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November Well-Trained Bodies


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Welcome Jackson, and congratulations @IvyInFlorida and family!

I thought I slept really poorly last night--awake from like 2:15 on and the cat was driving me crazy trying to get me up. Finally he resorted to his trick of knocking our old landline slimline phone off the hook so it makes that crazy obnoxious beeping sound. My clock said 3:20. I got up to put the phone back on the hook and I noticed dh's clock said 6:02! We had a power blip in the night that knocked out my clock--I didn't notice it was blinking. Dh's clock has battery backup. But thankfully the cat alarm was fully functional and I was only 20 minutes later than usual. Did my bodyweight circuit x2 and a 10 min yoga.

We have rain today.

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8 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Welcome Jackson, and congratulations @IvyInFlorida and family!

I thought I slept really poorly last night--awake from like 2:15 on and the cat was driving me crazy trying to get me up. Finally he resorted to his trick of knocking our old landline slimline phone off the hook so it makes that crazy obnoxious beeping sound. My clock said 3:20. I got up to put the phone back on the hook and I noticed dh's clock said 6:02! We had a power blip in the night that knocked out my clock--I didn't notice it was blinking. Dh's clock has battery backup. But thankfully the cat alarm was fully functional and I was only 20 minutes later than usual. Did my bodyweight circuit x2 and a 10 min yoga.

We have rain today.

Yay, kitty! He saved the day. 😄

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It was another fabulous outdoor day. I did some school work early in the am and then again in the evening, otherwise spent the entire day outside. I was doing yardwork, helping build the new gate, adding some Christmas decorations, etc. Then dh and I played doubles tennis for glorious 2 hours. It was so much fun. Each day I can still play outdoors is such a treat. And I would LOVE it if our weather stayed like it has been this week for the entire year. It's supposed to go up to 66F tomorrow, then stay in the mid 40s for the rest of the week. Not too bad. 

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For those whose house is cooler in winter - trying to sort out clothing. Once I  started working from home in March, I  basically lived in yoga pants and exercise t shirts. Now that it's cooler and the paths are muddier, I seem to spend my days changing clothes - starting the work day in cosy layers, then into walking trousers for a muddy walk at lunchtime, back into cosy layers, then a complete change for yoga because the cosy layers are too warm. I've stashed my walking trousers in the boot room and yoga gear in my study, hoping that it will all seem less of a faff.   Any other ideas? I had planned to wear yoga leggings as a base layer, but that's a bit too warm for walking at present.  

Slept badly and woke too early.  Although it was expected,  I think my area being put into deeper lockdown knocked me sideways a bit. I realised that I had missed the opportunity to get up to the Highlands again. Oh well, at least we saw Eldest before it came on.

I plan on yoga before work - Hip Flow. NW and maybe a nap at lunchtime. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

For those whose house is cooler in winter - trying to sort out clothing. Once I  started working from home in March, I  basically lived in yoga pants and exercise t shirts. Now that it's cooler and the paths are muddier, I seem to spend my days changing clothes - starting the work day in cosy layers, then into walking trousers for a muddy walk at lunchtime, back into cosy layers, then a complete change for yoga because the cosy layers are too warm. I've stashed my walking trousers in the boot room and yoga gear in my study, hoping that it will all seem less of a faff.   Any other ideas? I had planned to wear yoga leggings as a base layer, but that's a bit too warm for walking at present.  

Slept badly and woke too early.  Although it was expected,  I think my area being put into deeper lockdown knocked me sideways a bit. I realised that I had missed the opportunity to get up to the Highlands again. Oh well, at least we saw Eldest before it came on.

I plan on yoga before work - Hip Flow. NW and maybe a nap at lunchtime. 


This is basically what I do.  I have inside clothes, outside clothes, and running clothes, all in various states of dirtiness.  I can't really see a way around it!  

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9 hours ago, wintermom said:

It was another fabulous outdoor day. I did some school work early in the am and then again in the evening, otherwise spent the entire day outside. I was doing yardwork, helping build the new gate, adding some Christmas decorations, etc. Then dh and I played doubles tennis for glorious 2 hours. It was so much fun. Each day I can still play outdoors is such a treat. And I would LOVE it if our weather stayed like it has been this week for the entire year. It's supposed to go up to 66F tomorrow, then stay in the mid 40s for the rest of the week. Not too bad. 

