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**Im on my phone and can’t see how to tag this.

Things we’re doing in our family:

 -vitamin C on the hour when awake.

-more vitamin d/k2 for some of us (Thorne drops).

-curcumin+bioperene (Thorne’s Meriva). Anti-viral properties.

-Eat a very healthy diet including prebiotic and probiotic foods because a healthy gut can modulate cytokine storm better.

Should we get sick in our house, I might use use a nebulizer with a solution of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide (not 35%) and normal saline solution. We’ll use it hourly the first day, then every 3 hours or so the following days. Here’s how you make it:

Mix together:

1 cc 3% (not 35%) food grade hydrogen peroxide

100 cc normal saline (such as McKesson brand of sodium chloride 0.9% solution)

Fill nebulizer chamber, about 5 cc, and nebulize. If you cough, dilute with saline or nebulize for a shorter period of time.

Solution will last 3 months in fridge.

I’ll add some more ideas later.

Edited by BeachGal
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2 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

Well, my specific concern as far as timing goes is because of potential outbreaks or supply issues, so I thought it’d be safer to ask in an area where other people have concerns about outbreaks and supply issues, lol.


If you can figure out

at least two basic outfit sets, (T-shirt long and short sleeve, shorts and long pants with stretchy waistline?  So size not super crucial?)  

Maybe get a distance order catalog or two in your price budget to have at home where they could then each choose a more desirable outfit when they arrive,

LLBean kids if you can afford it has durable clothes IME— which if there’s going to lots of washing and sanitizing to be done could be very important!)

maybe use Amazon for spare packs of socks and underwear; 

and have little kid size toothbrushes etc ready for both,

Shoes in the next couple sizes up if you can affford that—or open toe sandals that would fit longer not crushing toes?  Galoshes? Little Feet grow so fast! 

What will they need for school? Maybe get those things.

I think it would be wise.  From many points of view.  


also learn the rules in your area if they come, are you expected to get rid of clothes they come with due to AIDS concerns, for example.  When I was a foster parent all children had to be presumed AIDS positive.  Since you may know more about background of your relative care fosters maybe that’s not an issue .  Or maybe it isn’t an issue in your locale. 

are there any other potential health concerns that would be relevant to clothes and gear they arrive with (C-Diff exposure, for example) 

arriving foster kids do usually arrive with clothes, shoes, maybe a little bag of personal stuff— but depending on rules and situation you might or might not be able to use it.  Maybe it will have to be sanitized.  Some kids are comforted by their familiar stuff others have trauma associations with it. 

They also may be overwhelmed by change where shopping may not be a good early activity.  even aside from virus issues just being at home, calm, stable, may be better than “going shopping which can be stressful as well as joyful, and may seem special to you, but may be less good for them than just being calmly at home as much as possible 

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Stocking up question:

I picked up some OTC meds the other day at Walgreens, and I got some $ off your next purchase. Usually when we get colds they go to our sinuses, so we have a lot of decongestant. Since COVID-19 settles in the lungs, I figured I could pick up some cough medicine with my coupons. All people in the house are over age 13 (although my youngest is the size of an 8yo - 72 lbs).  What do you recommend for coughs?

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I posted about the Korean air stewardess earlier. Now more details given https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/south-korea-flight-attendant-coronavirus-los-angeles-route-12475972

From CNA

“SEOUL: A Korean Air flight attendant who worked on flights between Seoul and Los Angeles subsequently tested positive for the coronavirus, South Korea's disease control agency and sources said on Thursday (Feb 27).
... The flight attendant worked on Korean Air's flight KE017 from Seoul's Incheon airport to Los Angeles on Feb 19, and on the return flight KE012 on Feb 20, Yonhap news agency and other media reported. 

A South Korean official familiar with the case verified those flight details, adding that between flights the woman had stayed in Los Angeles overnight.

"She took a flight after showing symptoms, and we are investigating people who had contact with the employee on the flight," the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said in a statement on Thursday.

The flight attendant, described as being in her 20s, later tested positive for the virus, and she is currently in hospital.

The crew member had been on a Korean Air KE958 flight from Israel to Incheon on Feb 15 to Feb 16, the KCDC said. The passengers on that flight included a South Korean religious group that 31 coronavirus cases have been traced to.

"An investigation is under way about the places the patient visited and the people she had contact with," the KCDC said.

