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January Well-Trained Bodies


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2 minutes ago, Alicia64 said:

My teens won't do much w/ me either.


Yes, once they hit the teen years they don't want to hang out with mom anymore. 😉  That's ok, I don't mind going on my own or with my friends. I know that I did my best laying the foundation of physical activity. 

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yesterday finished- short yoga and short kickboxing + short walk

Today- strength- BLAT- butt, legs, arms, and tummy

I'm testdriving a workout plan on Les Mills it is 30 min or so 5 days a week. There are some workouts I've not tried before so we'll see, I might end up substituting them.

Did not make lunch, want to make thai coconut veggie soup w/. tofu today for the rest of the week.

b: pumpkin muffins

l: omlette -veg&feta w homemade bread

d; tomato soup w/ fish

s: fruit; pate w gf crackers; nuts

Edited by Soror
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17 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Sigh. Such good advice. I wish I could take it.

I have been enjoying my exercise, but I am getting bored and frustrated at the lack of variety, some of which is caused by my own physical and health limitations and some of which is caused by pandemic caution.

I eat fairly healthfully. I could certainly incorporate a wider variety of veggies into my diet, but I'm already vegan by choice and gluten free for health reasons, so, I do the best I can.

I don't drink any alcohol, never have.

Unfortunately, if I "don't worry about weight," I balloon.

Perhaps I should rephrase that as 'focus on other things besides what the scale number says.' Maybe look at why you balloon if you don't look at the scale. What do you think is the cause for the increase. 

I'm looking at the list of physical activities you do and I'm not exactly sure whether you are running, walking, or using an exercise machine to log your miles. Forgive me if you've already mentioned this. Do you vary your intensity/speed during any of these sessions.  One thing you can do for variety and hold off boredom is 'farlek' or speed play. It's like interval training but not as rigid. You decide how far you are going to 'go fast' and then you you go slow again until the next marker to 'go fast.' Out on the road, I'd use lamp posts or trees as a marker for my fast movement. 

Do you have to do all your physical activity indoors? Can you get outside and walk? This is nice for variety. Pick different surfaces to walk on (sand if you are near a beach), different hill grades, different sights to see and sounds to listen to. 

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re: Frustration with weight loss- maybe you will find this different perspective helpful-


Fitness goals for women that have nothing to do with fat loss.

BLAT workout and Short Yoga- Done

Workout intensity was good, as I've been keeping it pretty easy I was nervous but it was just right. It was bodyweight only but worked my muscles well and got my HR up enough.

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On 1/16/2021 at 10:05 PM, Jenny in Florida said:

In general, I had a decent week, although those two pounds I lost last week found me again. I'm starting to feel really down and helpless about the weight thing. I honestly wouldn't care if progress (regress?) were slow, as long as I could feel like I was making any kind of headway. But to be doing everything I can think of and still see the scale just bounce up every few days is demoralizing.

When I get irritated because the scale is going in the wrong direction, I tend to focus on the scale for about three unproductive weeks crossing my fingers every time I step on it that the number will be better.

When crossing my fingers doesn't work, I then start looking at my habits. The one habit I really struggle with is having treats at night after dinner. I'll have eaten healthy all day only to wreck everything by eating too much sugar, fat etc. at night. And that's the reason my scale isn't doing well.

So, the latest study out of England says it takes 66 days to really embed a habit.  So today I'm on Day 6 of not eating evening desserts. I'm determined to get to 66 days. I keep a log and everything of my day 5, day 6 etc. (I even plan to do this system when we're on vacation in Feb.)

Also, I replaced the bad habit of evening sugar with going upstairs to a great book and an electric blanket. (This really works.)

In other words, instead of focusing on the scale -- which I tend to do -- I move my focus to the habit that is the least helpful in my life.

I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but the book by Charles Duhigg called The Power of Habit is just awesome. I'm listening to it again on audio from my library, but the book is slim and great to read too!

