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Need some healing thoughts/prayers for dd(10)

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HI there,

You might remember I posted last weekend about dd's terrible knee pain. After a trip to the ped., x-rays (radiologist says they're "ok" but we're checking with dr.) and bloodwork (normal) we're headed to the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. The pain has not subsided, and is worse in the evening, during which time she is literally paralyzed by sudden, sharp pains around her patella, radiating down her leg. She's in agony, and the constant Motrin does nothing. Two tylenol 3 pills take the edge off enough so that she can get to sleep. Today I forbade her to get out of her jammies (one of the only ways to keep her inside! :) and made her sit on the couch most of the day, wondering if complete rest would make this evening easier on her. Nope-- if anything, it was worse. Really, it's ripping dh and I apart to see our normally happy, active kid in so much pain.


I've researched all over the internet, and found things like osteochondritis dessicans, Osgood-Schlatter's Disease and chondromalachia, but nothing seems to really fit her symptoms. I'm taking her x-ray panel with us tomorrow, so hopefuly I"ll hear more than "rest and anti-inflammatories" because those just ain't cutting the mustard.


Has anyone gone through anything like this with their kids? I've done so much googling I don't know which end is up anymore. Does this pattern of pain ring any bells?



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Did the pain start after a particular incident? A slip on ice, a bump, a funny twist? Have they done an MRI to check for a tear in the meniscus? is there any swelling or heat?


I hurt my knee quite a while ago, almost 6 mos, and it took a LONG time for it to clear up. I still have pain sometimes. If it is bursitis or tendonitis, it can take time. I got a knee brace to immobilize the knee cap and did some PT, and took 2 alleve in the AM and PM. It still hurts when the weather changes or is extremely cold (like today), but it is not nearly as bad as it was.


I'm sorry that she is going through this. I know it sucks!

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Did the pain start after a particular incident? A slip on ice, a bump, a funny twist? Have they done an MRI to check for a tear in the meniscus? is there any swelling or heat?


As near as we can tell, she fell hard, square on her knee in late September at Hershey Park. A little ice, a little rest, but we were on vacation, and well, try and keep a 10 year old from using her leg at an amusement park!

We continued our vacation, came home, and forgot about the fall. The pain didn't start until about a month ago, progressing to this point, where it's almost unbearable. Weird.....weird......weird.


Fingers crossed that the dr. has some solutions tomorrow!

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dh says she probably needs to have an MRI. She could have injured a growing ligament, a blood vessel that supplies blood to the ligaments, a tendon, or even the sheath around the muscle.


Has she had a massive growth spurt lately (more than inch or two)? He said it is possible to have actual growing pains if her bones are growing faster than her ligaments and tendons.


I hope you get some answers tomorrow. It is so hard when you can't relieve your babies' pains.

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Thanks for the info, Unicorn. She's always been tall.....22.5 inches long at birth, and never below the 95% in height. I'm short and round, and dh is only 5'10". She's grown about 2 1/2 inches since the summer, but I"m hoping that the dr. sends us for an MRI to rule out any damage or lingering injury.


Thanks, everyone, for your concern!

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