Korean Air said crew members who were on the same flights with her have self-quarantined for 14 days, but referred other inquires to KCDC, as the authority in charge.”

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2 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

The article I read earlier suggests it might be biphasic.

 I think that means it appears as if patient has made a recovery but virus lies dormant at a very low level and invades the lungs again?  Not very well versed in biology so that’s just what I gleaned from the article. She was released almost four weeks ago, so it’s a long time for it to potentially lay dormant.


OMG!  And maybe if once it could happen multiple times! If not a lab created conspiracy (or single rogue doomsday mad scientist) behind it, it sounds like the virus itself has gotten really brilliant!  Virus thinks: “Hmmmm, they eradicated my cousins SARS1, how can I self-engineer to defeat them and become permanent? “



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37 minutes ago, BeachGal said:

**Im on my phone and can’t see how to tag this.

Things we’re doing in our family:

 -vitamin C on the hour when awake.

-more vitamin d/k2 for some of us (Thorne drops).

-curcumin+bioperene (Thorne’s Meriva). Anti-viral properties.

-Eat a very healthy diet including prebiotic and probiotic foods because a healthy gut can modulate cytokine storm better.

Should we get sick in our house, I might use use a nebulizer with a solution of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide (not 35%) and normal saline solution. We’ll use it hourly.

I’ll add some more ideas later.


You take Vit C every hour?

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I am busy making some lung support tinctures and infusions from local lichens and plants.  I feel happy learning about them and “doing something”.  I’m also planning to plant some potentially helpful herbs.  Writing down notes on what and seeing if I do or don’t already have viable seed.  

I will check my supply of “Breathe Easy” types of commercial herbal teas. We didn’t get sick this winter and need it, so it’s probably fine.  @beckyjo for coughs, when home I use herbal teas with honey, and an herbal Old Indian wild cherry bark syrup, when not home or also sometimes at home “cough drops” (Hall’s or whatever you like) though possibly suckable hard real sugar candy works nearly as well as many cough drops. I tried to ditch sugar almost entirely but still accept it “medicinally”. 

I plan to premake some chicken soup and freeze it so if I’m the one feeling very sick (most likely) it’s easy to just reheat it.  

Unfortunately when our refrigerator recently died, I lost some things (like containers of frozen homemade chicken soup) that might have been useful to have.  I guess I will add ingredients and lost stuff replacements to my next shopping list. 

I’m trying to exercise daily to extent able from other chronic health issues. Getting garden going should help with exercise too.  

I am taking my usual vitamins etc plus extra D3 and its cofactors.  I am having my son take D3 and its cofactors, and a multivitamin to help cover gaps in teen nutrition, plus some extra of things he particularly needs.  B-complex, C at least a couple times weekly—I know they are water soluble and don’t last but he is only willing to take a few pills each day so I’m emphasizing what I think most crucial even if it means alternating days on some. 

  I am trying to provide nutritious meals, but he is at stage where he eats elsewhere a lot. Or ignores dinner and eats snack food at midnight. 


For My mom, who is  in her eighties, I have suggested D3 and it’s cofactors and a daily multivitamin to help fill in possible dietary holes. Plus NAC.   (My Mom is a retired doctor, so I go over my researching and vitamins, herbs etc ideas with her by phone long distance.) 




Anyone interested in homeopathic remedies? Or too woo? 


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51 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


You take Vit C every hour?

I also have a question about that.  How much?   Too much, and you’d be heading into the Vit C Cleanse/Purge territory.  😊 I’m sure BeachGal knows this, but for anyone else - if diarrhea develops, back off the Vit C a bit.



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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:


You take Vit C every hour?


We sometimes do that when actually sick — and for my son it really helps him get rid of sickness fast. 

We Have not done that as a general daily practice. 

@BeachGal I was also wondering about the nebulizing with H2O2.  I normally bleach/clean with H2O2, because chlorine makes me sick so I can’t use chlorine bleach at all. But I would be concerned about lung harm from nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. 

I do plan to get an extra bottle when next shopping - and then to keep ahead with one bottle as back up supply - for cleaning surfaces.  

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30 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

Funny enough, my dh reminded ME, the obsessive list maker, that they need school uniforms! Of course we have snow today and it could be very warm in a month. Or not. So frustrating!!!


