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December Well-Trained Bodies


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We're back.  Hobbes is asleep in his own bed (in the new house - he's here for the first time).  Trip was easy - motorways were quiet and we drove back partly throught the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District.  There was snow on the mountains as we approached our part of Scotland, with a blazing sunset colouring it apricot.

Not as busy at work today as I expected.  One project has been delayed until next week, which is not ideal, so I need to really concentrate on getting as much else as possible done this week.  On Dec 20/21 we are driving down to get our other child.  My last day of work this year is officially 24 December.

I'll try for NW at lunchtime and yoga after work - maybe Yoga Revolution 13 Opening, which is an old favourite.

Porridge and yoghurt; mixed beans and an egg?; tofu curry, probably with parsnip.

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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

I just returned from a 1.5 solo walk in the neighbourhood to look at all the Christmas lights and reflect. My new contract is no more as of this morning. Disappointing, but it was fun while it lasted. I forget the source, but the lyrics, "Pick myself up, dust myself off, start all over again," kept running through my mind during the walk. It's tough getting back into the work force.  

Ugh, I'm so sorry, that stinks 😞

1 hour ago, barnwife said:

I am on day 12 of 90 of the current BBM series I am doing. I can already tell both my endurance and strength are improving. And the boost to my mental state is much needed. I want to continue to exercise as many days a week as I can fit it in (again, harder than I want, some days between dealing with insomnia and a baby). I also want to focus on healthy foods and portion sizes, but I am always ravenous while still nursing, so that's a challenge. 

@SororHope the dental work went well! 
@wintermomI hope something turns up job-wise for you. Returning to the workforce is a tough road to walk.

Have a good day, everyone!

I know, nursing babies and insomnia are very rough. One day at a time!


Ds' dental work went well.

I did get in a walk as the work was quicker than expected so I had some time before dark when I got home.

Today is stretching and a walk.

My shoulder is FINALLY feeling fairly normal, I've been gradually increasing what I do with it and haven't had any twinges lately.

Edited by Soror
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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

It's tough getting back into the work force.  

It ain't easy, for sure. I started very part-time in 2012 before my son graduated and got serious about trying to get a full-time job on some kind of career track the following year. It took a few years to wrangle a full-time position and then a few more to get into something I feel like I can stick with until retirement.

I wish you all the luck in figuring out something that works for you.

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After dropping off a very uninterested dog, I logged 5K towards my Holiday Hustle challenge in what passes for cold weather here in Florida, then put 10.4 miles towards my stationary bike ride along the Camino de Santiago. I am a little ahead of pace to complete both challenges by the end of the year.

I haven't yet done day 3 of the 12 Days of Fitness, but I will get to it at some point today.

Honestly, I'm having a lot of trouble maintaining motivation these days. I am sore often, and it feels like my body is rebelling sometimes. I am also completely failing with my goal of logging food. 

So I am chugging along, checking off my self-assigned boxes, but I am not having fun.

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I did my bodyweight circuit x2 and Sunrise Yoga. And I did the vacuuming yesterday--you're supposed to be impressed. Stepping back from sub to assistant today. If I can get this homework packet done (my goal is by Friday but I might need the weekend) and get my Christmas stuff mailed, I think I'll return to a healthier mental state. Woke at 4:00am and never fell back asleep. See, stuff like that needs to change. And the weight is creeping back up and I've had too much stress to do anything healthy after school.

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My ds and I went for a hike to some waterfalls on an escarpment not to far from us. It was really exciting with the added element of danger from the ice on much of the trail and rocks. This ds and I always manage to discover the best places to check out nature! The one photo is a silhouette of ds taking a selfie - looks like he has the camera right above his head. 😉




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Gorgeous pics wintermom, I love waterfalls.

My period came 2 days early, hasn't been this short in nearly a year, that is why I've been utterly starving. I didn't have a lot of umph yesterday, at all. I slept better last night but woke up early (3:45), so we'll see how today goes. I planned to work outside as we have wonderful weather and I've got things to do.

Strength work this am.

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15 hours ago, Dreamergal said:


@Jenny in Florida Exercise this year has been mostly like brushing my teeth and taking a shower. Habit rather than pleasure. Hope you find your mojo soon. 


Thank you for the kind wishes. I think it's just hitting me hard because I have lost access to (or interest in) so many of the things that usually bring me pleasure and fun, and exercise has largely taken up that space. Having it become just another thing I'm dragging myself through really takes the wind out of my sails.


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Did the kickboxing workout this morning. Have to admit it's probably a better workout than many of the dance workouts. Definitely gets my heart rate up. And it challenges my coordination as much as a hard dancing workout! She kind of pivots her hips while punching and I have difficulty figuring out if I'm pivoting the right way for the arm that is currently punching.