We've been in the 70s and getting ready to go down to 50s and 60s with some rain. It has been very nice.

8 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Day 1 of MBF (Muscle Burns Fat), lower body burn

You'll have to report how you like that one. I'm considering it when it is released to the public.

4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

For those whose house is cooler in winter - trying to sort out clothing. Once I  started working from home in March, I  basically lived in yoga pants and exercise t shirts. Now that it's cooler and the paths are muddier, I seem to spend my days changing clothes - starting the work day in cosy layers, then into walking trousers for a muddy walk at lunchtime, back into cosy layers, then a complete change for yoga because the cosy layers are too warm. I've stashed my walking trousers in the boot room and yoga gear in my study, hoping that it will all seem less of a faff.   Any other ideas? I had planned to wear yoga leggings as a base layer, but that's a bit too warm for walking at present.  

Slept badly and woke too early.  Although it was expected,  I think my area being put into deeper lockdown knocked me sideways a bit. I realised that I had missed the opportunity to get up to the Highlands again. Oh well, at least we saw Eldest before it came on.

I plan on yoga before work - Hip Flow. NW and maybe a nap at lunchtime. 

Sorry about the lockdowns. 

Clothes are always a mess here in the winter. I have a trunk in the entry with all the snow pants and such. I usually have to change a few times too change for working in am, then working out, then clothes for going outside. It annoys me but I don't know what else to do. I wish I had a bigger entry but I don't.

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I slept ok (although I had a bad dream that I overslept and missed classes). I am having a hard time waking up today.

I'm feeling stiff and sore, glad today is a rest/yoga day. I'll get in a walk as well.

b: blueberries, homemade granola, and yogurt

s: apple

l: homemade tempeh fried cauliflower and rice w/ broccoli, carrot, onion; homemade dessert

s: popcorn; smoothie

d: bbq chicken leg, asparagus 

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I am having a somewhat challenging week keeping up with my routine. The weather has been intermittently rainy and windy. Then on Monday I went for my first treatment in the Epley chair. They did say the vertigo and balance stuff might be worse right after the treatment, but I am now two days out and still having trouble.

I had to cancel PT yesterday afternoon, but did get outside (accompanied by my husband) for a short walk in the evening. And I did 45 (slow, gentle) minutes on the stationary bike before dinner. Nowhere near my step goal for the day, though. And I ate everything in sight while trying to stay awake and focus on work.

This morning isn't feeling too promising, either. I got the dog outside but had a huge wave of vertigo before we even made it out of our front yard and had to grab hold of the car not to fall down.

I am hoping it will be like yesterday and get better the longer I remain upright so that I can sneak in a walk and maybe some seated cardio later in the day.

Yuck. I just really hate being out of commission like this.

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3 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I am having a somewhat challenging week keeping up with my routine. The weather has been intermittently rainy and windy. Then on Monday I went for my first treatment in the Epley chair. They did say the vertigo and balance stuff might be worse right after the treatment, but I am now two days out and still having trouble.

I had to cancel PT yesterday afternoon, but did get outside (accompanied by my husband) for a short walk in the evening. And I did 45 (slow, gentle) minutes on the stationary bike before dinner. Nowhere near my step goal for the day, though. And I ate everything in sight while trying to stay awake and focus on work.

This morning isn't feeling too promising, either. I got the dog outside but had a huge wave of vertigo before we even made it out of our front yard and had to grab hold of the car not to fall down.

I am hoping it will be like yesterday and get better the longer I remain upright so that I can sneak in a walk and maybe some seated cardio later in the day.

Yuck. I just really hate being out of commission like this.

I'm sorry about the vertigo.  I had the Epley manoeuvre done manually some years ago and it did help, so I hope you get relief too.

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9 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

For those whose house is cooler in winter - trying to sort out clothing. Once I  started working from home in March, I  basically lived in yoga pants and exercise t shirts. Now that it's cooler and the paths are muddier, I seem to spend my days changing clothes - starting the work day in cosy layers, then into walking trousers for a muddy walk at lunchtime, back into cosy layers, then a complete change for yoga because the cosy layers are too warm. I've stashed my walking trousers in the boot room and yoga gear in my study, hoping that it will all seem less of a faff.   Any other ideas? I had planned to wear yoga leggings as a base layer, but that's a bit too warm for walking at present.  

