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January Well-Trained Bodies


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44 minutes ago, Alicia64 said:

Congratulations! I do something similar to you: I only play jazz when I'm supposed to be writing something. I think it's working.

Can you share where you bought your weights?


Amazon, lol.  Our only localish place is Dick’s Sporting Goods, and they didn’t have any adjustable sets in stock.  I’m pretty sure they’re going to be a pain, but I needed to take up as little room as possible.


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Maybe you encouraging people can help me with something - I am not athletic, and actually hate to exercise. I like walking and do not mind cold, but it does take a long time to do the length I like. 

My problem is that I feel overwhelmed when I start to try to "ease in" to anything. Do any of you have recommendations for an uncoordinated, middle-age mama looking to verrrrrry slowly start getting stronger? (I have 5 pound weights sitting in a closet. I could maybe start by increasing time for a plank? What are your best tips? tricks? I'm growing into the realization that even if I don't like the actual exercises, I need more than walking, and I do things all the time for reasons other than "liking" LOL.)

(I donated blood today, and as per usual, am counting that as today's exercise.)

Edited by Lucy the Valiant
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I didn't have time to post this morning, so first the wrap-up for yesterday's extra activity--day 19 of 30 days of yoga, theme word strength. This morning I did a walking video then tonight I finished off my 21 days of extra activity in '21 with day 20 of yoga, theme word pause--another one that was mostly breathing. I've finished my challenge, but while I'll probably try to finish off the 30 days of yoga and get to the ones I've skipped, I won't feel like I have to do extra activity every day.

@Lucy the ValiantMaybe try yoga for subtle strength training? I think all the planks and downward dogs are making me stronger, but they're interlaced with nice stretching and calm, so there's some reward for making it through the harder moves.

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I'm hoping to go for a ski this afternoon. It's a reward if I get all my work done. 😉 

@Lucy the Valiant If you like walking, try wearing heavy boots and carry poles or walking stick(s) while you are out on your walks. It's amazing how that extra weight can build more muscle without taking extra time out of your day. And you are already doing something you enjoy, which is a bonus! 😃

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Did the treadmill this morning. I feel like it is a much better cardio workout than anything else I do, but I also know that if I do only treadmill I'm ignoring too many muscles groups and I'm more likely to get injured. My feet pay the price--I think all the barefoot exercising and the stretching of the calves via downward dog has really helped them. Ideally I would do treadmill AND other exercises but I run out of time. Still, I would like more treadmill walking in my routine (and I can read books on the treadmill!)

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I got in a great little ski this afternoon. I'll call it a HIIT workout, as it was definitely high intensity on the uphill skate skiing along with easy intervals on the downhills. As you can imagine, the uphill parts take MUCH longer than the downhill parts. 😜 It was tough but fun to have some good pace after all the walking I did this week. 😉 

I'm now snacking on some Quebeqois pastry called "pet du soeur" which translates as 'nuns' fart.' I love that name. They are so delicious! 


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Did day 17 of 30 days of yoga, theme word explore. I had skipped it because it was longer, but I can do longer on Saturday mornings, and it was a good one for me.

Today is supposed to be nice and then we have a storm system coming in where Sun-Tues have a chance for snow, but probably only up above 1000'--the rest of us get "wintry mix" which is just cold rain with a flake or two. I would so love it if it could be a little colder than they think and we could get a real snow--haven't had real snow in a few years. We live at the bottom of a hill, so our street becomes a sled run for all the kids (and a few adults). But it will probably just be cold rain.

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Lovely photos @wintermom. That's cold! The coldest I've experienced here is -13 C.

Good run today in lovely sparkly weather, temps around freezing. The beach was gorgeous, and I  picked up speed a bit. Stretchy yoga this evening.  I might try working on Flying Pigeon. 

Scrambled egg and salad. Mushroom and chickpea soup. Roast chicken, sprouts and courgette. 

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Well, I did my level 6 for 30 minutes yesterday and woke up this morning with the first time I've ever had pain in my knee. If I bend my knee to put on jeans or shirts: OMG, OW!!

My husband has some arthritis gel that I put on my knee and I took two Ibuprofen.

