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January Well-Trained Bodies


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4 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’ll come back to this post once I’ve put in some real but gentle time with it today

I did it! 40 minutes when I planned 30, but at a snail’s pace on level 1, lol. And good stretching before and after that, even though it was in a cramped space, wasn’t rushed due to competing with others for floor space or thinking about whether anyone was looking at my butt. Well, other than the cat, lol.

Gotta work on getting the kids to act like I’m unavailable. I had to holler for someone to take the dog out a few times. 😕 

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Yesterday's extra activity was yoga again--day 11, theme word flow. Lots of help from the dog. We had a lot of rain yesterday--I think it was supposed to be 1.5" by the time the storm ended in the middle of the night. A good day to be indoors.

This morning I did cardio ballet for the first time in awhile. Probably more yoga this afternoon, but maybe a dog walk

@Laura Corin I do a lot of Jessica Smith workouts on youtube. Lots of walking and she has some different things like the cardio ballet, some with weights, kickboxing.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

At home though.....  I can shut the door and shutters so no one can see me, turn off the workout video sound and listen to an informative podcast.  So there I was, following along with a Lesley Sansone enhanced walking workout whilst learning about the nocebo effect in statin side effects (fascinating, by the way).  It was fine: my heart rate was surprisingly high given that it didn't feel hard, and I didn't get bored.

ETA: does anyone have recommendations for low-impact 30 minute cardio workouts online?.

That is exactly how I exercise indoors, except I lean towards history-centric podcasts.

In terms of low-impact online cardio stuff, I do like Leslie Sansone, especially the "boosted" walks. I also like a lot of Pahla B. and Jessica Smith's videos.

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I missed a window of opportunity to skate this morning because of a meeting. Now it's raining so I'm doubly sad. I will definitely get outside, though. I just saw a person (couldn't tell if it was man or woman because they were all bundled up) passing by my window doing nordic walking. I'm inspired to get out there even if the overwhelming colour outdoors today is grey. 

ETA: It ended up snowing instead of raining, which was a very nice treat! There was one special spot in the woods where the birds were crazy loud. I just stood under the trees and enjoyed the 'conversations.' It sounded like a rain forest (or at least what I've heard on youtube). A very special 'mindful moment.' 😃

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28 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'll be going for a walk with a friend this afternoon. We've had freezing rain, so I'll be using my crampons for sure. The roads look really icy. There could be a little bit of this happening around town. 😅  I can't help laughing as I've done some of these acrobatics myself. 



I've order crampons but they haven't arrived yet.  Our sacrificial lamb (son) is walking the dog for us and I did another Sansone indoor walk at lunchtime. 

I slept late this morning.  My old Fitbit used to repeat the vibrating alarm every nine minutes until you switched if off.  The Garmin just seems to switch off automatically after a bit.  The buzz isn't as strong and I slept straight through it.  I now have four alarms set at five-minute intervals.  Let's hope that works.  I suspect I needed the sleep though.

I'll do a quick yoga after work and before my module.

Grilled veg porridge plus yoghurt.  Broad beans with pesto, raw carrots, savoury oatcakes with marmite and pumpkin seed butter, cheese.  Veg lasagne ready meal.

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6 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Yesterday's extra activity was day 12 of 30 days of yoga, theme word drop. As in "drop your heels" when you're in downward dog, and other drops. My calves are feeling it today. This morning I did a kickboxing workout.

Great job! My calves get really tight from my activity and those heal-drop stretches feel so good! 

Is the kickboxing with a video or 'free style' on your own? I used to do some of this on my own and it can be really intense. It's more fun within the context of a group, though, but that's not happening now. 😞

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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

Is the kickboxing with a video or 'free style' on your own? I used to do some of this on my own and it can be really intense. It's more fun within the context of a group, though, but that's not happening now. 😞

Ha ha ha! The mere thought of doing this on my own...

This is just a free Jessica Smith youtube video. I've done it 4 or 5 times and for the first time today I was thinking that I'm starting to get the swiveling the hips coordinated with the punches. There's no way I could free style anything. Though I guess if I'm free-styling I can't be wrong...