Got packages and Christmas letters all ready to go to the post office today--that will take one burden away. 

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We have fresh, powder snow today! It's bright and beautiful outside, without being too cold. I went for a walk in the woods with a friend in the afternoon. I also had a 2 hr board meeting this morning (my first one with a new organization). Two hours is a long time for a Zoom meeting. I was so happy to get outdoors after that! 😉

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

We have fresh, powder snow today! It's bright and beautiful outside, without being too cold. I went for a walk in the woods with a friend in the afternoon. I also had a 2 hr board meeting this morning (my first one with a new organization). Two hours is a long time for a Zoom meeting. I was so happy to get outdoors after that! 😉

I'm jealous of your snow! We had rain yesterday and last night :( Winter is kind of late coming in BC this year.

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I got my strength work done and a good bit of outside work. We got the front and side yard and beds cleared from leaves (now that it is winter and my shoulder is not bothering me so much). We have much more to do but I just like to tackle one bit at a time as we get nice days.

Today is stretching and a walk.

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14 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

I'm jealous of your snow! We had rain yesterday and last night 😞 Winter is kind of late coming in BC this year.

Our snow has been coming and going, with rain in between snow-falls. I really hope this snow is here to stay, as it would be nice to be able to do some skiing and snowshoeing. 

Hope you get some snow soon! Rain in December has to be the most depressing thing going. 

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I went for an hour-long walk last evening. It seems to be part of my new new exercise pattern. I'll walk in the daylight hours, and walk again in the dark. It's lovely with all the Christmas lights and decorations making things bright and interesting. I'm a lone walker out there these evenings. Very few people out and about.

I'll be walking in the woods with friends this afternoon. We still have snow on the ground! I hope it stays.


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I tried a new workout today--I'm a little tired of everything else right now. I wanted to do yoga but I know I need cardio. Anyway, I'd never done a walking workout so I did one of Jessica Smith's and liked it. It had some interval stuff in there too.

20 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Rain in December has to be the most depressing thing going. 

Rain in December is normal here. Snow would be lovely but doesn't happen most years. But I can tell you that rain in May and June is far more depressing!

I need to do a night walk around the block. Everyone has gone all out with the lights this year, and we had several houses turn over with new owners who do more. I was a bit embarrassed by our one tree lit up--I added the giant snowflake lights to the fence. It still looks pretty pitiful compared to everyone else. Maybe we'll try to get more up this weekend. We have more, just need to fix a string or two and find more extension cords.

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3 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

I tried a new workout today--I'm a little tired of everything else right now. I wanted to do yoga but I know I need cardio. Anyway, I'd never done a walking workout so I did one of Jessica Smith's and liked it. It had some interval stuff in there too.

Rain in December is normal here. Snow would be lovely but doesn't happen most years. But I can tell you that rain in May and June is far more depressing!

I need to do a night walk around the block. Everyone has gone all out with the lights this year, and we had several houses turn over with new owners who do more. I was a bit embarrassed by our one tree lit up--I added the giant snowflake lights to the fence. It still looks pretty pitiful compared to everyone else. Maybe we'll try to get more up this weekend. We have more, just need to fix a string or two and find more extension cords.

Oops. That's right. You have short days AND rain in Dec. Luckily the climate and scenery is amazing! I guess there are trade-offs we learn to live with. 

I'll alter my statement; freezing rain in December is the worst! 😉  We get it often, and it's truly the worst. We learn to live with it, but most everybody hates it. 

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I like to walk around the village at night on my own too. We have intermittent rain and low light at present. If we get snow that lies, it's more likely in February or even March.

Lovely photos @wintermom

Well done for trying kickboxing @Ali in OR - my coordination is so rubbish I've never dared.

@Jenny in Florida I'm sorry things are so tough

@Dreamergal I'm glad you are getting your sunshine. I was in Dallas for Christmas one year and the weather was lovely. I made the mistake of packing winter clothes though, and my parents in law kept the house at 72 degrees. All the Christmas pictures have me red faced from heat.

@Sororwell done for the garden work. We had a couple of strong guys come in on Tuesday to take out a dead tree, a rhubarb, some mint, some Box and an invasive Snowberry. The garden is a quagmire now.

Yesterday - lunchtime walk with a friend, Revolution Adriene yoga 13 hip opening after work. Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt. Mushrooms and leftover tuna plus a savoury oatcake.  Cumberland sausage, green pepper, onion and green beans.

Today - NW at lunchtime, yoga after work. Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt. Beetroot curry and egg. Cullen Skink soup.


