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Colleges requiring covid vaccine to live on campus


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I appreciate your honest reply. I was honestly asking because I like to study the positions of those with whom I do not agree. These are the questions I wish I could ask people I see still wearing masks in our state and have opted for the vaccine. I apologize for posting this in the wrong category. 

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1 hour ago, momdelights said:

I appreciate your honest reply. I was honestly asking because I like to study the positions of those with whom I do not agree. These are the questions I wish I could ask people I see still wearing masks in our state and have opted for the vaccine. I apologize for posting this in the wrong category. 

I’ve been vaccinated and still wear a mask anywhere that requires one. So far no places around me that require masks have signs saying they don’t require them from vaccinated people. Also, although there is some really encouraging data coming out about reduced transmission etc, with vaccination, I still think we have a little way to go before we can say we know definitively. I also think it’s wise to be cautious until we know more about the variants and how well the vaccines perform against them. 
For me I also don’t want to be associated in any way with the anti-maskers around here lol! 

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I don't say this with any rancor, but I hope you understand there are kind, considerate, and intelligent people who are in possession of information that is in complete opposition to what has been expressed here. I know these are confusing times, but I hope you can open up your hearts to consider the truth may not be what has been presented to you via the controlled media.

I am well aware of the pervasiveness of misinformation being touted by those who we have been told to trust (I was part of the NSA during the Cold War and am well aware of the mind control techniques being used against us). I hope you will consider my advice to seek out different sources. 

Thank you for being patient with my replies, this will be my last. 

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My dd#2 hopes masks will be allowed in the fall because she prefers not having to cover her yawns with her hand multiple times during class. She's also easily embarrassed so having most of her face covered when she blushed was better than everyone seeing her whole face turn red, she says.

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3 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

My dd#2 hopes masks will be allowed in the fall because she prefers not having to cover her yawns with her hand multiple times during class. She's also easily embarrassed so having most of her face covered when she blushed was better than everyone seeing her whole face turn red, she says.

I can't envision a scenario that they won't be allowed. I sure hope they will require masks on our campus - because they are not planning to require vaccines, and there won't be any distancing, so it would be the only thing to protect us.

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Kind of heading back to vaccination cards- I asked my dh about the cards and he said when he got his shot he was told there is no way to get a replacement and he would have to be revaccinated. They were not keeping track of IDs or who got the shot. 

So, when  they need to be pulled out to conduct business more and more,  they will be lost, destroyed, etc. 

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37 minutes ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

I asked my dh about the cards and he said when he got his shot he was told there is no way to get a replacement and he would have to be revaccinated. They were not keeping track of IDs or who got the shot. 


That seems so strange. Our family members have gotten their shots at multiple various locations, and everyone showed ID and filled out information forms about who they were, as well as answering basic health questions to make sure the shot wasn’t contraindicated. Seems that has been the case for the majority who have replied about that on this thread, but there are a few of you who have said this. I wonder if you’re all in the same state?

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8 hours ago, regentrude said:

I can't envision a scenario that they won't be allowed. I sure hope they will require masks on our campus - because they are not planning to require vaccines, and there won't be any distancing, so it would be the only thing to protect us.

Based on the survey they sent to students on how mask-wearing affected their learning, I'm assuming the college won't be requiring masks in the fall unless they are required in our area/state. Since our state, like yours, never had a mask mandate, I'm fairly confident masks won't be required in the fall unless something radically changes. I could be wrong, however.

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10 hours ago, momdelights said:

I don't say this with any rancor, but I hope you understand there are kind, considerate, and intelligent people who are in possession of information that is in complete opposition to what has been expressed here. I know these are confusing times, but I hope you can open up your hearts to consider the truth may not be what has been presented to you via the controlled media.

I am well aware of the pervasiveness of misinformation being touted by those who we have been told to trust (I was part of the NSA during the Cold War and am well aware of the mind control techniques being used against us). I hope you will consider my advice to seek out different sources. 

