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Day 16 - March 31 Do what we can


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Yesterday was a big brain foggy mess.  It was my daughter’s bday and I totally missed what day it was until after I posted here, I was feeling like crap and I decided to make her a carrot cake, her fav. Which I did and then dh came in put number shaped candles on it for 18. And we sang and all that and then you know what happened? We realized she is 19, not 18. Good grief.  Poor kid.

I’m spending the day in bed either dozing or reading the net or watching Crash Landing On You.  I lack the energy for more than that. 

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Rain again. Yuck. Cold too.



have some stuff to do for my husband, some word processing for a loan document, picking up some things at Lowe’s and auto zone. 

hopefully the sun will come out. I’m so much more productive when the wea th r is nice. I’m over the middle Tennessee rain.

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I feel bad, after what @fairfarmhand said, but the weather here is beautiful, and it is totally helping me and the kids to have good attitudes. The boys finished work pretty early, and are playing nicely together outside. 

I think I’ll take a walk later for exercise. I did get a little gentle yoga in last night. Since I didn’t exercise at all last week I’m going to try really hard to do something every day this week. I have torn a back muscle, though, so I’m not doing body weight exercises until it heals. Too much chance of aggravating it I think.

need to make and stick to some housecleaning goals. Have not done well in that department lately.

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How the hell do neither of the thermometers in this house work accurately! I'm going to cry today.

I was up all night with the baby. She was absolutely miserable and frantically trying to eat all night but struggling to latch on with any consistency, which isn't like her. She was clearly achy and miserable because when I could get her to sleep the slightest movement woke her up. So, I half slept propped up with her on my chest. 

When dh woke up he took her from me to change her and noticed she seemed warm(I must have been too exhausted to notice it.) So, we checked her temp and it was 99.4. once we took her out of her swaddler it seemingly came down to normal but the two thermometers we checked with would not take consistent readings. So, I don't know if she actually had a fever this morning. She is only 6 weeks old so a fever means take her in. But in this current situation I don't want to step foot out near the Dr or hospital if their accurate thermometers show nothing. 

She seems better now and is finally sleeping comfortably. So, for now I'm assuming she was just extra warm from screaming, cuddling me, and being wrapped up too much.

So today I'm doing nothing but sitting by her side 

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7 minutes ago, emba56 said:

I feel bad, after what @fairfarmhand said, but the weather here is beautiful, and it is totally helping me and the kids to have good attitudes. The boys finished work pretty early, and are playing nicely together outside. 

I think I’ll take a walk later for exercise. I did get a little gentle yoga in last night. Since I didn’t exercise at all last week I’m going to try really hard to do something every day this week. I have torn a back muscle, though, so I’m not doing body weight exercises until it heals. Too much chance of aggravating it I think.

need to make and stick to some housecleaning goals. Have not done well in that department lately.



I really am glad that you're having a pretty day. 

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Well, yesterday ended not well.

The 80something year old in my life had to admit she had not been staying as home as she had promised. Shortly after my sister dropped off groceries at her house, she decided she wanted some Dari Queen icecream and had a one-vehicle car accident. She has been averaging 1-3 car accidents a year and claiming all of them on her car insurance. I am kind of hoping they drop her soon so that we can take the keys. So far we have no legal grounds for doing so. 😞  On my FaceTime with her today she was telling me how delicious the food commercials for Papa Johns looked so I have no real hope that she will change her behavior. 

The rest of my day so far has been better. My life sustaining med, which had a month delay from order to fulfillment, actually went through and arrived today. We chalked some cheerful drawings by the mailbox grouping for our neighborhood. School is rolling along...

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Also, my youngest (8) had to make a list of 10 nouns, things he missed during this time, and he wrote “lunch”. I wrote a note reassuring the teachers that we eat lunch every day, but something about school lunches particularly he misses. I had to quite forcefully insist that he not also write “food” later in the list, referring to the weekly church potluck on Wednesday’s that has been cancelled. 

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1 hour ago, Murphy101 said:

I’m spending the day in bed either dozing or reading the net or watching Crash Landing On You.  I lack the energy for more than that. 

Not to hijack...but how appropriate for teens is this show?  

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8 hours ago, Zebra said:

Not to hijack...but how appropriate for teens is this show?  

ETA: NOOOOO! Okay episode one they use the word *rick.  Sorry!!!  That and BS.  But still no sex or other language so far.  I started epi 1 with my kids and my kids said what’s that mean and until then I totally missed it - so sorry!!😳)

I am on episode 4 and so far I would let even my elementary kids watch.  There is extremely little language and no sex scenes. Oncethe word bullshirt was used. There’s a silly scene where they are joking that none of them can swear well.  

There is murder.  Specifically a truck is purposely hit until it crashes off the road killing everyone in it. But it is not terribly graphic. A bloody forehead and scared eyes seeing the truck coming to ram them again is had bad as it got. 

Again though, I’m just starting episode 4. 

Edited by Murphy101
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Exercise done. Got all my masks done yesterday--have 8 total to deliver today or tomorrow. Next up will be masks for the family.

This was the day that is supposedly the earliest the insurance will let us refill/charge dd's meds. I called to see if they're ready but their not yet and all the pharmacy techs were all on the phone so the clerk couldn't give me more of an update. She said they'll call when they're ready. This will cause me some anxiety until I know we can still get her meds. And I was hoping to get them today and do a couple of little errands like dropping off the masks and a little grocery trip to let me stay out of the stores during the first of the month rush.

