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9th Grade Planning 2021-2022

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Is it too early?   I tend to pass these February days by planning for next year.   Anyone want to pencil in their plans or ideas?  


Here are my DRAFT plans:

Latin:  4th Form Latin (MPOA)

Math:  Finish Geometry, Start Pre-Calculus (Derek Owens or AOPS)

English:  Lit and Composition for Underclassman (Integritas Academy)

Science:  Clover Valley Chemistry

History:  Some type of American History (Maybe MPOA?)

Classical / Christian Studies:   Classical Studies II (MPOA)  (Roman year)

Elective or Extracurricular:  ???  Covid has really made this difficult.  We were involved with debate, but I am worried that might be too much given his school schedule. 



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Ack! My youngest will be 9th grade next year. I have no clue as to what we'll be doing. 

Best guess - if nothing else it'll be funny to go back to this in August when I have a plan.

Math: Algebra 1, maybe Saxon

English: Build Your Library 10 & Essentials in Writing

Social Science: Build Your Libary 10 (World History part 1)

Science: Ugh, science always gets me. Maybe Friendly Biology?

Foreign Language: Some sort of Spanish 1 class. She's been playing around on Duolingo for a few months with Spanish. Before that she did Mandarin with Duolingo and Lingo Bus.

Electives: Oak Meadown Health & PE. Maybe something else.

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Math:  Finish Algebra I (Dolciani) if not done, start Jurgensen Geometry

Lit:  Ancients at House of Humane Letters

Comp: TPS Comp 2 

History: Ancient History using History of Western Society as a spine plus primary sources

Science: Ugh. If I keep him with his older brother- Physics (Giancoli) Derek Owens self-paced 

Foreign Language: Spanish II  We will continue with Avancemos at home

Logic: Traditional Logic I by Memoria Press

Art:  Continue drawing class with my dad using Artistic Pursuits

Electives:  Health (finish work started last summer over this summer),  Cooking (over summer)??, also needs to work on physical activity part of P.E. credit


Not for credit:

Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study

Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Piano: Hoffman Academy

Extracurriculars: ?????? We had to drop Trail Life because people weren't masking.  I have no idea what it will be like this summer or next fall.

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High School, ugh.   Dd will be 9th but she's also a young 9th so I try not to drive myself crazy.   We had a bit of a rough school year for 2019-2020 and Covid didn't help on catching up. 

She's doing Key to Algebra this year.  Math is not her strong suit and she needs lots of repetition so we'll probably do MUS Algebra 1 next year.  She doesn't do well with busy textbooks.  

She's currently doing Mosdos Press Jade.  We may do their 8th grade, Gold, next year or I may have her do Essentials in Literature 9 which ds is currently doing so I already have it.   She's a strong enough reader that she could definitely handle EIL. 

Both literature programs have plenty of writing/composition, but I really have to start pushing some longer writing.  I have Beyond the Book Report so may give that a try.    She's actually writing a fan fiction online that I need to check out.  I may be worrying about it for nothing. 

She'll have finished all the books for Vocabulary from Classical Roots by the end of this year so we'll probably just use whatever vocabulary is part of her Lit program instead of a separate program. 

History/Geography:  We're doing Guest Hollow Geography and doing history regionally along with it.    We will continue with that next year.  

Science:  I run a science center so she'll take at least one class there, possibly more.  What she takes will depend on a variety of factors.  

Foreign Language:  probably something through Great Courses Plus. 

Art:  She does a ton of art on her own.  She illustrates an online comic strip, does clay sculpting, draws fandom characters.   We do art history along with history.  

Health:  Ds is doing Oak Meadow Health now.  I may have her do it when he's done or I may wait a year or two. 

PE:  She's a black belt in TKD working toward her second degree.   When weather is nice we do more hiking, walking, etc. so just waiting to get back to that. 

Extra:  I run two 4-H clubs when we are allowed to run.  Nothing happening due to Covid right now. 

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19 hours ago, TheAttachedMama said:

Is it too early?   I tend to pass these February days by planning for next year.   Anyone want to pencil in their plans or ideas?  