Slept badly and woke too early.  Although it was expected,  I think my area being put into deeper lockdown knocked me sideways a bit. I realised that I had missed the opportunity to get up to the Highlands again. Oh well, at least we saw Eldest before it came on.

I plan on yoga before work - Hip Flow. NW and maybe a nap at lunchtime. 

I'm having to change up my clothes a lot now, too, especially as it's extra 'warm' right now. It will be more straight forward when it's a constant cold temp. I change my clothes a lot depending on my activity even more so than if I'm outside or inside. It means a lot of going upstairs to my bedroom to change, but that's extra step-count, right? I even have to change my warm socks if my feet get too hot. I seem to be hyper-sensitive to being too warm right now, and I'll quickly have a sweat-out if I get too hot. Cooking over a stove can also set me off, so I sometimes change clothes to make dinner. It's nuts! 

Sorry you are in deeper lockdown now and can't get to the highlands. Fortunately, they'll still be there when all this pandemic stuff settles down. It was probably a lot more satisfying to see your ds.

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I have the day off for Veteran's Day, so I'm up a little later, moving a little slower. I did my regular dumbbell video today. It's been for Thursdays since September, but it's a bit longer at almost 35 minutes, and I find myself needing the shorter ~30 min videos on too many "running late" days, so I went ahead and did the longer one today and I'll do something shorter tomorrow. I've been getting all of my 20 in 20 walks done, though yesterday's was on the treadmill at night because I never got out during daylight. Today is the last nice day in the forecast, then rain as far as the iPhone can see.

As far as clothing and layers, since I workout first thing I start the day in workout clothes, shower and change into pretty casual workwear (jeans, long sleeve tee, sweater or sweatshirt). I've been doing my walks in my school clothes. If it's rainy, I have rain pants I can pull on over jeans and a rain jacket (gear from dd's soccer playing days--lots of soccer games in the rain). I've been thinking that after 20 in 20, those afternoon walks could become yoga, but that would require a clothing change.

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The sun came out so I decided to go for a bike ride to my favourite bay. I'm so glad I did. It was a wonderful ride, especially the way there with the wind at my back (a little less fun coming home with the head-wind). I took a couple photos. One of the leafless beauty of the bay, the other of an adorable fat, furry pony I saw on route.




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I got in a bonus tennis match after my bike ride. A friend phoned and needed a 4th to play doubles, so off I trotted. It was so much fun, though pretty windy.

I also found out that my indoor tennis league, which was delayed in starting, is going ahead! Hopefully we'll get in a whole bunch of matches before another lockdown occurs. 

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The temperatures have dropped substantially overnight. I was cold in bed, which effected my sleep, unfortunately. Also, for some reason I spent hours (it seemed like) trying to multiply 18 x 18 in my head when I was trying to fall asleep. I just couldn't focus enough to come up with the correct answer, and mental math has never been my strength. Brain, where is your OFF switch? 😉

I'll be meeting friends for our weekly walk in the woods this afternoon. Otherwise, I have 2 stats assignments due today, so I need to have my brain turned ON and functioning! 😨

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Lovely pictures, @wintermom.  I'm sorry you are still stiff, @Soror.  I am in awe of your energy @FarmingMomma

This week's fitness purchase is going to be a new mattress, which means a new bed.  We've had this mattress for about fourteen years, but it wasn't used full-time for the first two.  So it's pretty old, and also I feel that Husband and I are getting tweaked backs, hips, etc. more than before.  Could be just our age, but the mattress seems like a good place to start.  The bed is an uncommon size, so we'll upgrade by a few inches.  Luckily, the same style of mattress is still available, as travelling to a big city to try one out is not an option.

After yesterday's yoga hip stretch, my hip was very sore all day.  I kept moving and it's better today but I wasn't able to NW.  I find this aspect of getting older really frustrating: you can do the same workout that you have done twenty times before and it suddenly causes you a problem.  There's just not the ?resilience? that there was when I was younger.

Brisk walk at lunchtime, I'm about to run some work-based errands on foot, then I'll do some gentle yoga after work.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Lovely pictures, @wintermom.  I'm sorry you are still stiff, @Soror.  I am in awe of your energy @FarmingMomma

This week's fitness purchase is going to be a new mattress, which means a new bed.  We've had this mattress for about fourteen years, but it wasn't used full-time for the first two.  So it's pretty old, and also I feel that Husband and I are getting tweaked backs, hips, etc. more than before.  Could be just our age, but the mattress seems like a good place to start.  The bed is an uncommon size, so we'll upgrade by a few inches.  Luckily, the same style of mattress is still available, as travelling to a big city to try one out is not an option.

