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What are your plans for getting through this winter?


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Last winter we had tentative plans to head to the coast to watch the waves during storms . . Then I got sick, then covid . . .   So we'll try again this year.   

I'm heading to Texas for two weeks next month.  Dh jokingly suggested chinese food for thanksgiving - I don't think he was expecting the reception it received.  So, we may be doing Chinese food.  With lots of pies.  and his rolls. . . . 

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19 hours ago, Hunter said:

This pandemic is affecting different states, communities, ethnicities, subcultures, economic classes, occupations, ages, etc., very very very VERY differently. We are not all going through this together. We are dividing more than ever.

Today, when I went to get water, there was a woman lying on the curb and no one was paying her any mind. I was worried and went to go give her some money, but she did not even stir, never mind wake up, and when I got a better look at her, I realized she was too far gone to be helped by money. I have never seen anything like this in real life or even pictures of modern USA life. In my old city, someone long before me would have called an ambulance for her. Here, I knew that no one would come for her. I do not know if she will live the night, or if she is even still alive. She was as thin as someone in a concentration camp picture, and flies were crawling on her, and she was so very still.

I carried my water back to my roach-infested, bars-on-the-windows shelter and know how very very VERY lucky that I am. My life was not normal pre-pandemic, but this is hugely different. I don't like this! I am too grateful to allow myself to wallow, but I can only take so much. I am human. I feel stuff.

I know there are lucky people in pockets of safety and I am so glad they have that. But ... there are also people dying on sidewalks in THIS country, right now. There are people that have been forcible quarantined in tiny units in high-rise building and nursing home rooms for MONTHS for their "safety". And the most vulnerable are taking the brunt of this for the convenience of the strong.

No one has touched me for over 2 weeks and it was over a month before that one quick hug. I have only been touched once in 6 weeks. This sucks. Humans are not designed to tolerate this level of isolation. We are a social species. 

I've been thinking about this too. There's a small group of people who've been camping in our local park since the start of the summer -- they've strung up a few hammocks and have their things in shopping carts nearby. I wonder what's going to happen to them in the winter. 

For us, winter is just a matter of getting warm gear -- my kids are hoping for lots of snow -- but yeah, obviously it's much more complicated for people without reliable shelter.

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17 minutes ago, Little Green Leaves said:

I've been thinking about this too. There's a small group of people who've been camping in our local park since the start of the summer -- they've strung up a few hammocks and have their things in shopping carts nearby. I wonder what's going to happen to them in the winter. 

For us, winter is just a matter of getting warm gear -- my kids are hoping for lots of snow -- but yeah, obviously it's much more complicated for people without reliable shelter.

What's the last time there was a reasonable amount of snow?? The last two years just had slush... 

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5 hours ago, Hunter said:

One step at a time. Adapt as necessary. We cannot imagine what is coming. I hope it is nothing. I hope I am wrong. If given a choice, I hope I am mocked and laughed at next spring for predicting a bad winter. I feel like I am stuck in some Old Testament prophet book or the Egypt plagues,  especially when the smoke from the fires in California blew over the mountains and darkened our skies.

I know what you mean. 

I've been feeling like Cassandra, frankly. 

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2 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

What's the last time there was a reasonable amount of snow?? The last two years just had slush... 

It's so true. 

Maybe there was a real snow 3 years ago? 4? I mean, my kids have definitely experienced real snow. But not as much as I did, growing up in the same city. I remember heaps of snow on the sidewalks; it'd stay there for weeks and we'd have to climb over it to cross the streets. Now, that's a real rarity.

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Just now, Little Green Leaves said:

It's so true. 

Maybe there was a real snow 3 years ago? 4? I mean, my kids have definitely experienced real snow. But not as much as I did, growing up in the same city. I remember heaps of snow on the sidewalks; it'd stay there for weeks and we'd have to climb over it to cross the streets. Now, that's a real rarity.

Yeah, it's been rather disappointing for the kids! 

We'll be in Boston for some of the winter, so maybe that'll be better? 

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7 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Yeah, it's been rather disappointing for the kids! 

We'll be in Boston for some of the winter, so maybe that'll be better? 

