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Book a Week 2020 - BW50: 13 Things

Robin M

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55 minutes ago, The Accidental Coach said:

So, what I need you to do is

1- decide if you're an adult

2- tell me where you read your books

1) Do I have to? 

2) Primarily in the living room on the couch or curled up on the loveseat, daily at the kitchen table while eating breakfast and lunch.  Rarely in bed because otherwise I wouldn't go to sleep, except for when hubby is out of town because I can't sleep without him, so why not read until dawn.   Sometimes audio books in the car.  Nor can I leave out the bathroom reads. Ahem...   Now I'm hearing Dr. Seuss in my head - On a boat, with a goat, on the train, in the plane....  😁 

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1 hour ago, The Accidental Coach said:

So, what I need you to do is

1- decide if you're an adult

2- tell me where you read your books

No idea about the adult part but......

I listen to my audio books while sewing......so sitting on my sewing chair or either on the couch or on my bed if hand sewing.

For my book reading I mainly sit at the table, couch, or in bed.  I used to read constantly while riding in the car but Covid seems to have broke that habit as I now find riding in cars fascinating!😂


@Robin MI loved the Devotion of Suspect X!  I read the third or forth in the series earlier this year.

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I am now hooked on some audiobooks by Beatriz Williams in the Schuyler Sisters series. I read the first in the series to fill my “Groovy Baby” square on the Bingo card and became really involved in the story which shifts between 1960’s NYC and the European build up to WW1. The current day Schuyler sister discovers she has and Aunt Violet who was a physicist and disappeared from the family tree when she receives her aunt’s suitcase in the mail........returned from a lost and found in Switzerland.  I will definately be reading the rest of these! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18667976-the-secret-life-of-violet-grant

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Oh my goodness you guys, Jack Reacher is back in town!!! I ran into him at the library! I invited him home for the weekend, we'll stay masked of course. I don't usually admit my fluffy crushes on this thread (looking at you Richard Sharpe and Kinsey Milhone) but I'm just so pleased to have a friend heading into this holiday break with me.


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21 minutes ago, SusanC said:

Oh my goodness you guys, Jack Reacher is back in town!!! I ran into him at the library! I invited him home for the weekend, we'll stay masked of course. I don't usually admit my fluffy crushes on this thread (looking at you Richard Sharpe and Kinsey Milhone) but I'm just so pleased to have a friend heading into this holiday break with me.


That's it!  I need to just give in and start one of these, chronologically or by publication becomes the question?


Edited by melmichigan
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20 minutes ago, SusanC said:

Oh my goodness you guys, Jack Reacher is back in town!!! I ran into him at the library! I invited him home for the weekend, we'll stay masked of course. I don't usually admit my fluffy crushes on this thread (looking at you Richard Sharpe and Kinsey Milhone) but I'm just so pleased to have a friend heading into this holiday break with me.


Have fun! Just don't let him lead you too far astray. 😁

1 minute ago, melmichigan said:

That's it!  I need to just give in and start one of these, chronologically or by publication becomes the question

I started somewhere in the midst of the adventure with 61 Hours which totally blew me away and since then have read randomly out of order.  He's a wanderer, Jack is, and so hard to keep him in line.  😉

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10 hours ago, mumto2 said:

I am now hooked on some audiobooks by Beatriz Williams in the Schuyler Sisters series. I read the first in the series to fill my “Groovy Baby” square on the Bingo card and became really involved in the story which shifts between 1960’s NYC and the European build up to WW1. The current day Schuyler sister discovers she has and Aunt Violet who was a physicist and disappeared from the family tree when she receives her aunt’s suitcase in the mail........returned from a lost and found in Switzerland.  I will definately be reading the rest of these! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18667976-the-secret-life-of-violet-grant

Sounds intriguing! 

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1 hour ago, melmichigan said:

That's it!  I need to just give in and start one of these, chronologically or by publication becomes the question?


I have been slowly going down the Goodreads order list......there was one that made me glad I was in order.  I need to get back to these!

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12 hours ago, melmichigan said:

That's it!  I need to just give in and start one of these, chronologically or by publication becomes the question?


I'm sure there are plenty of opinions and guides out there. Most books have a fairly minor reference back to one or more precious ones, but usually not critical. One nice thing about reading from the beginning is watching his technology change. He used to go on a bus with a toothbrush and some cash, more recently he has an expired passport with him and somebody had to show him how to use a smart phone.

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On 12/17/2020 at 5:17 PM, The Accidental Coach said:

I have a serious question for all ~ where do you do your reading?
1- decide if you're an adult
2- tell me where you read your books

1. not telling 😉 

2. many places, based on time of day or season...
- at the table while eating breakfast and lunch
- in winter: sitting on the living room floor, next to a small space heater, turning this way and that to warm each side in its turn
- day/evening: most often, in a wide leather armchair, with my back against one cushioned arm of the chair, and legs draped over the other arm (not very adult-like 😉 )
- day/evening: sometimes sprawled across the couch
- night: in bed under the covers, laying flat with a pillow folded in half under my head to provide just enough height to see the book

This was a good question, because it finally revealed to me why I usually have multiple books going at the same time -- different books for different reading spots.

The table is best for re-reads, or short stories or light reads, because breakfast and lunch are so quick to eat, I don't have the time to get fully immersed again into a complex read. The bed is good for everything except the heavy/complex books, as I may read for an hour, or just 2 minutes, before my eyes get heavy. The floor, armchair, and couch are "all purpose" reading spots. 😉 


Edited by Lori D.
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On 12/17/2020 at 7:17 PM, The Accidental Coach said:


So, what I need you to do is

1- decide if you're an adult

2- tell me where you read your books

1. At my age I have no choice but to say yes. However, I refuse to let my age prevent me from learning new things, including the use of new technology.

2. A lot places. I too like to read on my stomach but I do it either on my bed laying crosswise or on the couch, which is long enough to stretch out on. I also read on the couch sitting up. When it's cool enough outside (usually late Nov. - early March) I like to read on the back screen porch in the morning, I  take my coffee and Kindle, or sometimes a print book and sit outside and read. The cats and I also enjoy bird watching on the porch but for different reasons. 😄 I read in bed at night before going to sleep. Always have. I was the kid and teen who got in trouble for staying up late reading in bed when I had to get up for school the next day. The adult me still stays up too late reading. I listen to audio books in the car or when doing mindless things around the house like folding laundry or chopping vegetables for a meal. 

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On 12/17/2020 at 7:17 PM, The Accidental Coach said:


So, what I need you to do is

1- decide if you're an adult

2- tell me where you read your books

1-depends on your definition 🤣

2- I read just about everywhere.  I tend to listen to audiobooks if I'm driving kids around (none of that this year), or cleaning.  Otherwise I don't watch TV and limit my time on the internet so I am almost never without a book, either on my phone, or on my kindle.  I am trying to make more effort to use my kindle and relax more when reading but that's a work in progress because sometimes I just have a few minutes.  My MIL did buy me a Respawn gaming chair to use in the living room, so that I can read in comfort while still being in the middle of everything going on.

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