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My parents were in a bad accident


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Thanks everyone, sorry I posted so little and then did not come back.  It has been an insane 36 hours.  Dh and I were 5 hours away on a camping trip when we got the call from a stranger who stopped to help. This  couple stayed with them all the way to the first hospital and would not leave the parking lot until a family friend showed up.  They first told me they would not leave until I got there.  I said I am 5 hours away. They said, we have no where to be.  Oh my goodness the kindness of strangers.  

They were traveling 65 miles an hour on a divided highway when a Ford F 150 pulled right in front of them attempting to cross and my parents T Boned him.  The strangers who stayed with my parents were behind them and witnessed it all.  It was 100% not my dads fault.  

My dad has a cracked sternum but overall a doing pretty good.  A younger person would probably have not been admitted but he is 82 and they wanted him to be able to control the pain and also be with my mom.  Mom is really beat up.  Broken sternum, 4 broken ribs, broken collar bone, fractured L5...and worst of all a badly mangled right hand.  She had surgery today for that and may lose her ring finger on that hand yet. 

I am completely exhausted .  Had almost a week of vacation and now can’t go back to work for having to take care of them.  

We are oh so fortunate they are alive.  My sister who lives  2500 miles away is coming for at least a month.  Her husband and BIL are driving her straight through on Wednesday, so she should be here Thursday.  I think she can stay a month....she works from home so that is good.  

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So thankful for the kindness of strangers. 

My husband was once hit so hard that the front wheel flew off of my suburban. He was in shock, and couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t steer. 

A woman, traveling alone at night stopped on the freeway and got him out of the car before he was hit again. She risked her own life for a stranger. I can’t even imagine. 

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Scarlett, how shocking for everyone. I join with everyone else in prayers and sending healing thoughts and love. So good your sister can help take care of them too. Your poor mom got the worst of it. Just awful. They'll get better with their loving daughters taking care of them. ❤️ 

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I'm so sorry to hear this, Scarlett, and am praying for all your family.  What a kindness from strangers - that is amazing.  Your parents are blessed to have you and other family members willing to drop everything and care for them.  Praying for safe travel for your sister and a good recovery for both your parents.  💙

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18 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

How are you doing today, @Scarlett? How are your parents?

Thank you for asking....I brought my dad home to  our house yesterday. My mom got released fro ICU yesterday and sent to rehab today.  They expect her to be there for 7-10 days.  
Dh and dss are working on pulling out one of their tub showers  and putting  in a walk in shower.  
I am a little freaked out by not being able to go back to work.,..trying to figure it all out.

My sister is probably not coming.,

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31 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Thank you for asking....I brought my dad home to  our house yesterday. My mom got released fro ICU yesterday and sent to rehab today.  They expect her to be there for 7-10 days.  
Dh and dss are working on pulling out one of their tub showers  and putting  in a walk in shower.  
I am a little freaked out by not being able to go back to work.,..trying to figure it all out.

My sister is probably not coming.,

I’m glad they seem to be improving quickly and that your family is helping things get set up for their care. It must be a very stressful time for you with so much to balance. You and your family are in my thoughts.

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