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facebook is FULL of people posting get togethers, group meals, group selfies


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2 hours ago, Amy Gen said:

We all agree on extremes. No one here is actually saying they agree with 300 plus guests and a bartender and no masks in sight. 

“My risk is completely justified. Your risk just shows what a horrible person you are.”



1. I don't think we all agree, or at least, the people I was expressing frustration about don't agree, or they wouldn't be having big parties. That's what I was frustrated about. 

2. No one has called anyone a horrible person. 

2 hours ago, Amy Gen said:

Yes, the extremes exist, but that isn’t most of us, so why are we even arguing? 

I started the thread to vent about people doing specific things. Thats what the thread was about, it wasn't to start an argument, it was to vent that I'm frustrated people are doing things like having parties with paid staff in their home, maskless and having mini school reunions at in indoor restaurant with a dozen people from different towns, maskless, and having birthday parties in an indoor bowling alley with many households including some from across the state, maskless, for hours. We can add scout leaders who after 1 negative and one positive test decide the negative was false and hold a den meeting anyway, or the neighbor across the street's daughters who are out of town across the state for a bachelorette party running 4 days long during  pandemic. Those are not "middle" areas the way that grocery shopping or brief interactions are. 

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10 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

Or the way getting haircuts is! Or the way having a small closed pod is! Those aren't similar. 

and there are the people like my sister who have kids in outdoor non contact sports, and who have gone on weekend vacations a few towns away but with precautions, etc. That's more middle than a party. And I know I'm extreme in spraying my groceries with peroxide, and I don't judge others who don't as crazy or something. 

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As someone who has at least two friends who refuse to wear a mask ever due to Covid (not for physical reasons- for personal liberty reasons), I feel like I know the extreme. These people would say the parties & weddings with no (few--because there would be a few who would want to attend but only in masks & for a short while) masks were perfectly fine because people can decide for themselves what their level of risk is. (Not thinking about employees of these venues or the random people the attendees might unknowingly infect if they end up infected themselves.)

The reason I am okay with mask mandates (recommendations/ proclamations) and health guidelines is because if there isn't something in place, people think it is "safe" to do these things. I do think there is a misunderstanding about some activities which are allowed but which carry risk -- like indoor dining with only immediate household members or indoor aerobic contact sports (basketball). These would use up most (all) of someone's covid risk budget due to their level of exposure to viris aerosol particles, but are viewed by some as not risky because they are allowed in many places. It is a person's choice to take part, but they should know the risk level.

Also, separately, I think some choices are riskier now that we know the more contagious UK variant is here. (It is in my state.) In my little rural area, tests are running 40-60% positive each week. So, many activities like singing in non-masked church services are riskier now due to the higher chances of someone else in the building being actively infected with Covid.

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On 1/1/2021 at 6:14 PM, saraha said:

Ok, I have to put this somewhere, and thought here would be an ok place to vent. So. My dh has 14 first cousins, (well more but this only pertains to them)on both sides of the river. Every year the 15 of them and their spouses get together over the holidays. This year, they decide to get together tomorrow at a restaurant over the river that said it would seat up to 30! We bowed out right away, as did another couple as 2 in their household have active fevers. Now this gets tangled up quickly, as there are sibling groups in the 15 and the couple with the fevers share a sibling (and spent Christmas day together) with another couple.

Now get this, among the couples who rsvp'd yes (7 so far) one is a minister (whose sibling's family have 2 fevers and spent Christmas together), one is a teacher in a Christian school that does not require masks for anyone, one is a lawyer in whose office my dd is supposed to start after the holidays, and one is THE DIRECTOR OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH for our county.

Guess whose county is third in the state for positives/population...

In the meantime, one of kids of one couple, texted a bunch of teenagers of the other couples (including mine)and wants them all to come over while the parents are away. Nope.

Guess who woke up this morning and he and his whole family can't smell or taste?!? My dd started there Tuesday, she wore a mask, the other two people in the office didn't. She worked there Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and got the call this morning. 🤬🤬

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I have a close relative who has plane tickets for Mexico in two weeks and is deciding whether to postpone the trip or not.

I’ve said my say.

She says she will wear a mask, and is staying with her friends who are also careful, and will only go to the beach and do outdoor dining while she is there.

Well — I don’t know!

I think she’s going, though. 

She says she doesn’t want to impact other people — but she doesn’t think she will.