Here are my DRAFT plans:

Latin:  4th Form Latin (MPOA)

Math:  Finish Geometry, Start Pre-Calculus (Derek Owens or AOPS)

English:  Lit and Composition for Underclassman (Integritas Academy)

Science:  Clover Valley Chemistry

History:  Some type of American History (Maybe MPOA?)

Classical / Christian Studies:   Classical Studies II (MPOA)  (Roman year)

Elective or Extracurricular:  ???  Covid has really made this difficult.  We were involved with debate, but I am worried that might be too much given his school schedule. 



I don't think it's too early at all! I love reading these kinds of posts. ♥️

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2 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

Both literature programs have plenty of writing/composition, but I really have to start pushing some longer writing.  I have Beyond the Book Report so may give that a try.    She's actually writing a fan fiction online that I need to check out.  I may be worrying about it for nothing.

Yes- look! Some of those sites have some seriously graphic content. But also fan fiction is a great way for reluctant writers to get started. just be aware. 


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Super tentative plans:


Geometry -- Mr D

Spanish 2 -- Avancemos

LA-- either Lantern English for writing or Excelsior for a full English credit

HIstory/Lit-- Either Dave Raymonds Modernity or Omnibus 2 (Lit will tie in either way)

Logic-- Discovery of Deduction (Schole)

Science-- either Physics (Schole) or Biology (with either Excelsior or Berean Builders) 

Bible -- online through a local Christian School 

Extras: continue piano and tennis

and maybe a fun elective in coding or engineering or design . .  

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21 hours ago, cintinative said:

Very draft as I am just not sure of many of these

Math:  Finish Algebra I (Dolciani) if not done, start Jurgensen Geometry

Lit:  hopefully Ancients at House of Humane Letters

Comp: either TPS or maybe WAH or Lantern? I was leaning toward TPS English 3 Confident Comp but he would have to test in, and I'm just not sure about it. My oldest is in that class and I'm not sure my youngest can make the jump.

History: Ancient History using History of Western Society as a spine plus primary sources

Science: Ugh. If I keep him with his older brother- Physics (Giancoli)

Foreign Language: Spanish II  We might continue with Avancemos at home or we might outsource, if finances allow it??

Logic: Traditional Logic I by Memoria Press

Art:  Continue drawing class with my dad using Artistic Pursuits

Electives:  Health (finish work started last summer over this summer),  Cooking (over summer)??, also needs to work on physical activity part of P.E. credit


Not for credit:

Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study

Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Piano: Hoffman Academy

Extracurriculars: ?????? We had to drop Trail Life because people weren't masking.  I have no idea what it will be like this summer or next fall.

How is Hoffman Academy working out for older kids?   I have a 7 year old, and I know it would be perfect for him.  I am wondering if I could start my older kids too.   Do you use the free or paid version?  

And do you think I could somehow beef up Hoffman Academy to count as a fine arts credit?   My son is NOT artistic at all, and getting him to do any type of "fine arts" seems like pulling teeth.  

Also, do you plan to claim two English credits with separate lit and separate composition?  Or combine them into one? 

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Just now, TheAttachedMama said:

How is Hoffman Academy working out for older kids?   I have a 7 year old, and I know it would be perfect for him.  I am wondering if I could start my older kids too.   Do you use the free or paid version?  

And do you think I could somehow beef up Hoffman Academy to count as a fine arts credit?   My son is NOT artistic at all, and getting him to do any type of "fine arts" seems like pulling teeth.  


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2 hours ago, TheAttachedMama said:

How is Hoffman Academy working out for older kids?   I have a 7 year old, and I know it would be perfect for him.  I am wondering if I could start my older kids too.   Do you use the free or paid version?  

And do you think I could somehow beef up Hoffman Academy to count as a fine arts credit?   My son is NOT artistic at all, and getting him to do any type of "fine arts" seems like pulling teeth.  

Also, do you plan to claim two English credits with separate lit and separate composition?  Or combine them into one? 

We started Hoffman Academy a long time ago.  I have the lifetime subscription. As you move through the units, it gets progressively more mature and harder. An older kid might find the first lessons a bit kid-oriented but I think it would work.

