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Here in Colombia the government announced a 14 day extension in the general quarantine. It was extended from  01 July 2020 to  15 July   2020.  For those of us who have celebrated our 70th birthdays. we are still under strict SIP restrictions until 01 September 2020.

My belief is that the Colombian government is watching what is happening in the USA and they don't want to repeat the same mistakes that have led to more Covid-19 cases there recently and are taking a very conservatoe approach, although there is some loosening of restrictions here.                  

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@ElizabethB and others interested


and @Ausmumof3  a good single video catch up on in immune system 

more on Vitamin D 



(Based on a relatively new study and basically says same things as Raimund Von Helden had already said several months ago, but some more details on parts of the immune system.) 

YouTube is likely to pull it down however.  So try to see it soon and maybe help out with like and subscribe as well

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5 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.


My family isn't going anywhere. I go to stores as needed and that is it. No visits, no play dates, no socially distanced dinners out. 

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We are going out for essential shopping and to exercise very distanced in the open air. We have twice had couples over for distanced drinks in the garden.

We need to move house, which isn't ideal, and Hobbes needs to go back to his university town to change houses there too, which he'd rather not do. But we are mostly staying home, including working from home. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

Did you guys see this principal's version of "Let it Go" in answer to questions about when they'll have answers about the fall... newly entitled "I Don't Know"  🤣🤣 🤣


He looks like a fun principal. I like his sloth and lizard in his office. 

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

This was a feature of the original SARS. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.info.gov.hk/info/sars/pdf/amoy_e.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiXpseys5vqAhX1pHEKHfIKDDgQFjAFegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0XEZb0BStxKRyCGB8RC6Wx&cshid=1593034387521


And it was also able to be spread by eating camel meat or drinking camel meat that had the virus. So, via GI tract. 

Edit - that was MERS, not SARS. 

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8 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We are. Although I really expect that will be impossible by August, unless I want to quit my job and DD drops her college classes. 

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3 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Did you guys see this principal's version of "Let it Go" in answer to questions about when they'll have answers about the fall... newly entitled "I Don't Know"  🤣🤣 🤣


I think I’ll send that to my students. We just started pre-registration Monday-which is  scheduling who wants to stay online and who wants to come back in person if we are allowed to do so, under Y conditions, with the understanding that we are likely to end up back online at some point in the semester, and recitals and group classes will be virtual unless something dramatically changes. 

but given the number of days in a row that we have had bigger increases than in April, I’m not really optimistic.

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Vic is getting serious about getting on top of the community spread. They are going to, overthe next 3 days, test 50% of all residents in the 2 worst suburbs. They are also going to test all staff, students and parents of a high school. They are going to set up mini testing at ends of streets, in ambulances, at car parks, as well as mass testing sites, doorknocking houses, they have called Medics from the defense team to help with the testing 

There are  33 new cases in Vic today 

Edited by Melissa in Australia
Looked up exactly how many new cases
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36 minutes ago, Pen said:


I thought that was MERS.  The camel related one.

Oh - you are right! Duh, camels - middle east - not sure what I was thinking. 

19 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Vic is getting serious about getting on top of the community spread. They are going to, overthe next 3 days, test 50% of all residents in the 2 worst suburbs. They are also going to test all staff, students and parents of a high school. They are going to set up mini testing at ends of streets, in ambulances, at car parks, as well as mass testing sites, doorknocking houses, they have called Medics from the defense team to help with the testing 

There are  33 new cases in Vic today 

Wow. If it wasn't such a long flight, and I couldn' t bring my pets, and all the venomous everything, I'd be begging to come live there!!!! My county had 561 cases yesterday. