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disobeying social distancing, or not.


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If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

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17 minutes ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

In my neighborhood, I've seen one kid riding his bike around alone, and another family with some teenagers playing basketball, but nobody's mingling. I've been going for walks, and once came near someone so I crossed the street. She gave me the thumbs up and said, "Good distancing!"

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We’re currently in self-quarantine (day 5) due to some international travel by some household members, so we haven’t been out since things closed down here. Our small ecotourism business was closed due to our employees being quarantined until yesterday when all the related businesses and parks were closed down in our county. So, we’re doing our part to stay away from other people, but it’s going to be a long 14 days for some of us.

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9 minutes ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
We live in a suburb of Grand Rapids, MI, in a subdivision with an even mix of families with young kids, families with teens/young adults, and empty nesters.
Yesterday our sidewalks looked snowy - spring has not fully sprung yet here which is definitely helping keep people inside.

Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)
To the best of my knowledge almost all families in my neighborhood have two working parents.  We almost never see any kids outside playing at any time of year, though I know of many homes with toddler to middle school aged kids.  I see a large group of high schoolers walking home from school or getting off the bus, but I never see any younger kids come home in the afternoon.  They are all picked up from after school care and brought home right in time for dinner.

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?
Lots.  Way more than usual.  Lots of adults, lots of teens and young adults.  Lots of dogs.  Everyone I have seen is socially distancing...walking in groups of 2-3 that all appear to be family members.

No people anywhere?
We went to play basketball at the park last weekend and there were a few kids playing on the playground.  When I drove to the pharmacy I saw two teens playing basketball at the school.  Lots of people are walking on the local nature trails...but, again, everyone seems to be taking social distancing seriously.

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?
My kids are welcome to play in our back and front yards as often as they want.  I'm trying to drag them out to walk around the neighborhood or on the nature trail every day or so...it is easier if it is at least a little sunny and not too cold/snowy/rainy.  I'm not letting them play on the playgrounds, but I will take them to the park to play basketball, soccer, tennis or ride their bikes on the trail.  I do tell them ahead of time that we will only be playing in areas that are empty of all other people.  


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30 minutes ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

The kids across the street are out riding bikes or playing with chalk for a few hours each day. They are properly distancing.  (Not from each other- they’re siblings- but from other kids.)

The girl two doors down is out with her dad on occasion but she’s not playing with the kids across the street even though they are good friends. 

People are taking walks and taking bike rides. If someone passes by we smile and say hi from a distance. 

I talked to a neighbor yesterday while I was walking to the store. We stood a good ten feet apart while we chatted. 

The playground was full of unrelated kids playing until the city cordoned it off with caution tape. 

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I haven't seen any kids playing with neighbors. They only play with siblings or parents. We have lots of what I assume to be family groups walking and riding bikes too. We don't have much room on some of the paths to give a wide distance but we've been moving aside as much as possible. It's a pretty big difference this week, however. Last week my neighborhood book group still wanted to meet (not me!) and they were organizing neighborhood walking groups. 

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3 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

Someone needs to re-read The Diary of Anne Frank, and maybe The Long Winter so they can appreciate how NOT impossible it is to stay home with kids who have Netflix, Tablets, Xbox's, craft supplies, snacks, etc. If an entire family could live silently in a room, and another family could do it with not enough food, no games/toys/entertainment to speak of, they can suck it up. 

I completely agree - but it that requires them to understand why it is necessary. 

It was a no-brainer for the Franks: if you don't do it perfectly, you are dead. (And even despite all their efforts, they didn't make it). That's easy buy-in. I think the issue is people still not getting it. (And hearing what comes from our leadership, holy crap. No wonder folks don't see the seriousness.)


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I just went outside to walk to my mailbox. I guess my neighbors are doing a good job at social distancing because I was freaked out. There wasn't a sound except a single bird singing. No car sounds. No children playing. No doors closing. No dogs barking. I didn't realize how many sounds I hear in my "quiet neighborhood".