As Churchill said, "Never, never, never quit!" 🚀



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I have the day off of school for MLK day. Yay! Did one of my longer cardio workouts since I have time, and will still do extra activity later today. I have to say that yesterday's extra activity was kind of a waste. Day 16 of 30 days of yoga theme word discipline just focused on breathing. Like breathe in for 6 seconds, breathe out for 7. And this is where it becomes obvious that I lack the true yogi's mindset--I want stretches, I don't care about breathing!

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

re: Frustration with weight loss- maybe you will find this different perspective helpful-


Fitness goals for women that have nothing to do with fat loss.

Yes! In fact, measuring fat loss is hopelessly inaccurate with a bathroom scale, so why torture oneself? If you really want to measure body fat accurately, then use an instrument that will do this, (and it's not located in your house). Most of us won't bother because it's too tough to access, too expensive and really not worth it for a one-time measurement. You need to do it repeated times over weeks, months, years to see any meaningful trends.

Refocus on what you CAN measure with more accuracy, such as girth measurements, time spent exercising, heart rate, etc. Food-wise, measure quantities, weights, timing of when you eat. 

I measure in happiness. I love the activities I do. I love the feel of breathing heavy, or improving and not breathing as heavy the next time I do the activity. I love feeling some muscle on my arms and legs. I don't care how much there is, I just like to know that it's there. I love being outside in any weather because it all makes me feel alive. Sun, wind, snow, rain, it's all part of living. 

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Haven't checked in in a while. My recovery from the trimalloeolar fracture is complete as it is going to get.  I am running again - I'm up to 35 minutes - so about a 5K and a smidge and I increase my time according to a schedule my PT gave me.  I don't want to run a marathon  but I plan to increase my mileage until I get this metal out of my leg and do PT again and keep going.  I am  not losing any weight that I can see and that is frustrating.  I intermittent fast twice or three times a week.  I think I'm destined to be cardio healthy but a little heavier than I would like....

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Day 51/80: Arms, abs, and a**. Yesterday was my rest day from 80 day obsession, but I did get some yoga in.  Other than that it was a really lazy day.

3 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

I have the day off of school for MLK day. Yay! Did one of my longer cardio workouts since I have time, and will still do extra activity later today. I have to say that yesterday's extra activity was kind of a waste. Day 16 of 30 days of yoga theme word discipline just focused on breathing. Like breathe in for 6 seconds, breathe out for 7. And this is where it becomes obvious that I lack the true yogi's mindset--I want stretches, I don't care about breathing!

Same here! I've only completed the first 7 days, but a couple of times I've been like, can we just move past the excessive deep breathing and start stretching please?! I'm definitely not cut out to be a yogi :biggrin:

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Ran today and on Saturday.  It wasn't hard - running very slowly - and I enjoyed it. The new running action - on the balls of my feet - is starting to feel natural. It remains to be seen how my knee holds up. I'm reminded of that episode of House when he has a miracle treatment and can run again. And then it fails.

Completely rubbish yoga session.  My legs must just have been tired  I managed Half Moon okay but fell out of all the other balances.

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@wintermom - I *LOVE the idea of measuring in happiness! Oh, wow! I'm going to think on that and apply it to a few different areas of my health / weight loss / fitness journey. 

My mini-challenge this week is to experiment with intermittent fasting - this is not something I have done before, so if I mess it up, it's okay. I'm using it as a tool to help cut out evening noshing - the unplanned treats / snacks / boredom eating are tripping me up! So I would like to aim for eating only between 9am - 6pm. If I'm hungry in the morning, I'm giving myself permission to eat sooner, but going to really strive for that 6pm deadline. (Is that right? We normally eat family dinner 5pm-ish.) I will aim to do this Monday-Saturday.

I'm also trying to walk a little better - the darkness of winter messes up my natural rhythm of school-during-the-day, walk-in-the-afternoon, but I think we are through the worst of it, and I was SO ENCOURAGED to see daylight just before 7am this morning! Wooo-hooo! So I'll continue walking mid-day for most of the steps, and squeezing in those last few with my lights on just at dusk / dark. 


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The sun is shining and it's a balmy 32 degrees F, so I've spent lots of time out enjoying the sun this afternoon.  I cross-country skied for awhile and then took the dogs for a nice long walk

6 hours ago, wintermom said:

I love being outside in any weather because it all makes me feel alive. Sun, wind, snow, rain, it's all part of living. 