Edited by Laura Corin
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I went for a masked, distanced as possible walk with a friend yesterday. We walked slowly (I had our 3 mo, she had her toddler) around a lake not too far from us. It was a nice change of pace from my usual workouts. And it was the longest I'd spent with anyone outside my household in...a long time. 

So not only good exercise, but a good mental boost heading into winter here! I/we are getting a late start today, so will have to try to squeeze in a workout this afternoon or evening. 

Happy Friday, everyone!

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I did some stretching this morning with ds, then went for a walk to the local WalMart to get some bird seed and a few other items. I came home with lots of Christmas presents!!  It was a weight-baring work out on the walk home, that's for sure. 😂

I'm walking in the woods with friends this afternoon. It's sunny and very mild. Excellent outdoor weather. Still some snow on the ground, but green grass is also visible. I think a green and white Christmas would be just fine. 😉

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Where is everybody? I had to go to page 3 to find this thread!

Guess we're all busy. I never checked in yesterday because I got scheduled into an 8:00 meeting (my workday begins at 8:30). But I did do my shortest workout (25 min) before that. Today was yoga day with the dog and cat--Yoga Morning Fresh. Good way to kick off Saturday.

I got some big projects done that were weighing me down. Everything going out from here is now in the mail. The January homework packet I was writing is finished, copied, and handed off to the school office to prep for delivery. This weekend I hope to catch up on some fun stuff: wrapping presents, baking, maybe getting a few more lights up outside.

This is my little corner where I'm doing my Saturday morning yoga this month. Except I'm on the floor right in front of the fireplace, the dog is on the sofa about where this pic was taken from and the cat is underneath the sofa in the same spot. Have a good weekend everyone!


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I got wimpy this morning and cut my walk short due to the freezing pellets beating down on my face. It was better than heavy rain, but those little pellets can hit pretty hard. 

This evening is my indoor tennis league match! I'm thrilled to be able to play, and it could possibly be the last match of the year and season. 


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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

Where is everybody? I had to go to page 3 to find this thread!

Guess we're all busy. I never checked in yesterday because I got scheduled into an 8:00 meeting (my workday begins at 8:30). But I did do my shortest workout (25 min) before that. Today was yoga day with the dog and cat--Yoga Morning Fresh. Good way to kick off Saturday.

I got some big projects done that were weighing me down. Everything going out from here is now in the mail. The January homework packet I was writing is finished, copied, and handed off to the school office to prep for delivery. This weekend I hope to catch up on some fun stuff: wrapping presents, baking, maybe getting a few more lights up outside.

This is my little corner where I'm doing my Saturday morning yoga this month. Except I'm on the floor right in front of the fireplace, the dog is on the sofa about where this pic was taken from and the cat is underneath the sofa in the same spot. Have a good weekend everyone!


Love your tree and decorations! Thanks for sharing the photo.

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Hello friends!

My absence is because I'm trying very hard not to let a minor injury become a major one.  I've definitely screwed up a tendon in my hamstring and am forcing myself to take a full 2 weeks off running.  I'm still getting in plenty of walking, and hope to add some bodyweight exercises to work on my hips while waiting for the tendon to chill out.  

A couple silver linings:  More time for cooking and I made an AMAZING lentil-mango-pomegranate salad.  It also had a hot pepper and coriander, and we ate it scooped up on tortilla chips.  

And here is a picture form my last run before deciding to give it a rest.  This is Lac Leman, also called Lake Geneva, about a third of the way into my 8 mile run.  


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2 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Hello friends!

My absence is because I'm trying very hard not to let a minor injury become a major one.  I've definitely screwed up a tendon in my hamstring and am forcing myself to take a full 2 weeks off running.  I'm still getting in plenty of walking, and hope to add some bodyweight exercises to work on my hips while waiting for the tendon to chill out.  

A couple silver linings:  More time for cooking and I made an AMAZING lentil-mango-pomegranate salad.  It also had a hot pepper and coriander, and we ate it scooped up on tortilla chips.  

And here is a picture form my last run before deciding to give it a rest.  This is Lac Leman, also called Lake Geneva, about a third of the way into my 8 mile run.  


Sorry you've got a nagging injury. Hope your rest period does the trick!  Love the photo of your gorgeous lake. What a wonderful place to run. 

Glad you're still walking, and diving into making delicious food sounds like a great way to spend your 'rest' time! 

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We made it to TKD 3 times this week, yay!  Hoping to do at least 3x next week and maybe get belt stripe tested.

With walking, I have decided to lighten up a bit about how long I walk each day.  I might regret it, but realistically, who wants to walk an hour+ in the cold on a slushy path when it's raining?  Nobody.  I am still targeting an average of 4 miles per day, but if it isn't 4 miles on any given day, so be it.