After yesterday's yoga hip stretch, my hip was very sore all day.  I kept moving and it's better today but I wasn't able to NW.  I find this aspect of getting older really frustrating: you can do the same workout that you have done twenty times before and it suddenly causes you a problem.  There's just not the ?resilience? that there was when I was younger.

Brisk walk at lunchtime, I'm about to run some work-based errands on foot, then I'll do some gentle yoga after work.

I've been wondering about getting a new bed for dh and I as well. We've had ours for 25 years, and I'd love to try something new. Keep us posted on how your new bed effects your sleep and soreness!

Hope your hip is feeling a lot better today. 

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

 Also, for some reason I spent hours (it seemed like) trying to multiply 18 x 18 in my head when I was trying to fall asleep. I just couldn't focus enough to come up with the correct answer, and mental math has never been my strength. Brain, where is your OFF switch?

I can't tell you how many problems like this I try to solve while sleeping! Doesn't help that my day job is writing and working out math problems. And it's usually something I could probably do stupidly quick if I waited until I was awake.

@Laura Corin Yes, a new mattress can make a huge difference in back pain. I remember that solving the problem for me a couple of mattresses ago. Hope that helps you.

Did my shortest cardio flow workout. Glad I did the dumbbells yesterday because I wouldn't be able to hold them today. On my walk yesterday, I was just about back to the front door and didn't know a neighbor dog was following us. I don't know how I was holding the leash--my mind was on opening the door--but my lab turned and darted after the neighbor dog and the leash majorly tweaked my ring finger. Ouch. Don't think anything is broken, but it's swollen, hurts, and doesn't bend too much.

Time for work!


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MBF Day 3, upper body burn.

9 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@FarmingMomma Dare I ask what "cow work' is ?


Um well lots of stuff, basically anything I've got to go do with or to the cows.  This week we've been preg-checking cows (ultrasounding and/or palpating the cows to see if they are pregnant or not).  We also had to gather and haul home some cows that we had grazing on leased land about 20 minutes from home.  Today we preg-checked the cows that we brought home yesterday.  Then we put all the pregnant cows that we're keeping into one herd and moved them to a new pasture.  The bred heifers that we're selling were moved to a different pasture, the cows we want to sell to yet another area, and finally some open heifers to a fourth pen.  

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7 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

MBF Day 3, upper body burn.


Do how you liking MBF?


Today is pull, still stiff and sore, it is slowly going away, so I will go light and do modifications, especially so as it will be upper body heavy work. Not sure if was sleeping wrong or exercising still but don't want to worsen it.

Period expected today.

overall sleep has been better than usual before period,likely due to increase in carbs, weight has been around 124 and once to 125, so I have been creeping up.

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It's going to be a long day spent in the car. Dh and I are driving to Niagara Falls, and then to my cousin's funeral tomorrow. Sad occasion, as she was my age and died very suddenly. Dh and I are making this trip into a mini get-away/early anniversary trip. We haven't been outside our city since last Feb. 

I want to explore the caverns behind the falls and walk a bunch in Niagara. The first time I visited the Falls was with my cousin, so this is a bit of a pilgrimage.

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19 minutes ago, wintermom said:

It's going to be a long day spent in the car. Dh and I are driving to Niagara Falls, and then to my cousin's funeral tomorrow. Sad occasion, as she was my age and died very suddenly. Dh and I are making this trip into a mini get-away/early anniversary trip. We haven't been outside our city since last Feb. 

I want to explore the caverns behind the falls and walk a bunch in Niagara. The first time I visited the Falls was with my cousin, so this is a bit of a pilgrimage.


I'm sorry to hear of your cousin's death, but hope you and your DH enjoy your time in nature!  

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Quick check-in as I have to teach today (the math is fine--the technology scares me!). I did the Latin Spice Walk with Jessica Smith and her mom. I've had a good week weight-wise, down in the pound range 1 lower than I've been the last couple of months. I spent 2 days here in late September and then bounced up again. Still eating a bit less and exercising a bit more with my after school walk. Looking forward to the weekend, but a hard day first.