Yes, exactly!

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8 hours ago, wintermom said:

Perhaps I should rephrase that as 'focus on other things besides what the scale number says.' Maybe look at why you balloon if you don't look at the scale. What do you think is the cause for the increase. 

I'm looking at the list of physical activities you do and I'm not exactly sure whether you are running, walking, or using an exercise machine to log your miles. Forgive me if you've already mentioned this. Do you vary your intensity/speed during any of these sessions.  One thing you can do for variety and hold off boredom is 'farlek' or speed play. It's like interval training but not as rigid. You decide how far you are going to 'go fast' and then you you go slow again until the next marker to 'go fast.' Out on the road, I'd use lamp posts or trees as a marker for my fast movement. 

Do you have to do all your physical activity indoors? Can you get outside and walk? This is nice for variety. Pick different surfaces to walk on (sand if you are near a beach), different hill grades, different sights to see and sounds to listen to. 

I walk 6-7 miles per day, mostly outdoors. I cannot run, because my knees won't support it. I have peripheral neuropathy that causes numbness in my feet and lower legs as well as occasional issues with balance/vertigo/general clumsiness that have resulted in me taking several falls in the last few years while out walking. In addition to cuts and bruises of assorted severities, I've had stitches in my forehead, a broken arm and a smack to the back of my head that knocked me out briefly and sent me to the ER. So, while I still walk outside, I have to be careful about it. And inclines or uneven surfaces are problematic. 

I live in the middle of suburbia, literally in the middle of a completely non-descript housing development. When I can do so, I try to make time to drive myself somewhere more interesting to walk. However, given my work schedule, the only real opportunities to do that are on weekends, and not even always then. (Also, see notes above about my tendency to fall down and injure myself. The day I broke my arm, I was away from the neighborhood walking the dog by myself on an urban trail and had to accept the assistance of strangers to call my husband and an ambulance. Needless to say, my family gets pretty nervous when I start talking about venturing too far afield again.)

I participate in various virtual walks and challenges (charity 5Ks, etc.) to try to give the walking in circles a purpose.

I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks while I'm out doing said walking in circles.

During the worst of the broken arm/vertigo issues, when I wasn't allowed to go outside to walk by myself at all, I bought a stationary bike. I was using it daily until the knee pain became unmanageable. I've since been diagnosed with arthritis and told to back way off on the bike until we determine how much I can do safely.

Other than that, I have some basic exercise equipment (light weights, yoga mat and blocks, mini-trampoline that I haven't yet been cleared to resume using). I do a set of daily exercises recommended by my physical therapist to strengthen my arm and legs and do some low-impact cardio with YouTube videos about three times a week.

As for why I balloon when I'm not paying attention, I'm pretty sure it's for the simplest reason: I eat too much and/or eat less than healthfully when I don't have the accountability of watching the scale. I have a history with this going all the way back (which, for me, is a good five decades) to my childhood. I've been working hard for the last 10 years or more to develop better habits. It's a work in progress.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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My hike in the woods with a friend was great. We had beautiful crisp temps, nice snow and a visit from a porcupine. I tried to take a photo, but even though he waddled pretty slowly it was still fast enough to get away. He's the blackish blob in the middle left - the thing that's clearly not a tree. 😉



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My extra activity today was a walk with dh, wheelchair kid, and the lab. We had gorgeous sun which we don't see all that often in winter, so we took advantage of the holiday to get out of the house. We walked through this covered bridge, along with the 100 or so other people who were out and about on this sunny day.



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Today is a rest day but I think I'll do yoga and some walking.

b: homemade granola, yogurt, and blueberries

l: thai coconut curry soup w./ vegetables(cabbage, carrots, onions, ?) and tofu

d: beef curry w/ rice- sweet pot and green beans

s: pate and gf crackers; fruit, some 'healthy' treat- TBD

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I meant to check in yesterday, but things got away from me.

I didn’t actually meet my tiny little goals for the week, but I did make progress towards them. More exercise than the months before, and better eating than the months before. It counts, even if I didn’t check all the boxes!