I am not familiar with what is required for a music credit, but I remember somebody saying something about showing an increase in proficiency over the year.  So I would think if he went at it with a good amount of time per week and showed gains in proficiency, it would work. It does present music theory in addition to everything else.  You could ask on here on a separate thread.  Do they have a trial you could do? The only reason I am not giving credit is that we are making such slow progress. They probably only spend 10 to 15 minutes a day on it. 

Here is another post on Hoffman Academy: https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/695370-hoffman-academy-regretting-the-purchase-talk-me-down/?tab=comments#comment-8555804





On the English, my oldest is doing lit with House of Humane Letters and English 3 Confident Comp with TPS.  Both are indicated as one credit hour. So for the moment I have both transcripted that way.  If it was my own course, I would have made it a one year comp/lit class for one credit. The trouble is that it is outsourced.  TBH, I go back and forth on whether the HHL course is worth a credit hour, but the teacher says it is, so . . .?   I would say that my son spends enough time on the Comp class to justify the 1 credit hour. 

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Youngest will still probably be straddling 8/9th. We will wait till 2022 to decide. I should have more time to focus on her as her older sister will be mostly DE. 
math Algebra 2- she will do alg 1, 2 then geometry with Derek Owens after. 

lang- I found a great series that we are doing the middle level now and will continue with next level. Supplement with word within a word and Magic lens

science- integrated science

FL- Spanish 2 with homeschool Spanish academy

history- world history

business with sibling. 






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28 minutes ago, df3121 said:

Could you tell me more about how you do this? We're considering GH Geography for next year as well. Largely because I love the literature, but also all the web links, videos etc... My son really enjoys more engaging methods like that. I like the idea of incorporating history at the same time. How do you do that? 

I'm not really sure it's going to work but basically I'm going to do history by region in the order it's in the geography program.  So I took the geography and matched up with the Usborne Encyclopedia of World History and the Kingfisher Encyclopedia of World History and a little bit with History Odyssey (since I have it).  We'll do history first, doing readings, adding things to our timelines (which I'm setting up by region, maybe color coded I'm not sure), then doing Geography for that region.   I'm going to do this up through Early Modern then emphasize US History for Modern.   I think.  

I'm kind of a history failure and it's not a subject any of us are really into so I'm hoping to knock out World History.  I expect to take two years to get through it and I'm calling it World History/Geography 1 and World History/Geography 2 for transcripts or maybe Western and Eastern but I"m not sure it will split that way. 

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I've been working on this so that I'll know what online class sign-ups I need to be watching for.

Math: Saxon Algebra 2

Science: Honors Biology online, either through Blue Tent or Homeschool Connections

History: History of the Ancient World by SWB with Study Guide

Lang. Arts: WWS 3, Wasko Lit 1 Ancients (not sure yet if we'll do live or asynchronous, have to wait and see what the schedule is)

Foreign Lang.: Fourth Form Latin, French 3 (online, Global Goose)

Electives: Not decided for sure, but probably P.E. and maybe Astronomy


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I sat down and talked DD yesterday about ideas for high school. Here's a first draft for 9th grade:

Math: Mr D Algebra 2

Science: CK-12 Biology with Guest Hollow labs and extra activities

History: Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Ancients

English: WWS 2, a combination of Tapestry ancient literature and other literature, MCT Vocab.

Foreign Language: ASL and probably German, but haven't decided on curriculum/provider. She does ballet and thinks French might be more useful, so I'll need to look at possibilities.

Electives: Dave Ramsey Personal Finance; Auto UpKeep (maybe in summer), Apologia Health and Nutrition

Extracurricular or PE: Dance

Other: Youth Group

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My DS hasn't been much help planning out his high school years. All he wants is for a plan that will be rigorous so he can possibly go to MIT, Harvard, CalTech, etc. He is my 2nd high schooler, but my 1st one didn't have such dreams, so she has been easier. So, here is what I have so far.

