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November Well-Trained Bodies


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I'm playing doubles tennis this evening with my indoor competitive league! I'm excited to play tennis again, and happy to team up with friends. I'll also get outside for a walk at some point. 

I really need to dig in and get working on my final statistics assignment, though, so I'll be stuck to the computer for a while over the next week. Then I'll be free!!!

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I took yesterday off completely. I did get a little Black Friday shopping done, but it wasn't going to an out-of-town mall with my dds which has been a fun tradition since they've been teenagers (they go one way, I go another, we meet up for lunch, they show me clothes they like, etc). Yesterday was just a few local stores by myself early in the morning, like Fred Meyer for the half-off sock sale. Stores were very empty--felt safer than grocery shopping.

Didn't sleep well last night--woke up at 3:00am with brain wide awake doing math lesson planning. Dh was snoring. Eventually I went out to the living room sofa and slept a couple more hours. But I woke up with a sore back, so I did Yoga with Adriene's Lower Back Love which was nice.

Too much to do this weekend: usual weekend cleaning chores plus inside decorating plus a few more lights outside plus lesson planning for this week plus begin writing the homework packet for after winter break.

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I took about a week off from rowing because my son had surgery and needed full-time help. But I’m back on the case now, and am at just over 123,000 meters for the month. I’m also down 18 pounds since June, so pretty happy about that - closing in on my 20 in 2020 goal. 

Our days are cold, but not a lot of snow yet, and I am grateful for the sunshine even if I need to bundle up to be outside. I feel like between the sunshine and regular exercise, I have been able to keep my SAD at bay so far. I’m really making it a priority to sit outside for at least 30 minutes every day the sun is out. 

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1 hour ago, PinkTulip said:

I took about a week off from rowing because my son had surgery and needed full-time help. But I’m back on the case now, and am at just over 123,000 meters for the month. I’m also down 18 pounds since June, so pretty happy about that - closing in on my 20 in 2020 goal. 

Our days are cold, but not a lot of snow yet, and I am grateful for the sunshine even if I need to bundle up to be outside. I feel like between the sunshine and regular exercise, I have been able to keep my SAD at bay so far. I’m really making it a priority to sit outside for at least 30 minutes every day the sun is out. 

So, your son is recovering well?

The sun and exercise do help so much. I don't mind the cold so much but when it is all cloudy and dreary it is so depressing.

1 hour ago, Dreamergal said:

Present and accounted for !

Had a productive week deep cleaning 😫, Marie Kondoing (yes it is a verb in our house and my children are not amused), did a minor Thanskgiving celebration as in did not have the usual huge friends gathering we have or have the usual variety though we got a few drop offs. I really, really miss the food part of communal celebration I find. On a brighter note, decorating done and got ready for advent.

All this long winded explanation to say I did not do my usual vigorous exercise because I can do manual labor or exercise, not do both. I do not know how folks on this thread do both, so hats off. I did a modified exercise of play and walked a bit. I have certainly put on weight though I dare not step on a scale to confirm. But I know just by the usual blergh feeling.

Have not caught up with everyone, sorry. Hope folks who celebrated thanksgiving had a good one. I am ready for Christmas, sparkle, lights, comfort food and desserts. Just need to work out more to compensate. Have a good one everyone ! 

Happy to see you. I bet it is mostly bloat from the indulgent foods, you get back to your regular foods and it will be much better.

3 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Day 6/80: cardio flow

I'm hosting a Thanksgiving dinner this evening.  I baked the rolls yesterday and made a broccoli apple salad, and the last of the pies is in the oven now.  It's noon here now, and dinner isn't until 6:30, so I've got awhile before I have to start the turkey and the ham.

Enjoy your dinner.

5 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

I took yesterday off completely. I did get a little Black Friday shopping done, but it wasn't going to an out-of-town mall with my dds which has been a fun tradition since they've been teenagers (they go one way, I go another, we meet up for lunch, they show me clothes they like, etc). Yesterday was just a few local stores by myself early in the morning, like Fred Meyer for the half-off sock sale. Stores were very empty--felt safer than grocery shopping.

Didn't sleep well last night--woke up at 3:00am with brain wide awake doing math lesson planning. Dh was snoring. Eventually I went out to the living room sofa and slept a couple more hours. But I woke up with a sore back, so I did Yoga with Adriene's Lower Back Love which was nice.

Too much to do this weekend: usual weekend cleaning chores plus inside decorating plus a few more lights outside plus lesson planning for this week plus begin writing the homework packet for after winter break.