Edited by mom2scouts
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2 hours ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

we have no sidewalks, and don't have very many little kids in our neighborhood.  I've seen them outside, generally only playing with siblings.

we are on a "path" where people will walk - and I've seen people.  

my dd does have sidewalks - and until today, I was getting her dogs everyday.  people were walking - but maintaining distance.  though after this started - but beofre anything was implemented I did meet one of her neighbors out walking while I was putting the dogs in the car.  I did have to stay back a bit.  I think she was a lonely young sahm with a toddler (looked a few months younger than my grandson.)

53 minutes ago, regentrude said:

I completely agree - but it that requires them to understand why it is necessary. 

It was a no-brainer for the Franks: if you don't do it perfectly, you are dead. (And even despite all their efforts, they didn't make it). That's easy buy-in. I think the issue is people still not getting it. (And hearing what comes from our leadership, holy crap. No wonder folks don't see the seriousness.)


In my state- the governor has done pretty well ( and I haven't generally liked the guy).  he is taking it seriously.  yesterday, He locked down the entire state because too many seattlites (socialist liberal paradise) WEREN'T taking it seriously!!!!  (I'm really angry about this.  my sister lives in seattle - and she's scared by what other Seattleites are doing.)  they were crowding the beaches in the city - in MARCH.  the beaches are usually only that crowded on very hot summer days and holiday summer weekends with good weather.  same with a city immediately north- which now has a $500 fine for anyone breaking the stay-at-home rules.   and crowding ocean beaches to where the surrounding towns mayors were closing roads to get to the beach, banning short terms reservations for people to stay there, etc.

now - our state is locked down because 20% of the people just can't seem to "get" why they should social distance despite the gov and the media constantly talking about why it's important.   .  (and frankly - we've seen some of those "why should I?" attitudes by members of this board.)

but even in Italy where there have been so many deaths - there are people who aren't taking it seriously. (and many mayors are begging people to stay home.)

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10 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

stress hives is a thing.  I didn't know that until my dd got hives when she was engaged/planning her wedding during her 4th year of grad school (when she was already super busy doing internships at a new place every month.)

a 90 year old woman at the hard hit nursing home here - recovered.  a 95 year old woman in Italy recovered.  it's possible.  even in this age group, more people recover than die.


So far the hives just seem to be on the tops of my hands. I think it's probably a combo of washing my hands so frequently and whatever accelerators they use to make nitrile. I have a couple of weird, contact dermatitis allergies, so I guess I'll add this to the list. 😕 


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8 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I’m struggling with anger because a good friend finds social distancing of her child inconvenient and has been getting together with others for daily playdates. “But my child NEEDS it!”  We define need very differently. I hope that the new restrictions will reign her and her friends in but I worry that they will just find another way to do it. 

We parent very differently and normally I can compartmentalize it just fine into “you do you”. But I see these decisions (when multiplied across a certain percentage of the population) as being detrimental to the population as a whole and being the kind of thing that will ultimately prolong the pain for all of us. 


This is one of my current struggles. I am the only person in my friend group that seems concerned. Everyone else is mostly annoyed and complaining about how inconvenient this whole "pandemic thingy" is.  The local districts have plans to re-open schools on April 13 and everyone is like "The president says we need to re-open, so we need to re-open and when can I go sit in a restaurant again because I want a beer and a taco and I'm boooooooored and tired of my kids being home". 

I've also started to hear some crappy comments that NYC and Seattle are "getting what they deserved", and that this is punishment from God because they are cities of sin and drug use. 

I don't know if any of my friendships will be intact at the end of this.    