Yoga ... I fell off the wagon again.  I have decided that I'm exempt from yoga on days when I do TKD, because I stretch there.  Now I need to get motivated to do the yoga (as well as walking & TKD form practice) on the remaining days of the week.

Eating - I haven't been super.  But on the positive side, I have finished eating the Halloween candy that I like (i.e. whatever was "worth the calories").  Here's hoping my kids don't more than make up for it with their wonderful baking!

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18 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Where is everybody? I had to go to page 3 to find this thread!

Guess we're all busy. I never checked in yesterday because I got scheduled into an 8:00 meeting (my workday begins at 8:30). But I did do my shortest workout (25 min) before that. Today was yoga day with the dog and cat--Yoga Morning Fresh. Good way to kick off Saturday.

I got some big projects done that were weighing me down. Everything going out from here is now in the mail. The January homework packet I was writing is finished, copied, and handed off to the school office to prep for delivery. This weekend I hope to catch up on some fun stuff: wrapping presents, baking, maybe getting a few more lights up outside.

This is my little corner where I'm doing my Saturday morning yoga this month. Except I'm on the floor right in front of the fireplace, the dog is on the sofa about where this pic was taken from and the cat is underneath the sofa in the same spot. Have a good weekend everyone!


Beautiful Ali!!! Awesome job getting things done, I know that is a huge weight off of you.

17 hours ago, wintermom said:

I got wimpy this morning and cut my walk short due to the freezing pellets beating down on my face. It was better than heavy rain, but those little pellets can hit pretty hard. 

This evening is my indoor tennis league match! I'm thrilled to be able to play, and it could possibly be the last match of the year and season. 


Ouch, freezing rain is no fun. How was tennis?

16 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Hello friends!

My absence is because I'm trying very hard not to let a minor injury become a major one.  I've definitely screwed up a tendon in my hamstring and am forcing myself to take a full 2 weeks off running.  I'm still getting in plenty of walking, and hope to add some bodyweight exercises to work on my hips while waiting for the tendon to chill out.  

A couple silver linings:  More time for cooking and I made an AMAZING lentil-mango-pomegranate salad.  It also had a hot pepper and coriander, and we ate it scooped up on tortilla chips.  

And here is a picture form my last run before deciding to give it a rest.  This is Lac Leman, also called Lake Geneva, about a third of the way into my 8 mile run.  


Lovely lake. Best wishes on your injury recovery.

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This week was busy and I have felt a little frazzled. I ended up skipping strength work Friday but I did it yesterday. So, I have some yoga/stretching today.

I've also felt tired this week, I told dh I've been slacking again on my iron and am feeling it with my period here.

Food has been a little wonky, I ran out of my prepped lunch and was just out of the house too much. I need to do some lunch and breakfast meal prep today. I'm thinking pumpkin superhero muffins I've not made those in awhile. I don't know about lunch, maybe some lentil soup?

Weight is still in maintenance range, tbh I was nervous weighing this am as I haven't all week and things have been so crazy but I guess it has evened out.

This week should be much saner, fingers crossed.

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

Ouch, freezing rain is no fun. How was tennis?

Fortunately we didn't actually get freezing rain, so I'll be going for a walk very soon. Those ice pellets were just mini-hail, I guess. 

Tennis was both fun and completely frustrating. I love running around and hitting the ball, but I just don't have the muscle memory to perform well when I only play once every 2 weeks. Our opponents were very skilled, and the spin they were putting on the balls was throwing me off completely. So I did not play well, though I love playing challenging teams. The best part is that the people were just genuinely nice. So overall it went well, but would have hoped to play better. I have lots of plans to improve my play and absolutely no way to achieve them in the next 6 months. Oh well, such is life. I could do a lot of mentally playing tennis over the winter and then see what happens in the spring. 😉  Supposedly this can be a very effect way to train, but I've never actually done it before. Could be an interesting experiment.

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As promised, some signs of recent beaver activity! They are busy... just like beavers. 😄  You can see: 1) a large, mature tree taken down in various stages (plus some woods shavings); 2) smaller bush snipped off in one bite; and 3) the lodge with recent wood additions on the front left side. Who know what that is all about. Maybe they are branches ready to transport when the sun goes down.





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strength work today, hopefully a walk.

Hoping for energy today as yesterday I did not feel well. I didn't have much umph all weekend, don't know if that was just the leftover of a busy week, my period, or a combo.

I made pumpkin super hero muffins for breakfast but did not make a lunch. I do have some pintos and rice though. I need to make a kale salad or kale chips.

