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What do yu think of this?


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I found this note on my door this morning: " Hi neighbor! My name is XXXXXXXXXXX and I live at XXXXXXXXX.  I have been thinking a lot about the unrest in our surrounding  areas and I am concerned                                                                               about the possibility it could come our way.  In order to be prepared, I wanted to reach out to our community.  If you are willing and able to defend our                                                                                              neighborhood during this period of unprecedented crisis should the violence start to venture closer to home,  please text  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your                                                                                name and address.  I would like to set up a meeting as soon as possible to discuss measures we can take to keep our homes and families safe. Thank you"

 Well, i moved into this gated community 30 years ago.  Then it was something of a novelty.  About 100 brand new large  upper middle class homes, in a historically low income city--nearly all one ethnic group.   The homeownership in my compound was more diverse then: approximately 65%, 35%,  and 5%.  Now  the figures in my compound are 95%, 4%, and 1 %.  I am the 1%.    The city has changed as well, now it is about 50/50, and being "regentrified" rapidly by the  95%. 

But, there has not been any disturbances within 10 miles of me.  What troubles me most about this note is that XXXXXXXXXXX lives three doors away away from me.  He has never spoken to me.  I have never been in any of my neighbors' home.  I shared previously that not only does the 95% not  mingle with me,  they don't even  seem to mingle with each other.  Their children do not play together in the streets.  Just surprised that the first interaction with me is not about friendship, but common defense.  

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I live in a country with no gated communities (to my knowledge). We also don't have HOA for the most part. Living in a condo complex for a couple years was the only experience I've ever had of a small community feel with our own rules and regulations. There was a condo board of directors made up of people living within the complex. The board had a president, regular meetings, and such.  If your gated community has a board of members, I would contact them and bring this letter to their attention. This is something that needs to be dealt with in a process which includes the community board, imo.


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I'd be extremely uncomfortable with getting something like that. 

I'd probably report to any HOA or governing board for the community; don't know what they could do but maybe there is something in the reg book.

It's not technically illegal so I don't know a reason to report to the police, and they aren't really in a situation to do anything right now probably, but I wish there was "someone" you could tell.

Maybe your local representative, so they are aware of what's going on?

As for actually contacting/going, I would want to stay as far away as possible from this but would probably go just for the knowledge and see what people are discussing (with a friend). But would be concerned they wouldn't welcome just onlookers into their little meetings. 

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Yikes.  “Defend our neighborhood...”  File this information away for later and make sure your kids understand not to engage neighbors in any perceived conflict.  

Alternatively, show up to a meeting and learn for certain who is going to shoot first and ask questions later.  

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3 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

I'd be extremely uncomfortable with getting something like that. 

I'd probably report to any HOA or governing board for the community; don't know what they could do but maybe there is something in the reg book.

It's not technically illegal so I don't know a reason to report to the police, and they aren't really in a situation to do anything right now probably, but I wish there was "someone" you could tell.

Maybe your local representative, so they are aware of what's going on?

As for actually contacting/going, I would want to stay as far away as possible from this but would probably go just for the knowledge and see what people are discussing (with a friend). But would be concerned they wouldn't welcome just onlookers into their little meetings. 

I started to post the bolded myself.....I would want to lay eyes and ears on these people to get a feel for their thinking.  Might be hard to do without them thinking you are 'one of them.'

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8 minutes ago, gstharr said:

Thanks to all. I have no intention of participating in this.  But, I had not thought about bringing it the attention of the board. 

I was trying to think of something that could defuse this with these types of people so it would seem unnecessary for this type of action, or preparation, or paranoia.

Perhaps the HOA board can use funds to install more security or hire a security detail (if things seem to be escalating in your area).

I mean, if this guy has been waiting his whole life to defend his castle, it won't make much a difference, but if the proper people are taking the lead on precautions, it may dissuade others from joining him.


eta: don't know how I feel about this solution, either, just trying to think around the possibilities.

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just speculating here - I expect I’ll probably be roasted, but...


I have never lived in a gated community, but did at one point live in a neighborhood where mingling was not at all a thing until a natural disaster came along and led to some communication between people 


Is there any possility of turning this person’s approach into a more general chance for neighborhood neighborliness? 