I never had anything like this ever in my knees.

Wintermom -- your photos are so cool!

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Day 56/80, booty day, plus 10 minute abs.  Took a nice long walk with my son and the dogs.  Was going to ski today, but between the walk and moving some cows I think I've had my fill of cold for the day.  It's currently 15 F but it was 6 F this morning.  Will definitely get some skiing in tomorrow since it's my rest day from my workout program.  I've been slacking a bit on my yoga too so will get that in this evening and tomorrow.

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11 minutes ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

Long walk with a friend today - it was 21' F + wind! 

Chicken noodle soup, hot tea to warm the hands, and chocolate hummus on whole wheat pita for dessert. 

I LOVE chocolate hummus! My friends think I'm crazy, and I'm like, "Just try it."

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It's -18C / 0 F and brilliantly sunny this morning and I'm heading out for another ski. I over-dressed yesterday and was sweating within 10 minutes, so I'll have to alter my layers today. Happily I believe the high winds have gone down.

If I see any quirky things along the route I'll snap a photo to share with you all. That's half the fun of my skiing now. 😄 I'm bringing the 'beauty' of the cold to your computer screen so you don't have to freeze your fanny.

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I just thought I'd share with you the website of the sports school I worked at for 3 years in Norway. It has added some new 'lines' since I worked there, some of which I would have loved participating in. The X-linje is one of them. 😉  It was a really cool place to work and live. When I lived off-campus I skied to work while living in a 100-year old cabin. I have some great memories of those wild and crazy times.


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6 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I just thought I'd share with you the website of the sports school I worked at for 3 years in Norway. It has added some new 'lines' since I worked there, some of which I would have loved participating in. The X-linje is one of them. 😉  It was a really cool place to work and live. When I lived off-campus I skied to work while living in a 100-year old cabin. I have some great memories of those wild and crazy times.


That's interesting.  Were you teaching there?

Another sunny, crisp day. I spent a couple of hours pruning our apple trees. The previous owners did an overly harsh prune, and the trees have reacted by producing hundreds of unproductive shoots. I'm using loppers about two metres long to prune the shoot ends. Then next year I'll thin some out to reshape the trees. It's a good upper body workout. I hope to finish by the end of February,  doing a couple of hours a week.

Yoga later. Happy that my knee seems fine after yesterday's slightly faster run. This week the running intervals go up to seven minutes. 

Pumpkin porridge and Greek yoghurt.  Chicken sandwich and raw bell peppers plus a pear.  Supper might be chicken or maybe smoked mackerel. 

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Weekly check-in from me:

I spoke to my physical therapist this week about the fact that I feel like I am getting worse -- more sore, more stiff, etc. -- rather than better. She "took it easy on me" during my two sessions this week and suggested that I "do less" at home, too. 

I do not like that answer. I want to figure out how to get better. It's frustrating.

In terms of my assorted goals . . .

  • Run Across America Winter Warmup - Logged 24.7K this week for a current total of about 89K towards my goal of 106K this month. This puts me in good shape to finish the overall challenge of 250 by mid-March.
  • Year of the Ox - Counting all of my walking for Saturday and Sunday towards this challenge is helping me get closer to keeping up. I logged about 28 miles for this week, giving me a total of a little over 65 of the 202.1 miles for the challenge. I still need to step it up a bit if I'm going to complete the challenge by the end of February.
  • YesFit Great American Adventure - Logged another 41 miles this week for a total of 149.7. Currently making my way through Levittown, PA.
  • Daily PT Exercise - Check.
  • M/W/F Cardio -I did 20+ minutes on Wednesday and Saturday and counted my PT appointment on Monday as checking this box.
  • T/Th Arm Work - Check.
  • Food/Weight - Maintained the two-pound loss from a couple of weeks ago, but haven't made any more progress in the weight department. We had a discussion about what kinds of vegetables we might try to add into the rotation, but couldn't come up with anything both of us like or are willing to try. So, the focus continues to be on making sure we are eating a decent volume of the veggies we do like and for me, personally, on incorporating at least two or three fruits/veggies per meal. I'm also experimenting with drinking more water. I keep a large water bottle nearby at all times and am trying to form the habit of drinking a good glug of water before starting to eat every day.
Edited by Jenny in Florida
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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

That's interesting.  Were you teaching there?

