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Is there an app that will do this that has spellcheck?

I'm wondering for my dyslexic student. If she could fill in her worksheets (we get many PDF curricula) by typing her answers (she's learning to type now) or writing them or whatever either on a laptop or Ipad or other tablet, and spell check was involved, that would be a huge game changer for her. 

Also, bonus question about this for the kid without dyslexia - how similar to writing with a real pencil is it to write with a stylus/apple pen/etc on a tablet? He's always struggled with handwriting, although it is much better now, and if we did this with him I wouldn't want to set him back, if that makes sense? Would doing worksheets with a stylus digitally, for him, make his handwriting worse? Or maybe be good for him, as he'd be less tempted to use too much pressure, etc?

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