That should help in a way— much more clear to change out of school clothes and into home clothes! I hope the uniforms wash well (not unwashable wool or something). If not, figure out how to clean them well at home. 

It was against foster rules when I was fostering, but would homeschooling be possible?

or schooling from home with an online approved program like Connections or K-12?


eta: actually, there was one public school type home done via online learning program allowed by my state when I was fostering. I didn’t think lots of online time was healthy for little kids.  But currently it might be more healthy for your whole family and lots easier than tons of school clothes cleaning, daily scrubbing of kids to get off school germs...   

I suggest checking that before investing in school uniforms.   The online programs have IEP stuff if needed available iirc.

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11 minutes ago, Pen said:


We sometimes do that when actually sick — and for my son it really helps him get rid of sickness fast. 

We Have not done that as a general daily practice. 

@BeachGal I was also wondering about the nebulizing with H2O2.  I normally bleach/clean with H2O2, because chlorine makes me sick so I can’t use chlorine bleach at all. But I would be concerned about lung harm from nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. 

I do plan to get an extra bottle when next shopping - and then to keep ahead with one bottle as back up supply - for cleaning surfaces.  

I don't know about your area, but our Walgreens has hydrogen peroxide on sale for buy 1, get one 50% off. Also, alcohol has the same deal.

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With surgical masks sold out in my area, I googled DIY cloth masks. This post by a doctor in Taiwan is interesting but I'm not clear what "non-woven fabric" is. If you sew, any thoughts on what kind of fabric would work for the outer or inner layers? Also not sure why they say to wet and then dry the tissue that goes on the inside. Coffee filters occurred to me as an inner layer...


If at some point I found a need for these, I'd throw out the inner layer after use and soak the fabric in hydrogen peroxide before washing and drying on hot.


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I keep getting logged out and my internet is spotty today probably because it’s very blustery in Coz today.

Anyway, yes, when viruses are going around, we take 500 mg every hour or so when awake. I carry them in my pocket. They do seem to help us. If you get “loose bowels” then every two hours or so. I don’t, so on the hour seems to be okay for me.

I also believe IVs can help. A friend of mine who is an MD gives himself and other MDs he is friends with, various IVs.


The hydrogen peroxide I use is food grade and 3%, not 35%. 35% would be too strong. The 3% h202 is further diluted by the normal saline solution. I’m not around my computer where I keep the exact measurements but I’ll see if I can find it online and will post it here.

Here’s how you make it:

Mix together:

1 cc 3% (not 35%) food grade hydrogen peroxide

100 cc normal saline (such as McKesson brand of sodium chloride 0.9% solution)

Fill nebulizer chamber, about 5 cc, and nebulize. If you cough, dilute with saline or nebulize for a shorter period of time.

Solution will last 3 months in fridge.


The other thing you can look into is ozone therapy which was used on a very small number of people during an Ebola outbreak. The two doctors who funded the trip themselves were going to treat anyone using DIV ozone (direct intravenous), but WHO stepped in. Ozone is able to deactivate certain viruses and if properly administered is safe. I’m not going to explain it here or argue with anyone but if you're interested, you can find more online. The MD went to Johns Hopkins and UCSF and has used ozone extensively for 30 years or so. He also trains other physicians and nurses in how to use it. Ozone can be fatal if breathed in but there are other ways to administer it. An Italian doctor has studied it and written a book as well.

Edited by BeachGal
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10 minutes ago, Acadie said:

With surgical masks sold out in my area, I googled DIY cloth masks. This post by a doctor in Taiwan is interesting but I'm not clear what "non-woven fabric" is. If you sew, any thoughts on what kind of fabric would work for the outer or inner layers? Also not sure why they say to wet and then dry the tissue that goes on the inside. Coffee filters occurred to me as an inner layer...


If at some point I found a need for these, I'd throw out the inner layer after use and soak the fabric in hydrogen peroxide before washing and drying on hot.



I think for the fabric part, any comfortable cloth (maybe cotton T-shirt material?) would work. For the non-woven inner filter part I think the filters are made of a pressed material to have no significant spaces, rather than woven threads with spaces between the threads.

 My thought on wetting the tissue is it may create a felted non woven compression effect that closes gaps between fibers. ????

I know that for me when having Forest fire smoke that breathing through wet cloth has been helpful— but that’s actually wet, not wet then dried. 

