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I saw a Podcast where someone bought CDs and utilized the songs/memory work for Echo for their kiddos.
I want to do this.

What do you?
How do you do it?
What resources have you loved?

Essentially, I'd like to drain your brain because I'm feeling lazy today.  And I need a shower.  And it's the "one more thing..."

So, if you can't stand me profiting while being lazy - I understand.  :ph34r:
But, if you're in a sharing mood.......   :wub:  


I had similar aspirations to use the Echo educationally. I am not very tech adept, and I never got past the “I need a shower” phase to actually attempt to lock the Echo down, but my kids kept trying to play It’s Raining Tacos and Butt, Butt, Coconut on it.

I am still upset whoever at Amazon thought the second song was appropriate for children. One lyric is actually “up your ____ with a coconut.”


I want to figure out how to do this!

Is there some cloud service that you can store CD tracks on then get Alexa to play them?

I'm hoping someone knows a way to do this!

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