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Morning! It's sunny and hot, and I'll likely be miserable by the end of the week. But I'm hiding in my dark, air-conditioned cave, which makes everything better.

Today's goals: 

House: cat boxes, dishes, laundry, clean something. I am so behind on cleaning it's ridiculous.

School: none, but I might plan creative writing and literature for the summer months. I already have a plan, but perhaps I should write it down somewhere.

Cooking: grilled steaks, baked potatoes, salad, broccoli, corn, rice pudding

Writing: 2000 words in my draft, Beta reading, personal reading. 


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Morning! Time to go to work. Let's see...

Housekeeping: laundry, dishes, cat boxes, bedroom, bath, linens. And I might tentatively tackle my art supplies.

School: none

Cooking: grilled chicken (I need to prep that this morning), mashed potatoes, cauliflower, something lemon (maybe lemon bars)

Writing: 2000 words in draft, Beta reading, personal reading, agent research for two different stories. Fun times.

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Morning!  Oh, my, the world! 

Today my main goal is to try & do everything I do with conscious love, just to make sure to keep engaging.  And see how things go.  I sort of hate mindfulness stuff like that, I'd rather daydream, but a day of this should be do-able esp. because loving myself is included, so I suppose I can decide to daydream for a break.  🙂 

Other goals: engage RPG (rules, my game, general campaign a tiny bit) and run game tonight, ideally with a whiteboard; school for boys is very light (math, piano, art); plan school; work in house; work in garden; look at finances; exercise all around.   We'll probably get takeout tonight to free up my time before the game, I'm hoping for Indian. 

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Today's goals:

House: laundry, dishes, cat boxes, bed, bath, art supplies (didn't get to those yesterday and must today)

School: none

Cooking: more grilling (I couldn't get anyone to grill last night) and leftovers

Writing: 2000 words draft, beta reading, critiques, personal reading

Other: painting, writer's meeting stuff, and I need to go to town. Blerg.

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Morning -- barely!

Today's general things to engage:

  1. Work on RPG rules; adventure (clean up notes on last night's game first of all); campaign.
  2. House: FlyLady routines
  3. School: minimal.  Finish art from yesterday, engage piano theory. 
  4. Plan the summer term's school.
  5. Exercise + fitness all around.
  6. Work outside a bit, water + weed.
  7. Dinner: pasta carbonara, fresh veggies, fruit. 
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Morning! I'm awake. Mostly.

Today's goals: 

House: chores, cleaning--no, I didn't get to it yesterday, either.

School: none

Cooking: I need to bake some chicken and make soup among other things.

Writing: 2000 words in draft, Beta reading, personal reading, some sketching. Maybe a query. I really need to wait a week, though. For whatever reason, I have a bunch out with no responses right now, and they aren't at a close, no response date.  There's always July.

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Morning. Work tomorrow, so I need to get everything done today.

House: cat boxes, laundry, dishes, sweeping the house

School: none

Cooking: none, but I need to clean out the refrigerator

Writing: 2000 words in draft, Beta reading, critiques, personal reading

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Today went fine!  whoo-hoo.  Did some necessary RPG work, Zoom meeting for volunteer work, birthday prep, super minimal math + piano.  Am making dinner (breaded pork chops, salad, edamame, and popcorn later) and hope to get in a walk this evening, more birthday prep for my littler guy. 

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