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November Well-Trained Bodies


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I get to play outdoor tennis today! It's such a thrill to be able to do this in November!!  I'll also go on at least 1 dog walk and do my stretch and strength exercises. 

I had a very good appointment with my dr yesterday. I'm getting bloodwork done to rule out thyroid issues. Have a plan to tackle my symptoms if they turn out to be menopause only. 


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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I get to play outdoor tennis today! It's such a thrill to be able to do this in November!!  I'll also go on at least 1 dog walk and do my stretch and strength exercises. 

I had a very good appointment with my dr yesterday. I'm getting bloodwork done to rule out thyroid issues. Have a plan to tackle my symptoms if they turn out to be menopause only. 


I hope you get that bloodwork soon so you can move forward with treatment and working on symptoms.

I know we are having such nice weather here too, it is wonderful.

Lifting done, isometrics- lots of holds today and slow movement, very, very hard. So glad to have it done. Still have a walk to do.

I ate less chocolate yesterday, baby steps 🙂

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I found a Jessica Smith Latin Spice Walk video on YouTube which I enjoyed. Her mom was in it too, and I realized I pretty much matched Mom--same basic outfit. And I probably match her physique and dance moves more than Jessica's! Still getting all my walks in for 20 in 20, and so far those walks are replacing after school eating which is great. That extra pound from October is gone now, and we'll see if I can break through this barrier to a lower weight this month. I do find I eat less with anxiety, not more. But I'm hoping to make some chocolate chip cookies today or tomorrow, so that could change soon.

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16 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm here for ya!  Hope all the election stress is over really soon. I can't even imagine. Our election system sounds pretty dull compared to yours. 


Thank!  3 of my kids are Canadian and my oldest ds was definitely my ES Canadian last night.  Love you guys!

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No blood work done as I would have had to wait 2.5 hrs at the clinic. Unbelievable! I will try to pre-book at time slot another day.

Tennis was really fun, but I was running on exhaust fumes by the early afternoon due to too little sleep. I had to keep telling myself over and over a saying was used to use in TKD, "Focus your mind, focus your body, focus your breath." It worked when I reminded myself, but I lost focus otherwise. Hope my new meds help me out tonight! 🙏

Hope all you Americans get some sleep tonight. Maybe there will be a result today! Is there any prediction out there? 

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Morning all! Feeling a bit slow today so decided against swimming.  Yoga session  - Yoga for Courage - done. I plan to go to the beach to Nordic Walk and dog walk this afternoon,  if the haar - sea mist- clears. 

I'm reading The Diet Myth, by Tim Spector,  which is informed by the massive Twins study that he leads. Interesting read.

Porridge,  stewed apple, yoghurt. Minestrone with an egg and fresh bread. Bunless burgers and veg.

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8 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Morning all! Feeling a bit slow today so decided against swimming.  Yoga session  - Yoga for Courage - done. I plan to go to the beach to Nordic Walk and dog walk this afternoon,  if the haar - sea mist- clears. 

I'm reading The Diet Myth, by Tim Spector,  which is informed by the massive Twins study that he leads. Interesting read.

Porridge,  stewed apple, yoghurt. Minestrone with an egg and fresh bread. Bunless burgers and veg.

Looking up the book. 

13 hours ago, wintermom said:

No blood work done as I would have had to wait 2.5 hrs at the clinic. Unbelievable! I will try to pre-book at time slot another day.

Tennis was really fun, but I was running on exhaust fumes by the early afternoon due to too little sleep. I had to keep telling myself over and over a saying was used to use in TKD, "Focus your mind, focus your body, focus your breath." It worked when I reminded myself, but I lost focus otherwise. Hope my new meds help me out tonight! 🙏

Hope all you Americans get some sleep tonight. Maybe there will be a result today! Is there any prediction out there? 

2.5 hrs, ugh. Hope you get in today.

It is hard to focus when you are out of energy, fingers crossed for sleep.


