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thoughts on "girl" books

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I was reading in another thread an some posters mentioned not certain if their sons would like Heidi, etc. Here has been my experience. I have 3 sons, all of whom are very "snips and snails and puppy dog tails". 

We listened to Heidi on a road trip and they really got into it. This was after listening to Rick Riordan's Greek Gods and Heros, so it was a VERY different audiobook. 

We listened to Anne of Green Gables on stories.audible done by Rachel McAdams and they enjoyed it, but found her flowery speeches a bit much. 

My youngest has repeatedly listened to all of Little House on the Prairie and loves it. 

I know I am forgetting some "girl" books that we have done, but my encouragement would be to get the audiobook from the library or on audible and listen to it on a road trip when your kids are a captive audience. I never once assign gender to books and let my kids think these are perfectly wonderful books to listen to, which they are. The main thing my kids had to adjust to was the pace and content of the action. The books forced them to find pleasure in the prosaic bits of life. But I think there is immense value in our sons knowing these stories, these types of stories, and this type of writing. I think that LM Montgomery is a good lead-in to Jane Austen and her intense focus on the commonplace.

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I agree. I make a deliberate effort to include female authors and protagonists in the books my sons read. For example, my oldest son loved The Little Princess and Little Women. I'm currently reading aloud What Katy Did to my 9 & 6 year old boys. I never wanted to encourage the idea of girl vs boy books, they're all books.

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