Something like a reply that you think a meeting for multiple purposes neighbors helping neighbors is needed, such as making sure there are no alone isolating seniors or at risk from CV19 people needing help, and perhaps thinking about preparedness were there a natural disaster or similar — rather than a focus just on defense? 

Part of fear may come from how very isolated the neighbors are.  I presume if this person had 10 or 20 close friends in the community he might not feel a need to reach out with door notes.  And it seems he is not excluding you with his door note.  I would tend to try to take it as a potential opening rather than to turn it into a reaction where someone who is in some sense reaching out to you and others **now** is rebuffed for doing so — even if it feels weird.  


Something like, “xxxx, hi, got your note! I think we need a more general neighbors looking out for neighbors, and preparedness for whatever may happen next in 2020 (and beyond) meeting. Lots of unprecedented crises happening!  I think a big and important measure we could take is getting to know each other and looking out for one another!”


Btw in the natural disaster in non mingling community I mentioned, it wasn’t a gated community, but some individual homes had gates. A very serious problem that emerged was that due to electric failures and or mechanical problems from fallen trees and similar, gates would not come open, trapping people behind with some fires breaking out and otoh water pipes breaking.  

And with widespread problems from the natural disaster, (buildings collapsing, natural gas mains on fire, etc) emergency responders were busy with bigger  problems, so it really did become an emergency community issue.  Things did get figured out without loss of life or fire getting out of hand.  

However, it would have been extremely helpful to know ahead of time things like who had what skills and abilities: Who was good at turning off water and natural gas pipes that were broken, who had fire extinguishers, who had chain saws that could get fallen trees off gates, who was a doctor, etc. 

It would also have been helpful to have had a community phone numbers list to extent phones worked still—though may be in a gated community that already exists. 


2 hours ago, gstharr said:

I found this note on my door this morning: " Hi neighbor! My name is XXXXXXXXXXX and I live at XXXXXXXXX.  I have been thinking a lot about the unrest in our surrounding  areas and I am concerned                                                                               about the possibility it could come our way.  In order to be prepared, I wanted to reach out to our community.  If you are willing and able to defend our                                                                                              neighborhood during this period of unprecedented crisis should the violence start to venture closer to home,  please text  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your                                                                                name and address.  I would like to set up a meeting as soon as possible to discuss measures we can take to keep our homes and families safe. Thank you"

 Well, i moved into this gated community 30 years ago.  Then it was something of a novelty.  About 100 brand new large  upper middle class homes, in a historically low income city--nearly all one ethnic group.   The homeownership in my compound was more diverse then: approximately 65%, 35%,  and 5%.  Now  the figures in my compound are 95%, 4%, and 1 %.  I am the 1%.    The city has changed as well, now it is about 50/50, and being "regentrified" rapidly by the  95%. 

But, there has not been any disturbances within 10 miles of me.  What troubles me most about this note is that XXXXXXXXXXX lives three doors away away from me.  He has never spoken to me.  I have never been in any of my neighbors' home.  I shared previously that not only does the 95% not  mingle with me,  they don't even  seem to mingle with each other.  Their children do not play together in the streets.  Just surprised that the first interaction with me is not about friendship, but common defense.  


Trying to understand what a “compound” is in this context.  A smaller unit with in larger gated area? 


(ETA: For a destructive extremist who has a car, 10 miles is not a barrier.   )


Can you try as much as possible to reframe the first interaction into being about neighborliness? A reaching out even if poorly done and offputting to you, but it is a first step. Maybe see what happens if you reach out back in return? 


Edited by Pen
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I'd call my police non-emergency number to give them a heads-up that I'm concerned about a neighbourhood group that seems oriented towards violent defense. It's best if the potential for violence is know to the police well before any 'unrest' approaches a group of people who are prepared to increase the conflict (and potentially introduce deadly weapons) to a developing situation.

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A call to organize a neighborhood militia would not sit well with me at all.  (This is different than someone defending their own home if the need arises.)  Plus, it sounds like his source of information are the fake pot-stirring posts going out which breed fear and violence especially against anyone "other" who might be seen as a threat.

