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Jay Wile's Discovering Design with Chemistry

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My son used this book 2 years ago. I signed him up for an online class that used this book.  I don’t think it’s necessarily “honors”, but I agree with this review that it’s college prep:  https://cathyduffyreviews.com/homeschool-reviews-core-curricula/science/topical-areas/physics-and-chemistry/discovering-design-with-chemistry

Since I didn’t use the book with my son (online class), I can only answer from observations, and it seemed like a typical high school chemistry course.  My son did all of the experiments in the book and all of the practice problems.  It took him about 2 hours a day to do chemistry.  It also took him 2 hours a day to do bio and 2 hours a day to do physics.  Plus it takes him another 2 hours a day to do his math (started from Geometry to Alg 2 to Precalc to Calc) 

So, however long your current student takes to do his/her math/science is probably how long it will take him/her to use this book.  My son has some processing speed issues, so he can take longer to do things than other kids.  But it’s not like this book took him longer or shorter than was usual for him. 

I’d say that the above review seems pretty accurate to what I observed. 

Edited by Garga
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My son used it last year.  He took the course at an outsourced teaching center, and was instructed by a former college chem TA...He wrote 16 full lab reports, and she graded them very rigidly.  Best. Experience. Ever.

He just finished AP Physics 1 and is working through AP Physics 2 and is doing/has done very well.  I realize that chem and physics are different beasts, but I do think that Dr.Wile’s simple labs prepared him well.  He has received positive feedback from his teacher at Pennsylvania Homeschoolers Online...

For what it’s worth...


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We are only half way through and we haven't used any other curriculum so I can't compare it, but both of my kids are happy with it as is my husband, an MD.  One is spending about 5 hours a week and my fast worker spends less.  The book is clear in its' presentation of the material and has reasonable and clear expectations of learning.  This year's science has been a breath of fresh air for my dd who normally says she doesn't like science.  I will be using it again with future children!

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Mine used it in 9th grade. She was a bit young for it, and was learning the math alongside it for the most part, but she did well with it. It just took her longer than it took others. She had moved up in science with the same group of kids her whole life, who were older, and she just kept moving up with them. I didn't teach it, so can't give much feedback. She had a co-op teacher who was a science professor, so I trusted her judgement in picking texts, and she obviously liked it. 

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I taught in in our co-op, and I will be teaching it again next year. I really enjoyed the book!   I taught dd using his 2nd edition, and I really enjoyed it. She went on to college to make a 97 in her chemistry for nursing class, so it prepared her very well. 

Be sure to get the 2nd printing because there are quite a few typos in the first. I think he was rushed to get it out because people were asking for it after they didn't like Apologia's newest edition. 

I had two years of chemistry in high school, but I had not had it since. I feel like his writing style made it very easy for me to pick back up again. The explanations and examples are clear. The labs worked well and reinforced the skills in the modules. 

In the front of the book, there is a link to a webpage on his site that has tons of resources to help with each module. There are links to videos covering the concepts, extra practice problems,  a pdf file of worksheets for the questions in the book, etc. 


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