Yes, I was a full-time teacher in the (then) Aquatics line; but also taught outdoor education, skating, first aid/CPR and various coaching courses. I even taught in Norwegian language. I've lost a lot of my vocabulary, but still understand a great deal. 

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My ski was beautiful. It was still very windy on the river, so I stayed in the woods for the most part. I crossed this little bridge and saw some ski tracks frozen into what must have been slush at one point. My initial thought was, "Who'd be crazy enough to ski through that slush?" 😜 But then I realized that the slush would be completely solid now, so I had to try it out! It was cool following in the frozen tracks in solid ice. 😃




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2 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@wintermom Thanks for the pics. DD definitely appreciates it very much. She thinks it looks like Elsa's frozen kingdom. 

Yes, that's the part of the movie, Frozen, I liked. It looked like home. We don't have reindeer, though, just moose and caribou. They don't pull sleighs, but our horses do.

Here's a close up of the 'birdwatching' snowman. Maybe he's a cousin of Olaf?  

Actually, this guy's features reminded me a bit of the lunches @Soror describes. 😂  There are purple cabbage leaves for his ears, carrot nose, pears for eyes, and some other stuff I couldn't idenfify.



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9 hours ago, wintermom said:

Hope you enjoyed it!  I had a Norwegian colleague once who said, "Every day you can ski is a great day." He was slightly more fanatical about skiing than I am. 😉 

I did enjoy it! It was cold but invigorating, I ended up doing three laps around the field.

Today was my rest day, I did day 12 of Yoga with Adriene and took a nice walk with my husband, son, and the dogs.  Will probably do a bit more yoga or stretching before bed.

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Hiked today, too! 

And the VERY BEST NEWS of all is that we are foster-adopting a new DOG this week! My lonely walking days are nearing an end. ❤️ I have been so very much missing my faithful dog Thor who walked with me for 11 years. We are starting a new chapter, and I am filled with hope.

I also am going to continue the Intermittent Fasting mini-challenge b/c I thought it was successful! I had to make the window larger so I eat breakfast as soon as I'm awake, but the IF-after-6-pm is a good way to trim off those "extra" little 100-calorie snacks that were muddling up my progress.


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9 hours ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

Hiked today, too! 

And the VERY BEST NEWS of all is that we are foster-adopting a new DOG this week! My lonely walking days are nearing an end. ❤️ I have been so very much missing my faithful dog Thor who walked with me for 11 years. We are starting a new chapter, and I am filled with hope.

I also am going to continue the Intermittent Fasting mini-challenge b/c I thought it was successful! I had to make the window larger so I eat breakfast as soon as I'm awake, but the IF-after-6-pm is a good way to trim off those "extra" little 100-calorie snacks that were muddling up my progress.


Hope everything works out with your new dog! It's so nice to have a walking buddy. I miss my dog walking as he's currently recovering from a 'poodle repeated jumping' tendon issue. Self-inflicted, the silly boy. Apparently the springs in their legs do wear out over time. 😄

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Busy day today work/school-wise. I'm going to try and get out for a skate this morning with ds. I checked out the local outdoor ice on my walk last night and it's looking excellent. Cold weather is good for ice. 😉

I have a new favourite recovery beverage when doing outdoor activities: Ribena. It's made in the UK and a concentrated black current syrup you dilute with water. It's lovely to drink while skiing or snowshoeing in the cold. Good with warm water, too. They use similar drink mixes in Norway for outdoor activities. 

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8 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Busy day today work/school-wise. I'm going to try and get out for a skate this morning with ds. I checked out the local outdoor ice on my walk last night and it's looking excellent. Cold weather is good for ice. 😉

I have a new favourite recovery beverage when doing outdoor activities: Ribena. It's made in the UK and a concentrated black current syrup you dilute with water. It's lovely to drink while skiing or snowshoeing in the cold. Good with warm water, too. They use similar drink mixes in Norway for outdoor activities. 

Ribena has an interesting history, too. It was essentially the only source of Vitamin C during WWII.