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1 hour ago, Eliana said:

I'm a socialist-leaning Seattle radical & everyone in my activist circles is taking this very, very seriously & isolating carefully (we are doing very carefully planned no-contact food/supply deliveries to people living outside (well, I'm not, I'm sick and isolating!)). As are people in my (politically diverse) Orthodox Jewish community.
- so's my sister.  except she's neither jewish or religious, but extremely liberal.  She's taking it seriously, and is afraid. I feel bad for her - I hope she goes to her dd's in the mts.  (they normally go there a lot.).  I'm just really angry at the idiots who packed the beaches, and who just don't care.  dh's nephew was in china in jan, and coming across as though he thought it was a joke.  they did come back early, and were definitely not treating it as a joke by the end of feb.   

I attribute a lot of the carelessness to poor messaging earlier on & to the tendency of some to not consider anything 'legal' to be dangerous. definitely a problem I've seen.  sigh.

  I think the 'go nowhere unless it's essential' message should have been being put out by everyone from the beginning. agree.  I was watching school districts close, and ours staying open - and glad when Inslee closed everything in King co (the state was the next day.)

Not 'social distancing', which is unclear. Costco had a lot of signs of "social distance" with arrows when I was there today.  optical dept is closed - which is why I went. they made my rx wrong. It will have to wait until this is over. Or 'cut down on contacts', which implies some contact is just fine.  Not even 'groups smaller than 10' , which also says gatherings are fine, just need to be smaller.  Neither of us went to my brother's 60th BD. sorry - (even if I'd wanted to) - no way no how am I exposing myself to others!   2ds is still going to work - they finally had to start locking the door so clients wouldn't come inside.  I expect they'll be working from home. small office, but the owner's wife is medically fragile.

Skagit county traced a cluster to one woman who attended a meeting of 60 people.  like the wedding where they had 75 people, and 45 got sick. It only takes one person people.

I wish we'd gone to serious, enforced lock-down as soon as there was community spread in this country, I do remember things in Jan (I was in the hospital when the first case came in to everett. - I was on DROPLET protocols and one of my nurses!!! was cavalier about it! - she's the kind who'll be more likely to get this from a patient, or give it to another.) there was talk of limiting travel and people flipped their lids and started screaming racism.  (which didn't help that others were actually being racist. considering my lily white nephew was in china (different province) visiting his in-laws in January . . . . I know first hand how stupid that type of profiling was.) I also did way too much reading of people making "the flu is worse" comments.  (while I still see them, there aren't as many.)  you can't get people to listen after that. their minds are made up.  I once replied to someone that I was in a hotspot "oh, are you from china?"   fainting emoji please!  

   invested even before then in medical supplies & tests, & paid people to be staying home (without any convoluted means testing - just something simple, clear, and quick... but also adequate to keep everyone okay) + moved everyone outside into hotels or housing asap.  that should/could have been done - it didn't help that for most of January - the WHO was still *downplaying this*!! (which I think was pressure from the Chinese gov't.)

...and I think we shouldn't be having people go to the grocery store - we should have what they did in at least some places in China where there was someone assigned to each section to do no-contact deliveries of groceries, meds, & supplies.

All the incremental steps and mixed messages have been a disaster.

...and don't get me started on the 'stock up' messages overlapping with the shaming of people for stocking up...

  there was a quote, don't remember it exactly:  Before a pandemic, everything we do to prepare seems extreme.  After a pandemic, it seems like we didn't do enough.

   ---- and therein lies the problem.  people riot.  


Even in Italy - there are people who still. do. not. *GET IT*!  


...but I'm not seeing people taking risks in any of my circles or in my neighborhood.  I believe that it's happening!  I've seen the photos & share your frustration! I think what's happening here is what's happening around the country - some people are paying attention & taking this seriously, some are being dutiful even if they aren't onboard, some are still catching up info wise, and a few are just really lost in their own self-focus & not yet willing or able to think of the communal good.  (and I have no toleration at all for choosing the stock market over lives  - there are a lot of tools we can use to make sure people stay housed & fed, but very few to keep people safe from this until there's a vaccine and/or a reliable treatment. This is going to be hard, and we're going to have to change a lot of patterns and get really creative in making sure everyone is taken care of, but it's do-able... and we can keep working on helping people understand that we have to be looking out for each other, not just ourselves.)