I am also concerned about her own situation if she does get it — she is just sure she won’t get it bc the precautions she plans.

I hope for the best but ????????????    

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My MIL is almost 83 and went to the doctor yesterday for a checkup.  She said the doctor told her she needs to be with friends and family more because she's too isolated.  I'm very surprised the doctor told her that because of the risk.  DH's family thinks they are careful, but they are not.  

In the past, my MIL has told me that "so and so says this is safe" and I've told her that I don't listen to so and so for medical advice, but now I can't do that when a doctor has encouraged her to get together with people.

The vaccine can't come soon enough!  


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Just now, Kassia said:

My MIL is almost 83 and went to the doctor yesterday for a checkup.  She said the doctor told her she needs to be with friends and family more because she's too isolated.  I'm very surprised the doctor told her that because of the risk.  DH's family thinks they are careful, but they are not.  

In the past, my MIL has told me that "so and so says this is safe" and I've told her that I don't listen to so and so for medical advice, but now I can't do that when a doctor has encouraged her to get together with people.

The vaccine can't come soon enough!  


Are you sure the dr. actually told her this?  I wonder if there was some interpretative translation going on.  My mom and mil do the same thing.  Drs. statements get twisted to what they want to hear rather than what was actually said.  

I am so thankful though that my mom's dr. called her last week to check on her (which I thought was unusual!)  and told her it was no time to let down her guard and to be very careful to stay away from people that Covid was everywhere in our state.  No stores, no church, no nothing!  My mom is at high risk because of past heart valve replacement, lung damage, high blood pressure and diabetes.  This is my mom's dr. but told mom that if either her or dad start feeling ill to call her (the dr.) immediately because she would start one of the new treatments immediately and that she has it readily available.  

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I have heard locally of this kind of talk at the doctor's office.  

I have heard locally of some doctors really downplaying it to people and saying everyone will get it eventually so why bother taking precautions.  

I do think it's out there!  

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Friends NYE party seems to possibly be turning super spreader.  No one who was there has come out and said they are positive but the dots are connecting.  A woman was there and seems to have been the one to infect her (unofficial) step kids. Bio mom didn't name names but vented about her people in their life attending large events without a mask.  Than we got a notice at the church that a family that was there Sunday tested positive Tuesday.  The announcement also asked people to please take the week off if they attend high risk event.  

Poor Bio mom above now has to take two weeks of work 3/4 of the kids are symptomatic.  One has special needs and limited communication. She had to cancel her dishwasher repair.  She has started to feel symptoms.  All through no fault of her own.  

Update...her special needs son went to his program in person on Monday before she was notified of his exposure.  Since he tested positive yesterday that whole life skills class is shut down to 21st.  But yeah we can all make our own choices. 🙄 

I pray that I am wrong their was a home health nurse at this party. 😞

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My husband's father nearly died of Covid just before Thanksgiving. He still has breathing issues, etc. as a result of it. His wife (who is DH's stepmom) got it to but didn't have near the problems with it. We thought they finally got it, though. But last week, they texted invites for a birthday party at a local restaurant (we are rural Midwest, so no restrictions 🙄) for DH's father. It's not even a milestone birthday or anything like that. (Not that that would make it acceptable.) If everyone were to come, it would be up to 40-50 people. DH is immunosuppressed. DH and I are offended by the invite. Apparently, no lesson was learned after all.

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1 hour ago, JanOH said:

Are you sure the dr. actually told her this?  I wonder if there was some interpretative translation going on.  My mom and mil do the same thing.  Drs. statements get twisted to what they want to hear rather than what was actually said.  

I am so thankful though that my mom's dr. called her last week to check on her (which I thought was unusual!)  and told her it was no time to let down her guard and to be very careful to stay away from people that Covid was everywhere in our state.  No stores, no church, no nothing!  My mom is at high risk because of past heart valve replacement, lung damage, high blood pressure and diabetes.  This is my mom's dr. but told mom that if either her or dad start feeling ill to call her (the dr.) immediately because she would start one of the new treatments immediately and that she has it readily available.  


I was wondering the same thing, which is why I was careful to word it as "My MIL said" rather than "the doctor told her."  I suspect this is what the doctor did tell her because I can't figure out how she would get that so confused, but I don't know for sure.  

How fortunate that your mom has such a caring doctor! 🙂  

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