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11 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Ha ha ha! The mere thought of doing this on my own...

This is just a free Jessica Smith youtube video. I've done it 4 or 5 times and for the first time today I was thinking that I'm starting to get the swiveling the hips coordinated with the punches. There's no way I could free style anything. Though I guess if I'm free-styling I can't be wrong...

I just peeked at a sample of Jessica Smith  "kickboxing" and it's not martial arts style. It's just movements without any power (acceleration of movement) or technique. Disappointing if you actually want to learn to punch, kick and build power. This link looks much closer to actually kickboxing.

I don't mean to be critical, but it would be similar to me doing a ballet video and actually calling it "ballet" when it's not.


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I did another 40 minutes on the elliptical today!

It’s clearly going to take quite a while for me to get anywhere near where I once was, but I’m feeling great about these first steps. Well, except the first five minutes, when I feel like there’s no way I’m going to be able to hang in there the whole time. And then I did. Twice! Lol

Weight bench was delivered today. Weights expected to take much longer. 

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Felt rather blah(lots of sinus stuff and some fatigue) the last 2 days, not sure if it is just allergies from being in the woods Monday or a cold. I've decided I am going to steer clear of the woods to see if this sinus stuff is just related to that. Yesterday I got at least 30 min outside and Wed I did quick yoga. Today I plan for yoga and strength work. I've been sore the last few days from the little I did Tuesday.

Appetite finally coming down yesterday, I'm scared to weigh with as much as I've been eating.

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I was supposed to skate with a friend this afternoon, but the ice is too soft so we'll hike together instead. We're getting a ton of fresh snow starting tonight, if the weather forecast isn't just teasing us. I can't wait! 😃

@Soror Hope you're feeling better very soon. Sinus pain is not fun at all. 

@Dreamergal Enjoy your rest this weekend.

@Carrie12345 Awesome job working beyond those first tough 5 min!!! You have great mental strength, and you physical strength is going to improve exponentially. 

@Ali in OR Enjoy your workouts today. Hope I didn't dampen your enthusiasm re: kickboxing.  

@FarmingMomma Great job with your 80-day obsession! Hope you get a chance to ski again. Firmer show might make it possible for the corgi to trot along on top of the snow. He'd be a lucky guy then. 😉

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9 minutes ago, wintermom said:

was supposed to skate with a friend this afternoon, but the ice is too soft so we'll hike together instead.

I’m a little bit jealous at that that was a real possibility for you, and I don’t even like the cold, lol.

We picked a community with 5 lakes, and it turned out they’re so rarely adequately frozen that we stopped investing in ice skates after the kids outgrew their first unworn pairs. 😞 

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@Dreamergal you talked about Tai Chi being cardio.  The times I have done it, it was extremely slow and controlled.  I can imagine a higher heart rate perhaps due to the effort of standing on one leg and slowly extending the other withough falling over (you get high heart rate in yoga from that too), but that's about it.  Is yours a different style?  This is the kind of thing I think of:


Today wasn't too icy so I managed a slow dog walk.  It felt good to be outdoors.  I'll do some yoga after work.  This weekend I'll go to the beach.  I'm wondering about doing Couch to 5K again, now that my muscles are so much stronger - it might not be too much for my knee.  My physio also suggested running on my toes, which would take the strain off my hamstrings.  If not, I'll Nordic walk.

Grilled veg porridge and yoghurt.  Carrots, beans, tomatoes, toast, an egg, some cheese and an apple.  Pork and black bean stew with maybe roast swede/rutabaga.

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36 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’m a little bit jealous at that that was a real possibility for you, and I don’t even like the cold, lol.

We picked a community with 5 lakes, and it turned out they’re so rarely adequately frozen that we stopped investing in ice skates after the kids outgrew their first unworn pairs. 😞 

Hey, non-frozen lakes make for an earlier date you can get paddling and boating, right?  There are other ways to skate (in-line or indoors). 