Math: Finish AOPS Intermediate Algebra (if we're not done before then) and then do AOPS Precalculus                   

            May take AOPS AMC 10 class online in the Fall

Science: Thinkwell, we are thinking Biology

Latin: Wheelock's Latin

English: Vocab: Finish Word Roots 3, maybe then do Vocabulary Detective       

                 Grammar: he has done all the grammar curriculum I have, so maybe this SAT/ACT grammar book I found           

                 Reading/Writing: Windows to the World and Excellence in Literature, also Lively Art of Writing if we don't have time to get to it this year         

Social Studies: Oak Meadow World Geography

Computer Science: Edx Harvard's CS50 Introduction to Game Development 

Music Theory: Breezin Thru Theory and Great Courses Music and Math

Other: High School Cross Country and Track, also may try out for the basketball team

           Continue Piano

           Continue Ninja Warrior Training





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27 minutes ago, Plagefille said:

My DS hasn't been much help planning out his high school years. All he wants is for a plan that will be rigorous so he can possibly go to MIT, Harvard, CalTech, etc. He is my 2nd high schooler, but my 1st one didn't have such dreams, so she has been easier. So, here is what I have so far.

I think ???? @lewelma has a kid at MIT??  Maybe she can give some input on courses you should pursue or other considerations. 

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2 hours ago, cintinative said:

I think ???? @lewelma has a kid at MIT??  Maybe she can give some input on courses you should pursue or other considerations. 

Actually checking out the admissions page is fun... It basically says, "We know we are a single digit-admit school. You go do you in the best way possible, and when you're ready to apply to school, show us what that looks like." There is no magic formula. They build a class every year, and if you have what that class needs, they'll take a look at you. ETA... My kid jokes that she wants to apply so she can get her very-own-personalized-MIT-rejection letter. 

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My oldest will be 9th next year, so we'll see how that goes!

Math: Algebra 1: Finish Jacobs Algebra then move to Jacobs Geometry, probably CTC Understanding Geometry
LA: 7sisters Introductory High School Writing and 7sisters Narnia and Space Trilogy lit studies
Science: help! Botany with a textbook preferred, but I may have to do Biology with an emphasis on Botany-still researching Friendly Biology with a quick supplement on the botany chapter using DK's Trees, Leaves, Flowers and Seeds?
History: Ancient History using the ancient section of Our Human Story with research projects-still have to figure that out, also
Foreign Language: ULAT French
Electives: 7sisters Health (1/2 year); 7sisters Psychology (1/2 year); Drawing with tutorial videos on youtube and computer animation-Alice with tutorial videos on youtube.

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incorrect title
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I’ll have my three girls all in high school next year. (12th, 10th, 9th) Yikes! They are the best of friends and I’ll be combining them in some things so I think it’ll be a good year. DD3 is my easiest student in many ways and this is my third go around planning 9th grade so pretty easy planning so far. 

Math: MUS Geometry and a review of Algebra 1. DD2 will be doing this as well. 

History: Diana Waring’s Romans, Reformers, and Revolutionaries. She’ll be doing this with DS who will be in 7th. 

Science: Guest Hollow Chemistry in the Kitchen. All three of my girls will be doing this together this year. I think they’ll enjoy it. Only problem might be the amount of reading as DD3 is dyslexic. I think we can work around that. 

English: LLATL Gray. I know this program is intended for 8th grade and considered “light” to begin with, but it’s where she’s at. Doing this program a year behind has been a perfect fit for her the past couple of years so I’m going to stick with it. 

Bible: A hodgepodge of things. I have some Apologia books on my shelves that we’ll read through, some Bible Study type books, and I think there’s Bible tied into the history as well.  Whatever I come up with will be done with DS as well.

Language: She hasn’t picked yet but I think she’ll want to do ASL. My oldest DD has been taking a class for a few years so I’ll probably have her teach younger DD. 

Electives: Apologia Health and Nutrition with DD2 and Dave Ramsey Personal Finance with DD1 and DD2. 

Extra Curriculars: Piano lessons, Tang So Do (she should be an Apprentice Black Belt by September so she’ll spend next school year working on her Black Belt), and lots of art on her own. She loves sketching dresses and has started learning to sew. I’m curious to see what she does with it. 

It’s a pretty full schedule but I think it’ll be doable. Nothing planned is too rigorous, there’s just a lot of it. She’s been finishing school by noon lately so I think she’s ready for a bigger work load. 

