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Major vent, JAWM, pot smoking is ruining my outdoor experiences


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Why oh why did this become legal?!?  I am so sick of my town smelling like some kind of rotten skunk something when I drive around.  And when I don't do grocery pick up, I have to smell that nasty smell while choosing my produce. Yuck.  Yesterday we were enjoying a day at the lake until the overwhelming nastiness of pot smoking took over.  The ironic thing is we were at the "family section" where no alcohol is allowed.  But apparently pot smoking is fine.  Ugh. I hate it. I am old enough to remember cigarette smoking in public and it was smelly for sure but this is worse.  Way way worse.   I am so discouraged that I have to smell this while trying to enjoy the outdoors with my family.  


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Totally annoys me too. Not a huge fan of just openly legalizing it and basically making it much more accessible for teens and young adults.  Very in favor of accessibility for medical reasons.  Gross.  

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I find the scent of pot nauseating (ironic, I suppose because it is supposed to relieve nausea) and have been driven away from both natural and in-town locations where people were smoking it because it is such a foul smell. I did vote to legalize it because I don't believe that possession should result in criminal charges, but golly, when I am around the public pot smokers, I often regret my vote. 

Edited by Kalmia
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16 minutes ago, happi duck said:

With cigarette smoking banned so many places, even outdoors, I'm surprised to hear this.  It's sad people aren't considerate.  People are generally thoughtful about cigars now so hopefully things will improve.  *fingers crossed*

I think we need to just catch up on the legislation maybe? Surely we can ban it in public places just like we do alcohol, cigarette smoking, etc? Like, even my local dog park of all places prohibits smoking - I'm assuming they mean cigarrettes as pot isn't legal here but seems it would apply to that too. 

And yes, it STINKS. My neighbors smoke...a lot. For medicinal and other reasons. On their porch, usually around the time I'm mowing my lawn. So instead of fresh cut grass smell I get that smell. I joke to my husband that I'm not sure if I truly find lawn work relaxing or I'm just getting a contact high. Which I know wouldn't be covered by public laws anyway, if it were legal. Sigh.

I really don't think they realize how stinky it is to everyone else. I think they like it?

Oh, and on that subject, my hardware store had hand sanitizer, the only stuff I've seen, but it was "Uncle Bud's Hemp Oil" sanitizer. I bought it, used it in my car, and immediately started gagging. Smelled like skunky pot!

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I am so sorry that this has to become part of your life, and especially that your children have to be exposed to this.  Any kind of smoking, pot included, absolutely disgusts me.  It stinks, and it’s a carcinogen.  End of story.  And I’ve never understood the desire to smoke anything that would make me lazier than I already am!  I so pray that some parts of the country will continue to resist the legalization of this nastiness.  

Before anyone has a chance to comment, yes, I am aware that I am Sandra Dee.  

Side note.  We had an arborist come to our yard yesterday to get an estimate for some work.  He was a very nice young man, but he was DIPPING and spitting it onto my yard!  In the time of COVID!  Grossed me out, and I’ve been afraid to let my dog into the yard today.  I don’t want her walking through it and bringing it inside my house. I guess these things just don’t occur to people??

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Yep, legal in California but there are rules and regulations which most people ignore, like it's illegal to smoke in public or drive while under the influence.  It's also illegal to smoke in federal parks or where regular cigarette smoking is illegal.   I can't tell you how many cars have passed us, leaving the odor in their wake.    When we were in our old location in a strip mall, people wouldn't give it any thought and sit down on the curb in front of our store,  rather than the more than half a dozen empty stores and light up.  They always swear it's for medical reasons.  Ha!  I always politely asked them to move and they would, not realizing the smell goes everywhere, including seeping through my door.  We don't have to put up with it in our new location, except we have to practically fumigate our reception area when a customer arrives who has been partaking.

Sorry you had to deal with folks smoking in the family section of your park.  I'd find out who manages the park and have their phone on speed dial so you can call them next time to see if they will come out and take care of it. 


