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Swinging on a swing and trying to kick the rings off their hook on the other side of the swingset.  Miss the ring and embed the hook in my ankle and then "I" was swinging on the hook.


Moving a couch and getting a hernia, after the repair surgery, sleeping on the couch (that had a recliner) and break the recliner trying to move the foot rest.  Aka, the couch broke me when I tried to move it and then I broke the couch trying to move it.

Walking down stairs admiring the newly laid carpet.  So engrossed in the carpet, I miss the bottom stairs and sprain my ankle.

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8 hours ago, kand said:

I had to read this multiple times before understanding that you didn’t get your stitches done at a friend’s house by her half panicked, half confused mom 😂. That sounded like something my mom would have done (send me to a neighbor to be stitched up). 

Did we even have the ER growing up? My parents must have never heard of it.

Me, age 3, falls of bike racing down the street at breakneck speed, cracks head open. Neighbor apparently takes a quick look, stitches up my head, declares it fine, mom decides that’s good enough. Maybe concussions hadn’t been invented yet?

Me, age 10ish, jumps down the stairs at parents friends house because I’m bored and neglected. One stair jump, two stairs jump, six stairs...hits my head on the low  sloped ceiling, gets knocked unconscious, slowly wakes up to parents friend asking if I can move my fingers?...No...toes?...No...anything?...No. Parents friends and my dad decide at this point, his youngest daughter presumably paralysed from head down, that the best course of action is to pick up my broken body and lay it on a sheet of plywood, which they stick out the back of their station wagon (yes, broken paralysed me is being driven down the street on a sheet of wood hanging halfway out the back of a station wagon) on the way to the hospital. 

It’s a wonder anyone survived 1970's parenting decisions. 😂🙄😳 

Edited by MEmama
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When I was about 3, I ran and tripped over a metal, play ironing board that was outside and rusty. The leg of the iron punctured my leg, and I remember being at the doctor's office to get a tetanus shot. I can remember what the wound looked like. 

Around 7, my dad and we three girls were on the beach at a hotel, and a dog started chasing me. My mom was back at the office (checking in), and I ran back to her. Someone had tied a string across the sidewalk, and I hit it full force. I fell and scraped all the skin off the side of my face. I still have a scar across the front of my lower leg from the string but none on my face. 


In our co-op, I was teaching a writing class and had the kids playing adverb charades. There was a sound board and some equipment in the tiled floor room. A student started his charade by sliding down across the floor, but I wasn't out of the way yet. He pushed me into the sound board, and I thought I had cracked a few ribs. I went to the doctor and it was just bruising, but I was sore for 6 weeks. 

Sprained my foot on a Father's Day standing up from the side of our tub (foot was wet). This was the same year dd broke 2 toes coming off an inflatable standing up, and dh broke his arm running down a hill at a water park trying to stop a runaway baby stroller. 

Other than a few broken toes, I think that's about it. I've always been a cautious person. 


The only ER visit we had with either of the kids was when we were swinging dd between us leaving church, and she dislocated her elbow (nursemaid elbow). 



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Toddlerhood - Climbed up the cupboards and ate a lot of aspirin. Also located my dad's razor and "shaved" my chin

Got thrown off a horse and broke my arm and dislocated my elbow

Ran into a apple tree with a dirt bike

We were free range kids. We played in creeks, swam in lakes, slept out in the backyard alone, jumped off the roof of the shed, and climbed tall cottonwood trees, launched model rockets unsupervised, went on hikes in the mountains with one other child (with instructions to stay on the trail and watch out for rattlesnakes), snuck out at night, rode our bikes and horses pretty much whereever, and I was left home from a vacation by myself when I was 12 because we couldn't find a paper route substitute.


Currently retired from my wild child days. I did have an ER trip to get a mechanical pencil removed from under a finger nail. 

Now I just hurt from wear and tear.

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Skateboarded over a rock and knocked off half of a front tooth. Went home and told brother. He took me to neighbor's who took us to a dentist. It was fixed before my parents came home.

Apparently, I was an early old-age injury child. I broke a finger putting my hand in my pocket - somehow it bent funny, and I thought ow. Next morning, it was about 3x its normal size. Yep, broke it.


In the area of questionable 70s-80s injury/illness parenting decisions, we were traveling for several weeks one summer. I kept complaining my leg was horribly itchy and it hurt, and my parents kept telling me I'd be fine - that it was just a bug bite. Three days later, I was in the hospital for a softball sized lump on my ankle (I literally couldn't get my jeans over it) and a fever of 105 - doctor had no idea other than an allergic reaction. I had a slight lump there for about 20 years(!) from that episode - it disappeared during my first pregnancy. 

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Rolled down the basement stairs (onto a concrete floor apparently).

Somersaulted over the handlebars of my bike (not on purpose!) when the front wheel got stuck in a pothole on a downhill slope, landed on my mouth and knocked out my front teeth.

Broke my leg in the middle of a hurdle race when I landed wrong.



Bent over to pick up a child and sprained my back.

Sprained my wrist while picking up a box.

Frozen shoulder.  (No idea how that even happened!)


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Childhood:  A few sprained/jammed fingers, stitches a few times, runners knee.