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This will be my first time homeschooling high school. Since he's essentially an only, incorporating outsourced options with opportunity for interaction is important. This is all subject to change, of course.

Math: Geometry (Most likely AOPS just from the book. He has enjoyed AOPS Pre-Alg, Alg 1, Number Theory, Counting & Prob, so hoping this continues to work.)

English: Lit & Composition through Potters School

Social Studies: Civics & Economics, 1 semester each, still deciding on source/curriculum

Science: Biology (Most likely through our local Co-op)

Language: Probably Latin III through WHA

Electives: Health (probably Apologia?), and still trying to decide on another

Extra-curricular: Continue with piano. He's considering trying martial arts or adding saxophone as well. Various co-op "enrichment" stuff.

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On 1/22/2021 at 12:17 PM, MamaSprout said:

Actually checking out the admissions page is fun... It basically says, "We know we are a single digit-admit school. You go do you in the best way possible, and when you're ready to apply to school, show us what that looks like." There is no magic formula. They build a class every year, and if you have what that class needs, they'll take a look at you. 

I think ???? @lewelma has a kid at MIT??  Maybe she can give some input on courses you should pursue or other considerations. .......................

If your ds is serious, most of the students at MIT have won some national competition.  It could be attending MOP for math, or a national physics camp, but my ds also has friends who have won the national cello competition and another who was a national tennis player. For those who are less privileged with fewer opportunities (and MIT accepts lots of these), they need to show that they have taken advantage of everything that was open to them.  So they might have never taken calculus, but they might start a tutoring center, or be taking care of their 4 siblings and grandparents, or they might be the breadwinner for the family. Basically, kids that will excel at MIT (and thus are the ones that MIT admits), have a huge drive to do more than school work, and they create their own opportunities rather than having them handed to them on a plate. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/15/2021 at 2:18 PM, TheAttachedMama said:

Is it too early?   I tend to pass these February days by planning for next year.   Anyone want to pencil in their plans or ideas?  


Here are my DRAFT plans:

Latin:  4th Form Latin (MPOA)

Math:  Finish Geometry, Start Pre-Calculus (Derek Owens or AOPS)

English:  Lit and Composition for Underclassman (Integritas Academy)

Science:  Clover Valley Chemistry

History:  Some type of American History (Maybe MPOA?)

Classical / Christian Studies:   Classical Studies II (MPOA)  (Roman year)

Elective or Extracurricular:  ???  Covid has really made this difficult.  We were involved with debate, but I am worried that might be too much given his school schedule. 



Waving hello!  DD is taking Lit and Composition for Underclassman at Integritas as well.  We've heard such good things!  This is my first year homeschooling high school and we're only a couple of years into homeschooling, so it's all a little terrifying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Late to the party, but DD is starting 9th and I'm excited. I think she is too 🙂 🙂 

Math: Saxon Alg 1

History/Great Books (TWTM style): She's eager to do Medievals, so we're skipping Ancients for now and maybe we'll circle back around do it in 12th. She'll do the WTMA Medieval History course with Mr. Caro, and I'll homebrew a great books study for her.

Grammar/Composition/Rhetoric (also TWTM style): We'll use Sentence Composing for High School in fall semester, Grammar for High School in spring semester, and Vocabulary From Classical Roots C throughout the year. Also A Workbook For Arguments, possibly supplemented by Thank You For Arguing. 

Science: She's waitlisted for Dr. Bennett's Bio course at WTMA, which her brother adored. Really hoping she gets into that class.

Foreign Language: Girl wants to learn Korean. Right now I'm thinking we'll just do LingoDeer and I'll figure out how to give her credit for that.

Extras: Youth group (she's currently in 2 different ones), volleyball, and we're looking for a place for her to play tennis.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely late to the party. I finally reset my password.

Math: Good ol' Systemath Algebra 2

LA: Probably LA 2 through Excelsior Classes. Maybe an additional lit class, not sure.

History: Notgrass World

Science: ACE biology supplemented by videos and books

Thinking health and geography as possible electives. This is my hands-on guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes into the trades.

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  • 2 weeks later...