I do think that once the pandemic etc are over, a neighborhood block party would be nice.  It's good to know your neighbors.  My particular neighborhood is more diverse and I don't fear anyone because I know them.  (Also as an aside, some of my white neighbors are also immigrants.  Color of skin doesn't tell you where people are from - if that even mattered.) 

I don't know what I would do right now.  I would not respond to the note.  I don't think that I would confront him in any way. . He doesn't sound totally stable, to be honest.  I would start getting to know neighbors if possible from a socially distanced way.  In my neighborhood I chat with a lot of neighbors when we are out taking walks or doing yard work.  This may or may not be an option for you. 

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2 hours ago, Pen said:


just speculating here - I expect I’ll probably be roasted, but...


I have never lived in a gated community, but did at one point live in a neighborhood where mingling was not at all a thing until a natural disaster came along and led to some communication between people 


Is there any possility of turning this person’s approach into a more general chance for neighborhood neighborliness? 

Something like a reply that you think a meeting for multiple purposes neighbors helping neighbors is needed, such as making sure there are no alone isolating seniors or at risk from CV19 people needing help, and perhaps thinking about preparedness were there a natural disaster or similar — rather than a focus just on defense? 

Part of fear may come from how very isolated the neighbors are.  I presume if this person had 10 or 20 close friends in the community he might not feel a need to reach out with door notes.  And it seems he is not excluding you with his door note.  I would tend to try to take it as a potential opening rather than to turn it into a reaction where someone who is in some sense reaching out to you and others **now** is rebuffed for doing so — even if it feels weird.  


Something like, “xxxx, hi, got your note! I think we need a more general neighbors looking out for neighbors, and preparedness for whatever may happen next in 2020 (and beyond) meeting. Lots of unprecedented crises happening!  I think a big and important measure we could take is getting to know each other and looking out for one another!”


Btw in the natural disaster in non mingling community I mentioned, it wasn’t a gated community, but some individual homes had gates. A very serious problem that emerged was that due to electric failures and or mechanical problems from fallen trees and similar, gates would not come open, trapping people behind with some fires breaking out and otoh water pipes breaking.  

And with widespread problems from the natural disaster, (buildings collapsing, natural gas mains on fire, etc) emergency responders were busy with bigger  problems, so it really did become an emergency community issue.  Things did get figured out without loss of life or fire getting out of hand.  

However, it would have been extremely helpful to know ahead of time things like who had what skills and abilities: Who was good at turning off water and natural gas pipes that were broken, who had fire extinguishers, who had chain saws that could get fallen trees off gates, who was a doctor, etc. 

It would also have been helpful to have had a community phone numbers list to extent phones worked still—though may be in a gated community that already exists. 



Trying to understand what a “compound” is in this context.  A smaller unit with in larger gated area? 


(ETA: For a destructive extremist who has a car, 10 miles is not a barrier.   )


Can you try as much as possible to reframe the first interaction into being about neighborliness? A reaching out even if poorly done and offputting to you, but it is a first step. Maybe see what happens if you reach out back in return? 


You make some good points.  Not sure if the OP is up to trying to reframe the mission.  

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I am living in a gated community. Neighbors have raised questions about security since we do have security on site for nighttime. However a mall less than 5 miles away was looted and the area was cordoned off when we passed by yesterday. My community is majority Asians and they would raise security questions with the Board through the community group emails so everyone knows and can chime in. If needed a meeting can be called for.

If you have a HOA, I would direct their attention to the letter you received.

Amazon warehouse at Redlands is on fire. Homes in South San Jose and in Suisun City were hit by arsonists. Your neighbor might be “militant” or he might just be very fearful. Either way, I would let HOA board members know. 

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If none of the neighbors know each other, it makes sense that he wants to meet and discuss a plan before (or in case) you need one. 

Why presuppose he's of a certain mindset? Wouldn't neighbors and strangers usually give each other the benefit of the doubt?  Why does it need to be reported to some authority when there are no known details of anything in the letter? 

If you don't want to meet, then just don't. 