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I hope you have a pleasant trip @wintermom with good memories of your cousin.

I was busy with work today so had only managed 1,300 steps by 5pm.  I did a 'Detox' flow yoga before supper, then a three mile walk in the dark after supper.

Yoghurt with a scatter of granola and an apple; sauted mushrooms and leftover veggies plus eggs; spaghetti squash with smoked mackerel and pesto.

Have a great weekend, everyone


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Workout done.


Yesterday I did a bit of shoulder yoga to help with my stiffness. It felt better while I was doing it but then worse again. This morning I again took it careful while working out but after I finished it I was even more sore than before. I can't hardly move without it hurting. I'm obviously doing something to aggravate it although what I don't kow so I'll have to be dialing it way back until I can move again. I only have 1 week left of my program but this is not working.

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Worked in the garden for several hours today, planting some bulbs, some herbs and spring colour. I also did some autumn clearing and weeding.  We could have a hard frost anytime now, which will make the soil unworkable. I'll do a bit of stretching but that might be it for today. 

Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt. Squash with fried egg and oat cracker. Roast cauli plus kale with black beans?

Edited by Laura Corin
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I managed to get in some walking this morning in Niagara Falls. I walked all along the falls viewing area of the American and Canadian falls, and then took the tour of the caverns behind the Canadian falls. Then walked up the hill to the hotel. It was a good work out! Then 6 more hours in the car. Tomorrow will be an all-day trip in the car. 




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14 hours ago, wintermom said:

I managed to get in some walking this morning in Niagara Falls. I walked all along the falls viewing area of the American and Canadian falls, and then took the tour of the caverns behind the Canadian falls. Then walked up the hill to the hotel. It was a good work out! Then 6 more hours in the car. Tomorrow will be an all-day trip in the car. 


Lovely pictures!

2 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@wintermom Gorgeous pictures. Thanks

We celebrated Diwali yesterday. I ate my way through sweets, carbs, lots of food and had friends deliver sweets too. 

I must work out, really I must, but I have been laying about watching Season 4 of the Crown. I will work out tomorrow. Will walk later.

Have a good one ! 

Happy Diwali! Sounds like a fun and relaxing weekend. 

@Soror I'm sorry you are so sore.

Relaxing day here. We walked the dog between showers. I'm having - more - tea, then will do a longer yoga session (ETA Balance Practice). Husband is cooking.

Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt. Mixed green beans with pesto and cheese. Beef stew and broccoli.

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My soreness is greatly improved and I'm not having pain anymore, just tightness. ROM is pretty good although reaching my hands behind my back is still hard to do (like when putting my hair up). I couldn't do it all Saturday.

Plans this week are walking and some light yoga (def no chaturangas). Not aggravating my shoulder!

Also this week, eating less, between the pain and sitting on my butt so much and boredom I ate way too much this weekend and my weight is up, ugh.

b: eggs w/ spinach; blueberries w/ homemade granola and yogurt

s: apple

l: carrots; leftover enchilada bake; gf bar for dessert

s: smoothie

d: ? again dd hasn't planned her meal- I just need to pick something out

eta: spoke too soon, am having some shoulder pain now but it is greatly diminished, I just need to continue to be very very easy on using it

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@Soror I'm glad you are feeling a little better.  I finally bought a foam roller, in the hope that the various twinges I am getting on my left are tied into a tight hamstring.  We shall see.  I'm a bit better today, and it's not bad: I can walk and do most yoga.

Busy at work.  I am about to buzz out for a quick NW, then I hope for yoga after work, maybe Yoga for When You're Sore would be appropriate

Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt; mixed beans with cheese; venison pie with roast parsnip.

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I'm back home and have walked the dog - already done more exercise that yesterday where all I could squeeze in was going up and down a few flights of stairs at the hotel.

I will hopefully be able to walk with a friend this afternoon.

My dd is getting a new kitten today!!! It will be fun to have some new entertainment in the house. 😉

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12 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'm back home and have walked the dog - already done more exercise that yesterday where all I could squeeze in was going up and down a few flights of stairs at the hotel.

I will hopefully be able to walk with a friend this afternoon.

My dd is getting a new kitten today!!! It will be fun to have some new entertainment in the house. 😉

We need kitty pictures.

