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Thank you after summer internship?


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Dd was fortunate to be offered a wonderful summer internship.  At the end of the internship, should she write thank yous to each person she worked with?  I thought it would be nice for her to express appreciation but she's worked with so many people this summer, it would take a lot to write a separate thank you to each individual.  

It didn't occur to me to have my older kids write thank yous after their internships and they didn't and it didn't hurt them in any way (two were hired for jobs at their companies after graduation), but now I wish they had anyway.  

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23 minutes ago, Katy said:

I don’t know about each person, but certainly her supervisor, yes

Well, that's the problem - she doesn't have a supervisor.  It's kind of a weird internship.  She's been working with multiple people but doesn't report to anyone directly.  

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Could she send a note addressed to the "team"?  Maybe put it in c/o who might be most senior/

Design and Development Team 
c/o Jane Doe
Acme Inc.
111 Main Street
Somewhere, NY 11111

and write the names individually in the note if it's a reasonable number?  Or she could just write it to "the team" if there are just too many names to list.  

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3 minutes ago, FuzzyCatz said:

Could she send a note addressed to the "team"?  Maybe put it in c/o who might be most senior/

Design and Development Team 
c/o Jane Doe
Acme Inc.
111 Main Street
Somewhere, NY 11111

and write the names individually in the note if it's a reasonable number?  Or she could just write it to "the team" if there are just too many names to list.  

It's a remote internship and everyone in the company is working remotely so it would have to be email.  I suppose she could email the intern coordinator and then cc the people she's worked with and say what a wonderful experience it was and she appreciates the time everyone spent with her?  



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I’m always on Team Thank You. Who doesn’t like to be thanked? It’s a professional courtesy and it’s just plain nice. There’s no downside except for the time-consuming part. 

Is she on LinkedIn yet? She could connect with each of the people she worked with and make the thank you message part of the initial connection. This would be seen as less formal but still effective.  


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1 minute ago, Hyacinth said:

Is she on LinkedIn yet? She could connect with each of the people she worked with and make the thank you message part of the initial connection. This would be seen as less formal but still effective.  


She is!  That's a very interesting idea!  She's shy/introverted/passive so I don't know if she'd be comfortable doing that, but I love it! 


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I get that. Introvert is my middle name 🙂
Help her see it as saving herself from worse feelings of “putting herself out there” down the road. Now is the time to make those connection requests. They’ll likely respond positively and appreciate the thank you. If she waits, the connection request could be met with a “Wait, who is this again? Oh, she probably wants a reference or something.” That’s not terrible, of course, but it’ll be easier now. 

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20 minutes ago, Hyacinth said:

I get that. Introvert is my middle name 🙂
Help her see it as saving herself from worse feelings of “putting herself out there” down the road. Now is the time to make those connection requests. They’ll likely respond positively and appreciate the thank you. If she waits, the connection request could be met with a “Wait, who is this again? Oh, she probably wants a reference or something.” That’s not terrible, of course, but it’ll be easier now. 

Excellent point!  This is why I love coming to WTM for help.  So much wisdom and support.  ❤️


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18 hours ago, Kassia said:

It's a remote internship and everyone in the company is working remotely so it would have to be email.  I suppose she could email the intern coordinator and then cc the people she's worked with and say what a wonderful experience it was and she appreciates the time everyone spent with her?  



That would be the best answer, I think. The intern co-ordinator should know who she worked with and pass on thanks to everyone. It's OK to list departments if there were too many individuals to make thanking every single individual plausible (even then, thanking a few standout individuals as well is awesome).

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