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Hi There,


I got on Plaid Dad's blog and see that it's been 2 yrs since his book was accepted. (right, Nov. 2006) I'm wondering, could you self-publish? We'd love to have a copy and I'm sure you'd sell a ton. I know that there are publishing companies that would be able to get it done pronto! I'm sure the people on this board would advertise for you! My dad had one of his books reprinted and it wasn't too bad, money wise.

If that won't work, does anyone else have a Classical memory work system that they know of, that is in print?? One that fits with what the child should be/ will be learning??




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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you tell us anymore information about the book? I know it's supposed to go along with LCC. I'd love to hear more. :bigear:


Here's the description from the back cover (hope this is okay to post and not considered advertising - moderators, please delete if it's over that line!):




Tantum scimus quantum memoria retinemus:
We only know as much as we retain by memory. While progressive reformers denigrate "rote memorization," classical educators from Quintilian to St. Thomas


Aquinas have always known that memory work is an essential part of a


complete education.




Now you can give your students the benefits of classical memory


training with
Living Memory.
This comprehensive K-12 resource for


memorization, copywork, and dictation can be used with any classical


curriculum or as a handy reference for home or school. With this


pick-up-and-teach book your students can master:




* proverbs, maxims, and famous sayings in English, Latin, and Greek


* dozens of beloved English poems, from Mother Goose to Shakespeare


* stirring historical speeches from Cicero to Churchill


* more than 60 English hymns and carols plus traditional hymns in


Latin and Greek


* prayers, psalms, and Bible memory verses in English, Latin, and Greek


* important geography and history facts


* favorite American folk songs


* essential arithmetic facts and mathematical formulas


* key science facts


* a succinct English grammar "catechism" for students of Latin


* fundamental Latin and Greek grammar forms




Dr. Andrew Campbell's introduction draws on both ancient memory


techniques and modern research to explain the importance of memory in


education. He explains how to integrate memory work into your existing


curriculum and how to use four key skills to assure success in memory





The original plan was to have the selections keyed very closely to the LCC scope and sequence, but in the end I decided to go with something more flexible. :)

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Hi Drew,


Many of the other books that I've picked up from Lulu allow me to see samples of the first few pages - it helps me to see how to book is laid out. I don't see that Lulu has allowed that option for this text. Can you turn that on or is that something that they do? Pretty please? :001_smile:


Could you give me an idea of your focus? About how many pages/items/lists are devoted to history? poetry? Latin? Greek? etc. If we skip the Greek and Latin do we miss the bulk o' the book? ;)


I too would like something pick up and go that I could slide into my LA-Teacher-Book Bin that I tote to the table. Then this might get done! AND I would love to have this "stuff" on the tip of my tongue too! :001_smile:





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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I've been struggling with trying to get Lulu to generate a sample of the book, but I haven't had any luck with their wizard so far. I'll keep trying.


But I can tell you that, even without the Latin and Greek, there is a lot in there that would be useful. Of the 452 pages, Latin and Greek take up 89. Hope that helps!

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So what is it like self-publishing? Was the plunge a good thing - compared to the traditional publishing method?


It's really pretty simple with Lulu. Their automation allows you to create a professional-looking product easily, and by cutting out the middlemen, writers can make a much more reasonable profit. I'm grateful to traditional publishers for what they do - the industry is in rough shape - but for the kinds of projects I'm doing these days, print-on-demand is a godsend.

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Would you consider making a download available too? The cost of shipping is a killer for international customers. $38.92 Economy to South Africa.


The author of one of the writing programs has a special download for international customers. Payment via Paypal.

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Ok, so now I'm wondering what your vision is for how this book is permitted to be used. If families all have copies of the book are they allowed to have a co-op with the memory work? I just ordered it, but I'm wondering if you have anything you can share...after all, I'm gonna have to wait almost 2wks to receive it! :-) I'm really glad to be able to purchase this. I re-read your book ;I have the old one:-( and realized that my daughter is on track with her Latin (she's in 5th) but we haven't started Greek. I suppose that soon I'll have to splurge for the new one.... I have a 5 year old son that I'm trying to decide what path to take as I have a "fresh" start. Anyway, glad I now am able to have a chance to review the memory work!


Edited by NayfiesMama
It's habit, I always see mistakes after I press "send".
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Would you consider making a download available too? The cost of shipping is a killer for international customers. $38.92 Economy to South Africa.


The author of one of the writing programs has a special download for international customers. Payment via Paypal.


Hi, Hannah,


I'm working on an arrangement with an Australian distributor - I don't know that would be any better for you, though.


I'll have to see if Lulu allows for a download option for international buyers only. Several people have written to ask for that. :)

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