I think there are also some people who have a "you're not the boss of me" attitude. (I've seen similar comments anyway.)  - so they'll go do something just to be contrary. 

I was fine until the lockdown yesterday.  I think a lot of that is because after my accident in dec - I shut down with anxiety attacks, then I was so sick I ended up in the hospital and was only finally starting to feel well the end of feb.  then this.

someone suggested we try unplugging and plugging 2020 back in to see if that fixes it . . . . 

vent off. . .  thanks for listening if you made it this far.

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29 minutes ago, regentrude said:

and then you read about that pastor in Louisiana who still holds services with 1000 people because, hey, his preaching cured folks of HIV and cancer. Let's hope his congregants stick to his faith healing and leave the hospital beds to others.
This is  criminal.

gotta fill that collection plate. . . . . 

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10 hours ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

In our neighborhood, families walk together, some keeping more distance than others. People cross the street if others are coming their direction. We still have runners and bike riders.

One thing our neighborhood is doing daily is offering something for the kids to create outside and others find as they walk. So a couple of days ago, kids set up zoos with their stuffed animals and when they went for walks, the other kids would look in the trees or plants for the animals. Yesterday was write a joke day. The kids wrote their jokes/riddles on the sidewalks. Sometimes the answers were written right there, other times the answers would be in the owner's driveway. 

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15 hours ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

People taking walks (families, couples or alone), running, cycling. Per usual, except smaller groups and more crossing the street to avoid walking past another group. Smiling and waving, more so than usual. 

I did run past a family playing some sort of jousting game with Pvc pipe the other day. And a couple siblings down the street are sometimes out playing ball hockey. I haven’t seen any kids gathering or playing with non siblings that I can tell.

The playgrounds are empty. I did see two littles—clearly siblings—playing on a swing set, but I think they were wearing gloves. I could see doing that for little ones, with gloves and shower after. Idk, I’m glad to not be in that position.

We live in a very active neighbourhood, and it's definitely quieter than usual.

Edited by MEmama
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1 hour ago, HeighHo said:


I've been parking on the SE side of the river by boat launch, then walking over bridge to new trail that leaves the west end of bridge.  That trail actually goes on to the preserve, but I haven't done that as it isn't open to bicycles yet.  Haven't been there on the nice days though in last two weeks; it is popular and I haven't been up early enough to beat crowd.

How is the rail trail crowd?

I’ve heard stern reminders 😂on the community page about social distancing. with the preserve closed, I imagine it’s a mob scene. Even the tiny not well known trails in my immediate neighborhood are pretty busy. I think their decision to close is really ill advised. 

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20 hours ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 


People were taking walks up until the stay at home order.  There are occasional dedicated runners, but they are alone, and moving at high speed.  Our hospitals are scary right now.  Our backyards are urban close together---we are all even not letting our kids play outside at the same time.  It's not been anything voiced aloud, but when one family goes out, another comes in.

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2 minutes ago, Seasider too said:


You’re angry because it was crowded, or because it closed?

FYI, in many cases, places like nature centers with lots of acreage and established trails, especially if they are owned by the state department of conservation or an organization like The Nature Conservancy, often use land to reintroduce/reestablish declining species of plants and small animals. So going off trail can risk harming fragile exosystems. 

Just chiming in to give a valid reason why they may have closed rather than allowing in a lot of people who could distance themselves by going off trail. 

Yes, this is what I was thinking.  Going off trails to avoid crowds is not always OK. (Depends on the place, of course.) 

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20 hours ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 


Kids with their parents, taking walks, or playing with a ball in the field, or in yard. The playground itself is closed due to the virus. I haven't seen kids playing with kids not in their family in well over a week. And kids play together here a lot.

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All of your responses are helpful. I’m still seeing neighbor kids play with neighbor kids here. They aren’t congregating on playground equipment any more, but definitely playing together in each other’s yards and drives. Maybe they’re still going off the (old) limit your contact rules instead of the current stay 6 feet away rules?🤷🏼‍♀️ We will get a stay at home order if this continues though I bet. 