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Fully prepared to be told I'm clueless here, but wouldn't no smoking rules cover this situation if people are doing it where cigarette smoking is prohibited? I would think they'd apply whether people are smoking cigarettes, pot, or banana peels. Put me down on the side that thinks it's just as disgusting.

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41 minutes ago, Robin M said:

Yep, legal in California but there are rules and regulations which most people ignore, like it's illegal to smoke in public or drive while under the influence.  It's also illegal to smoke in federal parks or where regular cigarette smoking is illegal.   I can't tell you how many cars have passed us, leaving the odor in their wake.    When we were in our old location in a strip mall, people wouldn't give it any thought and sit down on the curb in front of our store,  rather than the more than half a dozen empty stores and light up.  They always swear it's for medical reasons.  Ha!  I always politely asked them to move and they would, not realizing the smell goes everywhere, including seeping through my door.  We don't have to put up with it in our new location, except we have to practically fumigate our reception area when a customer arrives who has been partaking.

Sorry you had to deal with folks smoking in the family section of your park.  I'd find out who manages the park and have their phone on speed dial so you can call them next time to see if they will come out and take care of it. 


i wonder if there is a difference in how it is enforced compared to drinking and driving or drinking in public spaces, or smoking in public spaces?

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It’s legal here but I almost never smell it. I think it’s funny when I do (oh, takes me back...).

The worst was Amsterdam. DS was so revolted I swear I am never going to have to worry he'll be tempted. Lol. Between the pot (which was smoked everywhere in public, even though it’s strictly prohibited from anywhere but coffee shops) and the stumbling drunken Brits, he got quite an education. 😂

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6 hours ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

I have no memory of skunky smelling pot when I was young, it seemed almost pleasant. Maybe it was poor quality, tho. I have no trouble with legalization, tho it seems like it should be illegal to smoke any place it’s illegal for nicotine cigs.

Right? It's not legal in my state, so I haven't tried it myself, but I do remember smelling it in my college dorm (thought it was incense, lol), at concerts (smelled sweet to me), and once on a second-hand sweatshirt (didn't bother us enough not to keep it).

Agree that smoking pot shouldn't be allowed where other smoking is not allowed, but I'm fine with legalization. I desperately want another option for my OCD treatment and am waiting on my backward state to catch up.

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2 hours ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

I have no memory of skunky smelling pot when I was young, it seemed almost pleasant. Maybe it was poor quality, tho. I have no trouble with legalization, tho it seems like it should be illegal to smoke any place it’s illegal for nicotine cigs.


Several years ago now I was reading a reddit thread about Legends of Tomorrow. In one ep, the main characters end up meeting Professor Stuffy Stick-in-the-Mud back when he was a 1960s college student, and as a quick throwaway line they reveal that he was a major pothead back then.

No joke, that quick little joke triggered an entire subthread on the accuracy of the marijuana shown. Apparently marijuana back in the day was much more "leafy", and it wasn't until the late 90s or so that people started breeding "danker" (stronger) varieties with more buds.

Extrapolating from this, and assuming that your memories and perception are both accurate, is it possible that this change in varieties has lead to it all being more stinky? (And also more potent, I take it.)

Agreed on legalization, though - I'm no fan of tobacco or marijuana smoke, and would be perfectly happy banning both products from public spaces, but so long as it's legal to smoke tobacco in your own yard I do think marijuana should be treated the same. Neighbors do all sorts of annoying things that shouldn't be criminal.

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29 minutes ago, StellaM said:

People should keep their own nasty bits of air pollution inside their own houses.

And that's from someone who doesn't mind the smell...it's better to me than cigarette smoke smell.

I don't agree with legalisation, other than for medical reasons. 

But then I don't really agree with criminalisation either. 

So. Idk.

I just wish people didn't smoke things, and then put that smoke out in our shared air.

It's so rude.

Truth. As a general principal, directly inhaling the smoke of anything isn't a great idea. 

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