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36 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

@Dreamergal you talked about Tai Chi being cardio.  The times I have done it, it was extremely slow and controlled.  I can imagine a higher heart rate perhaps due to the effort of standing on one leg and slowly extending the other withough falling over (you get high heart rate in yoga from that too), but that's about it.  Is yours a different style?  This is the kind of thing I think of:


Today wasn't too icy so I managed a slow dog walk.  It felt good to be outdoors.  I'll do some yoga after work.  This weekend I'll go to the beach.  I'm wondering about doing Couch to 5K again, now that my muscles are so much stronger - it might not be too much for my knee.  My physio also suggested running on my toes, which would take the strain off my hamstrings.  If not, I'll Nordic walk.

Grilled veg porridge and yoghurt.  Carrots, beans, tomatoes, toast, an egg, some cheese and an apple.  Pork and black bean stew with maybe roast swede/rutabaga.

Have you considered taking your poles along when you walk on the ice? Use the picks on the poles to help you grip and avoid falling. I've been using a walking stick to provide a bit added stability and it's really effective. Mine is an actual stick I picked up in the forest. 😉

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Did day 13 of Adriene's 30 days of yoga last night, theme word feel. This morning I did a 30-min treadmill walk--hoping to make that my Friday thing.

We all get our first vaccine shot tonight thanks to dd. Disabled people are high on the priority list here in Oregon, and the people who live with them and their caregivers get vaccinated too. This will make me feel better if we end up back in the school building--school personnel will be vaccinated soon, but if they're families aren't, it's possible they could still bring it home to them. We should all have some protection from that by mid-February.

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I bought myself some new shoes.  The shoes I use for NW are shamefully old (left over from my last running round).  So whether I run or use them for walking, it's a good investment.

@wintermom Husband actually has some hiking poles that I could use for ice.  I seem to prefer hiding inside and waiting for a thaw.  Good thing I'm not Canadian and that my father didn't decide to stay in Saskatchewan where he was evacuated during the war!

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14 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I bought myself some new shoes.  The shoes I use for NW are shamefully old (left over from my last running round).  So whether I run or use them for walking, it's a good investment.

@wintermom Husband actually has some hiking poles that I could use for ice.  I seem to prefer hiding inside and waiting for a thaw.  Good thing I'm not Canadian and that my father didn't decide to stay in Saskatchewan where he was evacuated during the war!

Another option for bad ice it to somehow attach some rough sand paper to the soles of your boots with elastics. In Norway, this is the type of grippers I remember seeing decades ago. They are great with sheer ice, but not so good if you have snow as well.

Saskatchewan is a very special place. Wonderful people but challenging weather (to be kind). The wind is extreme. Much safer place during this pandemic, though. 😉

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6 minutes ago, wintermom said:


Saskatchewan is a very special place. Wonderful people but challenging weather (to be kind). The wind is extreme. Much safer place during this pandemic, though. 😉

It was emotionally brutal for him, but I suspect it was physically brutal too.  Farm chores in Saskatchewan in 1940?  Can't have been fun.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

It was emotionally brutal for him, but I suspect it was physically brutal too.  Farm chores in Saskatchewan in 1940?  Can't have been fun.

My father grew up on a farm in Manitoba. It was tough but not exactly brutal. My uncle is still on the farm. Builds character, right? 😉

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6 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

Anyone living in snow country willing to host a slightly desperate 4 year old ? My poor girl swears she never, ever saw snow though we have pictures proving she did.  But she has a point that she does not remember. Last week we were promised snow and she was waiting all excited, bundled up. Seeing all the snow pictures and the stories about walking, skating, sledding, camping makes me sorry for my little girl. I showed her pictures in this thread and now she wants to know why we don't live where there is snow always. Umm..because your mama chose a place to live based on hardly any snow because she is a cold hater. Who knew cold haters could spawn children who think they would love to live where it snows. 😂

If it were not pandemic time, we would have gone on vacation to somewhere with snow. 