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8 minutes ago, Andani said:

If none of the neighbors know each other, it makes sense that he wants to meet and discuss a plan before (or in case) you need one. 

Why presuppose he's of a certain mindset? Wouldn't neighbors and strangers usually give each other the benefit of the doubt?  Why does it need to be reported to some authority when there are no known details of anything in the letter? 

If you don't want to meet, then just don't. 

Because it is the job of the police to "defend the neighborhood", not the neighbors. Crime watch is one thing but the wording makes it sound like he wants to form a neighborhood militia. That's vigilante justice, and likely illegal. 

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I'm on neighborhood social groups.  Someone had contacted the police and asked what to do in a certain situation -   if something happens while the protests/riots are going on - the person was told BY THE POLICE (because all of their officers are deployed in the riot/protest zone - they dont' have any to spare for the neighborhoods during that time.)  - "you're on your own".  We have had riots in our city (<10 minutes from me by car.)  the protestors seem to be winning and the rioters are moving on.

a nearby town - did what your neighbor is suggesting.  Those who owned guns -   stood with the police to stand guard in the middle of town before the rioters arrived. there was no pointing guns - just showing them. they did see cars of  potential rioters arrive - and leave because they deemed it not worth it.  (according to arrest records in Seattle - we have rioters from as far away as Anaheim, CA. - they came to cause trouble.)

when rioters move in, - things can devolve very fast.

Edited by gardenmom5
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1 hour ago, Dreamergal said:

I will absolutely call the local police number for verification about this because this is not something you can trust someone's word on. If an incident happens and the police say no, the person made that up and lives were lost in the bargain ?? Too many incidents of shooting accidents to believe someone on a neighborhood social group to cause someone to use guns. We are not living in a war zone in America contrary to what is said on Twitter by leaders. I will be the first to leave with my family risking a 20 hour COVID trip if it were so.

I know what's going on in my town more than do you.  I know the person who reported this (on the group) and you don't.  take a deep breath.  you'll feel better.

I'm not in a gun heavy state, let alone a gun heavy city - most people don't own guns (especially not  in my city), and those that do - most don't carry.  being "you're on your own" - doesn't necessarily mean "get a gun and shoot rioters."  Does being in gun  heavy Texas make it your first thought?  Because it sure wasn't MY *first* (or even second, or third) thought!  (and I have come home while my house was being robbed! - they hightailed it out a bedroom window so I didn't see them.)


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What would I think? I would think that my neighbor was probably a card-carrying member of the NRA who is just itching to break out his gun. 

I could be wrong, of course, it has happened before, but 1) I really dislike his wording of looking for people "willing and able to defend" the neighborhood from "unrest" and "violence" that might come near and 2) I really, really dislike the idea of a bunch of people who don't even know each other getting together for the first time in this context. 

5 hours ago, Andani said:

Why does it need to be reported to some authority when there are no known details of anything in the letter? 


5 hours ago, Fifiruth said:

I would not report your neighbor by any means. He’s trying to be proactive and is probably a natural planner/manager. No harm done. 

Reporting the meeting does not have to be a negative or punitive thing, but this man is not an expert. A lot could go wrong. It would not be a bad thing in any case to have someone with a bit more knowledge and experience give some guidance. And we can't assume no one is available to do that unless the call is made. If nothing else, they may be able to provide resources and guidelines. 

1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

Because it sure wasn't MY *first* (or even second, or third) thought!   

It was the first thought of quite a lot of us, though. Sure, it makes sense that people who live where guns are common would think that before someone who lives where they are less common, but it's not a nonsensical thought. Most people not owning guns doesn't mean no people not owning guns, and most people not carrying them means nothing when you are talking about a getting together a group to defend the neighborhood.

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7 hours ago, Scarlett said:

You make some good points.  Not sure if the OP is up to trying to reframe the mission.  


I don’t know that the mission is known .  ???

We may imagine that “defend” means guns. But it may not.  

It may mean bucket brigades to put out possible fire.  

It may mean people to put up plywood on vulnerable windows. 

It may mean people to care for kids and vulnerable people toward center of the “compound” if Molotov cocktails are being lobbed in at the edges. 