I did lose about a pound. I’m not a fan of living by the scale, but it was nice to see a little affirmation.  I have some highly motivated days and some #%& it days, and I think that may help me through the latter.

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Did my bodyweight circuit x2 and wakeup yoga this morning. Weight is about the same as last week. Another gorgeous day here, but I'll be working at my desk and viewing it through the window. Maybe another walk today--wish I could take both the lab and the wheelchair kid but either one is max load. And the neighborhood is too hilly for easy wheelchair strolls, so usually the lab wins.

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7 hours ago, Soror said:

Today is a rest day but I think I'll do yoga and some walking.

b: homemade granola, yogurt, and blueberries

l: thai coconut curry soup w./ vegetables(cabbage, carrots, onions, ?) and tofu

d: beef curry w/ rice- sweet pot and green beans

s: pate and gf crackers; fruit, some 'healthy' treat- TBD

You bring up a great point. I've noticed when I take a day off, I do better the next day.

Can you share how you deal with rest days?



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We're getting more snow now and the temps are dropping. All good news for skiing and skating!

Dd and I just got back from a walk around the neighbourhood to check out our new community of snow people and animals. There's a great variety of sizes. I'll have to take photos next time. 😃

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A quiet day. I walked the dog and did a shortish yoga. The walking surface wasn't icy, so that was great. Luckily the roads around here are pretty quiet,  so I can walk down the middle when I  need to avoid other walkers on the pavement. 

Tomorrow I hope to run.

Muesli plus yoghurt.  Lentils, celeriac, egg, pear.  Haddock in spicy tomato sauce, plus courgette and broccoli.

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Kickboxing today (I think)

Got in a nice hike/exploration w/ dd1 yesterday. Hope to walk with the girls again today.

b: granola, yogurt, blueberries

l: thai coconut curry w tofu soup

d: fish and some sort of veggies

s: liver pate w/ gf crackers; fruit; nuts

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Planning on a training run at lunchtime.  It will be pretty misty on the beach.  Yoga later - probably stretchy and low-key.

Hope the run goes really well again! I found running on my toes the saviour of my knees. Nordic skiing is even better as there's lower impact. It's so nice to mix in some higher intensity work-outs and see the 'old body' handling it well. 😉 

I'm admiring your photo of the sunset and wondering why we don't get the violet colours much in the winter here. I wonder if the sea air adds that secret ingredient? 

Edited by wintermom
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I'm meeting a friend for a walk. I'll get in a ski at some point today as well. I was so tempted to go for a quick ski last night, but I'm glad I let my legs rest with just walking. I was also remembering that a friend mentioned there are coyotes lurking around the trails I ski on. 😨 


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31 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Hope the run goes really well again! I found running on my toes the saviour of my knees. Nordic skiing is even better as there's lower impact. It's so nice to mix in some higher intensity work-outs and see the 'old body' handling it well. 😉 

I'm admiring your photo of the sunset and wondering why we don't get the violet colours much in the winter here. I wonder if the sea air adds that secret ingredient? 

I'm really enjoying the running.   It was a bit wet on the beach, but there wasn't much wind.   I have my fingers very much crossed - it could be a few weeks before my knee objects.  It's fun that I'm finding that - aerobically and in terms of muscle strength - the slow running is very easy.  This week it's three sessions of five minutes each, with a walk between (shorter each time).  I'm having to persuade myself not to do more/go faster.  I also have less jiggle than last time I ran - not because of change in weight so much as due to better musculature, I think.

Violet skies: I can't remember - are we further north than you at 56 degrees north?  We do get really good sunrises and sunsets: maybe the sea, but if we are further north, then more density of atmosphere to scatter the light, maybe?

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23 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Ali in OR That is some gorgeous winter sunshine! I can see why so many people had to get outside and enjoy it. Beautiful covered bridge, too. It looks in fabulous shape for all the rain you get. Is it newly renovated?  I LOVE covered bridges and there aren't many around where I've lived. 

Dh said they'd been restoring it recently. I could tell some of the floorboards were new. Not sure about the outside. I don't get out there often enough.

Yesterday's extra activity was a dog walk to take advantage of another sunny day. This morning I did day 18 of 30 days of yoga theme word center. This was so I could exercise in front of the tv watching early inauguration coverage. It's on pretty early on the west coast--I think coverage started at 5:00am and I was not up quite that early! Would love another walk today but I do need to go into school this afternoon and then get groceries.

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm really enjoying the running.   It was a bit wet on the beach, but there wasn't much wind.   I have my fingers very much crossed - it could be a few weeks before my knee objects.  It's fun that I'm finding that - aerobically and in terms of muscle strength - the slow running is very easy.  This week it's three sessions of five minutes each, with a walk between (shorter each time).  I'm having to persuade myself not to do more/go faster.  I also have less jiggle than last time I ran - not because of change in weight so much as due to better musculature, I think.

Violet skies: I can't remember - are we further north than you at 56 degrees north?  We do get really good sunrises and sunsets: maybe the sea, but if we are further north, then more density of atmosphere to scatter the light, maybe?

My latitude now is only 45 degrees. We get the violet colours other times of the year when the humidity is high, but I haven't seen any where I live in the winter. A friend sent a recent photo of a sunset near Lake Ontario (the size of a fresh-water sea), and it had the beautiful violet. That's what made me think that the water/humidity made a difference.

I love the strategy of 5 or 10 min running with walking intervals. So much easier on the joints. I trained and then ran my first marathon using these intervals. 

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4 hours ago, Soror said:

Body Combat(kickboxing)- 35 min done

I did a small amount of running yesterday too. Very small, but it's something.

Great job with the running!! That's awesome you are feeling strong enough to try it out. Super job with the kickboxing as well. Your legs may protest. A nice warm bath might make them feel happier. 😉

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I'm still on my indoor recumbent. Today I had no oomph or what my Gram called "get up and go" -- anyway, I had none.

I told myself, just need do a minimum of Level 6 for 26 mins. The tummy and arms. And I did it!

My goal is to establish a strong habit.

Whoever said "health is hard" on here should stand up and take a bow!!


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Long winter walk today: invigorating! I take podcasts, and just love the fresh air. 

Both yesterday and today, I was really struggling when I woke up, feeling almost sick to my stomach due to low blood sugar, so I ate a healthy breakfast well before 9am. Have had good success sticking to the evening intermittent fasting window, so - I'm chalking up the morning problem to either (a) idiopathic sensitivity to blood sugar fluctuations (this runs in my family) or (b) maybe aiming for too broad of a window too soon. I'll still consider the mini-challenge successful if I can observe the fast after dinner. {The power of words amazes me yet again: When I was trying to "not have a treat" after dinner, it felt restrictive and deprivational. When I am pro-actively "intermittent fasting" after dinner, I feel FREE to NOT have the food, and like I'm actually doing something positive! Words. Huh.}

Interested to continue the experiment.

Also hoping to find an indoor swimming place that will let me buy a day pass or two, just for Jan / Feb. A local hotel told me they may open things up mid-January or so, so I will call them tomorrow. I want to LIKE exercise; I've made some progress here, but lots of work still to do.

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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

Great job with the running!! That's awesome you are feeling strong enough to try it out. Super job with the kickboxing as well. Your legs may protest. A nice warm bath might make them feel happier. 😉

LOL. I did say a short run. I mean very, very short. I am expecting some soreness there were so many lunges, squats, and kicks I'll be feeling it.


I'm feeling annoyed with my appetite. It was up last week but it always is at ovulation. It persisted a bit longer than usual but then this weekend it wasn't bad so I thought I was back to normal but I'm fighting it again this week. I'm guessing it is the increase in meds? I'm going to be packing on the pounds if I don't get a handle on this. I can't stop snacking, even when I don't feel physically hungry. I'm going to work on more of the habits of "How Not to Diet" and try to break out of this. Tomorrow is a new day. 

Planning ahead so I can hopefully start the day in the right frame of mind: With as much snacking as I've been doing the last few days I'll be thrilled to keep to what I've planned.