When we lived in Kunming in China, we went up into the hills of Lijiang to see snow, pat a yak,  etc. We came back to the city and it promptly snowed. Which it very rarely does. 

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Completed my mini-challenge for the week to eat & photograph 3 different colored veggies for lunch at least 5 of the 7 days! I sort of cheated and made chicken noodle soup, which I ate all week, but it did get me out of my box and thinking of salads, peppers for snacks, etc.

I did do less walking, though - only hit my 10K twice (but probably will tomorrow, too). 

Our ice is *not quite* solid enough for safe skating, though if you go even 10-15 miles north, it's been fine for a long time. My kids are eyeing the neighbor's (spring-fed / last to freeze) pond closely. 😉 

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13 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

I've never patted a yak, drank the milk though and ate the cheese. Quite possibly the yummiest milk I have ever had.

My potential liking for yak dairy products was kaiboshed by the overwhelming smell of fermented yak butter lamps in Tibetan temples when I visited in 1986, and the fermented yak butter tea on the same trip.  I recognise that this is a prejudice but I haven't yet pushed past it.

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7 hours ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

Completed my mini-challenge for the week to eat & photograph 3 different colored veggies for lunch at least 5 of the 7 days! I sort of cheated and made chicken noodle soup, which I ate all week, but it did get me out of my box and thinking of salads, peppers for snacks, etc.

I did do less walking, though - only hit my 10K twice (but probably will tomorrow, too). 

Our ice is *not quite* solid enough for safe skating, though if you go even 10-15 miles north, it's been fine for a long time. My kids are eyeing the neighbor's (spring-fed / last to freeze) pond closely. 😉 

I premake lunch most weeks, it is an easy way to get a healthy meal without making something every day.

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

My potential liking for yak dairy products was kaiboshed by the overwhelming smell of fermented yak butter lamps in Tibetan temples when I visited in 1986, and the fermented yak butter tea on the same trip.  I recognise that this is a prejudice but I haven't yet pushed past it.

LOL. I've never been around yaks but even the taste and smell of cow's milk I find revolting. I will eat some cheese and yogurt but can't stand cow's milk.


Some yoga planned for today for the day I missed. Hopefully, a walk. 

Plan to make some muffins this am. More soup for lunch and homemade bread.

I made some chicken liver pate so I'll have that for a snack. I used to eat it regularly but haven't in ages. I'm cleaning out the freezer so I had some liver that needed cooked.

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I've had 3 days in a row of not getting in my extra activity until like 7:30 at night. The idea is to do this after school, but I've had meetings or errands the last few days. So last night I still hadn't done anything by 7:30. I've been doing the most recently posted videos of 30 days of yoga and they've nicely been not much more than 20 minutes. The newest one last night was (gasp!) 36 minutes. I just didn't have the energy for that. So I looked over the days I missed early on and did day 5, 23 minutes, theme word replenish which sounded like a nice way to end the week. Theme word burn was not enticing for a Friday evening! Then today I did day 14, the 36 minute one, which fits nicely on a Saturday morning. Theme word space--lots of nice stretches.

We got our vaccines last night which we were excited about. So far nothing more than a sore arm, very much like a flu shot. Tackling the kitchen cleaning project today.

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12 hours ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

Completed my mini-challenge for the week to eat & photograph 3 different colored veggies for lunch at least 5 of the 7 days! I sort of cheated and made chicken noodle soup, which I ate all week, but it did get me out of my box and thinking of salads, peppers for snacks, etc.

I did do less walking, though - only hit my 10K twice (but probably will tomorrow, too). 

Our ice is *not quite* solid enough for safe skating, though if you go even 10-15 miles north, it's been fine for a long time. My kids are eyeing the neighbor's (spring-fed / last to freeze) pond closely. 😉 

Great job on the mini-challenge! Hope your ice freezes well soon. Skating is so much fun!