Technically we won't have a winner for ages as Trump continues with various lawsuits but if PA finishes the count and the lead continues growing as it has it will put Biden over the top without hope for Trump, which effectively means he is the winner even if lawsuits continue as there will be no path forward. Biden's lead would have to be over .5% for no recount there and from what I'm seeing it is currently .4%. Statistically it is all but over as Biden has the lead in so many states even if some of those swing it is highly unlikely for Trump.

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Stiff again today, my shoulder has been cranky this week and painting did not help but I wanted it done while the weather was nice since I might not get another chance until spring.

The Crucible today, will be hard, I'll do my best.

After days of improvement I fell down the chocolate hole yesterday and vow to eat none today. None.

Continuing with walks.

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37 minutes ago, Soror said:

Stiff again today, my shoulder has been cranky this week and painting did not help but I wanted it done while the weather was nice since I might not get another chance until spring.

The Crucible today, will be hard, I'll do my best.

After days of improvement I fell down the chocolate hole yesterday and vow to eat none today. None.

Continuing with walks.

I met with some chocolate biscuits yesterday.

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4 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm just worried I'll get thumb sprain from refreshing the nyt website. 

I know. I keep hitting refresh, I started off chill and resigned but have been losing it. The election def. contributed to the increase of chocolate. I started off the morning on a bad note with a too big breakfast, again stress eating as I visited my parents yesterday and was very worried there would be political talk as there usually is but luckily they didn't bring it up and didn't even have political TV on so it was a nice visit.

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9 minutes ago, Soror said:

I know. I keep hitting refresh, I started off chill and resigned but have been losing it. The election def. contributed to the increase of chocolate. I started off the morning on a bad note with a too big breakfast, again stress eating as I visited my parents yesterday and was very worried there would be political talk as there usually is but luckily they didn't bring it up and didn't even have political TV on so it was a nice visit.

My mum had lots to say about the election  but luckily  we have roughly similar politics. It made for a good visit on Wednesday.

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2 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

My mum had lots to say about the election  but luckily  we have roughly similar politics. It made for a good visit on Wednesday.

That is nice to have that and nice you can visit now. I did talk to MIL some, there is plenty we do not agree on but have similar political views. I actually agree with my parents on some things but with all that is going on with this election there is no way there could be any discussion without it going bad. I was really pleased they didn't bring it up, I've felt for years they put politics ahead of our relationship. 

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Good Saturday morning to you all!

I did Root to Rise yoga with Adrienne this morning. It's actually the most recent one posted on YouTube which is different for me. I'm always choosing videos that are 5-7 years old for both yoga and Jessica Smith workouts. I feel so trendy.

I did make my chocolate chip cookie dough yesterday but I rolled it into a log and put it in the freezer. I'm trying Pioneer Woman's recipe that was supposed to be with browned butter, but I burned that even though I was closely following her directions/pictures, so I ended up just trying the recipe with 2 sticks of regular butter. There's coffee in the recipe, and a lot of vanilla, and otherwise it's a lot like Toll House cookies, especially if you don't brown the butter! Anyway, I'll bake some of those today. For some reason, I'm not eating my way through election anxiety. Whether it's the anxiety or not having any sugar in a week, I just don't feel hungry. Even when I can feel an empty tummy, I don't feel like I need to fill it immediately. Trying to take advantage of that while it lasts! I do think it helps to be off the sugar.

Still have some beautiful fall color out there--I think all the leaves will be down in another week or so. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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I did a ton of outdoor exercise today. I walked around a friend's farm looking for suitable trees to transplant into my backyard. Then I did some digging of baby trees and transplanting them into my backyard. I also dug out some hydrangea out of the friend's yard and brought them home. The plants stick like weird smoke, so I had to drive with the windows open. Tomorrow I will attempt to transplant them in my backyard. I have little hope as they got pretty mangled from the digging process. I'm pretty much dead now. I had better sleep tonight, as I'm getting desperate. 😜

Congratulations that you have a president! Hope everything goes really well for you all. 


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5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Congratulations! How are you celebrating? 

Thanks! My husband is taking the kids to a 4-H event tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy some peace and quiet, get a bit of housework done, read a book, and try to stay off the internet.  The election stuff is making me cranky (I live in Canada, but I'm an American).  

