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Easy Grammar and Daily Grams.... can I get opinion of these?

Michelle T

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I'm contemplating either one or both of these to use with my severely LD son. He really has trouble understanding grammar, punctuation, capitalization rules. Anything too advanced or too abstract is not going to work.


Easy Grammar and Daily Grams look like they are very clear, very straightforward, and move slowly with plenty of review. Is that correct?


I would love to get opinions, reviews, comments on these programs. If I am planning on just gently introducing basic grammar, should I only go with one of the books? If so, which one?


Thanks in advance!

Michelle T

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I used Daily Grams for second grade this year with my 1st and 2nd grader and it was over 20 lessons before they started to catch on to any of the rules. If a child gets frustrated by not understanding the rules right away then Daily Grams might not be the best thing.


And while I personally love Easy Grammar and use it, the rules that are given are not parsimonious and can be overwhelming unless the child figures out the underlying principle for himself. Now, I usually try to explicitly explain this to the kids and have my own way of explaining parts of speech and rules and so my success with this program might not translate to other parents who aren't doing this.


At any rate, my second grade who has LD language issues is having success with this program. And the program that I have heard many say really works for LD is Shurley Grammar. It is scripted direct instruction and very repetitive and predictable in a way that Easy Grammar isn't. Had my son not caught on to Daily Grams I would have used that instead.

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Daily Grams are great for Daily punctuation review, however I do not reccomend Easy Grammar, I don't think there is enough explanation to give a kid a good foundation, but your right it does look straight forward. If you are looking for something simple, clean, and straight forward try Winston Grammar. After a year of using it my kids know all parts of speech, a year of Easy Grammar netted us very little in that respect.


My Two Cents,



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I love these programs, but would not recommend them for a dc who has LD's. I think the format would be too overwhelming: too many words on a page and nothing in particular to draw in the attention of a dc with LD's.


I'm sorry I don't have a specific recommendation; I'm sure someone else here will.


A few gentle progams I have seen but not looked into thoroughly are Simply Grammar by Karen Andreola and the programs at Queen Homeschool Supply.


I hope that little info is of some use.

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Easy Grammar is my favorite. I don't see a need for Daily Grams in most cases, unless a child has had significant grammar already and DG is used just for review.


I don't have any idea, though, how it would work with a child who has some learning difficulties. I think it's very logical in its format but as has been said, there are lots of words on each page, which could be a problem.


FTR, I thought that Simply Grammar was simply awful :-/

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