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We have a busy, kid-filled neighborhood normally. Right now, I see mostly sibling groups playing outside together, not with neighbors.  Social distancing.  They will ride bikes and skateboard in our cul de sac.

Yesterday we did have one kid - a teen with some family issues, very needy - who rang the doorbell here.  I looked out, and he was standing maybe a foot from the door.  I didn’t even open it.  I always feel bad for this kid, I know he’s in a safe environment now, but he’s had tough times. I’ll check in with his grandma today to make sure he’s ok.  Pretty sure he was here to hang out because he’s bored.  But he’s the one kid I’d expect to not really get it, I suppose.  

Our kids can hang in the yard here, or go for a bike ride with social distancing.  In fact, we all went for a bike ride yesterday.  We saw only one other rider, a kid who kept riding right past us - too close, but hopefully it was ok.  Mostly our kids are having inside or in the backyard.  We do have a pond out back, so at some point, kids might go fishing.

Other than that, I see small groups walking dogs, and that’s about it, except for service workers and deliveries.

Neighbors had HVAC work done.  Landscapers are out. A water meter reader came through.  

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22 hours ago, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

Kids playing all together with neighbors?

People taking walks?

No people anywhere?

What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

Neighborhood with small houses on small lots (1200 sf, 1/4 acre).  Mixed ages. Lots of people walking, strolling, running etc. Waving from a distance. Kids playing outside, but not together with other families. Many people doing yard work on nice days.

Edited by ScoutTN
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10 hours ago, Seasider too said:


You’re angry because it was crowded, or because it closed?

FYI, in many cases, places like nature centers with lots of acreage and established trails, especially if they are owned by the state department of conservation or an organization like The Nature Conservancy, often use land to reintroduce/reestablish declining species of plants and small animals. So going off trail can risk harming fragile ecosystems. 

Just chiming in to give a valid reason why they may have closed rather than allowing in a lot of people who could distance themselves by going off trail. 

I’m angry because it closed. They have one job. They charge a $$ membership fee for the privilege.  Really they have one purpose. What they’re accomplishing here is all other trails/state parks being even more crowded now. 

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12 minutes ago, madteaparty said:

I’m angry because it closed. They have one job. They charge a $$ membership fee for the privilege.  Really they have one purpose. What they’re accomplishing here is all other trails/state parks being even more crowded now. 

So ask for your membership fee back. But expecting them to stay open when overwhelmed makes little sense. Too many people in a park like that will damage it - this way it will be there when this is over. 

State Parks are all closed across my whole state, etc. Because tons of people that normal wouldn't go to them were going, and they got overwhelmed. 

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8 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

So ask for your membership fee back. But expecting them to stay open when overwhelmed makes little sense. Too many people in a park like that will damage it - this way it will be there when this is over. 

State Parks are all closed across my whole state, etc. Because tons of people that normal wouldn't go to them were going, and they got overwhelmed. 

These parks are used to dealing with crowds. Every weekend in the summer the parking lots fill (Rock climbers from NYC) they put up a flag, close the lot and we drive on to the next one. A surge in visitors is nothing new. They can raise their fees if they want more resources to keep people out. But the entire purpose of this nature preserve is to let people get closer to nature. This is literally the only thing left to do in this state (besides going to the grocery store). And the state parks and other private preserves have not closed, so what you’re doing is driving traffic to them. 

I’m lucky in that I don’t need those trails bc of where I live and the amount of land I own, I have some small trails in my property. But there’s a ton of people here in apartments. 

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7 hours ago, Sarah0000 said:

No one in our household has left our property in two weeks. No visitors, no grocery store, and no plans to change that for at least a couple months. I'm not playing around with this.

The inability to defer personal wants/preferences is going to doom the western world. We can, literally, save lives by doing...NOTHING. How hard is that? Apparently, very hard.