Maybe this salad- I have everything but radishes and goat cheese(I don't usually eat cheese anyway)-


Dinner will be baked eggplant and tomato soup.

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15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I misjudged the tide and wind this morning,  and the tidal pool was submerged when I got there.  I spent the day studying instead, and walked the dog after dark.

Hot muesli and yoghurt. Curried beetroot and eggs.  Duck beast, quinoa, mooli and celeriac. 

Sorry you missed your swim. It didn't even occur to me that your pool was tide dependent. Also, the tide timing changes, as does the sunset timing. I can see how it would be really tough to get the timing just right, especially with the days being so short right now. You need daylight and the water just right for your swimming. 

I only have to be careful not to start off on a hike too late in the afternoon, or it will be too dark to finish the hike.

Edited by wintermom
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31 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Sorry you missed your swim. It didn't even occur to me that your pool was tide dependent. Also, the tide timing changes, as does the sunset timing. I can see how it would be really tough to get the timing just right, especially with the days being so short right now. You need daylight and the water just right for your swimming. 

I only have to be careful not to start off on a hike too late in the afternoon, or it will be too dark to finish the hike.

Yes, the pool refreshes with water that laps over the top at high tide. The problem this time was an exceptionally high tide - they vary by a metre or more  - plus wind-driven waves. Previously,  two hours or more either side of high tide has been fine. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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43 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Yes, the pool refreshes with water that laps over the top at high tide. The problem this time was an exceptionally high tide - they vary by a metre or more  - plus wind-driven waves. Previously,  two hours or more either side of high tide has been fine. 

Wow. That shows how powerful the tide and winds are. Stay safe!

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Good Monday morning to you all!

I repeated the walking workout I tried last week. I like that it's obvious that it gets my heart rate up, and the moves are simple enough. I will try to find more like this, maybe over break.

I got done most of what I wanted to get done this weekend. Yesterday afternoon I was a bit down, not really enjoying relaxation time. I hope break doesn't end up like that. 

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Skating was so much fun!! I'd forgotten how much I like this activity. So glad I discovered this hidden treasure during the pandemic. 😄  It's so typically Canadian that hockey and skating carry on this winter. Hockey is more restricted, but it's definitely going. 

I would love that opportunity--I used to skate in my childhood/early teen years. I still have my old skates and I get an opportunity to skate every 5-10 years. But my skates are too small, so my toes hurt afterward. I love the feeling of just stroking fast around the rink. Can't jump or spin much anymore, but I can still skate fast! If I lived near a rink, I would buy new boots and get my good blades put on them.

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49 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

I would love that opportunity--I used to skate in my childhood/early teen years. I still have my old skates and I get an opportunity to skate every 5-10 years. But my skates are too small, so my toes hurt afterward. I love the feeling of just stroking fast around the rink. Can't jump or spin much anymore, but I can still skate fast! If I lived near a rink, I would buy new boots and get my good blades put on them.

I love skating, too. I invested in quality figure skates (used boots and new blade) 30 years ago. I haven't had to replace the blades yet, and I use them every year. It was a great investment.I only learned a few basic spins and a couple easy jumps (which I don't do). I don't want to fall. I do a lot of power skating moves, though. It's a great work-out. 

Are there no indoor rinks near you? Skating and hockey are so popular in Canada that we have loads of indoor and outdoor rinks. There is really high demand for the indoor rink times, though. I was thrilled to find free skating offered, especially during the pandemic.

I just discovered an outdoor rink just for free skating at no cost downtown with beautiful lights and a heated change room! It's a bit of a drive, but could be really fun. Our local outdoor rinks are not prepped yet, I don't think. 

Edited by wintermom
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Day 21/80: total body core this morning.  Walked with the dogs this afternoon.  Still had energy to burn this evening so I did PiYo Sweat.  I don't normally do 2 workouts in one day, but I feel like I need a little something extra right now.  I don't have much farm work to do right now, it's too icy to run, and not snowy enough for snowshoeing or cross-country skiing.  I wish it'd hurry up and snow some more!

@wintermom maybe I should get some skates?! I see lots of used ones for sale on our local facebook groups.  The tiny town nearest us just got the outdoor rink going for the winter.  I've never skated in my life though (not a native Canadian :laugh:) so I'm a little nervous about hurting myself.

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Are there no indoor rinks near you? Skating and hockey are so popular in Canada that we have loads of indoor and outdoor rinks. There is really high demand for the indoor rink times, though. I was thrilled to find free skating offered, especially during the pandemic.

There are rinks in Oregon, but none close enough to go to regularly. We went to one for dd's birthday last year--that was fun.

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