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12 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:


I did it! Day 80 of 80 day obsession is done!

Fantastic job!!!


Who on here was doing the pull up progression?  How are you doing with it now?  Have you increased your number of full pull up reps?  I just attempted to do a pull up and I'm actually a lot closer than I thought I would be.  My son can do one full pull up, but would like to do more.  He and I are going to start working on them together.  

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3 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Fantastic job!!!


Who on here was doing the pull up progression?  How are you doing with it now?  Have you increased your number of full pull up reps?  I just attempted to do a pull up and I'm actually a lot closer than I thought I would be.  My son can do one full pull up, but would like to do more.  He and I are going to start working on them together.  

I did Megan Calloway's Pull-Up program and worked up to doing one but have back tracked since Covid and have been working on gaining back more strength. It is hard to tell where I am b/c it is much different doing it on a doorway bar than at the gym, that is no fault of the program. I just had so much outside work in the spring and had little desire for formal work outs, so of course I lost strength. 

I really like Megan's program, some probably wouldn't need that much work on pull-ups to get them though. I have an old shoulder injury and some imbalance, my shoulders need a lot of babying and work to progress. If you don't have those issues working on negatives and holds regularly will probably get you there.


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Today is rest- a walk and probably some yoga.

I didn't eat any chocolate or other junk yesterday. Probably ate too much, but that's progress.

Made it through my workout too, 75 reps for various exercises, it was hard but getting easier.


Edited by Soror
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Swam in the tidal pool this morning.  It was really lovely. Extra advantage  - if you swim on your back you hit seaweed before the wall at one end, or just ground yourself on the beach at the other. I just did ten lengths and paused often at the seaward end to gaze. I'll build up slowly.

Ended up cooking last night and made another recipe from Meera Sodha's book East - red lentil rasam with roast red cabbage.  It involved tamarind, which I've never used before. Very successful.


It's now raining, so the gardening won't get done. I'll do Strength with Soul intermediate yoga practice, maybe a short dog walk.

Mediterranean veg porridge with yoghurt, minestrone with egg, bunless burger with veg.


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23 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Swam in the tidal pool this morning.  It was really lovely. Extra advantage  - if you swim on your back you hit seaweed before the wall at one end, or just ground yourself on the beach at the other. I just did ten lengths and paused often at the seaward end to gaze. I'll build up slowly.

Ended up cooking last night and made another recipe from Meera Sodha's book East - red lentil rasam with roast red cabbage.  It involved tamarind, which I've never used before. Very successful.


It's now raining, so the gardening won't get done. I'll do a long yoga practice, maybe a short dog walk.

Mediterranean veg porridge with yoghurt, minestrone with egg, bunless burger with veg.


Swimming sounds incredible, although the seaweed would freak me out a bit!

That recipe sounds very delicious. I'll have to put on my list to try.



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@Laura Corin That looks beautiful but chilly!!!


I had a great running week- I did 29 miles total, which is probably the highest mileage week I've done since high school.  I explored a little extension on one end of my loop, and I think I'm ready to add that extension plus an extension on the other end in order to do an 8 mile run next weekend, if I'm doing my math correctly!  

My weight has dipped below 55kg, so I'm very close to my goal now.  I'd like to see how I am at 52kg and how hard it is to maintain there.  I'm 5ft1in, so this should be reasonable.  

My goal for this week is to work a bit on the training advice I posted earlier in the thread.  Hopefully a hill run mid-week and some bodyweight work. I'd also like to do Yoga with Adrienne's yoga for runners video a few times and see how I like it.  I have definitely been neglecting stretching and I can feel it.  



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Well, around the middle of the week, I thought I was going to be able to report that I had lost a little bit of that weight I've put on, but I got bored yesterday and spent the afternoon cooking and baking. Again, it's all reasonably healthy stuff -- yesterday I made a big Mexican-inspired casserole with black beans, refried beans, seasoned rice, sauteed veggies and corn tortillas (husband's request), a big pot of yellow split pea dal and a batch of GF lemon-macadamia muffins. I just can't stop myself from eating too much of it.