It's neat how some water freezes and other places it doesn't. Our big river is like that; I can skate, ski even drive my vehicle (which I'd NEVER do!) on some places of the river, and in other places there is no ice at all. It kind of freaks me out if I think about it too much. 😉

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My ski was so lovely today. The snow wasn't the fastest, but it was really fun to have lots of fresh snow. I took a few different trails along my route to the river. 😃

My go-to meal after my epic skis have been Black Bean soup (thanks so much @Ali in OR for the recipe!). It's so quick and easy, warm and satisfying. My 'fast' soup is all canned food, and when I have more time I throw in fresh veggies. 

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I just bought a kevlar canoe!!!  I'll get it in March or April, but it's all mine. I'm so excited. It's a pretty blue colour and 16'4" in length. So lots of space for people and baggage. 

I had wanted a kayak for years, but dh would much prefer a canoe. A canoe is super comfortable and sits higher in the water, so I think it's a fair compromise. Kevlar is lightweight and strong. It needs to last for the rest of my life. 😉 

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Back for my weekly check-in.

In general, I had a decent week, although those two pounds I lost last week found me again. I'm starting to feel really down and helpless about the weight thing. I honestly wouldn't care if progress (regress?) were slow, as long as I could feel like I was making any kind of headway. But to be doing everything I can think of and still see the scale just bounce up every few days is demoralizing.

Other than that, however:

  • Run Across America Winter Warmup - Logged another 24K this week for a current total of 64K towards my goal of 106K this month.
  • Year of the Ox - Still somewhat behind, and just not able to log as many miles as I would like to on those afternoon/evening walks. Since I was caught up/slightly ahead on the Winter Warmup coming into the weekend, I decided to count all of my walking for Saturday and Sunday towards this one. Got closer to my 30-mile goal this week, logging 27.17 miles. That puts me at 43.78 of the 202.1 miles for the challenge.
  • YesFit Great American Adventure - Logged another 51 miles this week for a total of 109. The map shows me about halfway between Wilmington, DE, and Philadelphia.
  • Daily PT Exercise - Check.
  • M/W/F Cardio -I did at least 20 minutes on Monday and Friday and counted my PT appointment on Wednesday as checking this box.
  • T/Th Arm Work - Check.
  • Food/Weight - I'm still not feeling super inspired about broadening the selection of fruits and veggies we eat, but I'm keeping up with just having us eat "more" fruits and veggies each day. Continuing to focus on incorporating at least two or three veggies and/or fruits with every meal and trying to encourage produce as snack food, too. I've found the simple act of washing a bunch of grapes or a bag of cherries or container of strawberries and leaving them front and center in the 'fridge leads to both of us grabbing a few each time we wander through the kitchen. 
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This week would be nothing to brag about in ordinary times but was an improvement. I felt pretty good all but 2.5 days. I got in 5 days of yoga, 3 days of walking, and 2 days of strength work. Nothing was very long or hard but I did something. 

I'm considering doing a 30 day trial of Les Mills again. I like following along to videos and I like their variety. I still am not clear on what exactly I want to do right now so that would be good so I can pick and choose- type, length, and intensity of the workout based on the day.

Walking planned for today; maybe some yoga

Today I need to cook a lunch for the week- I'm thinking Thai Peanunt Quinoa salad this week. Or maybe a black bean soup, everyone is raving about 🙂

b: pumpkin superhero muffins

l: venison stew; homemade bread; dark chocolate

s: liver pate w/. gf crackers; fruit

d: beef curry or chicken shwarma

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12 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Back for my weekly check-in.

In general, I had a decent week, although those two pounds I lost last week found me again. I'm starting to feel really down and helpless about the weight thing. I honestly wouldn't care if progress (regress?) were slow, as long as I could feel like I was making any kind of headway. But to be doing everything I can think of and still see the scale just bounce up every few days is demoralizing.

It is really frustrating when this happens. I've experienced it myself. There are so many variables that effect body weight, and some we don't have any control over (e.g., hormones).  What I did in this situation is just focus on enjoying my exercise, eat healthy, cut out all alcohol, and not worry about the weight. If I am healthy in mind and body the number on on scale is far down on the list of priorities. As long as you are including some cardio, strength and stretching in your week of physical activity you are doing great! 