The tides are difficult today, so I'm working through lunch, then leaving early to run on the beach at dusk.  Probably no time for yoga, but that's okay.  Up to 7 minute runs this week.

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59 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Ribena has an interesting history, too. It was essentially the only source of Vitamin C during WWII.


The tides are difficult today, so I'm working through lunch, then leaving early to run on the beach at dusk.  Probably no time for yoga, but that's okay.  Up to 7 minute runs this week.

That's really interesting. Thanks for the link. I like the drink for the sugar content. It's a refreshing jolt of 'feel good' while exercising hard. 😉 

Enjoy your run!

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12 minutes ago, wintermom said:

That's really interesting. Thanks for the link. I like the drink for the sugar content. It's a refreshing jolt of 'feel good' while exercising hard. 😉 

Enjoy your run!

Thanks!  I was born in 1963, and it was close enough to the war that Ribena was still considered the essence of health.  Bristol is my home town.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks!  I was born in 1963, and it was close enough to the war that Ribena was still considered the essence of health.  Bristol is my home town.

That's really cool. I thought you were Scottish born and bred, but you're actually a Bristolian. So the next question is, of course, how would you describe your accent? 😉

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4 minutes ago, wintermom said:

That's really cool. I thought you were Scottish born and bred, but you're actually a Bristolian. So the next question is, of course, how would you describe your accent? 😉

My parents aren't from Bristol: respectively Devon via Uganda, and Kent.  My mother was RADA trained, came from a low-level colonial family, and has a traditional RP accent.  My dad was a chameleon son of a first-generation college graduate, so he was RP too.  When I was growing up, I was RP too, with the common soft 'R' that you get in southern England. 

Then I moved overseas and met my husband.  After twenty years of expat life and thirty years with a Texan, my accent is somewhat unknowable.  People here often guess Canadian, which probably means 'a bit North American but not very'.

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15 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

My parents aren't from Bristol: respectively Devon via Uganda, and Kent.  My mother was RADA trained, came from a low-level colonial family, and has a traditional RP accent.  My dad was a chameleon son of a first-generation college graduate, so he was RP too.  When I was growing up, I was RP too, with the common soft 'R' that you get in southern England. 

Then I moved overseas and met my husband.  After twenty years of expat life and thirty years with a Texan, my accent is somewhat unknowable.  People here often guess Canadian, which probably means 'a bit North American but not very'.

So you'd sound a lot like me! I can stop imagining the Scottish accent when I read your posts. Somewhat disappointing, but you are still a nice person. 😂  Scottish accents are VERY popular here (Canada). I think we can thank Mike Meyers for that.


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I'll catch up reading later, but just a quick check in . I did absolutely nothing yesterday (well, did a lot of math, but just sitting on the sofa). Did treadmill today and already have exercise ring closed. No snow here at all, not even much rain and temp yesterday hit 40°. Weatherman says no chance of snow but phone still shows a snowflake Tuesday, probably overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, if anything.

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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

So you'd sound a lot like me! I can stop imagining the Scottish accent when I read your posts. Somewhat disappointing, but you are still a nice person. 😂  Scottish accents are VERY popular here (Canada). I think we can thank Mike Meyers for that.


I think if you heard me you would think I had a light English accent. It's only Brits who think I sound  N. American. 

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I went for a solo walk in the woods I walk and ski in every week. I got lost! I started following a snowshoe trail, saw 4 deer, meandered around until I found a main trail again. I knew exactly where I was then, but it was no where near where I thought I was. Silly me! I ended up having to run to the trailhead with my big boots as I had a meeting to get to. More fun adventures. 😄

Before I got lost, I was snowing big, fat snowflakes just like in Charlie Brown Christmas show, and I was catching them in my mouth. It was a truly 'mindful' moment, and you feel just like a kid again. 😉 

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Did my bodyweight circuit x2 and then day 20 of 30 days of yoga, theme word control. And it challenged me--quick changes from plank to stomach to cobra to plank to downward dog, etc. Today is our chance for a little snow (phone shows snowflakes this afternoon), but it will be 36° so it won't stick. But a pretty picture out the window would be nice.

@Sororhope things are okay with you--don't think I've seen you here the past few days.