Arsonists or similar may likely be far right wing or far left wing youngish white guys. Regardless of what the man who posted the note expects.

More likely there won’t be any arsonists etc at all, but it might be a chance to meet some neighbors. 



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40 minutes ago, katilac said:


It was the first thought of quite a lot of us, though. Sure, it makes sense that people who live where guns are common would think that before someone who lives where they are less common, but it's not a nonsensical thought. Most people not owning guns doesn't mean no people not owning guns, and most people not carrying them means nothing when you are talking about a getting together a group to defend the neighborhood.

She was referring to this:  (NOT the letter the OP received.) so - in regards to where I live, not the OP, and not a gun heavy state.


I'm on neighborhood social groups.  Someone had contacted the police and asked what to do in a certain situation -   if something happens while the protests/riots are going on - the person was told BY THE POLICE (because all of their officers are deployed in the riot/protest zone - they dont' have any to spare for the neighborhoods during that time.)  - "you're on your own".  We have had riots in our city (<10 minutes from me by car.)  the protestors seem to be winning and the rioters are moving on. l

 as was pointed out - an emergency can mean many different things. 


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24 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:


The words that jumped out to me in the OP are unrest, willing and able to defend, crisis, violence, venture closer. Now my first language is not English, but these words mean gun to me in America regardless of gun heavy state or not. 

I am sorry to be cynical but this is not a chance to meet new neighbors. This is a chance to formed an armed neighborhood militia if you ask me. The neighbor is just smart enough not to be roaming the neighborhood with guns because he knows he will freak even his neighbors and mostly because it is against the law. So sorry for jumping to conclusions about this unknown neighbor, but I am going to bet even money that my guess is more true than yours.

Even in my gun owning neighborhood where we meet our neighbors regularly, we exchange food now on our porches, we exchange shopping tips, heck I even have a neighbor willing to give me their prize hunted meat if there is a meat shortage and have discussed the riots and curfew, no one came up with a plan like this. This is just bizarre and scary to me. 


I am not making a guess because I don’t know the situation and I don’t know the location. And I don’t know the neighbor or for that matter @gstharr .  






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19 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:


The words that jumped out to me in the OP are unrest, willing and able to defend, crisis, violence, venture closer. Now my first language is not English, but these words mean gun to me in America regardless of gun heavy state or not. 

I am sorry to be cynical but this is not a chance to meet new neighbors. This is a chance to formed an armed neighborhood militia if you ask me. The neighbor is just smart enough not to be roaming the neighborhood with guns because he knows he will freak even his neighbors and mostly because it is against the law. So sorry for jumping to conclusions about this unknown neighbor, but I am going to bet even money that my guess is more true than yours.

Even in my gun owning neighborhood where we used to meet our neighbors regularly, we exchange food now on our porches, we exchange shopping tips, heck I even have a neighbor willing to give me their prize hunted meat if there is a meat shortage and have discussed the riots and curfew, no one came up with a plan like this. This is just bizarre and scary to me. 

maybe no one is afraid the rioters will come to your neighborhood.  especially not someone of a more fearful bent.

I've read comments from locals in my city who are close to where the riots are happening.  the elderly mother doesn't have a car, she walked to the store - both grocery stores are closed.  she can't go pick up drugs - drug stores are closed - she can't walk outside - it's too dangerous.

I can relate - I had my mother in a condo just a couple blocks from where the riots are happening in my city.  


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20 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

People minding their own business owning guns never scare me. Also, this is not a regular time. It is a time of protests, riots and curfew. We have cops and ex-military types living in my neighborhood. Now even they never came up with a plan for the neighborhood, I am pretty sure they came up with a plan to defend their homes. These people know the law, they know exactly what the castle law states in TX which is my state. This is what it is supposed to do.


Now I do not know the OPs state nor know the gun laws there. But I absolutely know what the neighbor states is illegal per the law and scary. I was asked an opinion, I gave mine. I am not in the habit of filtering for the sake of niceties. The benefit of anonymous opinions is we do not have skin in the game, but we put ourselves in that position and respond and we will. This is my response as a person in a city with riots and curfew in a gun heavy state. 