Boston proper rarely gets much snow, too close to the water.  Or it just gets dirty and turns to ice-like chunks fast if it does stick.  The 'burbs west and northwest of Boston get more snow some years, but not all.  We have winters where we hardly get any, and then some where we get hammered.  You never know...  There was that one year a few years ago where we had a full-on blizzard every single weekend for like a month and a half.  There were huge piles of accumulated snow till July.  Boston got it too - they were dumping snow by the truckload into the harbor, because nowhere to put it.  Last year we got very little.

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1 minute ago, Matryoshka said:

Boston proper rarely gets much snow, too close to the water.  Or it just gets dirty and turns to ice-like chunks fast if it does stick.  The 'burbs west and northwest of Boston get more snow some years, but not all.  We have winters where we hardly get any, and then some where we get hammered.  You never know...  There was that one year a few years ago where we had a full-on blizzard every single weekend for like a month and a half.  There were huge piles of accumulated snow till July.  Boston got it too - they were dumping snow by the truckload into the harbor, because nowhere to put it.  Last year we got very little.

Yeah, we get the reports from the in-laws 😄. It seemed less slushy than here, at least. We basically didn't have ANY proper snow last year in NYC. Stupid global warming. 

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On 10/13/2020 at 3:19 AM, Hunter said:

I am new where I am and I am having a hard time imagining what winters were like here pre-pandemic, never mind what to expect this winter. The daily highs are still very uncomfortable, but not fatal without shelter. Deserts are funny places; temperatures drop FAST. Supposedly December is the coldest month and about 16 nights a year fall below freezing. Okaaay. December is how many weeks away? It is odd to experience the darkening days with so much heat. I guess the winter solstice is what will drop December temperatures so fast.

My city is not an island unto itself. It will be affected by what happens in the rest of the country. How can I predict that? I am planning on shipping being a mess, and am not paying down my charge cards. I am not full-out nesting by credit either, because ... I am not sure things are going to be stable enough to warrant that. But some things, that are inexpensive or that make me more resilient, I am charging.

I need to get a new pair of sneakers. Or two pairs. I am walking so much that they wear out like tissue paper. I once read that running shoes are only designed to last 200 miles. It is too hot here for hiking boots. I need to budget several pairs of sneakers a year and that is just the way it is here.

I am replacing some used books that I lost in the move, when I find them for the prices that I can justify. Not too many, though, because the roaches will nest in them.

Cooking stuff, not so much. I am basically camping out in my kitchen. It is infested with roaches and just treat the kitchen like an outdoor space. 

Winter will be what it is. I will learn stuff. It will end eventually.

Just wanted to say hi.  Missed seeing you around.

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19 hours ago, Hunter said:

This pandemic is affecting different states, communities, ethnicities, subcultures, economic classes, occupations, ages, etc., very very very VERY differently. We are not all going through this together. We are dividing more than ever.

Today, when I went to get water, there was a woman lying on the curb and no one was paying her any mind. I was worried and went to go give her some money, but she did not even stir, never mind wake up, and when I got a better look at her, I realized she was too far gone to be helped by money. I have never seen anything like this in real life or even pictures of modern USA life. In my old city, someone long before me would have called an ambulance for her. Here, I knew that no one would come for her. I do not know if she will live the night, or if she is even still alive. She was as thin as someone in a concentration camp picture, and flies were crawling on her, and she was so very still.

I carried my water back to my roach-infested, bars-on-the-windows shelter and know how very very VERY lucky that I am. My life was not normal pre-pandemic, but this is hugely different. I don't like this! I am too grateful to allow myself to wallow, but I can only take so much. I am human. I feel stuff.

I know there are lucky people in pockets of safety and I am so glad they have that. But ... there are also people dying on sidewalks in THIS country, right now. There are people that have been forcible quarantined in tiny units in high-rise building and nursing home rooms for MONTHS for their "safety". And the most vulnerable are taking the brunt of this for the convenience of the strong.

No one has touched me for over 2 weeks and it was over a month before that one quick hug. I have only been touched once in 6 weeks. This sucks. Humans are not designed to tolerate this level of isolation. We are a social species. 

I’m so sorry 😐.   That sounds really rough.  

