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Talk me into going to Italy....

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Dh is giving a paper in Turin in May. He wants the whole family to go, and spend 10 days in Italy.


Even though the company will pay Dh's airfare, hotels and meals, it will still be expensive to buy the 5 other airplane tickets, and extra stuff, plus pay a house sitter to take care of all of my animals.


I could pay for it out of some of the inheritance from my grandmother, but it just hurts me to spend that kind of money.


My preference is for Dh to just take Miss Beautiful, and Mr. Clever. Miss Good and I could stay home, and take care of the baby and the animals.


Dh took two kids to Paris a few years ago, and had a blast, but he always talks about how much he wishes I had gone to share it with him.


It would make him so happy for us all to go, and there is no real reason not to...so why am I having such a hard time with it?

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I would be figuring out how to leave the kids and have just dh and I go. Do you have anyone who could come stay home with the kids? I'm thinking the kids would be able to do most of the animal taking care of. Cutting out the cost of 4 airline tickets might make it more appealing for you. Don't know if you would need to hire someone to stay with the kids or if Grandma (or someone who wouldn't be up to doing all the animal work) might be able to come for a bit if the kids can take care of the animals.

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Dh is giving a paper in Turin in May. He wants the whole family to go, and spend 10 days in Italy.


I can't imagine being in your place and hesitating. Go. Take all the kids. Your 2 yo won't remember anything, but it's not like you can leave her home! You will be creating memories to last a lifetime. Priceless.

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I agree---GO! It's not everyday you get a chance to go someplace like Italy! I'd forget the cost, and just do it---memories to last a lifetime! I'd look into neat things to do with the kids--places to tour, things to see, etc. and have a memorable family time that you may never have the chance to do again!


The money it costs is an inheritance. I think your grandma would be thrilled with you using it in this way, and your dh would be thrilled to have you all come! What more could you want? What else would you want to spend it on? It's a wonderful investment for your family, imho!


Oh if you DO decide to take the plunge and go (I hope, I hope!), then DON'T mope about the cost, EVER! That would wreck the special family time! Make the decision, then go whole-hog to make it the best trip EVER!

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Guest janainaz

Life is short. Life and family is about making memories and I would say that if you have an opportunity to go - GO! Be excited and enjoy life. I would go and I would take my boys and cherish every moment.

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Yep, I agree--go!


It's a special time with your hubby, too.


We loved touring Pompeii, the Vatican (the Sistine Chapel is...welll....THE Freakin' Sistine Chapel!!!!), the Forum, the Coliseum--Rome is so very, very cool. If you can get there, go for it--I don't know where Turin is, but it's in Italy, which automatically means it's beautiful, historic, and unforgettable.

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As others have said, I can't fathom having to be talked into a trip to Italy, but frankly, since you sound so disinterested, I don't think you should go.

I certainly wouldn't have your 14 year old stay home, though. She all of people should be going and immersing herself in the history and culture of the places she's likely read about a great deal. Your middle two are more than old enough to appreciate the experience as well. And since the trip doesn't inspire you, you can stay home and take care of the animals and 2 year old.

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I thought I was the only one in the world who felt like that about traveling...I'm so happy to meet a kindred spirit! :) (My dh has to convince me to go anywhere.)


That being said, Italy is lovely and I'd love to go back with my kiddos. There is so much to see and do, even if you stay in Northern Italy. I didn't get to see Turin, but our drive up to Lake Como and Bellagio was wonderful, and if you can make it over to Venice you won't regret it.

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I'm realizing that a lot of my distress about spending money comes from how much my parents fought about money after they divorced.


Even though that was 30 years ago, I still feel anxiety about it.


I remember posting here because I felt bad spending the extra $700 to have Miss Bossy at a birthing center instead of the hospital. Boy, I sure don't regret spending that money.


I'm just going to focus on how grateful I am to has a husband who is still in love with me, and wants to spend time with me and the kids.


It really would break his heart if I stayed home.


My sister said she would meet us in Rome. I wanted my dad to come, but I don't think he can handle the jet lag right now.


It is amazing how young the kids look in the pictures from Paris. It's hard to believe that they are going to be completely grown up so soon. I'll keep thinking about having the special time with them whenever I start stressing about spending so much money.

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Is it just a money issue, then? If that's the case, then yes, I think you should go if you can comfortably afford to do so ~ and if you can enjoy, and let others enjoy, the trip without fretting aloud about the costs of this, that, and the other. Because it'll add up, no question.


Sometimes those of us who feel bad about spending money can be a bit of a wet blanket, if you kwim. Example: My husband loves skiing. He grew up skiing and enjoys sharing that passion with our boys. I enjoy it, too, but am often distracted by the exorbitant costs attached to the sport. If we go skiing and I keep on and on about how expensive it is, I seriously detract from everyone's pleasure. So I either have to stay home (and I don't really want to do that) or remind myself that we work hard; that my husband spends very, very little money on himself; that I'm fortunate to be married to a man who wants to spend time with his children, etc. ~ and appreciate the opportunities without bemoaning the price tag.


So if the cost is your primary concern, do try not to put that on everyone else and instead, enjoy the experience. If, on the other hand, you really aren't interested in the trip, I think you should give more consideration to staying home.

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Your children are young and impressionable. Let them see you struggle with this decision to spend the money. Once you become comfortable with GOING TO ITALY!, have the kids help with travel plans. Grandma would certainly want your children to have a wonderful life, rich with experiences that enhance their education. It's really a gift. Maybe you can plan a candle lighting ceremony at the Vatican for your grandma as a way to recognize her contribution to the trip.


Italy is a great family travel location. They love children! Bella familia...

We took our DCs a year ago today. They gained much insight, understanding, and appreciation for history and other cultures.


Really hope you take the plunge and go. Never has a soul traveled to Italy and regretted it. (ok, in modern times, anyhow!) :)

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