Sorry to hear you are having such a busy weekend.

6 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm playing doubles tennis this evening with my indoor competitive league! I'm excited to play tennis again, and happy to team up with friends. I'll also get outside for a walk at some point. 

I really need to dig in and get working on my final statistics assignment, though, so I'll be stuck to the computer for a while over the next week. Then I'll be free!!!

Good luck on your game and assignment.

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I left even earlier today as dh wanted to go with me and we got in a nice long walk, it was lovely, we adventured all over and found the old trail section has been cleared off. Most of my walk lately has been on what is not technically a trail but an old mining road as the trail itself is not well maintained but they have came through with chainsaws and even put up new signs, it is in much better shape. 

My legs are fairly sore I don't know if it has been the increase in walking this week up this and that hill in sometimes rough areas or some of the yoga I've done but the last few days I could feel my legs aching while walking.

Food has been pretty good. I feel like I'm getting back in the groove. I made up a batch of thai vegetable soup w/ chickpeas today. Tonight will be chili. I've been slacking on greens but twice I tried to order kale for pickup and they were out.

Weight is back down below 125 after popping up fro a bit due to indulgences.

Sleep has been decent too, could be longer sometimes as I wake up too early at times but I'm not waking in the night or having trouble getting to sleep so that's great.

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Yoga this morning- 1 hr- advanced class with balances- I can tell I've been slacking on one leg poses as my ankles kept protesting. I need to be more diligent in making sure I get them in. I enjoyed the class, it was slower paced but a good amount of challenging poses. I skipped the vinyasas for the sake of my shoulder. I had done some from my knees last week and my shoulder is still feeling a bit twingy.

I did the following 2 earlier this week:

Cardio Flow- A good one to keep the heart rate up that doesn't rely as heavily on the typical sun salutation as many do (although it is a variation). I find the teacher a bit annoying but enjoyed the class, ymmv.

1 hr- "Crosstraining Yoga" This one I did earlier in the week with modified vinyasas.

Edited by Soror
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Heading outside in a bit to help clear some branches from trees she had cut down and will get in a walk later.

Still trying to determine what I want to do next for exercise. I might just follow @Ali in OR 's lead and do youtube videos, picking a focus for each day and weeding through various ones to find ones I like. I can't make up my mind.

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I started the morning with a longer walk than I have been managing most days, 2.9 miles. I followed that with a little more than 30 minutes/8 miles on the stationary bike. 

In the last couple of weeks, I have been consistently exceeding my 10,000-step daily minimum, so I went ahead and boosted the goal to 10,500 starting today.

I'm a little more than halfway done with my current virtual cycling challenge: 245.5 of 480.9 miles completed.

On December 1, I plan to start walking the Run Across America Holiday Hustle.

I have been unusually sore and tired this whole long weekend. I was blaming it on over-exertion with Thanksgiving cleaning and cooking and such, preceded by several days of extended periods sitting in my desk chair trying to push out a big project at work before the long weekend, but even a few days later, I'm still achy and miserable. My left foot and lower leg, which are always more problematic with the neuropathy, has been feeling unusually icky, too. Although it doesn't look swollen to the naked eye, it feels swollen and oddly heavy, plus more tingly and tender, all of which makes it tough to sleep.

I keep thinking it will get better if I just push through and keep moving and stretching, but it's also a good reminder to follow up on the referral for a new neurologist.

In terms of food/weight, I continue to feel frustrated. I mean, I know it was Thanksgiving this past week, and I know I have been slacking on logging my food because I have been busy at work and with the holiday, but I am now up by about 10 pounds over my I-can-live-with-this weight. So, as of today, it's back to scrupulous logging and being more intentional about planning meals watching portion sizes.

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Thanks for the links  @Soror. The first one looked good. I'll look at the others later.

The weather yesterday was extraordinarily still. We took the dog for a walk along an estuary close to dusk. The sun was golden and hazy through the reed beds. It was so quiet without the sound of wind in the trees.

Today we are celebrating  Thanksgiving. I walked the dog first thing. That will be about it for exercise fir the day. 

Yoghurt with a little granola. 

Mushroom black bean soup with miso and oat cream.

Pot roast pheasant with bacon, juniper and cannelini beans, plus cornbread dressing, green beans with cheese sauce, pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Fizz.

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4 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I started the morning with a longer walk than I have been managing most days, 2.9 miles. I followed that with a little more than 30 minutes/8 miles on the stationary bike. 