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@Acadie maybe take some tissue and breathe through it, and then wet it and let it dry. See what changes it makes visually and in breathing?  It might also shape and hold shape if laid over a curved mold (upside down bowl?) while wet. 

I would think coffee filters would be porous to viruses like regular cloth—they have to let coffee through. 

Any mask though - even without filter- could help keep hands away from nose and mouth.

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Maybe individuals could use tag words from now on at start of posts so skimming would be easier?  Like “news” “thoughts” “stocking  up” etc?  I know I cannot find my own post linking to vitamin D slide show. 

Edited by Pen
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3 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Good question! I think in other cases they eventually became symptomatic but were able to spread a lot before that happened.  And presumably they might still be able to clear the virus.  The Japanese case seems to indicate that it can exist for a while at a low level:  maybe it will be like glandular (mono) where it can stay with you and make you sick when you get run down or stressed.

I do know the Australian cases released from quarantine were tested to make sure they didn’t have any virus left so presumably in normal cases the virus completely gets eliminated

Also in China they recalled and quarantined “cured” patients after some tested positive again.  It could be that some people don’t develop immunity and get reinfected but more likely they still had it in their system at a low level.


Except, what isn’t looked for won’t be found. They probably aren’t checking again a few weeks later and a few more weeks later in case of phasing in and out of active state.

Lyme disease can be like that, spirochetes going dormant (often in response to treatment) then re-emerging. 

And chicken pox can go dormant and re-emerge as shingles. 

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2 hours ago, Arcadia said:

I posted about the Korean air stewardess earlier. Now more details given https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/south-korea-flight-attendant-coronavirus-los-angeles-route-12475972

From CNA

“SEOUL: A Korean Air flight attendant who worked on flights between Seoul and Los Angeles subsequently tested positive for the coronavirus, South Korea's disease control agency and sources said on Thursday (Feb 27).
... The flight attendant worked on Korean Air's flight KE017 from Seoul's Incheon airport to Los Angeles on Feb 19, and on the return flight KE012 on Feb 20, Yonhap news agency and other media reported. 

A South Korean official familiar with the case verified those flight details, adding that between flights the woman had stayed in Los Angeles overnight.

"She took a flight after showing symptoms, and we are investigating people who had contact with the employee on the flight," the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said in a statement on Thursday.

The flight attendant, described as being in her 20s, later tested positive for the virus, and she is currently in hospital.

The crew member had been on a Korean Air KE958 flight from Israel to Incheon on Feb 15 to Feb 16, the KCDC said. The passengers on that flight included a South Korean religious group that 31 coronavirus cases have been traced to.

"An investigation is under way about the places the patient visited and the people she had contact with," the KCDC said.

Korean Air said crew members who were on the same flights with her have self-quarantined for 14 days, but referred other inquires to KCDC, as the authority in charge.”


I wanted to comment on a post I can’t find now, so I’ll use this one.

 I was wondering if the UCDavis patient’s prior hospital used safety protocols and if they are checking for infection spread there.  And other places that person had been 

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4 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Italy has 528 cases (75 new, 2 new deaths, 37 currently requiring intensive care)

1 new case in Barcelona. (I think a 22 year old woman who travelled from Tenerife?  Tenerife appears to be become a hot spot)


A person with Covid19 was in a hotel with around a thousand guest rooms plus staff etc.   The person was sent to hospital and the hotel locked down .  

Shades of Diamond Princess maybe 

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27 minutes ago, I talk to the trees said:


I’m sorry it’s apparently suspect there, bud glad it’s being checked.



wish I would hear more about checking people in Seattle, SF and Los Angeles areas where lots of China / Asia flights come in. 

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It seems strange to me that there are so many cases outside of Italy that have occurred in people who were in Italy. It just seems like a high number based on the cases that are in Italy, which makes me think that there are way more cases in Italy that no one knows about.

And I do not understand why we haven't been testing more in the US and why we don't have the ability to test but other countries do. 

If we really wanted to stop this thing we would be treating every pneumonia case as possible covid-19 and we would be testing many more people. 

And I also don't understand why we are not limiting travel to/from Italy and Korea or at least telling travelers from those countries to self-isolate for 14 days.