Thank you for being patient with my replies, this will be my last. 


Might I suggest that it’s hard to learn anything from dropping into a message board full of smart people, asking questions, then running away when two people answer. 


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On 5/7/2021 at 5:45 PM, Bootsie said:

It would take a young person who wants to attend a special event about 3 seconds to falsify a COVID test record--much less time and trouble than actually getting the COVID vaccine.  

Most people won't fake a COVID vaccine record--because they want to get a COVID vaccine.  It is the people that are NOT going to get a COVID vaccine unless they are prevented from doing something that are the ones who are likely to produce a fake record.  So, I am not seeing how requiring unofficial, official records, really changes anything.  It simply creates a lot more paperwork and paper shuffling and provides a false sense of having official records. 

There is a big difference between saying something is requried and asking for an official record/documentation.  As far as meningitis and MMR records, I think those are more likely to be correct.  Many of those vaccines are being given by the same medical provider who is providing more official documentation than a card that says CDC on it.  Most of those vaccines are given to minors who are more likely (at least in the state of Texas) to be recorded in a state database.  Most of those vaccines are given under a different scenario than lets inject this in as many arms as possible as quickly as possible--and worry about the details later, which is what many of the vaccine clincs are.  And you do not have millions of people who all at once need an official record for MMR and meningitis.  

Why would anyone risk committing fraud? Eventually there will likely be a way to verify that John Doe received a vaccine at the location listed on his card. Who is going to chance that for a single event? Or risk being tossed out of school? There will always be people who forge documents but is this vaccine really going to push so many people over the criminal line that it becomes a statistically significant problem?

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Just now, KungFuPanda said:

Why would anyone risk committing fraud? Eventually there will likely be a way to verify that John Doe received a vaccine at the location listed on his card. Who is going to chance that for a single event? Or risk being tossed out of school? There will always be people who forge documents but is this vaccine really going to push so many people over the criminal line that it becomes a statistically significant problem?

Thank you! This. Seriously, this.

It is yet another conspiracy theory, millions of college students with the intent to pull a nationwide fast one on the 3500+ colleges and tech schools of America.

Mostly, what they will do, is go get vaccinated because they want to continue their programs, and especially do not want to be saddled with student loans and no certifications, licenses, or degrees to show for it. I already know one 19 year old in town who said she got vaccinated because her school is going to require it. She was reluctant, and her mother was insanely against it, but she wasn't going to risk loss of credits in a transfer and really likes her college.

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15 hours ago, momdelights said:

I appreciate your honest reply. I was honestly asking because I like to study the positions of those with whom I do not agree. These are the questions I wish I could ask people I see still wearing masks in our state and have opted for the vaccine. I apologize for posting this in the wrong category. 

Welcome new member! I  suggest you read through some of our Covid threads. They’ll answer all your questions much better than this thread can. 

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13 hours ago, momdelights said:

I don't say this with any rancor, but I hope you understand there are kind, considerate, and intelligent people who are in possession of information that is in complete opposition to what has been expressed here. I know these are confusing times, but I hope you can open up your hearts to consider the truth may not be what has been presented to you via the controlled media.

I am well aware of the pervasiveness of misinformation being touted by those who we have been told to trust (I was part of the NSA during the Cold War and am well aware of the mind control techniques being used against us). I hope you will consider my advice to seek out different sources. 

Thank you for being patient with my replies, this will be my last. 

Nobody believes this. 

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3 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Thank you! This. Seriously, this.

It is yet another conspiracy theory, millions of college students with the intent to pull a nationwide fast one on the 3500+ colleges and tech schools of America.

Mostly, what they will do, is go get vaccinated because they want to continue their programs, and especially do not want to be saddled with student loans and no certifications, licenses, or degrees to show for it. I already know one 19 year old in town who said she got vaccinated because her school is going to require it. She was reluctant, and her mother was insanely against it, but she wasn't going to risk loss of credits in a transfer and really likes her college.

