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Another late start for the thread today, with apologies. I did my morning walk and then got busy with house stuff.

These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!

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Started the day with a quick 1.25K around the block with the dog, then headed to the trail I'm walking to do the third and final runDisney summer virtual 5K. I didn't realize it when I looked at the map, but this section of the trail is almost entirely slightly uphill (remembering that this is Florida), which meant I was even slower than usual. But I got the mileage done. 

This leaves me just over half of the trail to do before the end of next month.

That was it for formal exercise today, although I did log some more steps wandering assorted stores in a mostly fruitless search for a few things we need/want for the house. I'll make sure to top off the minimum step count, but that it probably all I'll manage.


Summer Splash Challenge Update: 253.2 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 148 Days
West Orange Trail: 10.85 of 22 miles

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I didn't realize I would be without stable wifi all week! I've missed checking the thread each day. 

I also did poorly on my movement over-all this week. I knew it would be tough, but  I did worse than I should have and could have. (I also ate and slept horribly...ugh of a week health wise).  I did get light to moderate walking based exercise a couple of days. Today we went hiking at a state park--so good movement to end the week. 

Hopefully I can get back to my old movement rhythms this coming week. 

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A day or rest today. I took a long nap this afternoon--much needed. 

I often fall apart on Mondays as far as exercise goes. Today I have actually written my to-do list ahead of time and chosen a dance workout video for tomorrow just to do something different. 

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