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Chair ornaments aka cute kittens


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12 hours ago, Terabith said:

We need a daily Bear and Otter update!

I honestly feel that these two are what is keeping me sane right now. Their mother is driving me around the bend by trying to get outside and whining all day about it, but these guys make everything better. 💗


10 hours ago, MissLemon said:

Oh, I wish I could snuggle them.  ❤️ 

I wish you could too. I wish I could pass them around and let everyone enjoy some kitten sweetness.


2 hours ago, RootAnn said:

Love it when they snuggle. Not so fond of when they treat me like a cat tree & climb up my legs/torso. Though, when they get to my shoulder, they are snuggly again. So, maybe it is worth it.

Oh gosh, I'm glad I'm not the only who's let that happen to. I finally had to cut them off from the human cat tree when one night, before I could go to bed, I had to wash the blood off my legs so I wouldn't stain my sheets. 😆 Those little claws are wicked sharp.

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They do outgrow the climbing up your legs stage pretty fast, even if you do nothing.

However, now is exactly the time to start getting them used to having their nails clipped. Every time you snuggle them, manipulate their front feet. First you're just going to hold the feet gently for a second, but once they're used to that you'll push on the foot a little to spread the toes. This will take a few weeks, but they'll adapt. When they're ready for stage two, you'll clip one nail at a time, careful to avoid the pink (the quick).

You really ought to use pet clippers for this, as they're shaped for a cat or dog's nail rather than a human nail. However, in a pinch, a set of human nail clippers held sideways is... adequate. There's still a greater chance of splitting the claw than with proper pet clippers, but it's a slimmer chance than doing it the other way. At first they'll probably only accept one toe at a time, but if you finish each session with a snuggle and (once they're on solids) a treat they'll eventually let you get the whole foot, or both feet, in one session.

At that point you really only need to do this every two, three weeks or so. You don't need to get the back feet and if they really hate clipping time you don't need to get their thumbs.

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8 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:

They do outgrow the climbing up your legs stage pretty fast, even if you do nothing.

However, now is exactly the time to start getting them used to having their nails clipped. Every time you snuggle them, manipulate their front feet. First you're just going to hold the feet gently for a second, but once they're used to that you'll push on the foot a little to spread the toes. This will take a few weeks, but they'll adapt. When they're ready for stage two, you'll clip one nail at a time, careful to avoid the pink (the quick).

You really ought to use pet clippers for this, as they're shaped for a cat or dog's nail rather than a human nail. However, in a pinch, a set of human nail clippers held sideways is... adequate. There's still a greater chance of splitting the claw than with proper pet clippers, but it's a slimmer chance than doing it the other way. At first they'll probably only accept one toe at a time, but if you finish each session with a snuggle and (once they're on solids) a treat they'll eventually let you get the whole foot, or both feet, in one session.

At that point you really only need to do this every two, three weeks or so. You don't need to get the back feet and if they really hate clipping time you don't need to get their thumbs.

 Thank you so much! They are already using everything in sight as a scratching post so this is much, much appreciated.

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Once they're used to it, it's no problem to trim their nails. The trick is to start when they're too little to fight back!

But... you'll want to get a proper scratching area soon, even with their nails trimmed. Different cats have different tastes, but imo most of them are just fine with cheap cardboard scratchers.

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3 hours ago, Tanaqui said:

Once they're used to it, it's no problem to trim their nails. The trick is to start when they're too little to fight back!

But... you'll want to get a proper scratching area soon, even with their nails trimmed. Different cats have different tastes, but imo most of them are just fine with cheap cardboard scratchers.

 LOL I love it... before they are too big to fight back. LOL We wormed them a couple of weeks ago and, oh my word, I had no idea how strong this little things are. At least I got the medicine down on the first go, while it took me a couple of times to get mama's completely down. Cost me some skin and blood too. She's still more wild than tame.

We have other cats so we already have a cat tree, those things you wrap around wooden chair/table legs that act as scratchers (best things ever!), and the cardboard scratchers. Right now we are still at the redirecting stage and I'm hoping they catch on before they can actually do any real damage.

Speaking of cat trees, do you have one you really like? We used to have a tall one but after one of our cats broke his leg when it fell as he leaped for the top, we now only have one short one. I'd like to find something fun for the kittens but not so tall the my big kitty can hurt himself.

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