine is to take a nice hot bath with fragrant epsom salts at night, after my workout. It is my "me time", dang it!

Just finished my workout and realized I'd have to bathe in an N95 mask, which doesn't sound relaxing, lol. 


Maybe I'll buy some of those shower steamy things, and new body scrub or something. But even then, I'll need to make sure everyone else has pottied and hope they don't need the bathroom while I'm in there. 

Silly, but still...

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4 hours ago, TarynB said:

PLEASE don't send him to a hotel. That only exposes many other unsuspecting people. Same with an Air BnB. Someone has to clean it before the next clients come in and they don't deserve to be exposed either.

Sending good thoughts for him and all of you.

I'm not a jerk... I'd pay for extra time so that no one had to be exposed and I'd air the place out in between. 

But yes, I think you could use a freestanding AirBnB safely. 

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Ok, my current annoyance about this is....that's the only bathtub in the house! My routine is to take a nice hot bath with fragrant epsom salts at night, after my workout. It is my "me time", dang it!

Just finished my workout and realized I'd have to bathe in an N95 mask, which doesn't sound relaxing, lol. 


Maybe I'll buy some of those shower steamy things, and new body scrub or something. But even then, I'll need to make sure everyone else has pottied and hope they don't need the bathroom while I'm in there. 

Silly, but still...

First, I am sorry, you've lost your "me time." I get really grumpy when that happens around here. 

But. I had to laugh at your "need to make sure everyone else has pottied...." portion of the post. That's the way I grew up - no extra bathrooms. Heck, when we had family gatherings at my grandma's, we weren't even allowed to lock the door of the single bathroom. We had to ask every. single. person if they needed the bathroom before showering (and with 3 different families squeezing in the house...). And people definitely still came in to use the toilet even after being asked (hence the "no locked door" policy). So the thought of being annoyed at this with only one family - your own- totally made me smile!

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In good news, the younger kids take melatonin nightly, and have for a while now, and they take a good quality vitamin D daily and have been out in the son for an hour a few times a week. My vitamin D is actually high, lol. DH has low D again and just started much higher doses. 

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

 My brain knows I should have just sent him away to the other house, but my mama heart is very glad to be able to bring him a big bowl of homemade chili, cold drinks, etc. Telling my child, of any age, to get out so they don't contaminate me was not something I wanted to have to do.  

I just wanted to say that I have a young adult the same age, and I totally get this. Someplace closer, maybe. Down the street, sure. But I wouldn't be able to have them so far that, practically speaking, I could only visit once per day. 

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8 minutes ago, katilac said:

I just wanted to say that I have a young adult the same age, and I totally get this. Someplace closer, maybe. Down the street, sure. But I wouldn't be able to have them so far that, practically speaking, I could only visit once per day. 


And with his Dad, my ex, when he got cardiomyopathy it went from a bit of a cough to he almost died, literally overnight. He came by my work and said he wasn't feeling well, he was going home for the afternoon sick. He just wanted to take a nap. He looked bad, and I checked his pulse - was like 120 standing still. Sent him to the ER. He was insisting he was fine, just needed a nap, but finally went. 

I got the call from the hospital he was in congestive heart failure. From the time he left my work to when I saw him at the hospital he was much worse, spO2 in the mid 80s if he tried to talk at all, and the got over a liter of fluid out of him - he was drowning. The only sign this was not a normal bug was that his cough sounded a bit odd to me, and him being pale. Had he gone home to nap like he wanted to he would have died in his sleep.

So...having lived through that, and knowing that my son's father AND aunt (father's only sibling) BOTH had heart failure from cardiomyopathy, his fathers in his 20s, I'm going to feel much better being able to hear him talking through the walls, hear if he's coughing, etc. 

Edited by ktgrok
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Everyone he was with has now tested negative (all were vaccinated). 

Those he saw at work on Tuesday will be tested at some point, but it is too soon. They were all masked, and everyone but one there is vaccinated (she's waiting for third trimester I think...so maybe she already did, and I don't know if she was actually working yesterday)

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I am praying for him.    Please keep us updated on how he is doing.  I also pray no one else in your home gets it.

That set up is seriously impressive!   I don't blame you at all for not sending him away, I couldn't have either.   You are doing a great job and I know he is very grateful to have you nearby and taking such good care of him.