Snapped bone in my foot walking up stairs

Sciatica from sleeping wrong

Badly sprained ankle from walking off deck and stepping on wood beam that rolled

Shattered wrist from car accident

A few broken fingers and toes from hitting or kicking things

Pulled muscle in neck not sure how

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Childhood injuries:

Innumerable bruises, cuts, scrapes, and smashed fingers and toes from being kicked, stepped on, or bucked off of a horse.

Adult injuries:

Innumerable bruises, cuts, scrapes, and smashed fingers and toes from being kicked, stepped on, or bucked off of a horse.

I am very consistent.🙂

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Lots of knee pain from walking on uneven ground--I was always miserable for days after I had to walk across a sloped yard (up and down was different)

Fell off a horse

Record numbers of bug bites at a time--once I walked partway up a hill behind a friend's house for maybe five minutes, and I had 40+ bites on my legs in that timeframe. Friend was upset I'd ruined my visit, but everything was swollen and itchy and miserable. There was nothing in their house to help with itching either.

Pleurisy from a bad cold (miserable)

Strained wrist from writing by hand (esp notetaking) or playing volleyball with a very hard ball (multiples of each)


Strained a muscle in my thigh from walking when it was windy-cold--the muscle kept tightening up from the cold (yes, I was dressed in multiple layers--the wind was really cutting, and my pants were not windproof)

Coughed a rib out of place

Broke a toe

Slept wrong

Sat on floor and my leg swelled up, went tingly (turned out fine but was exciting for a bit)


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Childhood - age 2, I was gonna jump off a tall dresser (onto a bed), got scared, and was "helped" by my 5yo brother (missed the bed).  Got lots of stitches.

I used to be proud of my jumping ability, so once I ran and jumped over a large pile of junk in the basement (my dad was cleaning).  I didn't notice that on the far side of the pile, there was a broken glass bowl, which I landed on.  My foot bled for a week, but Dr. Mom kept it under control without medical assistance.  I do still have the scar.

When little, I used to fall down the stairs regularly, not sure why.

Which is funny, because my most lingering adult injury was also caused by falling down the stairs - this time trying to avoid dropping my computer and 2 half-full coffee cups.  I am pretty sure I broke my tailbone.  I couldn't sit for 3 days, but eventually the pain went away, until somewhere around age 50.  Now I can't sit like a normal person without pain.  Hoping to find a solution, as it sucks not being able to sit.

I've also had a sore shoulder for many months because of doing an ordinary move in taekwondo.  It is a lot better now than when it happened, so hopefully it goes away completely.

Trying to do a little bit of running these days, and I do mean a *little* bit, but my shins always hurt unless it's uphill.  Ugh.

Once I cut off part of my fingertip by trying to cut potatoes while flustered.

I frequently have bruises whose origin I can't remember.  That has been a lifelong thing.  I think recently it's because I play spar with my large children, who are 2nd degree black belts.  Maybe I ought to stop doing that.

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Broken arm from Roller skating too fast and hitting a wall.  (Almost lost my front teeth---had to eat soft foods for two weeks to hang on to them....)

Stitches around my right  eye (no novocaine-no fun!) from petting the neighbor's German Shepherd when they weren't home and getting bit.

Stitches around my left eye from getting clubbed by my younger brother when playing mini-golf.  (It was an accident.  I went up behind him to "help" and he swung not knowing I was there).

Raced my older brother down a big hill and got running faster than I could control, fell, and tore off the skin on my knee down to the bone.

Badly injured foot from riding my bicycle barefoot (something not allowed) and getting it caught in the wheels.  Luckily didn't lose any toes.

Those are all the ones I remember requiring medical help.  Also had plenty of bumps and bruises, sunburns from playing outside all day (I remember when Coppertone doubled its SPF from 4 to 8!). I grew up in the 60s in So. California.  We had a lot of freedom to roam and play.


Broken ankle from missing the bottom step on the porch (slightly uneven).  I heard the crack and knew I had broken it.....

Sliced open my thumb by (foolishly) trying to saw frozen meat in half and the freshly sharpened knife slipped.  Again, stitches with no novocaine.  Years later, and I still don't have feeling on half my thumb.

Sliced off the tip of my finger using a Mandolin.   (I still use one but I have those mesh gloves which I use religiously.)

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As a child: slipped on a algae-covered pier and onto some barnacles. Gashed my leg. Stitches. 

8th grade - Caught a softball with my face. Broke my glasses. Stitches. 

2014 - Breaking down a cardboard box, slit my wrist with a box cutter. 12 stitches. ER asked me lots of psych questions. It was an accident!

2015 - Took my kids to a free martial arts trial class. Joined in. Tore my ACL. 

Those are the biggies. I also fall down a lot and have weak ankles from old softball injuries (so lots of ankle sprains now). 

I also do the whole roll-out-of-bed-and-injure-myself thing now. Aging sucks. 

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Childhood: Broke an arm falling off bike

Concussion from colliding with another girl in a basketball game. Gave her a black eye


Adulthood: Broken finger (spiral break) from stupid horse flipping her head up and my finger was twisted in the reins 

Messed up the nerve in my leg/hammie because I GOT STUCK IN THE MUD. Tried to lift my booted foot from the barnyard swamp and messed it up. Still have problems with it, but frequent stretching and exercise helps avoid the shooting pains in my leg.

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