Fortunately/unfortunately, I made the mistake of attempting to carry the muffin pan to the dining table to turn them out for cooling when my grip gave out (something that has been happening lately -- ask me about the unopened tub of lovely salsa from the farmers' market that hit the deck and shattered on my kitchen floor last weekend). I dropped half of the muffins on the floor, then lost my balance and ended up on my knees trying to pick up the mess. I was okay after just giving in and sitting on the kitchen floor for a few minutes, and the dog enjoyed the muffins.

Still doing well with activity/exercise, however. I've completed my outdoor mile every day so far for the WTM Community 20 in 20 challenge. I'm also keeping up with the regular round of 3X weekly low-impact cardio/daily stationary biking/2X weekly PT for the arm/daily at-home stretches for the arm.

This morning, I did the first of my personal make-ups for a couple of virtual walk/run events I missed when first nursing the broken arm and dealing with the worst of the vertigo. I was registered to do the Rainbow Run for the OnePULSE Foundation back in September. Because they had already transitioned to a virtual format, they have a lovely video on YouTube of the planned route interspersed with videos from people all over the world running the race, too. I put that up on one monitor and Leslie Sansome's 5K walk video on the other and chugged through. It synced up really well, and I hit the mile markers in the OnePULSE video right when Leslie congratulated me for completing each mile. 

I'm happy to discover that I likely would be able to keep up the required pace in a "real" 5K.

Next week, I'm scheduled to do a virtual 5K in real time as part of a team from work, but the weekend after that, I plan to make up the Save the Manatee 5K, walking along with either the same Leslie Sansone video or something similar while watching some manatee webcam highlights. 

It's nice to have some focus for the walking, especially now that I have to find ways to keep indoor exercise more interesting.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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My sleep has been really bad. I did have a dream last night, so I guess at some point I was actually asleep. It didn't feel like I slept for a chunk of hours, though. I got up at 6am and started working on my stats assignments while my brain was fresh. Then I planted some of the hydrangea plants from yesterday. It's so much easier putting them in the ground than taking them up! 

Dh and I played doubles tennis for 2+ hours this afternoon. It was summer weather. Just amazing! The cold is coming, though. In the west (Saskatchewan) it's -9C and windy. I hope that doesn't make it all the way to my area. 😉

Food is going well. I made home-made mushroom soup with coconut milk, and added in some shredded chicken from the air fryer. It was really good! I also made some roasted acorn squash and sweet potato 'pudding.' I prefer this with the Georgia Candy Squash, but they are all done for the season.


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Sleep was meh. Woke up at 1:50, didn't go back to sleep until nearly 4 and had to get up at 4:30. My cycle is coming so this week is likely to be wonky.

Strength today, total body push pull.

I'm quite over my workout program but I got 2 weeks to go.

b: blueberries, homemade granola, yogurt

s: apple?

l: pulled pork, pinto beans, + vegs

am: potato w/ mixed beans and venison (sm portions)

d: indian butter chicken w/ sweet potato

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My back was a bit stiff when I woke up so I've been working my way into the day.  Dog walk at lunchtime, longer but fairly easy yoga - Total Body Workout.  Now some housework.

Mediterranean grilled veg porridge plus yoghurt; dahl plus egg; yellow split peas with mushrooms.

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6 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Guess what today is?!  Well, theoretically they think he will be here by midnight.  I'm 37 weeks and went in to triage for faint spells and cramps.  I was today years old when I learned cramps = contractions haha


I saw you post and just knew the baby must be here or coming. Best wishes for a smooth and easy labor!!!!

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Hoping for an update @IvyInFlorida!


Walk finished yesterday in 2 parts.

ATE a bunch of cereal, should have taken a nap instead, that is what I needed.

Today is a new day and I slept well, I was exhausted.

Half of leg day workout done, will do the other half when I have a break.

b: granola, blueberries, yogurt

s: apple

l: pulled pork, beans, veg, spinach, sweet potato

s: smoothie

d: tempeh;  broccoli stirfry

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On 11/9/2020 at 6:29 AM, Soror said:

Sleep was meh. Woke up at 1:50, didn't go back to sleep until nearly 4 and had to get up at 4:30. My cycle is coming so this week is likely to be wonky.

