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DS has a fever and I’m stressed


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((lovinmyboys))  There are still a lot of things going around.  Even if it's Covid-19, most young people have a mild case.  I have middle-aged friends who have it right now, and it's mild.  As for what to do, consider him contagious, just like with any other fever.  Until you know more, wear a mask, have your ds wear a mask, and find out how to have him checked so you do know.



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I’m sorry. Mine had Covid toes, I get the worry.

Can you get him tested? Our doctor was super sceptical about testing accuracy and advises family quarantining regardless. YMMV of course. 

A summer fever would be totally unusual in our family (actually, any fever at any time. DS has had one maybe once or twice ever?) so it would definitely raise major red flags. I hope you can get him soon, and I hope he feels better quickly. In the meantime, do all the things—mask, disinfect as you see fit, and lay low. 


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16 minutes ago, madteaparty said:

Dd and DH (at separate times but within last three months) had fevers, and they both had Lyme. Not sure which is worse personally but everyone was screaming COVID and it’s not always Covid. I need a T-shirt made with that phrase. 

Strep has been around here some this summer. Not fun, but easily treatable. We have not had it, but know several families who have.

Edited by ScoutTN
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My kids are prone to fevers from heat exhaustion.  How much was he outside for baseball and did he drink Gatorade or similar?  Even if it's not super hot (like CA beaches in May) my kids are still super prone to getting heat exhaustion and running a fever.   

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How is he today?  Hoping symptoms are all gone!

DS here had a low grade last night - 100.3. Tylenol and bed, and he feels fine today.  Whew.  I think it was from running around outside.  We’ve all had intermittent low grade fevers here, and I can’t pinpoint a reason.  We’re not leaving home, anyway, so not infecting anyone else.

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5 hours ago, lovinmyboys said:

Thanks! We had been really staying home, but ds started baseball last weekend. He had games the last 3 days. I just hope he didn’t make anyone sick.
It may be nothing but a fever in the summer? That is pretty unusual for him. 

This is probably where he picked up the fever if he's been around the other kids since last weekend.  I'm sorry he is sick and I understand the worry.  Hope it is short-lived and he is better soon.

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Well, as I was looking at Timehop today, it appears he did have a fever 4 years ago, so I guess he has had summer fevers before.

 I do still think it is a possibility that he got overheated at baseball. It is hot and he plays catcher. He probably doesn’t drink enough either. 

I’m going to keep him in until he has been fever free for 72 hours. If he is still sick Monday, I’ll call his dr to see what he wants me to do. He seems better today, but not 100%.

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3 hours ago, lovinmyboys said:

Well, as I was looking at Timehop today, it appears he did have a fever 4 years ago, so I guess he has had summer fevers before.

 I do still think it is a possibility that he got overheated at baseball. It is hot and he plays catcher. He probably doesn’t drink enough either. 

I’m going to keep him in until he has been fever free for 72 hours. If he is still sick Monday, I’ll call his dr to see what he wants me to do. He seems better today, but not 100%.

I had a catcher too that would get fevers after playing in heat -- so hot in those helmets and gear.  I hope his fever goes away very soon!

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