The college where I teach announced this morning that we are at 69% faculty and staff and 68% of students who have received at least one shot.  Also that the random testing for last week had zero positive results.  

Our students have worked hard this year because in-person learning is important to them. They’ve maintained a campus bubble with strict COVID protocols.  We’ve had isolated cases but no major outbreaks with most classes meeting in person. They’re getting vaccinated because they want life to go back to normal for everyone because it is safe, not to “go back to normal” by sticking their heads in the sand and assuring themselves that statistically they’ll probably be okay.  


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4 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Thank you! This. Seriously, this.

It is yet another conspiracy theory, millions of college students with the intent to pull a nationwide fast one on the 3500+ colleges and tech schools of America.

Mostly, what they will do, is go get vaccinated because they want to continue their programs, and especially do not want to be saddled with student loans and no certifications, licenses, or degrees to show for it. I already know one 19 year old in town who said she got vaccinated because her school is going to require it. She was reluctant, and her mother was insanely against it, but she wasn't going to risk loss of credits in a transfer and really likes her college.

Have you read the post that  Bootsie wrote, that Kungfu panda was replying to?

bootsie literally wrote “Most people won't fake a COVID vaccine record--because they want to get a COVID vaccine.”

why are you exploding into conspiracy theory nonsense?

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On 5/8/2021 at 2:47 PM, TechWife said:

I can also get a duplicate drivers license or a duplicate passport if I jump through the right hoops. 

You can get a duplicate if your original was lost/stolen/damaged.  To my knowledge no state allows you to keep multiple drivers licenses.  The same applies for passports except for a couple of very unusual exceptions.  

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6 minutes ago, AnotherNewName said:

You can get a duplicate if your original was lost/stolen/damaged.  To my knowledge no state allows you to keep multiple drivers licenses.  The same applies for passports except for a couple of very unusual exceptions.  

I have two current, valid licenses. In my state when you get a new one you keep your old one. I got a new one because I moved. If I were to have lost it, replaced it, then found it, I would also have two licenses, as would anyone else in the country. 

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Just now, TechWife said:

I have two current, valid licenses. In my state when you get a new one you keep your old one. I got a new one because I moved. If I were to have lost it, replaced it, then found it, I would also have two licenses, as would anyone else in the country. 

If your old one has your old address on it then it is no longer a valid license (showing it an officer would not be good as that license and your record with the DMV would not match).  I would hope you realize that reporting a license lost/stolen and having a new one issued and then finding a the old one doesn't make your point. The issuing agency only allowed you to get a new one because of your claim that your license was lost/stolen. You cannot ask for a second license as a spare and your two examples do not show that you can.

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9 minutes ago, AnotherNewName said:

If your old one has your old address on it then it is no longer a valid license (showing it an officer would not be good as that license and your record with the DMV would not match).  I would hope you realize that reporting a license lost/stolen and having a new one issued and then finding a the old one doesn't make your point. The issuing agency only allowed you to get a new one because of your claim that your license was lost/stolen. You cannot ask for a second license as a spare and your two examples do not show that you can.

Ok - it is a valid license in that it is not expired. The officer would ask me for my current address. It would be up to him whether or not to ticket me for not having the correct address on the license. It is legal as an ID and does prove that I am a licensed driver in the state, which does mean that it’s a valid license. I would not be ticketed for driving without a license.

It does prove my point. My point is that it is possible for someone to have duplicate copies of official records. In the same manner that I can get multiple copies of any other record, I can get multiple copies of my immunization record. It is actually a law that you can get your medical records at any time (see Cures Act). If I needed an official card or passport of some kind, I can then use the immunization record to get a card/passport. 

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1 minute ago, TechWife said:

Ok - it is a valid license in that it is not expired. The officer would ask me for my current address. It would be up to him whether or not to ticket me for not having the correct address on the license. It is legal as an ID and does prove that I am a licensed driver in the state, which does mean that it’s a valid license. I would not be ticketed for driving without a license.