I deleted part of my post where I felt I had put too much information. Could you please delete the part where you quote the parts I had deleted?   


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I would find the note to be disconcerting. I have family in several parts of Texas that have mentioned and participated in protests.  I did not realize that there were issues with rioters and looters there. I know some people use the words interchangeably but protesters and rioters are not the same people. 

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12 minutes ago, QueenCat said:

I would find the note to be disconcerting. I have family in several parts of Texas that have mentioned and participated in protests.  I did not realize that there were issues with rioters and looters there. I know some people use the words interchangeably but protesters and rioters are not the same people. 


I don’t think there is any reason to assume that @gstharr is in Texas. 


I would just as soon guess California, but I don’t know. 

I don’t think location has been specified. We can all make our guesses.



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2 minutes ago, Pen said:


I don’t think there is any reason to assume that @gstharr is in Texas. 


I would just as soon guess California, but I don’t know. 

I don’t think location has been specified. We can all make our guesses.



I was thinking more of TX from other posters. I wasn't trying to guess anything but if that's how it came out,  I guess my brain doesn't function as well as it gets closer to midnight... I  should be in bed...

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13 minutes ago, Pen said:

I don’t think there is any reason to assume that @gstharr is in Texas. 

I would just as soon guess California, but I don’t know. 


8 minutes ago, QueenCat said:

I was thinking more of TX from other posters. 


58 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

Now I do not know the OPs state nor know the gun laws there. 

I am assuming OP is in SoCal from past threads, near to SpyCar.

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11 minutes ago, Arcadia said:



I am assuming OP is in SoCal from past threads, near to SpyCar.


I had also made my calif very speculative guess based on other threads with comments about University of California and University of Southern California.   



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I would find that a disturbing introduction from a neighbor, especially since you are not having protests very nearby.  I would not want to get involved with that, or want some sort of neighborhood militia forming in my neighborhood.


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I’m curious on location to some degree too now because if they are in Los Angeles area and these residents,  OP and the man who wrote the note, have been living where they are for actually 30 years, then they were there for the 1992 Rodney King Riots and the 1994 Big Northridge Earthquake...   so they already went through some big area situations together...    and yet nothing emerged till now of concerns from the neighbor. Or concerns about the neighbor.  

or if the neighbor is newer, ...  well ...




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11 hours ago, Pen said:

I’m curious on location to some degree too now because if they are in Los Angeles area and these residents,  OP and the man who wrote the note, have been living where they are for actually 30 years, then they were there for the 1992 Rodney King Riots and the 1994 Big Northridge Earthquake...   so they already went through some big area situations together...    and yet nothing emerged till now of concerns from the neighbor. Or concerns about the neighbor.  

or if the neighbor is newer, ...  well ...




OP here. Yes, I am in So. Cal, just outside of Los Angeles. I was living same house during the riots and the earthquake.  But only about 20 of the original owners remain--deaith divorce, downsizing. But, this type of action was never brought up.  Even friends and family near the epicenter ofthe King riots did not worry about their homes. Yes,  I interpreted the note as a call to arms.  But, what makes it disturbing to me is the lack of need.  I am not near downtown.  Children play in the parks, old ladies walk at night, nothing boarded up, no beefed up security at the stores.  There simply have been no disturbances in or near my community, or city.  If there was going to be residential looting in my area, it would make more sense for them to after the McMansions ( on regular streets, not gated) in the upscale city 1 mile away.  So, my impression is that he is itching to engage.  I reported it to the HOA. Thanks for suggestions and opinions. 

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39 minutes ago, gstharr said:

.  If there was going to be residential looting in my area, it would make more sense for them to after the McMansions ( on regular streets, not gated) in the upscale city 1 mile away.  

Here it is mainly car break-ins or porch thieves rather than house burglary. 

We had someone presumably homeless who tailgated in and slept at the clubhouse gym. Security was doing more patrolling after that. 