In the last couple of weeks, I have been consistently exceeding my 10,000-step daily minimum, so I went ahead and boosted the goal to 10,500 starting today.

I'm a little more than halfway done with my current virtual cycling challenge: 245.5 of 480.9 miles completed.

On December 1, I plan to start walking the Run Across America Holiday Hustle.

I have been unusually sore and tired this whole long weekend. I was blaming it on over-exertion with Thanksgiving cleaning and cooking and such, preceded by several days of extended periods sitting in my desk chair trying to push out a big project at work before the long weekend, but even a few days later, I'm still achy and miserable. My left foot and lower leg, which are always more problematic with the neuropathy, has been feeling unusually icky, too. Although it doesn't look swollen to the naked eye, it feels swollen and oddly heavy, plus more tingly and tender, all of which makes it tough to sleep.

I keep thinking it will get better if I just push through and keep moving and stretching, but it's also a good reminder to follow up on the referral for a new neurologist.

In terms of food/weight, I continue to feel frustrated. I mean, I know it was Thanksgiving this past week, and I know I have been slacking on logging my food because I have been busy at work and with the holiday, but I am now up by about 10 pounds over my I-can-live-with-this weight. So, as of today, it's back to scrupulous logging and being more intentional about planning meals watching portion sizes.

Jenny, I'm sorry you are in a bad place. Many kudos to you to continuing to up your activity level. Your injury really knocked you down but you have persistently worked at it through the physical and mental setbacks.

4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks for the links  @Soror. The first one looked good. I'll look at the others later.

The weather yesterday was extraordinarily still. We took the dog for a walk along an estuary close to dusk. The sun was golden and hazy through the reed beds. It was so quiet without the sound of wind in the trees.

Today we are celebrating  Thanksgiving. I walked the dog first thing. That will be about it for exercise fir the day. 

Yoghurt with a little granola. 

Mushroom black bean soup with miso and oat cream.

Pot roast pheasant with bacon, juniper and cannelini beans, plus cornbread dressing, green beans with cheese sauce, pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Fizz.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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My indoor tennis last night was really fun. I played 2 hour with my own team, then was asked to spare for another team as their lady was suddenly too sick to play. So I had a total of 4 hours of doubles tennis. I survived this partly because it was clay courts, which is way easier on the legs than hard court surface, and partly because I've been walking with my heavy winter boots and my leg muscles are ripped. 😅 The only downside was that it took hours before I was calm enough to get to sleep. I watched my Danish TV series until 2am, then dreamt in Danish. 😉

I went for a long walk in the woods around my neighbourhood this morning with my light-weight boots, and spend the rest of the day working on my stats assignment. I'm getting so frustrated with it. Can't wait for this course to be done. I'll be celebrating on Thursday evening! 🤸‍♀️

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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

My indoor tennis last night was really fun. I played 2 hour with my own team, then was asked to spare for another team as their lady was suddenly too sick to play. So I had a total of 4 hours of doubles tennis. I survived this partly because it was clay courts, which is way easier on the legs than hard court surface, and partly because I've been walking with my heavy winter boots and my leg muscles are ripped. 😅 The only downside was that it took hours before I was calm enough to get to sleep. I watched my Danish TV series until 2am, then dreamt in Danish. 😉

I went for a long walk in the woods around my neighbourhood this morning with my light-weight boots, and spend the rest of the day working on my stats assignment. I'm getting so frustrated with it. Can't wait for this course to be done. I'll be celebrating on Thursday evening! 🤸‍♀️

Almost done! Dh still has a few weeks for his classes, he is very ready too.

I'm sure your legs are getting strong. Like I said just walking these rough and hilly roads and trails in my tennis shoes I'm feeling it.

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I had told myself I'd not go as far yesterday as my legs were sore but once I got out there I decided to go even further. When we went up the old trail yesterday we hit this old fire road that I had forgotten about and have never walked. Dh told me it connected to the next highway over and I thought I'd try to make it there. So, I walked and walked, no road in site. I finally thought to look at google maps and it said I had 7.8 miles to go!! LOL. So, I turned around and started booking it as I'd been out 45 minutes and only had about 30 minutes of good light left. Told dh I was heading back and he insisted he come pick me up so I wasn't in the woods at night on trails that I aren't always the most visible. I still got in another 20 minutes or so and logged more steps than I have in many months.