Tomorrow is - Body Attack- Calisthenics- running, jumping, squats, pushups etc


b: eggs w/ homemade bread; berries; tea

s: carrots w/ cheese stick

l: thai coconut curry veggie soup w/ tofu and rice; easy baked apple w/ nuts and cinnamon

s: pineapple and cottage cheese

d: baked fish w/ root veggie 'fries' and salad OR leftover beef curry depending on mood and energy

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

Hey ladies. If anyone is having a rough day, here's a little tip from a celtic rock group from Newfoundland. So great - "It's just an ordinary day." Hope you enjoy it.



My favorite from Great Big Sea is their collaboration with Dean Brody (I'm more of a country fan) is "It's Friday." Couple of days too early for that though ;) 

I got a short walk in with the dogs and then some cross-country skiing.  My daughter and I are cooking Chicken fried steaks and mashed potatoes because it's my son's 14th birthday, and then I'll still try to squeeze in yoga before bed.  Have to get up early to work cows tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

Long winter walk today: invigorating! I take podcasts, and just love the fresh air. 

Both yesterday and today, I was really struggling when I woke up, feeling almost sick to my stomach due to low blood sugar, so I ate a healthy breakfast well before 9am. Have had good success sticking to the evening intermittent fasting window, so - I'm chalking up the morning problem to either (a) idiopathic sensitivity to blood sugar fluctuations (this runs in my family) or (b) maybe aiming for too broad of a window too soon. I'll still consider the mini-challenge successful if I can observe the fast after dinner. {The power of words amazes me yet again: When I was trying to "not have a treat" after dinner, it felt restrictive and deprivational. When I am pro-actively "intermittent fasting" after dinner, I feel FREE to NOT have the food, and like I'm actually doing something positive! Words. Huh.}

Interested to continue the experiment.

Also hoping to find an indoor swimming place that will let me buy a day pass or two, just for Jan / Feb. A local hotel told me they may open things up mid-January or so, so I will call them tomorrow. I want to LIKE exercise; I've made some progress here, but lots of work still to do.

Our mindset does really change things, it is hard to do though, I'm glad you found a way to frame things in a way that is helpful.

11 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm really enjoying the running.   It was a bit wet on the beach, but there wasn't much wind.   I have my fingers very much crossed - it could be a few weeks before my knee objects.  It's fun that I'm finding that - aerobically and in terms of muscle strength - the slow running is very easy.  This week it's three sessions of five minutes each, with a walk between (shorter each time).  I'm having to persuade myself not to do more/go faster.  I also have less jiggle than last time I ran - not because of change in weight so much as due to better musculature, I think.

Violet skies: I can't remember - are we further north than you at 56 degrees north?  We do get really good sunrises and sunsets: maybe the sea, but if we are further north, then more density of atmosphere to scatter the light, maybe?

I hope that your knee doesn't give you any trouble and you can continue on.

5 hours ago, Alicia64 said:

I'm still on my indoor recumbent. Today I had no oomph or what my Gram called "get up and go" -- anyway, I had none.

I told myself, just need do a minimum of Level 6 for 26 mins. The tummy and arms. And I did it!

My goal is to establish a strong habit.

Whoever said "health is hard" on here should stand up and take a bow!!


Here, here! If it was easy..... one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time, you are right so often getting started is the hardest part.

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12 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

My favorite from Great Big Sea is their collaboration with Dean Brody (I'm more of a country fan) is "It's Friday." Couple of days too early for that though 😉

I got a short walk in with the dogs and then some cross-country skiing.  My daughter and I are cooking Chicken fried steaks and mashed potatoes because it's my son's 14th birthday, and then I'll still try to squeeze in yoga before bed.  Have to get up early to work cows tomorrow.

Can't Dean Brody sing as fast as the Great Big Sea guys? It's like he's in slow motion. 😉   I just listened to an entire GBS concert on-line and it's all fast-paced music, even the ballads. 

Edited by wintermom
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It's slowly warming up this morning; from -13 C to -12 C so far. It's also snowing. I'm going to wait a few hours before venturing outside. I'll just enjoy the pretty flakes through the window for now. 😉   I'm walking with a friend this afternoon. There may be some sunshine by then.