Edited by Sneezyone
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On 3/23/2020 at 6:05 PM, katilac said:

I've lived in two different cities in Florida. Beaches can be closed. They are in fact being closed right now in many cities, it's just that Gov. DeSantis is refusing to issue a statewide order. He said on March 19 that limiting gatherings to 10 was sufficient. He absolutely did not tell people to stay off the beaches, but rather said that people need a place to go and that it wasn't practical to close most things down long-term. State parks were just closed today, after a lot of pressure. DeSantis has publicly stated (within the last five days) that he doesn't think 'stay at home' is viable for long and that people will get quarantine fatigue. So, again, still lots of disagreement in government about what needs to be done. 

My county is over 70 miles long and trying to keep people off of our beaches is impractical, though I wish they would find a way. Some of the beaches are in city limits, some within the county. One is a state park, one is a national park, one is a county park. One is on a U.S. Air Force base. Currently all the beaches that are parks - regardless of municipal, state, or national, are closed. The public parking areas and access crossovers to the beaches are closed and alcohol has been banned on all of the ones that normally allow it (not all do). However, there are several impediments to closing our beaches. One is with 70+ miles of beaches it's not possible to patrol them all. Another is that even though public access is closed, people who live on the beach and have private access can still get on the beach. If you happen to be in a hotel on the beach you still have access unless the hotel prevents you from going. There are also several small roads that dead-end at an access point. If you can find a place to park you can walk to the access point. Again, patrolling is difficult in a 72 mile stretch of beaches.


On 3/23/2020 at 6:05 PM, katilac said:

I wonder if you are thinking of the former governor, who did indeed publicly ask people to stay away from the beaches? 

I was thinking of our former-former governor the other day - Jeb Bush. I didn't vote for him for either term but was impressed with his handling of the 2004 hurricane season. Anyone who was here then will not forget his press conferences and updates and "hunker down!" 😂 I really think if he was our governor during this time he'd be doing a much better job than DeSantis.

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All trail heads and day use areas are now closed in my state.  And I'm glad.  Yes, it's great to get outside (and we are encouraged to get out for exercise in the fresh air) but these parking lots and the trails were becoming logjams of people because everyone had the same idea to go to them.  Rangers and Search and Rescue volunteers were being impacted negatively by needing to help people.  It doesn't help to close one overused area in the area just to have everyone crowding into other areas.  People aren't really thinking through the idea of "shelter in PLACE" or "stay at HOME". 

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On 3/24/2020 at 3:27 PM, mmasc said:

If you guys live in a neighborhood with lots of houses, how are the sidewalks/outdoors looking where you are?
Kids playing alone? (Or w/ siblings only)

1. Kids playing all together with neighbors?

2. People taking walks?

3. No people anywhere?

4. What about your own kids? Playing outdoors in just your own yard? Playing with a select neighbor or two? Staying inside completely?

I’m curious and would like to compare to my own neighborhood if anyone is willing to share. 

I live in a suburban neighborhood with lots 1/2 - 1/3 acre. We have a mix of kids, empty nesters, and elderly. Some are working parents some are stay at home or work at home parents. 

1. I'm not seeing kids playing with neighbors. I've seen siblings outside playing together but not with other kids.

2. Families are taking walks or bike rides together. Individuals are taking walks and observing social distancing if they see someone else while on their walk.

3. People are outside gardening, mowing lawns, etc. Neighbors who would normally walk over and talk to each other are waving and yelling from across yards.