It does prove my point. My point is that it is possible for someone to have duplicate copies of official records. In the same manner that I can get multiple copies of any other record, I can get multiple copies of my immunization record. It is actually a law that you can get your medical records at any time (see Cures Act). If I needed an official card or passport of some kind, I can then use the immunization record to get a card/passport. 

The mental gymnastics you are engaging in to try and justify an incorrect statement is not something I care to involved myself with any further.

I never said anything about the Cures Act so I am not sure why you brought it up.

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2 minutes ago, AnotherNewName said:

The mental gymnastics you are engaging in to try and justify an incorrect statement is not something I care to involved myself with any further.

I never said anything about the Cures Act so I am not sure why you brought it up.

There is no mental gymnastics going on.  My statement is correct, independent of whether or not you think it is. I think you might not be following the conversation from beginning to end for context, which is whether or not someone can get copies of records. The answer is yes, you absolutely can. Like I said in my first post about this matter, there are hoops to jump through to get duplicate drivers licenses and duplicate passports, but it is possible. I can’t think of any record that I can’t get a duplicate of if I need one. I am not making any assertions that you can have two functional passports from the same country at any given time, in my experience  the state department punches holes in the old one when it is renewed. However, if I were to lose my passport, there ARE procedures in place for me to get a duplicate. Like I said, hoops. 

The Cures Act is the law that says that people have a right to get duplicates of their medical records, which include vaccination records. 

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2 minutes ago, TechWife said:

There is no mental gymnastics going on.  My statement is correct, independent of whether or not you think it is. I think you might not be following the conversation from beginning to end for context, which is whether or not someone can get copies of records. The answer is yes, you absolutely can. Like I said in my first post about this matter, there are hoops to jump through to get duplicate drivers licenses and duplicate passports, but it is possible. I can’t think of any record that I can’t get a duplicate of if I need one. I am not making any assertions that you can have two functional passports from the same country at any given time, in my experience  the state department punches holes in the old one when it is renewed. However, if I were to lose my passport, there ARE procedures in place for me to get a duplicate. Like I said, hoops. 

The Cures Act is the law that says that people have a right to get duplicates of their medical records, which include vaccination records. 

I am going to say it again - you *cannot* request second a drivers license or passport to have as a duplicate.  If you are getting a new one because your address changed, the old is no longer your official drivers license. (The fact you could be ticketed for using it should tell you that.) The same is true for passports. It should be obvious that if you have to request the "duplicate" because the original was lost/stolen or is out of date then you are in fact not getting a duplicate. You are getting a replacement or a new one.

What you are saying does not refute those who believe there should only be one valid vaccine passport issued/person.  None of those people are arguing that you shouldn't be allowed to get a replacement if needed.

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27 minutes ago, TechWife said:

It would be up to him whether or not to ticket me for not having the correct address on the license

That’s not even ticketable where I am. You’re required to update your address in their system after you move, but you’re not required to have a new card issued with the new address, and in fact have to pay if you want to do that. Otherwise you just wait until the next time you get a new card, and at that point they will put the new address on it. A web search shows me there are other states that operate the same way. (which has absolutely zero to do with the vaccine record issue and I’m losing track of the conversation too much to decide if it would even have anything to do with the duplicate drivers license issue— in my state, the outdated license would have a hole punched in it). 

eta: although!! It just now struck me that my most recent license renewal happened during the pandemic when they were doing it all by mail, so they sent me a new license in the mail and my old one doesn’t have a hole punched in it. It doesn’t mean I considered it still valid, but there certainly was an overlapping period of time when the dates on both the old license and the new license were valid.

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1 minute ago, AnotherNewName said:

I am going to say it again - you *cannot* request second a drivers license or passport to have as a duplicate.  If you are getting a new one because your address changed, the old is no longer your official drivers license. (The fact you could be ticketed for using it should tell you that.) The same is true for passports. It should be obvious that if you have to request the "duplicate" because the original was lost/stolen or is out of date then you are in fact not getting a duplicate. You are getting a replacement or a new one.

