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My family has participated in this fully virtual co-opfor three years now, even pre-COVID it was a virtual co-op, and it has been just what we've needed at logic and rhetoric stages. I wanted to share this here as an option for next school year.

Online co-op using Y4 for the 2021-22 school year has openings at the Dialectic and Rhetoric levels.
Our virtual co-op, Virtual Threads, has been in existence for more than 14 years. For 2021-22, we will be meeting on Thursday mornings for Dialectic (D) & Rhetoric (R) literature classes and Friday mornings for D & R history classes (exact times detailed below). On Thursday mornings we also offer an Art Appreciation class for member families.
It is not a requirement that students participate in all classes - a student may be in just history or just literature, but Art Appreciation is limited to families who are in one or more of the core classes - but we do encourage participation in both history and literature, if possible.  We encourage students to turn in written homework to that week’s teacher, but we support individual family’s leadership as the homeschool parent for their student.
We prefer that new families have at least one year’s experience with Tapestry of Grace, but if you are new to Tapestry, please apply anyway and let's talk about your situation.
We share the teaching load among the moms and/or dads. We use a team-teaching approach with multiple parents assigned to each unit (one unit = one quarter). This helps provide continuity from week to week as the unit team splits the actual teaching duties and works together to make decisions about which themes to emphasize, which assignments to reduce/add to, which resources to cut, etc.
We are not an online class, but a co-op. Our families get to know each other - online and in real life, where possible. We support, encourage and pray for each other as our kids grow up together walking through the dialectic and rhetoric years with a group of friends.
We use Canvas as our free classroom platform, Google Drive for sharing necessary documents, plus the GroupMe app for communicating in text message-like fashion.
If this sounds like something that you could commit to and would benefit your homeschool, please complete the attached application or email our leadership team with any questions at virtualthreadscoop@gmail.com.
Class times:
**Dialectic Literature (Thursdays 9-10 am EST)
**Dialectic History (Fridays 10:15 am-11:45 am EST)
**Rhetoric Literature (Thursdays 11 am-12:30 pm EST)
**Rhetoric History (Fridays 10:15-11:45 am EST)
**Art Appreciation (Thursdays 10:15-10:45 am EST)

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