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Accountability Thread 8/17-8/23

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Morning. Getting closer to September and cooler weather here, I hope. This week is supposed to be pleasant. I'll believe it when I see it.

Today's goals:

House: cat boxes, laundry, dishes, cleaning plan for next week

School: schedules

Cooking: fried chicken, okra (if there is some), sliced tomatoes, possibly a pecan pie

Writing: last chapters for revision today, finish up the synopsis work, then let that story rest for about a month. Personal reading. Plan writing schedule and project work for September.

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Morning. It's feeling very much like a Moanday here. I'm the worst offender, though.

House: laundry, dishes, cats, bed, bath

School: the usual

Cooking: yesterday's meal--we were out late in the afternoon and I didn't get home in time to cook before everyone just started eating.

Writing: formatting and sending queries, scheduling, whining a lot. I get this way after a project is finished, even when I have other things to do. I'll be better in a few days probably. Personal reading.

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Good morning!  I haven't had okra in the longest time ...

We're taking a week off of most school -- just piano + memory work -- while DH takes a vacation week.  There are 4 streams of stuff I want to work on this week, the goal being to come up with workable plans + goals:

  1. school (general goals for year, goals + plans for term through Christmas)
  2. house (room-by-room rough list of stuff to do, stuff we'd like to have)
  3. RPG game (at least have a plan for planning my campaign in a do-able way once school &c picks up)
  4. Finances -- we're fine, thankfully, but I need to get a better handle on our money
  5. also .... plan for elder's 15th birthday at the end of August  🙂 

For today: straighten house; spend an hour or so on each of my Big 4 & work on elder's birthday; piano + school; fitness all around; dinner: it'll have to be made outside tonight on the grill where I have one burner also -- probably grilled pork chops, potatoes (may boil & do a quick mash, I'd love comfort food), salad.  It'd be lovely to have molten chocolate cakes.  Maybe I'll make that a priority. 

Edited by serendipitous journey
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Afternoon! No school here today. We were at the dentist all morning. No cavities or other evilness. 

Today's goals:

House: usual chores, perhaps a cleaning project

School: none, dentist

Cooking: burgers

Writing: work on a short story, personal reading, writers' meeting emails.

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Morning! Another cool (for August) day here. I actually have a few windows open. Not for long, but it's nice for now.


House: laundry, dishes, cat boxes, kitchen

School: usual

Cooking: chicken and dumplings, making salsa. Again.

Writing: Finish a short story today, continue personal reading.

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Evening!  Gettin' late here. 

Temperatures are dropping & the air is clearing (from wildfire smoke), thank goodness: I hope the cooler temps bring fire relief despite the winds. 

Today we had one emergency that turned out Just Fine, one trip to the city to try new piano lessons with an instructor who'll be part of our "pod" -- I think that we are her only podding family, and she is the only extension to our living-under-one-roof family pod, and news that a friend lost her job on short notice -- though there's the possibility that she can freelance from home. 

The boys are in good spirits: whoo-hoo!  For tonight: bath & bit of yoga for me, plus run laundry during off-peak hours (limiting energy use during peak hours); straighten a bit; come up with plan for tomorrow; watch a show with DH. 

And tonight or tomorrow I need to e-mail our RPG group, because it is clear that I won't be able to run games during the fall semester -- no way I can keep up with the homeschooling & the homefront while I run it, esp. right now when the boys are having some extra challenges, we still don't have our dog back and we need to work hard to be ready for full-on 5th/9th grade by the end of December.  I'm disappointed that I can't juggle it all, but glad that the boys are thriving when I have time to focus on the home stuff. 

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Good afternoon!  Today is fairly mellow.  Goals

  • piano work:
    • boys + me: several rounds (6 or 7) of "kung fu" and finger pushups
    • me: get old repertoire to new instructor, with links + (if possible) sheet music they've liked + (if possible) elder's "etudes"
  • quick & dirty plans to use next term to finish stuff up:
    • younger: AO reading, math games, crates, chemistry (McHenry, RSO)
    • elder: l geography, c&p, chemistry (?), How Life Works,
    • both: Misdummer Night's Dream.
  • plan for autumn/winter clothes, incl. sneakers, fitness (sweats?)
  • fitness for me (strength, aerobic, some yoga) + boys
  • dinner: pasta with sausage & broccolini, fresh veggies.
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Morning!  though just barely. 

Today is weird because we can't get the boys out on their hike due to smoke in the air.  Sigh.  They seem well, DH & I are fraying. 

So: grand goals are to keep boys well, help MIL be happy, and also move DH & I towards joy.  While prepping in case of evacuation, getting ready for the first week of online classes, planning our fall term, list of notebooks for this school term, cleaning house, looking over finances, managing e-mail, working in garden -- I have an N95 for this.     Think in terms of outdoor/survival for some CM-style work?

That'll keep me busy! 

ETA: moving to tomorrow: go over their online class stuff and set up notebooks for them + me to supervise.

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