What you are saying does not refute those who believe there should only be one valid vaccine passport issued/person.  None of those people are arguing that you shouldn't be allowed to get a replacement if needed.

In my state, a replacement license is a duplicate license. The license number does not change when you request a new one due to a loss. It looks exactly like the one you lost. The ticket would be for not having a correct address (we have 30 days to change this after a move in my state), not for having an invalid license. I never asserted  that I could have two valid passports. I said I could get a duplicate if I jump through the right hoops. Again, in context, the conversation is about requiring proof of vaccination and whether or not you can get replacement information. Context is important. Because you don’t understand what I am saying, doesn’t mean I am wrong. My true, accurate statement stands and I not going to further engage on the matter. 

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1 minute ago, KSera said:

That’s not even ticketable where I am. You’re required to update your address in their system after you move, but you’re not required to have a new card issued with the new address, and in fact have to pay if you want to do that. Otherwise you just wait until the next time you get a new card, and at that point they will put the new address on it. A web search shows me there are other states that operate the same way. (which has absolutely zero to do with the vaccine record issue and I’m losing track of the conversation too much to decide if it would even have anything to do with the duplicate drivers license issue— in my state, the outdated license would have a hole punched in it). 

eta: although!! It just now struck me that my most recent license renewal happened during the pandemic when they were doing it all by mail, so they sent me a new license in the mail and my old one doesn’t have a hole punched in it. It doesn’t mean I considered it still valid, but there certainly was an overlapping period of time when the dates on both the old license and the new license were valid.

We have to do both - update the address and pay for the duplicate/updated/whatever you want to call it, license. I think it was $10. I did it all online and it was sent to me in the mail. FWIW, when we get our licenses renewed here, they hand back the old license without any changes. If I get mine renewed before the expiration date on the license as is required, and the new one also arrives in the mail before the expiration date, which it should, there is a brief period of overlap.  New drivers get a paper license to serve as their license until their license arrives in the mail. People who move in from out of state get their out of state license handed back to them without any alterations and also get a paper copy to use until the new one arrives in the mail. 


But yes, how we got here is really weird. Because, Internet. 

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15 minutes ago, TechWife said:

In my state, a replacement license is a duplicate license. The license number does not change when you request a new one due to a loss. It looks exactly like the one you lost. The ticket would be for not having a correct address (we have 30 days to change this after a move in my state), not for having an invalid license. I never asserted  that I could have two valid passports. I said I could get a duplicate if I jump through the right hoops. Again, in context, the conversation is about requiring proof of vaccination and whether or not you can get replacement information. Context is important. Because you don’t understand what I am saying, doesn’t mean I am wrong. My true, accurate statement stands and I not going to further engage on the matter. 

You are using duplicate interchangeably with replacement.

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14 minutes ago, TechWife said:

In my state, a replacement license is a duplicate license. The license number does not change when you request a new one due to a loss. It looks exactly like the one you lost. The ticket would be for not having a correct address (we have 30 days to change this after a move in my state), not for having an invalid license. I never asserted  that I could have two valid passports. I said I could get a duplicate if I jump through the right hoops. Again, in context, the conversation is about requiring proof of vaccination and whether or not you can get replacement information. Context is important. Because you don’t understand what I am saying, doesn’t mean I am wrong. My true, accurate statement stands and I not going to further engage on the matter. 

In my state it is illegal to possess more than one valid drivers license.  So, if I replaced my drivers license but kept (or found) an earlier drivers license and presented it to a LEO, even if a valid date were printed on it, I would be in violation (Sec 521.452) of the law.  Although the drivers license number remains the same when getting a copy, the control number on the ID is not the same. So, it is possible, in my state, to be in possession of two drivers license, but it is not legal.  You are able to replace the drivers license, but you are not legally allowed to have two copies.  I do not know if this is the case in all states.  