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I'm FINALLY back in the exercise groove after I broke my leg (trimalleolar fracture with pins and plates) in late June. I've been working hard with my PT and am back to almost full motion and strength.  I am allowed to alternately run and walk and upping the amount of running every couple of days. I also  am using our elliptical and doing other exercises.

Whoo hoo!

Now if the excess weight would just flow off me that would top the sundae...

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8 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

I'm FINALLY back in the exercise groove after I broke my leg (trimalleolar fracture with pins and plates) in late June. I've been working hard with my PT and am back to almost full motion and strength.  I am allowed to alternately run and walk and upping the amount of running every couple of days. I also  am using our elliptical and doing other exercises.

Whoo hoo!

Now if the excess weight would just flow off me that would top the sundae...

Welcome back!  And Ouch!

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Hi friends! It feels so good to be updating with my little guy sleeping peacefully nearby! I thought y'all might be interested to hear the highlights of how everything went—plus bonus fitness content! 🙂


For about 4 days prior to heading to the hospital, I'd been having episodes of irregular cramping and low blood pressure (nauseous, lightheaded, disoriented, sweaty). I woke up in the wee hours of Monday (I was 37 weeks) with the worst episode yet and was up dealing with it for the rest of the night. We headed out to get monitored at L&D triage about midmorning, and a couple hours later it was determined that I was indeed in labor, but with “disorganized and unproductive” contractions. My husband and I found this hilarious because we are both very organized and productive people.


From about 1pm to 10pm I labored unmedicated (just felt like period cramps, and Lord knows I know how to ride those out) and didn't make much progress. So then they decided to augment my labor with pitocin and breaking my water. My nurse very wisely suggested that I get the epidural BEFORE these things rather than after and I love her for it, haha. I absolutely know I needed that epidural based on how I felt later when a different nurse accidentally let the continuous drip of meds run out, but it certainly caused a lot of problems for me. My blood pressure crashed several times and I needed a lot of meds and fluids to bring it back up. Plus they had continuous problems keeping Jackson's heart rate on the monitor (he was such a low rider in there) which caused more interventions that were certainly painful and scary.


Skipping over a lot of the gory details, lol, about 2am I suddenly got extremely nauseous. The drs came in and discovered I had suddenly jumped ahead from only halfway progressed to fully ready to push in about an hour. Things moved pretty quickly after that and he was born at 3:13 am making the most hilariously indignant cries I've ever head! I don't think my husband and I will ever forget that first half hour of just seeing him there in my chest and holding him after all those long months, it was incredible.


Jackson has done wonderfully and, despite being quite quite small (my sister-in-law express shipped us preemie clothes because he literally cannot wear newborn stuff at all) is perfectly healthy and a calm, sweet baby. I have had a difficult time with recovery, though not with pelvic related issues—that part has been fine. Apparently Jackson was situated so low in my pelvis that he was compressing the veins going to my legs, and now that the pressure is released, my body is having a hard time regulating. I ended up in the ER getting evaluated for stroke once, and will probably have to have some veins ablated in the near future.


There were a couple of interesting fitness-related things that happened that I wanted to share. First, the anesthesiologist giving me the epidural randomly commented, “thank you for having such a nice back.” I was like, what? He said, “I wish everybody understood how much safer medical procedures are when you're at a healthy weight.” I think this comment will really stick by me in future years. I'm not putting effort into fitness just for vanity's sake or even the psychological benefits. The positive effects will impact my life in so many ways. Secondly, I had multiple people listen to my heart and comment, “you must be a runner!” It was so great to hear that, even though I could barely exercise at all for 9 months, the work I had put in earlier didn't just evaporate.


This is getting so long, so I'll wrap it up, haha. It's SO WONDERFUL not to be nauseous anymore!!! I'm eating a lot more calorie dense foods than usual since I am working on establishing my milk supply and that is kind of fun. We are all having such a good time with our sweet little boy. My two older sons are totally in love.


Next week I am hoping to start getting Jackson used to the Ergo so we can start walking a little. Other goals—staying hydrated! It's like a full time job! I won't even discuss sleep...we can deal with that in 6 or 8 weeks, lol.



Jackson 1.jpg

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@IvyInFlorida Wonderful photos! Everyone looks amazing - especially mama!! Thanks for all the details. I'm so happy that everything worked so well for you all. What a special thrill to have during these crazy times. So brilliant of you! Most people are running out and getting kittens and puppies, but you pre-planned to have a baby. 😅

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