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I readily admit I don't know the key players in this article and I also don't know the ins and outs and details of how reading has historically been taught. But I know how whole word reading and context clues were pushed in the few courses I did take 20+ years ago, so I'm happy to see that might be getting corrected soon!

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Hurray! Hope for the future generations of readers! 😄

Just weeping for the "lost generations" of readers, who, for the past 30 years were taught whole-word and cueing techniques that crippled them... 😭

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Thank goodness. 

I have to say, both of my kids have really benefited from phonics, even though one of them seems to have a much easier time with them and the other is very good at using context clues alongside the phonics. But phonics have been important and empowering for both. 

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I saw this and was happy, though a large part of me wondered whether she'd been convinced by the science or by school districts cutting off the money flow.

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I like the way that the word "phonics" was mostly avoided, and that "cueing" was used instead of "sight reading."

Also, the list of approved instruction is all sight reading, except for the recommended supplemental Spalding and Orton Gillingham, although the "intervention" list might also include phonics; I'm just not familiar with them.

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