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Women...anyone else go from freezing to roasting?


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14 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

I can go from freezing to roasting just by rolling over in bed.  Or the vice versa....go from on fire hot to freezing cold by rolling over.

I know it is this menopause stuff but it sure does make sleep hard.

Sometimes about 3 to 4 times in one night! LOL


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Omgosh, yes. And not just when sleeping.  I'm always super hot after my shower, but give it an hour and then I'm freezing. (I start off in shorts and then switch to sweats. And then sometimes back again, depending if I get hot again -- like I did cleaning the bathroom today.)

FWIW, I'm 40 and I've no clue if my issues are hormonal or what. 

ETA: I also go to bed freezing, every night. Midway, I wake up roasting and kick off socks and extra blanket. Then I'm fine. 

Edited by alisoncooks
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Mine isn't due to menopause or hormones.  Mine is due to autonomic dysfunction.  I have a very limited range of comfortable temperatures and my body very easily overheats (also because I have lost a lot of ability to sweat) and also can easily become hypothermic just because my temperature regulation is gone.

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Yes. It is sooooooo obnoxious. Making dinner is one of the worst times. I also had a lot of it at night this past winter, but I’m not having a big problem with that at the moment, thankfully. 

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34 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

ETA: I also go to bed freezing, every night. Midway, I wake up roasting and kick off socks and extra blanket. Then I'm fine. 

Yup.  I've lived in FL for 16yrs.  When I first moved here, I slept with a sheet over me in the summer.  Now, I have a heating pad at my feet, a comforter, and an extra blanket.  The heating pad turns itself off after 2hrs.  The blankets go on and off all night long.  I'm 59 1/2 tomorrow.  Menopause has been over for 4 1/2 years now.

The funny thing is sometimes I'm fire and ice all at once.  My feet are notoriously icy.  But the rest of me can be hot.

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3 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

Omgosh, yes. And not just when sleeping.  I'm always super hot after my shower, but give it an hour and then I'm freezing. (I start off in shorts and then switch to sweats. And then sometimes back again, depending if I get hot again -- like I did cleaning the bathroom today.)

FWIW, I'm 40 and I've no clue if my issues are hormonal or what. 

ETA: I also go to bed freezing, every night. Midway, I wake up roasting and kick off socks and extra blanket. Then I'm fine. 

For a decade at least, I know that when I get tired, I get cold. If I'm really tired, I get a "brr" as I call it. 

When one has a really bad "brrr" from exhaustion or being out in the cold too long, you can actually warm up the outside of the body to the point of sweating, and still be freezing on the inside. I hate that. 

I've woken up warm a few times recently, but I don't think true hot flashes, not yet. I think I'm going to be the kind of woman that gets cold flashes instead. (although my mom didn't get hot flashes until her 60s I think)

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3 hours ago, Sue in St Pete said:

The funny thing is sometimes I'm fire and ice all at once.  My feet are notoriously icy.  But the rest of me can be hot.

I have that, too! Mine is the base of the back of my neck and my wrists, not necessarily at the same time. So I have to wear a sweater to bed so my neck warms up (jammies aren't warm enough) and I have to pull the sleeves down so my wrists warm up, but my arms and the rest of my body are uncomfortable hot. I've debates getting some wrist warmers like tennis player use (or used to use?) to help. Then I could wear short sleeve jammies with my sweater. 😂

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8 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Mine isn't due to menopause or hormones.  Mine is due to autonomic dysfunction.  I have a very limited range of comfortable temperatures and my body very easily overheats (also because I have lost a lot of ability to sweat) and also can easily become hypothermic just because my temperature regulation is gone.

Same, although I haven't (yet) lost the ability to sweat. My sweating is totally dysfunctional--either way overboard or insufficient. Thankfully the peri-menopause crap only lasted about ten years. But then I found out my AI issues have apparently totally shut down my ability to regulate my body temperature. I'm either running a slight fever (not a good thing nowadays!) or, like yesterday at a screening to enter a medical facility, I alarm people with how low my temperature registers.