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4 hours ago, Soror said:

This week would be nothing to brag about in ordinary times but was an improvement. I felt pretty good all but 2.5 days. I got in 5 days of yoga, 3 days of walking, and 2 days of strength work. Nothing was very long or hard but I did something. 

I'm considering doing a 30 day trial of Les Mills again. I like following along to videos and I like their variety. I still am not clear on what exactly I want to do right now so that would be good so I can pick and choose- type, length, and intensity of the workout based on the day.

Walking planned for today; maybe some yoga

Today I need to cook a lunch for the week- I'm thinking Thai Peanunt Quinoa salad this week. Or maybe a black bean soup, everyone is raving about 🙂

b: pumpkin superhero muffins

l: venison stew; homemade bread; dark chocolate

s: liver pate w/. gf crackers; fruit

d: beef curry or chicken shwarma

Celebrate all the improvements on the journey! Sounds like you're doing a wonderful mix of physical exercise. I'm still stretching but my dedicated strength work somehow disappeared. 

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

It is really frustrating when this happens. I've experienced it myself. There are so many variables that effect body weight, and some we don't have any control over (e.g., hormones).  What I did in this situation is just focus on enjoying my exercise, eat healthy, cut out all alcohol, and not worry about the weight. If I am healthy in mind and body the number on on scale is far down on the list of priorities. As long as you are including some cardio, strength and stretching in your week of physical activity you are doing great! 

Sigh. Such good advice. I wish I could take it.

I have been enjoying my exercise, but I am getting bored and frustrated at the lack of variety, some of which is caused by my own physical and health limitations and some of which is caused by pandemic caution.

I eat fairly healthfully. I could certainly incorporate a wider variety of veggies into my diet, but I'm already vegan by choice and gluten free for health reasons, so, I do the best I can.

I don't drink any alcohol, never have.

Unfortunately, if I "don't worry about weight," I balloon.

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On 1/15/2021 at 10:32 PM, Lucy the Valiant said:

Completed my mini-challenge for the week to eat & photograph 3 different colored veggies for lunch at least 5 of the 7 days! I sort of cheated and made chicken noodle soup, which I ate all week, but it did get me out of my box and thinking of salads, peppers for snacks, etc.

I love the term mini-challenge! I do mini-challenges too, but I didn't know what to call them! 🙂

23 hours ago, wintermom said:

My ski was so lovely today. The snow wasn't the fastest, but it was really fun to have lots of fresh snow. I took a few different trails along my route to the river. 😃

My go-to meal after my epic skis have been Black Bean soup (thanks so much @Ali in OR for the recipe!). It's so quick and easy, warm and satisfying. My 'fast' soup is all canned food, and when I have more time I throw in fresh veggies. 

Your passion for an activity is contagious! Too cool!

4 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm going to go skiing again this afternoon. I'll probably try out the groomed trails along the river while there's lots of snow. 

A GoPro on your head would be very appreciated! What fun things do you do in the summer? Will that be for canoeing?

My update: still doing my indoor recumbent on Level 6 for 26 minutes. I'm really just trying to re-instill the habit. I'm getting in shape for a trip we're taking to the Georgia Islands -- sans kids -- in early February where he'll bike and I'll trike. 🙂


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2 hours ago, Alicia64 said:

Your passion for an activity is contagious! Too cool!

A GoPro on your head would be very appreciated! What fun things do you do in the summer? Will that be for canoeing?

My update: still doing my indoor recumbent on Level 6 for 26 minutes. I'm really just trying to re-instill the habit. I'm getting in shape for a trip we're taking to the Georgia Islands -- sans kids -- in early February where he'll bike and I'll trike. 🙂


Thanks. Unfortunately I can't get my dc to come out with me much anymore. They did when they were little (no choice). I'm hoping they'll join me with the canoe.

Your trip in Feb sounds fun!

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