Susan in TX

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2 minutes ago, Susan in TX said:

It seems strange to me that there are so many cases outside of Italy that have occurred in people who were in Italy. It just seems like a high number based on the cases that are in Italy, which makes me think that there are way more cases in Italy that no one knows about.

And I do not understand why we haven't been testing more in the US and why we don't have the ability to test but other countries do. 

If we really wanted to stop this thing we would be treating every pneumonia case as possible covid-19 and we would be testing many more people. 

And I also don't understand why we are not limiting travel to/from Italy and Korea or at least telling travelers from those countries to self-isolate for 14 days.

Susan in TX


I agree.  I would think they would be more proactive on those two possibly Japan next.  

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From abc7news https://abc7news.com/5971024/

“TOKYO -- Japan will close schools nationwide to help control the spread of the new virus, the government announced Thursday.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was asking all elementary, middle and high schools to remain shut until spring holidays begin in late March.

The measure affects 12.8 million students at 34,847 schools nationwide, the education ministry said.

"The coming week or two is an extremely important time," Abe said. "This is to prioritize the health and safety of the children and take precautions to avoid the risk of possible large-scale infections for many children and teachers who gather and spend hours together every day."

The decision comes amid growing concern about the rise in the number of untraceable cases of the virus in northern Japan and elsewhere. Japan now has more than 890 cases, including 705 from a quarantined cruise ship. An eighth death from the virus was confirmed Thursday in Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido, now considered a site of growing cluster.”

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CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/27/politics/us-south-korea-military-drill-coronavirus/index.html

“(CNN) — The US and South Korean militaries announced Thursday that they will postpone a command post training exercise due to growing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in South Korea, which has infected 25 members of the South Korean military and one US servicemember.


On Wednesday the US military's Indo-Pacific Command, which oversees all US troops in the region, restricted all non-essential travel to South Korea for all US servicemembers, contractors and defense department civilians serving as part of the command.”

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1 hour ago, Acadie said:

With surgical masks sold out in my area, I googled DIY cloth masks. This post by a doctor in Taiwan is interesting but I'm not clear what "non-woven fabric" is. If you sew, any thoughts on what kind of fabric would work for the outer or inner layers? Also not sure why they say to wet and then dry the tissue that goes on the inside. Coffee filters occurred to me as an inner layer...


If at some point I found a need for these, I'd throw out the inner layer after use and soak the fabric in hydrogen peroxide before washing and drying on hot.



Unless you have a gas mask type of respirator you cannot sew a homemade fabric mask that you can breathe through that will also stop a virus.  Viruses are too small.

ANY comfortable fabric can be sewn into a face mask that will be enough to remind you not to touch your face.  Hold it up over your mouth and nose for a few minutes.  Can you breathe without panicking about suffocation?  Then it will probably work.  Wash and dry it on hot/high to pre-shrink, then cut and sew. Make many and wash them daily.  At this point you are MUCH more likely to get sick from breathing through moldy fabric than from this virus, at least in the USA.

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47 minutes ago, Susan in TX said:

It seems strange to me that there are so many cases outside of Italy that have occurred in people who were in Italy. It just seems like a high number based on the cases that are in Italy, which makes me think that there are way more cases in Italy that no one knows about.

And I do not understand why we haven't been testing more in the US and why we don't have the ability to test but other countries do. 

If we really wanted to stop this thing we would be treating every pneumonia case as possible covid-19 and we would be testing many more people. 

And I also don't understand why we are not limiting travel to/from Italy and Korea or at least telling travelers from those countries to self-isolate for 14 days.

Susan in TX

CNN is reporting the US has issued a level 3 alert for traveling to South Korea, basically saying better reconsider going. 

I haven't read this whole thread but wanted to share that at our Ash Weds service at St. George's in Jerusalem we were told to simply acknowledge each other while passing the Peace and to not hug or shake hands.  And we were given only the Host (the "wafer") for Communion, not the wine, not even by intinction like last week. 😞

Edited by Chris in VA
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I was totally thinking about shingles as an example of a virus than can go dormant and then flare up again. At least with shingles, you know when it's awake. And then there's other forms of herpes, of course. It wouldn't be so obvious with COVID-19.

1 hour ago, Pen said:


Except, what isn’t looked for won’t be found. They probably aren’t checking again a few weeks later and a few more weeks later in case of phasing in and out of active state.