English: WWS 3 (WTMA), Traditional Logic l,ll

Language: Henle 2 Caesar (MPOA), First Form Greek

Math: Algebra 2 with Trigonometry (KA)

Science: Biology with lab (KA)

History & Literature: Ancient Greece (KA)

Religion: Introduction to the Bible (KA)

+piano class and gym class



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I am coming out of lurking to figure all this out!  

So far the plan for DS is:

Math: Finish Saxon Geometry and start Algebra 2

Science: Conceptual Physics

LA: IEW C1, Fix it Grammar 4, Easy Grammar 9, AAS 6&Sequential Spelling as practice/review (dyslexia...spelling is really hard!), Lit from the Modern list in the WTM, Vocab from Classical Roots C.

History/Geography/Art History/Bible: Loosely following TOG year 4 Modern Times using Great Courses plus various books I picked up. Add in the parts that work from Notgrass American History that fit the period.

Health: Apologia. 

Spanish: Breaking the Spanish Barrier 1

Art: Meet the Masters plus  Mark Kissler for drawing

Music: Cello lessons and orchestra after he is vaccinated.


I am nervous for high school with this kid. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first highschooler.  I'm so excited, LOL!

Grade 9 

History: History Revealed (Ancient Civilizations & the Bible)

I picked this since it’s a unit study style curriculum that I can use with my middle and high schooler (and tag along 1st grader).

Foreign Language: Henle Latin I (Units 1-5)  MPOA

Science: Physics I (Honors) WHA

Literature & Composition: Memoria Press Guides: Poetry and Short Stories, Tom Sawyer, The Book of the Ancient Greeks, The Book of the Ancient World, The Iliad & The Odyssey (with Vita Beata Discussion Group), Elements of Style, Jensen’s Format Writing (first half), Vocabulary From Classical Roots B&C, Spelling Power

Math: Algebra II (Foerster's/Prentice Hall Classics with Math Without Borders videos)

Electives: Health (Life Pac), Intro to Python (udemy)

Bible: Long Story Short, Training Hearts and Teaching Minds


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English - co-op class with literature and writing with DD16

Science - Jay Wile Chemistry with sister (just the book? do we want the prerecorded video to view?)

Math - Saxon Algebra 2 -- Not sure on this anymore. I think I want him to take a traditional geometry year instead.

History - Guest Hollow Geography with sister

Speech - Fitting Words in co-op also with his sister

Electives? I'm not sure on those yet.

He's super tight with his big sister. They used to be combined a lot when they were younger, but haven't done anything together since she started 7th grade. I'm hoping it works to throw them in several subjects together. She's got two years left of the homeschooling thing, so I figure we should take advantage of them both being in high school.  It will put his science in an odd order, but I can't see that it really matters.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Language arts: Greek Literature and Composition course using Memoria Press study guides (D'Aulaire Greek Myths, Iliad and Odyssey and Euripides plays) + High School Composition I with MP as well. (DD13 is against outsourcing because "teachers make her anxious". But I'm just not confident in teaching her composition myself. Plus, she wants to go to college so we need to start working on this. Already registered so no looking back now 😂).
History: The book of the Ancient World, The book of Ancient Greeks and The Book of the Ancient Romans by MP.
Science: BJU Physical Science with labs
Math: Algebra I with Mr. D
French I: Might have to outsource this as well which my anxious DD13 will not be too happy about. I just can't find any resources I love for independent study... Aim academy?
Elective: Traditional Logic I by Memoria Press (Will do this as a full year course as suggested).
Continue with piano.
A lot of Memoria Press which is new to me. It just seems to fit well with my daughters interests. It just seems like so much work!
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8 hours ago, telluridemom said:
Elective: Traditional Logic I by Memoria Press (still considering this. I'm scared of overwhelming her. She's a dedicated student but takes longer time than average with work).

My son did this over a year (instead of a semester) for three days a week. Maybe that is an option? The slower pace helped it to not be as overwhelming as he had many other classes.

I am afraid we outsourced/will outsource ancient lit so I can't comment on that--if you are looking for an outsourced class, we had a great experience with House of Humane Letters (Medieval) this year.

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On 2/23/2021 at 5:58 PM, egao_gakari said:

Made some changes.