Strength today, total body push pull.

I'm quite over my workout program but I got 2 weeks to go.

b: blueberries, homemade granola, yogurt

s: apple?

l: pulled pork, pinto beans, + vegs

am: potato w/ mixed beans and venison (sm portions)

d: indian butter chicken w/ sweet potato

I'm fascinated at how you can link the patterns of your sleep to your hormone changes. How do you do this? I haven't had a menstrual cycle in 2 years, though I know my hormones are still 'cycling' or doing some weird things throughout the year. I'm seeing a pattern with the months sept - nov in particular. Any additional information on this would be very much appreciated!

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I'm supposed to play outdoor tennis this afternoon, which should be really fun. The weather couldn't be better; warm and sunny, no humidity and no bugs!  The days are pretty short, though. It's completely dark by 5pm now. 

We'll also be finishing up with outdoor yardwork, namely completing the side gate project. Dh seems to prefer projects that are in the 'on-going' stage, rather than completed. It is very different to my preference. Some projects are fine to leave in the on-going stage for a long time, but some simply aren't for practical purposes. He doesn't distinguish the two situations, though. 😨  As soon as I pointed out that we can't get a new puppy until we had a proper gate, it seems to click for him. So onward with the gate project! 😉 (He wants this new puppy, obviously!)

Edited by wintermom
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26 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'm fascinated at how you can link the patterns of your sleep to your hormone changes. How do you do this? I haven't had a menstrual cycle in 2 years, though I know my hormones are still 'cycling' or doing some weird things throughout the year. I'm seeing a pattern with the months sept - nov in particular. Any additional information on this would be very much appreciated!

Just a matter of watching it month after month. I still have cycles so that helps a lot. Some cycles it is worse than others but I generally always sleep better in the first half of my cycle, things go down hill the second half and then right before my period is generally really bad. Now, hormones aren't the only thing that affects it so there are some variations- it is also highly variant on diet (lower carb and/or reduced intake tanks my sleep too)

21 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'm supposed to play outdoor tennis this afternoon, which should be really fun. The weather couldn't be better; warm and sunny, no humidity and no bugs!  The days are pretty short, though. It's completely dark by 5pm now. 

We'll also be finishing up with outdoor yardwork, namely completing the side gate project. Dh seems to prefer projects that are in the 'on-going' stage, rather than completed. It is very different to my preference. Some projects are fine to leave in the on-going stage for a long time, but some simply aren't for practical purposes. He doesn't distinguish the two situations, though. 😨  As soon as I pointed out that we can't get a new puppy until we had a proper gate, it seems to click for him. So onward with the gate project! 😉 (He wants this new puppy, obviously!)

LOL, I hate unfinished projects but sometimes the part to finish it is a pain, that is what happens here, we get to a part dh is dreading and he runs out of time. I ask for projects finished for Christmas, Mother's Day, and my b-day 🙂

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50 minutes ago, Soror said:

Just a matter of watching it month after month. I still have cycles so that helps a lot. Some cycles it is worse than others but I generally always sleep better in the first half of my cycle, things go down hill the second half and then right before my period is generally really bad. Now, hormones aren't the only thing that affects it so there are some variations- it is also highly variant on diet (lower carb and/or reduced intake tanks my sleep too)

LOL, I hate unfinished projects but sometimes the part to finish it is a pain, that is what happens here, we get to a part dh is dreading and he runs out of time. I ask for projects finished for Christmas, Mother's Day, and my b-day 🙂

This is a great idea!  In our first house it took dh 2 years to finish a bathroom reno. By the time it got done we had trashed the alternate bathroom in the basement and had to do a fix there. I never get dh to do any important renos that I want done quick now. I've learned the hard way. It's better to live with a less-than constant than suffer with a reno in-progress. 😜

Re: sleep patterns, I guess I'll have to track my sleep and see what seems to help/hinder things. I haven't made a link with food and sleep yet. My main links so far are an immediate deadline or project that is causing my brain to run non-stop, heat/cold at night, light, sound and needing to go to the bathroom. 

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