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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

It's slowly warming up this morning; from -13 C to -12 C so far. It's also snowing. I'm going to wait a few hours before venturing outside. I'll just enjoy the pretty flakes through the window for now. 😉   I'm walking with a friend this afternoon. There may be some sunshine by then.

I'm waiting for the sunshine too but it isn't too cold here.

Workout done. Phew. That was hard work. Lots of jumping and running and pushups. Unlike @Laura Corin it sure felt like my butt was jiggling way more than before.

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15 hours ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

{The power of words amazes me yet again: When I was trying to "not have a treat" after dinner, it felt restrictive and deprivational. When I am pro-actively "intermittent fasting" after dinner, I feel FREE to NOT have the food, and like I'm actually doing something positive! Words. Huh.}

Interested to continue the experiment.

Also hoping to find an indoor swimming place that will let me buy a day pass or two, just for Jan / Feb. A local hotel told me they may open things up mid-January or so, so I will call them tomorrow. I want to LIKE exercise; I've made some progress here, but lots of work still to do.

I totally agree re: words -- the power of words is really our minds doing an ultra-quick reframe. You have the best attitude.


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On 1/20/2021 at 8:55 AM, wintermom said:

I'm meeting a friend for a walk. I'll get in a ski at some point today as well. I was so tempted to go for a quick ski last night, but I'm glad I let my legs rest with just walking. I was also remembering that a friend mentioned there are coyotes lurking around the trails I ski on. 😨 


How do you handle the idea of wildlife creeping around? One of the reasons I don’t do a lot of outdoor activities unless in a good sized group is bears and coyotes. You could probably add bobcats and foxes to that, but they tend to be much more skittish than our bears and a lot less scary than mangey coyotes. But every noise in the woods sounds big, so I always think it’s a bear.

Of course I’ve considered carrying bear spray, but I picture myself freaking out over what turns out to be a loud squirrel and basically macing myself.

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I’m not good at consistent updates.

This morning I discovered that I can now do shoulder rolls with about 75% less crackling, popping, and clicking. Considering I’ve been moving and stretching only *almost consistently for less than two weeks, that was pretty amazing!

Elliptical did not have me convinced I might die until I was approaching cool down time. That’s a big improvement. I found myself going faster without really thinking about it or pushing myself. So it’s almost time to push myself.

I figured out how to turn CC on and off the television, and I think it’s tricked my brain into feeling like I’m at the gym, where I can listen to music and still catch up on the news. Bonus: I can tap the handles to the beat without annoying anyone around me, lol.

My weights have finally shipped, and I can’t wait to give them a go!

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I thought of this great group when I read a friend's post today. (I shortened it somewhat.)

My friend has a progressive disease that's stealing his balance; he rides a recumbent trike.

Well, he was out there again yesterday. Seems every time I ride the recumbent, he's there - in the street, on the bike path, on the sidewalk. Sometimes I have to pass him, sometimes he's going the opposite direction. Sunny and warm, windy, doesn't matter. Just him and his motorized wheelchair. I'm guessing he has ALS. But despite his circumstances, and the difficulties he must encounter to do anything, he manages to get out, see people, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and be a part of the outside world.
Compared to his condition, I must seem like an Olympic decathlete. What's hard for me must be 10 times harder for him. Yet he manages to continually enjoy the world as best he can.
Someone once told me at the gym, that when they feel like not working out, and then see me struggling but doing, they are inspired to get at it despite their sluggish feeling. I feel the same way - if he can get out constantly in his wheelchair, I have no good excuse for slacking off. We all face challenges - some more than others. Whether we succeed in our own way depends on our willingness and fortitude. If your success is a walk around the block, a 20 mile recumbent ride, or getting out of bed to enjoy an hour on the porch in the fresh air, I wish you all the best. Me, I'll just look forward to seeing him again today. -- By Frank Orlowski
Hope you're having fun working out today!
Edited by Alicia64
Can't spell.
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2 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

My weights have finally shipped, and I can’t wait to give them a go!

Congratulations! I do something similar to you: I only play jazz when I'm supposed to be writing something. I think it's working.

Can you share where you bought your weights?


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