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3 minutes ago, AnotherNewName said:

You are using duplicate interchangeably with replacement.

No kidding. They are synonymous in many instances, like the ones in the CONTEXT of this conversation. I have 5 duplicates of my mothers death certificate. If I were to lose them, I would get a duplicate to replace the lost one.  It would be both a duplicate and a replacement. 

This is a weird conversation.

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12 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

In my state it is illegal to possess more than one valid drivers license.  So, if I replaced my drivers license but kept (or found) an earlier drivers license and presented it to a LEO, even if a valid date were printed on it, I would be in violation (Sec 521.452) of the law.  Although the drivers license number remains the same when getting a copy, the control number on the ID is not the same. So, it is possible, in my state, to be in possession of two drivers license, but it is not legal.  You are able to replace the drivers license, but you are not legally allowed to have two copies.  I do not know if this is the case in all states.  

None of that impacts whether or not you can get multiple, duplicate  copies of your immunization record. You originally said that there shouldn’t be multiple copies of a vaccination record (or was it card?) floating around. The Cures Act says you can get copies and you can get as many as you want as often as you want. Once you have it, it is up to you to protect it, to prevent it from floating around. 


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Just now, TechWife said:

None of that impacts whether or not you can get multiple, duplicate  copies of your immunization record. You originally said that there shouldn’t be multiple copies of a vaccination record (or was it card?) floating around. The Cures Act says you can get copies and you can get as many as you want as often as you want. Once you have it, it is up to you to protect it, to prevent it from floating around. 


I don't think I said that you shouldn't be able to get multiple copies of a vaccination record.  If I did, that is not what I meant to say.  What I intended to say was that I do not think a card that has no real identifying information, is easily reproducible, is not verifiable, and for which a person can easily attain multiple copies being requested at some event is very reliable in ensuring that people are vaccinated.  



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30 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

In my state it is illegal to possess more than one valid drivers license.  So, if I replaced my drivers license but kept (or found) an earlier drivers license and presented it to a LEO, even if a valid date were printed on it, I would be in violation (Sec 521.452) of the law.  Although the drivers license number remains the same when getting a copy, the control number on the ID is not the same. So, it is possible, in my state, to be in possession of two drivers license, but it is not legal.  You are able to replace the drivers license, but you are not legally allowed to have two copies.  I do not know if this is the case in all states.  

This makes sense, but then strikes me as funny in the context of the conversation about how people are just going to fake their immunization card anyway. In this case, the conversation is about what is legal, but in the case of immunization records it’s all about how people aren’t going to follow the rules, so it should be done in a more secure way. I think the fact that someone can technically have two licenses that appear valid at the same time is a bigger deal than two immunization cards that appear valid at the same time.

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39 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

I don't think I said that you shouldn't be able to get multiple copies of a vaccination record.  If I did, that is not what I meant to say.  What I intended to say was that I do not think a card that has no real identifying information, is easily reproducible, is not verifiable, and for which a person can easily attain multiple copies being requested at some event is very reliable in ensuring that people are vaccinated.  




I agree.

Even if we believe that most college students are honest, I think it’s awfully optimistic to assume that none of them are going to print out fake vaccination cards if they need one for college, but don’t want to be vaccinated. It’s such an easy thing to do — printable vaccination cards are readily available, and it’s not even like there is one specific format for them, so a fake card would be easy to pass as authentic.

If we are going to assume that they wouldn’t be dishonest about being vaccinated, I guess we can also assume that none of them have fake IDs so they can go out drinking with their friends, either. 😉 


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50 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

If we are going to assume that they wouldn’t be dishonest about being vaccinated, I guess we can also assume that none of them have fake IDs so they can go out drinking with their friends, either. 😉

That is actually a good comparison. Most folks would not say that we should abolish the drinking age just because kids can have fake ID's anyway - so using this as an argument against a vaccine requirement strikes me as equally odd.