And of course because I said I was sleeping so well I woke up in the night last night 🙂  It is time for my hormones to shift and I forgot my vitamins yesterday, who knows.\

Today I think I'll try to start a strength series I found and a walk.

b: oats of some sort I think- I'm out of homemade muesli and granola, I need to make bread

l: chickpea veggie thai coconut soup w/ brown rice

s: baked eggplant w/ marinara and white beans w/ kale

d: meatloaf w/ potatoes and green beans

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I will come back and read posts later--just trying to get my November summary in before starting the workday. My poor coworker tested positive for Covid on Friday, so I'm teaching for her probably through Winter Break (3 weeks).

Anyway, I lost 3 pounds during November! I was up a pound at the end of October, so that one came off quickly. And the main thing I can pinpoint is that I just ate less, and this was because I WAS NOT HUNGRY. I don't know how to repeat that when my weight is up over summer or after Christmas. A lot of that was anxiety--first the election (the election that would not end) and then work and my coworker's troubles. But I also did the 20 in 20 challenge which got me trading after school eating for after school walking. I will try to keep up that after school movement (maybe yoga instead of walking). Goals for December tomorrow. Did my shortest workout today.

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Hi!  Now that November is almost over, I will post an update.

Between working the polls and a mega work deadline on the 16th, I couldn't do as much exercise as I prefer, but I tried very hard to catch back up.  As of last night, I was at my goal of 4 miles average walking per day for November.  I need to walk probably at least 2-3 miles today to keep it that way.  (My target is 4 miles per day, but it's raining and my bird needs an emergency vet visit and and and ....)

I was good with yoga for about 2 days last week.  That's about it for that.  As for TKD, we made it to 1 class.  I have forgotten most of what I learned in the October camp.  😕  I did put TKD on my calendar for 3 days per week going forward.  We'll see if it happens.  Today is probably shot thanks to the vet stuff ....

Eating hasn't been too bad.  Could be better though.  Banana bread is a well-balanced meal, right?

Oh and I had started out planning to do that "20 in 20" challenge with running a mile a day.  That lasted maybe 3 days.  It hurt my knees too much.  Either I need to find out how old ladies condition their knees for running, or I need to give it up for good.

Edited by SKL
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I started this series today:

It is a lot like other bodyweight workouts I've done from You Are Your Own Gym and Gold Medal Bodies but it is a follow along video. I like following along so I keep a good pace, it is so easy to go too fast or slow and the form tips are good. We'll see how I like it. It is M/W/F strength; T/Th/S flexibility/mobility. There were some pull-ups today, I tried some with a lot of assistance but decided it best to skip those after the first round with my sensitive shoulder.

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November has been a bit mixed, with some aches and pains early on, but heading in the right direction.  The biggest win has been finally getting a foam roller after encouragement here. It has made an enormous difference to my tight left hamstring.

I've kept going with walking and yoga and have been swimming a couple of times.  The sea pool is a great discovery.  I've also NW at least once a week. I want to make it at least twice. Food and weight were okay. I'm working on pumpkin pie at present,  so I'll not weigh again for a few days. 

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November Wrap-Up: Well, it was better than August through October for me, anyway.

I made decent strides with movement and exercise, but struggled a lot with food and weight. 

I'm trying to stay motivated by completing challenges, including the WTM 20 in 20 for 2020, the (stationary bike) World Kindness Day Half-Marathon, the virtual IOA Corporate 5K (walked outdoors), the virtual Seniors First 5K (walked outdoors), the OnePulse CommUNITY virtual 4.9K (my personal make-up event, because I missed the actual day due to the broken arm/vertigo -- walked inside) and the Save the Manatee virtual 5K (indoor person make-up version). I'm a little more than half-way done with (stationary) biking the Camino de Santiago challenge, planning to complete that by the end of the year.

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Did my bodyweight circuit and a shorter Yoga with Adriene lower back video. My back isn't really painful but feels kind of "twingy". Like I'm not watching my positioning enough when I lift dd. My finger that got hurt by the dog leash almost 3 weeks ago is still swollen and painful and I think I make little adjustments to protect my finger that might be messing with the back a little.

December Goals: the biggie is to MAINTAIN. Keep up the exercise 6 days a week. Don't gain back any weight (this will be hard the two weeks I'm off of school and able to eat all day). I think I want to try 20 in 20 again, but maybe more yoga after school instead of walking after school. I mean, either is okay, but I might be more willing and able to fit some yoga into my schedule, and I don't have to leave the house.

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