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RE: Mandarin Chinese


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I have dd4 enrolled at Saturday Chinese school. They meet every Saturday morning and the classes are conducted in Chinese. Maybe they have something like this in your area?


I've also looked into this curriculum a bit: http://www.betterchinese.com - they have some online lessons and you can sign up for a free month to test it out. We might use this to supplement what she is doing in her class.


I think it would be hard to teach without the help of a native speaker. There are certain sounds that don't exist in the English language and the tones have to be just right for the words to make sense. So if you are teaching it yourself I would make sure you have access to someone that your dc can practice with at the very least.

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I am going to check out the link you posted thanks so much. The tutor is a native, so perhaps if I combine the two it will be a winning match.


I notice your dd is only 4, I am now pondering adding dd6 to the class with the big kids.


Thank for your help.

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I think your plan sounds great!


If your dd6 is interested, I say go for it! I've been amazed at how quickly dd4 is picking it up. In only a couple months she has 4 songs memorized, can count to 10, knows all of her colors, 10 or so body parts, and probably about 20-30 other vocabulary words. She's definitely absorbing it more quickly than I am..... :D

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My SIL is fluent in Mandarin. And she told me get what ever programs cartoon tv show whatever so they can hear it throughout the day being spoken. Because they use tones it is also wise to have the kids learn an instrument so they learn to hear the tones. Right now my SIL just speaks it to my dd and we have a cartoon that she watches but when I am ready to fully commit to it we will have her do all of these things.

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