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1 hour ago, gstharr said:

OP here. Yes, I am in So. Cal, just outside of Los Angeles. I was living same house during the riots and the earthquake.  But only about 20 of the original owners remain--deaith divorce, downsizing. But, this type of action was never brought up.  Even friends and family near the epicenter ofthe King riots did not worry about their homes. Yes,  I interpreted the note as a call to arms.  But, what makes it disturbing to me is the lack of need.  I am not near downtown.  Children play in the parks, old ladies walk at night, nothing boarded up, no beefed up security at the stores.  There simply have been no disturbances in or near my community, or city.  If there was going to be residential looting in my area, it would make more sense for them to after the McMansions ( on regular streets, not gated) in the upscale city 1 mile away.  So, my impression is that he is itching to engage.  I reported it to the HOA. Thanks for suggestions and opinions. 


Sounds like you might have had a bad vibe from him beyond the note and have reason to be wary.   I hope all will be well.  And I hope the HOA will handle it well.


Separately, I am not sure how much you can anticipate what or where might be attacked in certain circumstances.

You may assume that “they” would attack McMansions—but maybe “they” would be against gates. 

For example, one might assume that very high end SUVs might be preferred for attack over more mid-level ones, but it doesn’t necessarily work out that way irl.  In fact, IME, it mostly doesn’t.  A small pharmacy or grocery is as likely to be targeted as a Louis Vuitton shop. And a Chevrolet SUV as likely to be a target as a Mercedes SUV. Maybe more so. 🤷‍♀️


https://www.wired.com/2005/06/worlds_most_fam/   (Incidentally afaik Luers got out of prison well before the 22 years and is out now.)

Some quotes from Luers in the article: 

I was trying to move into the realm of more radical actions. If you compare arson actions that have happened in the U.S., the majority of them were quite major. That’s the goal that I was working toward — to be more of an underground guerrilla activist. The SUVs were kind of a baby step.  “


“It really warms my heart (((careful, Jeff))) to know that all those people around the world are supporting me and are getting active. It lets me know that everything I did wasn’t in vain, that what I did made a difference.”







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23 hours ago, Fifiruth said:


A mob can be a scary thing. 

ETA The police are barely keeping everyone and everything safe. It’s been very violent and out of control even with trained professionals. 

That's a big generalization - this country is pretty large.  I have seen plenty of people posting on social media here calling up the good old country boys to come defend the community against the riotous protesters (notice the conflation) and meanwhile we have had very few incidents of actual looting or vandalism, and our protests have been peaceful and not too large. So it really depends on the OP's location.  

But if you're watching national news it's either rioting and looting everywhere or police brutality everywhere.  Rather than varying mixtures of both. 

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Definitely an ick factor. I would be torn about joining to get info or staying far away.   We have had only peaceful protests.  But we still have a Facebook group called defend the city.  They get together armed and walk around outside of businesses.  

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19 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

So am I the only one that thinks it is a way to find out who has guns to steal?

Yeah, I don't think that's very likely. It's generally easy enough to find out in conversation, and most people who steal guns aren't planning it quite that thoroughly anyway. They rob a house, and boom! find guns. Try the lock on a car door, and boom! find guns. 

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The response from the HOA:  "It has been brought to our attention that an individual has posted a notice/flyer regarding the recent protest/riot events.  Although we want to believe it was with the greatest intentions, the HOA managment team, along with Board of Directors did not approve for this notice to be circulated in behall of  XXX HOA.  Although we find ourselves in challenging times, we do not encourage anyone take security matters into their own hands to defend the community.  If any suspicous activity were to occur, we encourage everyone to call the XXXX Police Dept.  The safety and pleasant harmony of the community is our #1 prioirty."

Seems like a resonable response to me.


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22 minutes ago, gstharr said:

The response from the HOA:  "It has been brought to our attention that an individual has posted a notice/flyer regarding the recent protest/riot events.  Although we want to believe it was with the greatest intentions, the HOA managment team, along with Board of Directors did not approve for this notice to be circulated in behall of  XXX HOA.  Although we find ourselves in challenging times, we do not encourage anyone take security matters into their own hands to defend the community.  If any suspicous activity were to occur, we encourage everyone to call the XXXX Police Dept.  The safety and pleasant harmony of the community is our #1 prioirty."

Seems like a resonable response to me.



Sounds fine.

 I wonder if a meeting did or didn’t happen. 

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