(there are plenty of reasons against the drinking age - but this ain't one)

People can also run red lights or cheat at taxes, but that does not mean that red lights or taxes should not exist

Edited by regentrude
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4 minutes ago, regentrude said:

That is actually a good comparison. Most folks would not say that we should abolish the drinking age just because kids can have fake ID's anyway - so using this as an argument against a vaccine requirement strikes me as equally odd.

(there are plenty of reasons against the drinking age - but this ain't one)

People can also run red lights or cheat at taxes, but that does not mean that red lights or taxes should not exist


I’m not against a vaccine requirement at all, and I would hope that most students would be honest — but I definitely think there will be more fake vaccination cards submitted than I would like to see! 

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This conversation has turned into one of the weirdest! I honestly don’t think a large percentage of college students would lie about the vaccine if it was required because if found out most colleges would kick them out. Some college kids do really stupid things but the majority have no desire to be booted out. Both of my dc are in college and they do know some who don’t want to get the vaccine, but those same students have said they obviously will get it if required (because most of them will actually do the right thing and not lie about it). 

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4 minutes ago, regentrude said:

That is actually a good comparison. Most folks would not say that we should abolish the drinking age just because kids can have fake ID's anyway - so using this as an argument against a vaccine requirement strikes me as equally odd.

(there are plenty of reasons against the drinking age - but this ain't one)

People can also run red lights or cheat at taxes, but that does not mean that red lights or taxes should not exist

But, this is also why we require more than a paper card with no clearly identifying, unique information as proof that someone is old enough to drink.  We use cards that are not easily and quickly reproducible.  And, even with those there are a lot of fake ids and misued ids out there.  If we are so concerned during a pandemic about people only being at an event if they are vaccinated, why do we require more proof that someone is over 21 to buy a beer than that they are vaccinated?

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6 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

 If we are so concerned during a pandemic about people only being at an event if they are vaccinated, why do we require more proof that someone is over 21 to buy a beer than that they are vaccinated?

Because we had decades to get an infrastructure and burocracy in place to make drivers licenses, but the requirement for vaccination cards is only a few months old, and all efforts were first directed at actually vaccinating folks, and rightly so.

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23 hours ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

Kind of heading back to vaccination cards- I asked my dh about the cards and he said when he got his shot he was told there is no way to get a replacement and he would have to be revaccinated. They were not keeping track of IDs or who got the shot. 

So, when  they need to be pulled out to conduct business more and more,  they will be lost, destroyed, etc. 

Take a picture of the card and keep it on your phone! Make a couple hard copies to keep in various safe places. My original is in my safe deposit box with all other difficult (impossible?) to replace papers. 

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12 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Thank you! This. Seriously, this.

It is yet another conspiracy theory, millions of college students with the intent to pull a nationwide fast one on the 3500+ colleges and tech schools of America.

Mostly, what they will do, is go get vaccinated because they want to continue their programs, and especially do not want to be saddled with student loans and no certifications, licenses, or degrees to show for it. I already know one 19 year old in town who said she got vaccinated because her school is going to require it. She was reluctant, and her mother was insanely against it, but she wasn't going to risk loss of credits in a transfer and really likes her college.


Dovetailing with this thread, last week a young man called the law firm where I work to ask how he would go about getting an attorney to defend the right not to accept the vaccine, yet continue at college this fall. I actually spent a fair amount of time explaining this issue (and why it is unlikely to succeed legally), though we don’t really do that type of law. 

What I ultimately pointed out to this young man reflects the bolded above. I asked him if he wants to pay an attorney thousands of dollars and disrupt his life plan simply so he can avoid a vaccine. All that expense and disruptions for something that is unlikely to succeed legally. 