Late to the party, but DD is starting 9th and I'm excited. I think she is too 🙂 🙂 

Math: Saxon Alg 1

History/Great Books (TWTM style): She's eager to do Medievals, so we're skipping Ancients for now and maybe we'll circle back around to it in 12th. She'll do the WTMA Medieval History course with Mr. Caro, and I'll homebrew a great books study for her. I don't think homebrewing is going to work. Life is too complicated right now. After looking at other folks' posts here, we're going with Memoria Press guides. I'd love, love for her to do House of Humane Letters, but we don't have the funds at the moment. But I'm definitely keeping it in mind for 11th/12th.

Grammar/Composition/Rhetoric (sort-of TWTM 4th edition style): We'll use Sentence Composing for High School in fall semester, Grammar for High School in spring semester, and (maybe) Vocabulary From Classical Roots C throughout the year. Looks like the Memoria Press literature guides have vocabulary study, so I may drop VFCR. Also A Workbook For Arguments, possibly supplemented by Thank You For Arguing.  Keeping it simple.

Science: She's waitlisted for Dr. Bennett's Bio course at WTMA, which her brother adored. Really hoping she gets into that class. Really really hoping. But if she hasn't gotten into it by July, I'll put her in the Homeschool Connections one instead.

Foreign Language: Girl wants to learn Korean. Right now I'm thinking we'll just do LingoDeer and I'll figure out how to give her credit for that. Now she wants to learn French. Or Spanish. Or actually maybe Korean after all. She's all over the place on this one. If French or Spanish, we'll probably use The Great Courses Plus. I keep reminding her that I literally teach a foreign language as my job, but she doesn't want to do my language. 😤

Extras: Youth group (she's currently in 2 different ones), volleyball, and we're looking for a place for her to play tennis. I forgot I said that! Guess I'd better get on with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

English-- Writing class with a local private teacher and several classics that I will be teaching to a group of 9th graders

Math-- Teaching Textbooks Geometry-- works great for us

ASL 2 and Spanish 2

Choir and piano

History-- I haven't decided yet, but I will work it to fit with the literature that we will be reading.  


Science-- I need help!  I really like Guest Hollow Chemisty and it would seem to fit our homeschooling life.  But, my sweet husband says that she needs Physical Science because she has never had it.  She wants to do Speech Pathology, so I know she will need Biology and Anatomy at some point.  She is a bright kid, but as you can see above she has a heavy load.  Any thoughts about if we really need Physical science or a good Physical science curriculum?  

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9 hours ago, borninthesouth said:


Science-- I need help!  I really like Guest Hollow Chemisty and it would seem to fit our homeschooling life.  But, my sweet husband says that she needs Physical Science because she has never had it.  She wants to do Speech Pathology, so I know she will need Biology and Anatomy at some point.  She is a bright kid, but as you can see above she has a heavy load.  Any thoughts about if we really need Physical science or a good Physical science curriculum?  

Most physical science is a mix of physics and chemistry concepts. Do you plan to have her take physics? It looks like so far you will have Bio, Anatomy and possibly Chemistry.  If I knew my child would be taking Chemistry and Physics, I wouldn't bother with physical science, but of course that is a very personal decision.

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  • 1 month later...

So far:

Old Western Culture Early Moderns

Elements of Style (1st term); Writing a Research Paper (2nd and 3rd terms)

Life of Fred Algebra I (finish) and (begin) Algebra II, integrating with Geometry when ds is halfway through Algebra II

Integrated Science - 1 x week The Riot and the Dance Biology text (all year);  1 x week lab day (all year); 1st term: 3 x week Men, Microscopes and Living Things, then The Disappearing Spoon;  2nd term: 3 x week Wonders of Chemistry (with Sabbath Mood guide); 3rd term; 3 x week Conceptual Physics

Italian - I want to outsource this; maybe The Potter's School?

Geography - 1 book each term (London to Land's End, Undaunted Courage, The Royal Road to Romance)

Civics - 1 book each term (Are you Liberal, Conservative, Confused? Chesterfield Letters to His Son; various essays)

Maybe Logic, definitely PE    



Edited by TheSchoolintheHills
Changed my mind! ;)
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This is where we stand as of right now.