Lyme disease can be like that, spirochetes going dormant (often in response to treatment) then re-emerging. 

And chicken pox can go dormant and re-emerge as shingles. 


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At Ash Wednesday service last night, no fewer than 10 people insisted on hugging me or shaking my hand, immediately before Communion.  I was like, "There's a pandemic on!"  But I'm 30 years younger than everyone and don't want to come across as a freak.  But it's seriously bothering me.  

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Woo warning!

if woo bothers you, don’t read rest of this post



Ok.  I have decided to include the virus itself in my meditations and prayers.  I mean not just people  affected, but sending thoughts of good to the virus that it may “live” (I believe they are alive but understand that’s not the scientific view necessarily)  in peace and harmony in the world with us people and animals and plants and not be so deadly virulent.    I was meditating and suddenly had had this image of the virus responding to human attempts to wipe it out by becoming more and more deadly and more and more “crafty” — and I felt like prayers for it and peace and harmony thoughts to it was the right thing for me for this morning’s meditation and prayer time.

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On 2/14/2020 at 7:35 AM, Pen said:



(watch the slide show with English translation —not very easy to understand English but better than German unless you are fluent in German). 

I know it’s controversial, especially on Wtm where lots of people consider vitamins to be woo, but I am certainly trying to raise my vitamin D levels and urging family to do the same!  I take vitamin K2 along with D3. 




Thank you!!! Yes this is it!

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Testing for the person who was infected through community transmission in CA was delayed several days because the CDC has restricted testing to patients who have traveled to China or had contact with someone who has. I didn't realize that even if clinicians want to get a symptomatic patient tested, they're prevented from doing so by federal rules. Really hoping the CDC changes course now--and that we get up to speed with testing. 

From the New York Times:

Doctors at the University of California, Davis Medical Center considered the novel pathogen a possible diagnosis when the patient was first admitted last week.

But the C.D.C. has restricted testing to patients who either traveled to China recently or who know they had contact with someone infected with the coronavirus.

The C.D.C. could not be immediately reached for comment.

Edited by Acadie
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Richland Hills-based surgical mask provider Prestige Ameritech is no longer accepting orders of its masks from individuals as it focuses on supplying its U.S. hospital clients.

“If you are looking to place a one-time high volume order of masks or respirators we cannot help you,” a recording on Prestige Ameritech’s phone line said. “We are working hard to serve only U.S. hospital customers through the coronavirus crisis.”

Prestige Ameritech operates a 200,000 square-foot facility near Fort Worth and is the leading manufacturer of surgical masks in the U.S. The company has been overwhelmed with demand but is following through with orders placed before it closed them to individuals.

Susan in TX


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How to make your own mask: Hong Kong scientists reveal temporary solution for those unable to get protective gear because of panic buying and price-gouging


Scientists in Hong Kong have invented a cheap and easy way to make home-made masks...

The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital worked with the Science Park to devise the do-it-yourself method


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7 minutes ago, Terabith said:

At Ash Wednesday service last night, no fewer than 10 people insisted on hugging me or shaking my hand, immediately before Communion.  I was like, "There's a pandemic on!"  But I'm 30 years younger than everyone and don't want to come across as a freak.  But it's seriously bothering me.  


I had recently someone in a store take hold of me as she passed by in an aisle.  I a little thought of the pandemic issue But even more wondered if she was a pick pocket or purse snatcher....  it was freaky seeming.  Like there was plenty of room in the aisle and I didn’t know her.  I sort of wish I’d have given a little scream. Just cuz like it’s weird, and wth was she doing.  

Also disturbing was a guy who was coughing and sneezing all over without bothering with any “cover mouth and nose” when I was in a Copy and package shipping shop.   I wasn’t sure if I should say something.

What would be good to say that doesn’t seem rude or racist (I think he was Korean), but maybe is helpful.  🤔.   Maybe I could  have had a spare travel set of tissues and handed him the pack.    But so many people do cough and sneeze unprotected.   (Especially coming into allergy season.)  I don’t have that many packs of tissue. Plus I mainly want to keep my distance and get out of there. 

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1 minute ago, Laurie said:


No . 


Thanks for the link, I appreciate that.

But I meant people in area having pneumonia etc , but who have not been to China (or elsewhere).  

Some tests for Covid in people with right symptoms but who haven’t traveled— to see if it’s actually loose in community 

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