4. N/A Adult child at home.

I love my neighborhood and is one of the few things I'll miss when we move. There's a facebook group and people are posting that they'll help our elderly and immune compromised neighbors in any way necessary. We have a nightly 7pm walk out the door and wave. Ask your neighbors if they're okay. We have bear hunt in progress. It's made the social media rounds and is based on the children's book We're Going on a Bear Hunt. You put a stuffed bear in your window and families with kids drive around the neighborhood looking for them. This helpfulness isn't new. During every hurricane we help each other. Those who stay watch the homes of those who left, as well as checking on each other both before and after the storm. I wish I could bring these people with me to our new neighborhood. ❤️


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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

All trail heads and day use areas are now closed in my state.  And I'm glad.  Yes, it's great to get outside (and we are encouraged to get out for exercise in the fresh air) but these parking lots and the trails were becoming logjams of people because everyone had the same idea to go to them.  Rangers and Search and Rescue volunteers were being impacted negatively by needing to help people.  It doesn't help to close one overused area in the area just to have everyone crowding into other areas.  People aren't really thinking through the idea of "shelter in PLACE" or "stay at HOME". 


It's so weird to me. It's like...hey, What if someone told you you could save tens of thousands of lives by keeping to yourself for a month. Would you do it? I'm sure there are lots of wonderful people who would say...DUH, YEAH! And then when faced with that exact same proposition make every excuse under the sun for why they can't or won't.

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8 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:


It's so weird to me. It's like...hey, What if someone told you you could save tens of thousands of lives by keeping to yourself for a month. Would you do it? I'm sure there are lots of wonderful people who would say...DUH, YEAH! And then when faced with that exact same proposition make every excuse under the sun for why they can't or won't.

The slogan they are using here (which I'm sure you've seen) is "Stay Home.  Save Lives". 

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2 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

My husband is outside on the sidewalk talking to the neighbor. They are standing right next to each other.😕 DH is super social and often a bit clueless. I'm going to yell at him when he comes back in. 


Maybe calling out to them sweetly immediately to enjoy their talk but to stand 6 feet apart would be more useful than yelling later. 

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1 hour ago, Sneezyone said:


It's so weird to me. It's like...hey, What if someone told you you could save tens of thousands of lives by keeping to yourself for a month. Would you do it? I'm sure there are lots of wonderful people who would say...DUH, YEAH! And then when faced with that exact same proposition make every excuse under the sun for why they can't or won't.


Yeah.  And nutty excuses from people who should know better.   

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

All trail heads and day use areas are now closed in my state.  And I'm glad.  Yes, it's great to get outside (and we are encouraged to get out for exercise in the fresh air) but these parking lots and the trails were becoming logjams of people because everyone had the same idea to go to them.  Rangers and Search and Rescue volunteers were being impacted negatively by needing to help people.  It doesn't help to close one overused area in the area just to have everyone crowding into other areas.  People aren't really thinking through the idea of "shelter in PLACE" or "stay at HOME". 


I agree. 

I live in an area that opens up to Federal BLM and private forestry land and I am seeing an unfortunate upsurge in traffic, which may be even worse because there are no parking areas an no park rangers etc.  There were 2 murders awhile back related to activities in these non patrolled areas.  Also there has been an upsurge in currently illegal out of season hunting.  

It seems like with some thought, Internet and phone could be used to reserve time slots for needed fresh air and exercise in city, county, state and national parks without overcrowding. 

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19 minutes ago, Pen said:


Yeah.  And nutty excuses from people who should know better.   


A long time ago, I had a stamps.com account to mail things from home. I let that lapse. I've been making masks so I recently renewed my subscription and bought a new scale. No more trips to the post office required. Metering state parks could work but even that requires staff to check tickets/reservations. Fundamentally, no one *needs* access to state parks right now. They *want* access. No one *needs* frozen veggies over fresh. We just don't want to do the work of learning to preserve/cook the fresh stuff that's available. No one wants to be inconvenienced in any uncomfortable way, to have to change their habits, modify their behavior,  learn a new and useful skill. It's been shocking to me to see how little resourcefulness there is anymore. It's like we've forgotten, entirely, how to work with what we have, how to improvise, how to make do. Ugh. I feel my grandparents rolling over in their graves.

Edited by Sneezyone
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3 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

 My mother lives alone, her church was cancelled and my relatives stocked her kitchen with a month of food, so she was ready. I thought I told her kindly yet truthfully what could happen. I call twice a day to make sure she’s alive, have done that since last summer.