Two work meetings today. We'll have a Google Hangout meeting with Algebra 1 students--see how many tune in for that. Then a math department meeting in the afternoon trying to figure out what to do with online "supplemental" lessons, grades, students who will have big gaps in their knowledge, etc.

Got empty canning jars put away which made some space for plant starts in the laundry room. Two small loads of laundry too. Pancakes and bacon for dinner.

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Well the baby seems to be doing better.  I'm thinking it may have all come about from being out in the sun for too long yesterday.  Even though she wasn't in direct sunlight she was in the carrier and may have just gotten over heated.  She's been sleeping comfortably most the the afternoon and is eating like a champ again.  No more whimpering or signs of discomfort.  Maybe I will get some things done this evening.

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Ds just finished a video doctor visit for a regular on-going issue. Technology is really fantastic.  I really hope a lasting change from this pandemic is a shift to insurance companies fully covering video visits all of the time. I really appreciated not having to make the drive in or having to sit in a room with sick people. 

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Today is better than yesterday.  Yesterday I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin.  The weather is nicer (though we are gearing up for another long stretch of rain) and school went more smoothly.  Getting ready to start a FaceTime piano lesson with my youngest here in a few and then we are going to bake cookies and probably do a science experiment.  Next week is our spring break and I can't wait to take a week off school for a bit.  I had been considering an out-of-state trip to see my parents but that's off the table now.  

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Yay! My dd's prescriptions got filled today! I was able to pick them up (they brought them out to my car), drop off my finished masks and get more pre-cut material and elastic, and do a Trader Joe's run that will get us through until next week I didn't want to go grocery shopping at the first of the month when so many people need to do shopping that they don't have funds to do at the end of the month. Trader Joe's has been the most impressively safe store I've been in--two workers outside, one wiping down carts, one managing the line. Spaces marked 6' apart. After a customer leaves he lets the next in line go in. Plenty of people in there at 3:30, but you could mostly manage to keep your distance. Oh, and no reusable bags allowed now. I wore my mask for the first time--it gets annoying and would be hard to wear all day.

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Did take a good walk today. Did not get more than basic maintenance housecleaning done.

Tried a chicken soup recipe someone on these boards posted, “The Best Chicken Soup You’ll Ever Eat” (only made with homemade noodles, not couscous) and it was very good. I am irked that DS misses school lunches; he’s never had it so good! I’m doing all sorts of scratch cooking every night! 😆

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Today was fine. (Yesterday was loooooong.) Got school done, played some games, worked on my text adventure a bit. 

DD#1 had been wanting to go to a girls' coding camp this summer - she's wanted to for at least two summers before this and she's FINALLY old enough. Apparently there's limited space and admission is competitive. She submitted her part of the application a few weeks ago, and I was procrastinating on my part (the teacher recommendation form). I finally filled it out today. The camp is the first week in July. I just...I don't know if it will happen or not. Or if it does, will it be long enough after things have settled down that I'll be okay with her going? I don't know. That's part of the reason I was putting it off. Thinking about things that far out just brings home all the uncertainty. 

I think I started typing about that to say "look, I did a normal thing with the assumption that things will return to normal," but that's not how I ended it. Sorry 'bout that. 😕

In other news, we are so confused about what day it is that DD#2 sat down at the piano and started playing Christmas music. So, there's that. 🤪

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4 hours ago, StellaM said:

I am weirded about by how well I am adapting to self-isolation.  I guess it was all the years of staying home with babies, good training for being comfy at home. Plus, my circumstances are pretty easy right now, having only one teen at home while I work. 

But I am sick of looking at a computer screen.

Gonna switch to phone calls for social stuff to give myself a break. 

Grateful for the weather, which is starting to become autumnal (here that just means the painful heat has diminished, but it's warm enough to sit in the sun, and to have the windows open all the time). Grateful for fresh air - remembering how recently I couldn't open windows due to air quality.

Met my work goal for the first couple of days of the week, so super pleased about that. 

I have an odd question for any Catholic ladies on this thread - last rites if you're in hospital with Covid-!9? Is that going to happen? Or is the hospital situation just likely to be so locked down and chaotic that people are dying without? Only it occured to me that in the unlikely event I was in that position, that is something I would want.



The nice weather is a must during this whole situation.

In regards to last rites, it is a sticky situation.  Bishops are not allowed to forbid priests from performing them but they are.  And I imagine most priests are obeying that order.  The next hurdle is that hospitals are not allowing visitors, so you can't call your pastor to come do them.  But if a priest is the hospital chaplain you've got a better chance of it happening, but even then it isn't guaranteed. Since the priest has to be the one doing the anointing and it can't be done over the phone I imagine most people who want them aren't getting them, which make me very sad.  

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Dh just got the word that starting Friday he will be working from home. He's being sent home with a laptop and desktop and we've gotta figure out where to set him up.  This eases my mind so much since he was the last of us in the house leaving for any reason other than groceries

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Dh is home working now.  Today was weird.  Neither of us could sleep, so we were awake together from 3-4 a.m . It was pleasant. 😉

He worked today.  I swept the floor....unloaded the dishwasher, did a load of laundry, talked to friends on the phone specifically trying to help using zoom for religious services.  

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11 hours ago, Zebra said:

Not to hijack...but how appropriate for teens is this show?  

okay. I’m in epi 5 and I wouldn’t let my elementary kids watch it bc of appropriate in contact but still bad language. 

teens? absolutely.  Me and the older kids are quite enjoying it! My younger ones couldn’t get through the first episode without boredom. Except for noticing that one word of course. 🙄

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