Algebra 1 - CLE's new book
Biology 1 - Oak Meadow + Quality Science Labs kit for Biology
English 1 - WWS 2, ...Classical Roots, CLE English 1 (grammar only, most likely spread over two years)
Latin 3 - MP Third Form Latin (the plan is four years of Latin in high school)
World Geography - Guest Hollow + The Great Courses
Fine or Practical Arts - Either drawing and/or starting her own internet business...still deciding on this one
P.E. - Biking the Katy Trail

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/3/2021 at 9:14 AM, egao_gakari said:
On 2/23/2021 at 5:58 PM, egao_gakari said:

Made some changes.

Late to the party, but DD is starting 9th and I'm excited. I think she is too 🙂 🙂 

Math: Saxon Alg 1

History/Great Books (TWTM style): She's eager to do Medievals, so we're skipping Ancients for now and maybe we'll circle back around to it in 12th. She'll do the WTMA Medieval History course with Mr. Caro, and I'll homebrew a great books study for her. I don't think homebrewing is going to work. Life is too complicated right now. After looking at other folks' posts here, we're going with Memoria Press guides. I'd love, love for her to do House of Humane Letters, but we don't have the funds at the moment. But I'm definitely keeping it in mind for 11th/12th.

Grammar/Composition/Rhetoric (sort-of TWTM 4th edition style): We'll use Sentence Composing for High School in fall semester, Grammar for High School in spring semester, and (maybe) Vocabulary From Classical Roots C throughout the year. Looks like the Memoria Press literature guides have vocabulary study, so I may drop VFCR. Also A Workbook For Arguments, possibly supplemented by Thank You For Arguing.  Keeping it simple.

Science: She's waitlisted for Dr. Bennett's Bio course at WTMA, which her brother adored. Really hoping she gets into that class. Really really hoping. But if she hasn't gotten into it by July, I'll put her in the Homeschool Connections one instead.

Foreign Language: Girl wants to learn Korean. Right now I'm thinking we'll just do LingoDeer and I'll figure out how to give her credit for that. Now she wants to learn French. Or Spanish. Or actually maybe Korean after all. She's all over the place on this one. If French or Spanish, we'll probably use The Great Courses Plus. I keep reminding her that I literally teach a foreign language as my job, but she doesn't want to do my language. 😤

Extras: Youth group (she's currently in 2 different ones), volleyball, and we're looking for a place for her to play tennis. I forgot I said that! Guess I'd better get on with it.

We are three weeks into the school year. Here's how it shook out in the end:

  • Saxon Alg 1 (5 days/week)
  • WTMA Medieval History (1 day/week + homework)
  • WTMA Bio + Lab with the new teacher, Mrs. Neace; seems like a good fit so far! (3 days/week)
  • Homeschool Connections French (1 day/week) - won't start till September but since we've started the other subjects already, I grabbed Getting Started With French and we're doing 1-2 lessons per day. Pronunciation isn't her strong suit so I want her to go into the course already familiar with some of the basics.
  • Writing: She's currently outlining Strunk & White and then she'll go on to Sentence Composing for High School (5 days/week)
  • Rhetoric: (2 days/week) I'm having her take very basic notes on the "Rules" of A Workbook for Arguments and then we do one Exercise Set per session. We won't get through the whole textbook but we'll get through the persuasive essay section - I don't think the chapters on public debate are important for her yet.
  • Literature: (3 days/week): Memoria Press study guides and gosh I love them so far!! This is why I love these threads. I would never have even heard of the MP guides, if I hadn't been in this thread - but it's exactly how I like to study literature, and DD seems to be enjoying it too. We're doing Poetry Prose & Drama Vol. 1, Beowulf, Sir Gawain, Canterbury Tales, and if we don't fall behind we'll do A Midsummer Night's Dream. (But I'm guessing we'll fall behind.)
  • Have to sign her up for youth group again, keep forgetting. Still haven't found her another activity. She's resistant about anything that will involve having to socialize.

So far this has been the smoothest year for me in terms of having planned the right amount of work and being realistic about the child's limits 🙂 

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