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I could only find one thread on these books from back in 2011 and I'm curious if anyone has used them more recently. I bought the 3rd grade books and one of the 4th grade books for my 4th grader home from PS SPED. She's got an enormously large discrepancy between her verbal and non-verbal cognitive abilities. She has a verbal IQ that is borderline between low-normal and mild Intellectual Disability. But on a completely non-verbal IQ test, she tested in the gifted range. Math is a strength so long as it's presented visually with a minimum of language.

Her school has assigned lessons on Zearn and iReady. Let's say I haven't been terribly impressed. I've been having her work through some of the Math Mammoth "blue" worktexts but there are too many words and not enough pictures. She can understand the concepts when I use manipulatives like fraction tiles or the Right Start abacus. I thought about buying RS D & E (1st ed)  but couldn't find any reasonably priced copies.

I realize that Visible Thinking in Mathematics isn't a complete curriculum, which is fine. What I want is something compatible with MM but more visual in its explanations. Does this sound like VTM?

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