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Aw, Chris, cup of coffee?  I'm not free this AM, but you could come, sit, read with us.  ((Hugs))
Run to town for an errand
Pay some bills, run the budget
Print off a phonemic awareness test and take a close look at it.
Text my BFF

Stratego with the 6yo
Leftovers for lunch

Drop off / Pick up play practice
Brats for supper 

Didn't sleep well last night after about 3.  Blech.  

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Christina, I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon and get good results!

Breakfast is done. Math with ds' friend is done. 

To Do:

  • math with ds
  • lunch
  • drive boys to swim
  • sit during swim and visit with my second cousin (head coach's mom). 
  • dinner
  • prep for classes tomorrow
  • Like 2

Hi y'all.


drive boy to school



CSA pickup


To do:

on location prep for badge ceremony 

eat something

attempt BSA training again

read and relax

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Got some stuff done today-  talked with Neuropsych person and explained what we needed on the bill and he told me that he thinks he can actually file with Tricare.  He called me back and yes, they are filing with Tricare and I will be getting my money refunded or almost all refunded after they get paid---they were super cheap as far as neuropysch testing goes so I am very hopeful for a full refund.

Also, this time, I needed stitches for one of the skin biopsy sites so I scheduled removal with my primary (who is 10 minutes away versus more than 20 for the pain doctor who did the biopsy). 

Also, got more information for a fall train ride we will be doing on Saturday morning and I will be getting an answer as to how to exactly buy the tickets either tonight or tomorrow.

oh, and I forgot, dd2 had gone with me to the skin biopsy and we got lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant to go so I did have a very tasty lunch.

To do

snack w/dh (dd left just a while ago and she is part of the reason for crying, along with not great neuro-psych test results and that I am probably losing my sight too, and dh's generally crabby mood)

Dinner will be leftovers of last night's dinner or today's lunch or some other light meal.  

take care of biopsy areas

Watch murder tv shows and also read mysteries

7 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

Aw, Chris, cup of coffee?  I'm not free this AM, but you could come, sit, read with us.  ((Hugs))
Run to town for an errand
Pay some bills, run the budget
Print off a phonemic awareness test and take a close look at it.
Text my BFF

Stratego with the 6yo
Leftovers for lunch

Drop off / Pick up play practice
Brats for supper 

Didn't sleep well last night after about 3.  Blech.  

I took a nap.  DH had a doctor appointment I forgot about and that swallowed up the afternoon.

Big kids did school & littles took a nap with me.  Off to play practice now! Not the most functional day but definitely needed. ❤️ 

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