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I will say, thinking about it, that the reason my mom probably didn't have hot flashes before her 60s was she was on hormone replacement therapy. Duh! I remember discussing it with her, she was concerned about heart attack risks, but had ZERO risk factors for heart attack, and does have alot of risk for osteoporosis, so did go on it. 

Personally, I'm at a point where additional birth control is desired, AND realizing some stuff I've been dealing with are related to low estrogen, so after years of avoiding hormonal birth control I'm going back on the NuvaRing to see if I can't kill two birds with one stone 🙂

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Oh yes, the heat fluctuation is crazy. I've been experimenting with various fabrics, and I think that I do better with more natural materials, such as cotton sheets rather than microfibre blanket. It's a struggle, but I've been perfecting a technique of shedding the blanket at just the right time before I sweat onto the sheets.  It really messes with your sleep when you have to rearrange sweat-drenched sheets.  🤪

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At the peak of menopause my DH used to ask me “who won the fight “ during the night. 

Now I a, more often cold than hot.

I have several wonderful, herb smelling rice bags that I heat in the microwave for those nights I am freezing when I go to bed. 

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Things are so much better then they were but now if I get up to use the bathroom during the night I go from being an acceptable temperature to boiling.  I think it’s the standing up the does it.

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4 hours ago, mumto2 said:

Things are so much better then they were but now if I get up to use the bathroom during the night I go from being an acceptable temperature to boiling.  I think it’s the standing up the does it.

And I got from boiling to by the time I get back from the bathroom, I am freezing....so I put on the blanket which of course leads to roasting a bit later.

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6 hours ago, mumto2 said:

Things are so much better then they were but now if I get up to use the bathroom during the night I go from being an acceptable temperature to boiling.  I think it’s the standing up the does it.


1 hour ago, Ottakee said:

And I got from boiling to by the time I get back from the bathroom, I am freezing....so I put on the blanket which of course leads to roasting a bit later.

And this! 

I wish there was more of a rhyme or reason to it. Starts to completely mess with your mind. 😉

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19 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Mine isn't due to menopause or hormones.  Mine is due to autonomic dysfunction.  I have a very limited range of comfortable temperatures and my body very easily overheats (also because I have lost a lot of ability to sweat) and also can easily become hypothermic just because my temperature regulation is gone.

Thanks for mentioning this. I’m increasingly frustrated over my narrow comfort range and the way I can no longer tolerate heat outside.  I thought it was menopause related (but I’m a decade past that) or because I’ve let myself get a little out of shape. But it *feels* like something more.  I think it’s time to get it checked out. Thanks again. 

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5 hours ago, wintermom said:


And this! 

I wish there was more of a rhyme or reason to it. Starts to completely mess with your mind. 😉

A friend of mine said she would go to bed in heavy PJs, heavy socks, etc. And her husband would look at her and say "this is not going to end well"......and a few hours later she is several layers less with bare feet standing on a tile floor in the kitchen trying to cool down.

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Mostly a night thing, but also happens during the day.

21 hours ago, Ottakee said:

And I got from boiling to by the time I get back from the bathroom, I am freezing....so I put on the blanket which of course leads to roasting a bit later.

This is my usual routine.

I'd rather be cold because I can always crowd DH & warm up fast (he's an oven). If I'm hot, I'm stuck. But, if I have to go to the bathroom anyway, that usually fixes it & I'm cold enough to burrow back under (or at least not roast).

If I remember to take my vitamins (twice per day), it happens less often. Unfortunately, the vitamins that work for this are out of stock (COVID-related shipping issues, I guess) and the substitutes are either 3x/day (which I'll never remember) or ones that seem to not help with the hot & cold flashes. Sigh!! (I found one more bottle in the back of my medicine pantry but it is almost out.)

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@peacelovehomeschooling These are the ones that help me: Pro-Cycle PMS but I get them from this place:  Kuhar (which is unabashedly Catholic). The "equivalents" aren't the same, IMO, so don't order them while they are out of stock because they will just send you the "equivalent" (which isn't). Note that they have crazy high levels of just about every vitamin & mineral. 

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