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Running was good yesterday but I was pretty tired this morning. We managed to find a not-too-icy route for a lunchtime dog walk today.

I managed to pull a muscle trying to do Flying Pigeon.  I think I  was not leaning into it enough, so was trying to use strength rather than balance. Next time I'll put a cushion down to give me more security to lean forward.  Hands free yoga this evening to keep the weight off my arm. The pulled muscle seems to hurt between my chest and armpit. It's not bad though - just a bit of rest needed.


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A close to the end-of-the-month check-in here.

I am pretty consistently focusing on fixing my DR and arm strength. I also have more baby weight to lose than I'd like. My priority to work on that is choosing healthy foods and paying attention to portion sizes. 

Overall, I am exercising 4 days a week consistently, sometimes 5. That's down from 6 prebaby #5, but someday I'll get back there. The downside is that exercising used to be my me time. Now, I generally have all 5 kids "exercising" with me. I wouldn't mind so much, except that during this pandemic that was really all my me time. 

So somehow I've got to find a way to find me time in my already full days.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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We did get snow! The most we've had in 4 years--about 3". It started about noon, not sticking, then the flakes were so big they started to stick even though we were at 34°. It was pretty slow snow for sledding, but dd and I took a walk with Molly after school. Just a nice little break from pandemic life.



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Pretty pictures, @Ali in OR.  We were due to have snow tomorrow, but it's looking like rain now.

Woke up much too early, so will attempt to have a nap.  I'm hoping to slide away to the beach at 4pm to run, then my English module starts this evening.  Probably no yoga today.

Eating has been a bit excessive recently: my usual problem - good stuff, just too much of it.

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13 hours ago, barnwife said:

A close to the end-of-the-month check-in here.

I am pretty consistently focusing on fixing my DR and arm strength. I also have more baby weight to lose than I'd like. My priority to work on that is choosing healthy foods and paying attention to portion sizes. 

Overall, I am exercising 4 days a week consistently, sometimes 5. That's down from 6 prebaby #5, but someday I'll get back there. The downside is that exercising used to be my me time. Now, I generally have all 5 kids "exercising" with me. I wouldn't mind so much, except that during this pandemic that was really all my me time. 

So somehow I've got to find a way to find me time in my already full days.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sounds like you are doing amazing! I remember those days of minimal 'me time.' Now I have to beg the dc to come outside and 'play' with me. They are very resistant.  Life seasons certainly change.  Hope you find a way to recharge your batteries. It's even harder during this pandemic. Sending lots of hugs and virtual energy. 😃

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12 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

We did get snow! The most we've had in 4 years--about 3". It started about noon, not sticking, then the flakes were so big they started to stick even though we were at 34°. It was pretty slow snow for sledding, but dd and I took a walk with Molly after school. Just a nice little break from pandemic life.

Gorgeous photos!! I love it when the snow sticks to everything. The sounds are also really cool, as the snow acts as a soundboard and there is an enormous sense of stillness. I've only felt that in a sound/recording studio, with soundboards on every wall and ceiling. 

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My ds has arranged a tobogganing playdate with a friend, so I'm going to ski or snowshoe in the park with the hill. We got a ton of fresh powder last night. It's not wet enough to stick on the trees, but it is lovely on the ground. 😉

@Laura Corin Hope you get snow rather than rain. My eating is a little out of control in the evenings, too. Just the usual need for salt then sweet then salt again. 🤪

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It's the bread-eating that's getting me. Winter just feels like a time for bread. Made some lovely peanut butter chocolate chip muffins yesterday after our snow walk, then I started a no-knead wheat dough last night to bake up later today.

Did a cardio core flow workout today and I'll try to fit in some yoga later.

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29 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

It's the bread-eating that's getting me. Winter just feels like a time for bread. Made some lovely peanut butter chocolate chip muffins yesterday after our snow walk, then I started a no-knead wheat dough last night to bake up later today.

Did a cardio core flow workout today and I'll try to fit in some yoga later.

Oh the bread gets me too, winter is the time for ALL the baking.  Yesterday I made Buttermilk oatmeal bread and oatmeal chocolate chip muffins.

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