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3 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

Last winter we had tentative plans to head to the coast to watch the waves during storms . . Then I got sick, then covid . . .   So we'll try again this year.   

I'm heading to Texas for two weeks next month.  Dh jokingly suggested chinese food for thanksgiving - I don't think he was expecting the reception it received.  So, we may be doing Chinese food.  With lots of pies.  and his rolls. . . . 

We may be doing Chinese food too.  Dh and I are supposed to be at dsil's graduation ceremony at a state university about 5 hours away from us on Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  I can['t see driving home 5 hours and getting up and doing Thanksgiving.

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I know y'all would laugh at what we call 'winter,' so this is not weather related but we-aren't-going-to-the-gym related: we ordered a Nintendo Switch and the Ringfit Adventure game. It's supposed to be a decent light workout, not a truly serious one but enough to break a sweat. It will give us a bit of variety, at least. 

4 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

Dh jokingly suggested chinese food for thanksgiving - I don't think he was expecting the reception it received.  So, we may be doing Chinese food.  With lots of pies.  and his rolls. . . . 

We switched to steak and potatoes years ago, and I've never looked back. I knew I wanted a break from all turkey and turkey-adjacent chores, but I didn't even realize how much work it was until the year I didn't do it, lol. Relaxing before and during Thanksgiving is fabulous. 

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6 hours ago, katilac said:

I know y'all would laugh at what we call 'winter,' so this is not weather related but we-aren't-going-to-the-gym related: we ordered a Nintendo Switch and the Ringfit Adventure game. It's supposed to be a decent light workout, not a truly serious one but enough to break a sweat. It will give us a bit of variety, at least. 


I actually have a TV and the bedroom only has a blowup mattress and TV on the floor. I could lean the blow up mattress against the wall and have the whole room to do something along to what is on the TV. I can bounce as much as I want. The floor is tile and there is nothing beneath me. I don't know if we even have a crawl space beneath us. I think the foundation is poured on solid ground.

LOL. I don't know what I plan to do, but ... I like how much potential I have to do something. Thanks for the idea!

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On 10/12/2020 at 2:52 PM, SKL said:

I am praying that my kids will be in school full time by then ... but who knows.

We really need to have organized sports - with coaches that are not Mom.  Based on current realities, I have hope that my kids can continue with the approximate level of sports activity they are doing now.  One rides horses, the other says she plans to go out for cheerleading (basketball games), and we all do taekwondo.

I should force my kids to do some things like shovel the snow if they don't have physical activities on a given day.

I plan to continue my daily walking in all weathers.  I managed to do it every day since March (which is still snowy here), so I think I should be able to keep it up.

As an introvert, I don't mind a solitary winter for myself.  I have my work (via internet), hobbies/interests, and plenty of household projects to keep me busy.

I do need to make some kind of plan to see my parents.

I want to be you!!! I have never managed that....it's too cold, too hot, too humid, too windy, too busy - which all usually means "too lazy!!"

To answer OP -I am not thinking about it. I am in New England - yes, snow would be nice especially since I won't have to drive to work. Other than that - my kids are doing some on-line classes for the first time ever.  My husband is making our sunroom into "manly exercise room" for the boys....

I don't get bothered by dark or cold, but being stuck in the house.....I need my alone time and the only time I have gotten that since March was in the car on the way to and from grocery shopping.

I am sure I will be doing a lot of praying. A LOT!!!

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In a lot of ways, our winter will be pretty normal.  We are in a very snowy and cold area and we do typically hunker down and socialize much less in winter anyway.  We have a fire pit, as do all of our friends, so I expect outdoor gatherings will continue.  We think nothing of spending hours upon hours outdoors in temps at low as 0 degrees F.  We will not be socializing indoors at all.  We all ski daily and dd's ski team will continue to practice and compete with Covid rules in place.  The only really hard part is that dh is home 24/7, which is not normal.  It's hard for him as he is a huge extrovert and hard for the rest of us because we are not.  Not to mention the challenge of three people trying to Zoom and work in a 1200 square foot house with no doors.

I may ask for game suggestions in another thread.  I would like to rely less on watching screens during our down time but our game collections is getting stale.

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