I also pointed out to him that when you participate in “things” in society, you accept limitations on your own behavior; you do this all the time without even thinking about it. If you go to a grocery store, you wear shoes. If you went to a summer camp, you most likely had to have many vaccines; mainly you don’t think about it because those decisions were made for you when you were still a preschooler. If you go to the public pool, you can’t swim naked. (Well...not any public pool I have been to...). You accept the limitation on your personal freedom to get a totally even tan 😉 and you put some britches on. 

But I do have a tiny sliver of admiration for this young guy because he did actually call a law firm, which is surely more proactive than his friends who were all saying, “Yeah! We should totally get a lawyer to bring a case against the college!” 🙄

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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

Take a picture of the card and keep it on your phone! Make a couple hard copies to keep in various safe places. My original is in my safe deposit box with all other difficult (impossible?) to replace papers. 

Ours are in our fireproof box, and I made and laminated copies to carry. I also have them scanned on my computer. 

My senior has an appointment for a physical next week (because health records have to be to the college by mid-June), so I am hoping that the pediatrician will add the COVID shots to the single record so we have one thing to send to the college. 

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Interesting...my graduating senior is attending our state flagship in the fall. They announced they would not be requiring the vaccine. Ds went to get his meningitis vaccine today and get a copy of his records to upload to the housing portal. When he went into the housing portal his Covid vaccine was already documented there (but nothing else). So I guess it went from the grocery store pharmacy where he got his shots to a state clearinghouse to the university. 

His primary care doctor he saw today, however, had no record of it.

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You all have made me do some research. In my state providers are required to report immunizations within 14 days of administering. This isn't new for Covid.

What I can't figure out is if individuals can get access to their own records. It appears the system is set up for providers only and it might be more of a data dump not individual record keeping. 🤷

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2 hours ago, RootAnn said:

The pediatrician pulled my dd#2's covid vaccination records into her official record from the state database (that I only found out about last week). 

I'm shocked that a U was able to pull them from the state registry @teachermom2834!

The state U that my kid was accepted to had both marked the vaccination record as complete, like, at acceptance. So I assume they were able to pull it either from the state database or maybe from the community college. 

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This came across my feed today. It’s about IT developments in vaccine credentialing.

With more than 400 organizations from across the private sector now participating (including Cerner, Change Healthcare, Epic, Mayo Clinic, Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce), VCI is working with mobile devices manufacturers to support its SMART Health Card. It's an "open-source-based credential on your phone that you can then use with your consent, with a verifier or with a destination as you see fit as an individual who owns that credential."

The specification "is meant to be used freely by any stakeholder and available and accessible to individuals for free," said Anderson. "As a VCI member, you commit to being able to make these credentials available at no cost. An individual shouldn't have to pay for a SMART Health Card, a verifiable record of their vaccination status.

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My dc’s state university just announced they are requiring the vaccine for fall. I’m happy but really surprised because the other big state uni recently announced they weren’t requiring it. Both of my dc have already had both shots so it’s no issue for us. 

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I'm dismayed that dd's college is not requiring vaccines.  They actually don't require any which was the justification for not requiring this one.  This also means they plan to continue mitigation efforts including masking, limits to classrooms and activities, closed dining halls, etc....  We shall see if that really happens.

Meanwhile, dd had a physical this week and her vaccine record was already in her chart, despite not having to provide doctor info in the vaccine paperwork.  This is a brand new doctor too.  I did not even call to make the appointment until after the vaccine happened.  I believe it came through the state vaccine database system.

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Vanderbilt said a few weeks ago that all students would have to be vaccinated for the upcoming school year.  They just announced that all faculty, staff, and postdocs will also have to be vaccinated for the 2021-22 school year.   

They also lifted all mask requirements for vaccinated people, in all settings, effective immediately.  Outdoor gatherings are no longer size-limited and it looks like indoor gatherings aren't going to be, either.  No more asymptomatic testing for vaccinated folks on campus during the summer, and food and drink is allowed at university events.

There's more, but everything seems to point to mandatory vaccination + everything goes back to normal for the fall.

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