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Oh I'm so glad to hear none of the other people on the trip got it!  I hope that also means maybe his viral load is lower and he will get through it faster.  Hoping everyone at work is in the clear and he keeps feeling ok!

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30 minutes ago, sheryl said:

Man, Katie!  So sorry to hear that.  If his friends tested neg then where did he pick it up?  Work?  Some people are carriers and do not exhibit symptoms.  Saying a prayer for him as I type this!  Keep us posted!  

We don't know. Guess is an arcade they went to. He might not have been contagious until he was already home or on his way home.Or he is one of those who have super short time from exposure to symptoms/positive test, and got it on the plane or in the airport on the way home. 

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On 7/28/2021 at 11:03 AM, Catwoman said:

@Pen — I just wanted to say how you have really showed your character in this thread. I know you and Katie have been polar opposites in several Covid threads and you have been mocked and insulted by many for your views and opinions, but as soon as you saw that Katie’s son was ill, you immediately put all of your differences aside and rushed to offer help and advice. 

That was really nice of you, Pen. 🙂 

thank you  - that means a lot to me to hear that - 


I was first accused of being murderous on Wtm when I suggested that many people may need more than 400iu of D3 per day to have optimal levels.  I think time has borne out truth of that. I may be wrong about some things, but I expect in time a number of other things I have suggested and been attacked for will also turn out to have been correct


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7 minutes ago, Pen said:

thank you  - that means a lot to me to hear that - 


I was first accused of being murderous on Wtm when I suggested that many people may need more than 400iu of D3 per day to have optimal levels.  I think time has borne out truth of that. I may be wrong about some things, but I expect in time a number of other things I have suggested and been attacked for will also turn out to have been correct


Well, we all take way more than that and haven't died yet - although I was accidentally double dosing for a while and am now too high, lol. 

And I do appreciate the way you offered advice, said "hey, you may or may not want to do this, but I want to offer in case it is helpful to you". Thank you. 

We are not comfortable with some of it, some of it we already do, but I appreciate the spirit of it if nothing else. 

And I also feel that although you and I disagree on the facts/science of it all, you are not one of the people who I disagree with on the morality of it all. You are not one of the ones say, (and I heard this just yesterday), "well other people's lives and health are there problem, why should I care?" You are not that person. 

Edited by ktgrok
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Y'all will appreciate this...every morning he texts me a photo of the thermometer and pulse oximeter with his numbers saying, "not dead yet" then asks if I can bring him coffee, lol. And I've taken to texting him a photo of his "delivery" like amazon and Shipt. 


Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 11.57.09 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 11.58.12 AM.png

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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

Also, the boy has the resting heart rate of a slug. He says if he concentrates on relaxing he can get it into the 40s. I'm pretty sure mine will be higher than that when I'm 6 weeks in the ground. 

Omg. Two of my kids are consistently in the 50s and it freaks me out.

Glad he's doing well.💕

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4 minutes ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

Omg. Two of my kids are consistently in the 50s and it freaks me out.

Glad he's doing well.💕

My dad’s normal is in the 50s. When he got a pacemaker for an unrelated reason they had to re-set it lower because at the normal setting it was firing all the time and he was all jittery.  

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Looking good kiddo, glad the sense of humor is intact!  I had low resting heart rate when was running alot and a young punk.  Into the 40's.  I don't think it's that weird.  My husband still has quite low rate and he is buff and in his 50's.  

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1 hour ago, QueenCat said:

I love that you've been able to add some humor to  your daily lives right now. Sometimes, laughter really is the best medicine.

It is laugh or cry. I can tell there is a lot of mental strain, and yesterday was the first day I skipped working out, ate crap food, etc in months. I just...am exhausted by it. 

On top of this, DH was off work this week to work on the house to help prep it to sell. Instead, day 1 our main drain line clogged. He had to speak at a meeting that day and wasn't able to fix it until the next day, when he went and rented a power snake to clear it. That was Tuesday. Wednesday DS tested positive for Covid and he spent most of the day building the containment unit. Thursday our dryer broke, and that was the day we were supposed to clear out the garage and take stuff to storage and it stormed all day. 

All he's managed was to deposit a check that had to be done in person, and clear out some old tshirts to donate. It's ridiculous. 

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1 hour ago, popmom said:

I'm really sorry he's sick. I'm late to the thread but wanted to mention in case it helps anyone else out in the future--A single hose portable AC unit actually creates a negative pressure situation. Just a thought.


oh, good point. something to keep in mind!

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