So today she tells me how her neighbor spent an hour with her inside the house. The third time in a week. It’s Texas! They’re having ‘sit outside’ temps while I’ve still got snow. So I told her for the third time how unsafe it is. And the friend is a home health aide! I’m so damn angry I could spit.

My stupid sister says it’s fine, Texas hasn’t been hit yet, she’s an old lady who’s had her life, etc, maybe we’ll be dealing with the estate sooner than later, etc.Then she whines about how she’s going nuts staying home with her husband. I’d had enough and just had to let it rip. So I just said oh, I know. I’d lose my mind if I had to stay in the same room with your husband all day, too. 


I would be getting that friend's phone number and would be calling her.  She's the one who should know better and should insist on them sitting outside - six feet apart.  (It does no good if they are both sitting on the same bench together outside.)

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4 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:


A long time ago, I had a stamps.com account to mail things from home. I let that lapse. I've been making masks so I recently renewed my subscription and bought a new scale. No more trips to the post office required. Metering state parks could work but even that requires staff to check tickets/reservations. Fundamentally, no one *needs* access to state parks right now. They *want* access. No one *needs* frozen veggies over fresh. We just don't want to do the work of learning to preserve the fresh stuff that's available. No one wants to be inconvenienced in any uncomfortable way, to have to change their habits, modify their behavior,  learn a new and useful skill. It's been shocking to me to see how little resourcefulness there is anymore. It's like we've forgotten, entirely, how to work with what we have, how to improvise, how to make do. Ugh. I feel my grandparents rolling over in their graves.


That’s all true!  You are right!

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6 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

 My mother lives alone, her church was cancelled and my relatives stocked her kitchen with a month of food, so she was ready. I thought I told her kindly yet truthfully what could happen. I call twice a day to make sure she’s alive, have done that since last summer.

So today she tells me how her neighbor spent an hour with her inside the house. The third time in a week. It’s Texas! They’re having ‘sit outside’ temps while I’ve still got snow. So I told her for the third time how unsafe it is. And the friend is a home health aide! I’m so damn angry I could spit.

My stupid sister says it’s fine, Texas hasn’t been hit yet, she’s an old lady who’s had her life, etc, maybe we’ll be dealing with the estate sooner than later, etc.Then she whines about how she’s going nuts staying home with her husband. I’d had enough and just had to let it rip. So I just said oh, I know. I’d lose my mind if I had to stay in the same room with your husband all day, too. 



Texas again.  💩 (I heard the poop emoji is for good luck?) 


 If people feel they have lived their lives and don’t want to go on, they need not put others also at risk.

It seems like choosing to take a chance on ending it by having a last hurrah of car racing along crowded streets. 



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2 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

This meme really sums it up. And it says a whole lot about our society that we can't seem to do this without excuses and "but I'm bored" whining. 


While I like this meme and think it's funny. It's not even this.  We can do exercise videos.  We can do the laundry.  And clean house.  And play actual games.  And read.  And work on home improvement projects.  And some are doing work at home.  And can walk the dog.  And can do yard work.  There is a very long list of what we can do. 

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Just now, Jean in Newcastle said:

BTW - I'm killing it right now on Duolingo Japanese (for those who don't know I'm a fluent speaker.)  Maybe I should switch to a language I don't already know? 


Same here. Not fluent but me and French got along so well it became boring. I switched to Chinese which is kicking my butt.

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1 hour ago, Pen said:

I wonder how many of the people who now feel they must get out and about are normally hikers and how many are normally couch potatoes. 

It's like the Italian mayor who was ranting about everyone suddenly deciding they need to be out running: "So now you are all marathon runners??? The last time you did any exercise was a primary school race!!!" 😂

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One of my friends told me she was going to go to Lowes and pick up plants because the 8 houses in her cove had decided to do a community garden. Which normally would be great, but now.....

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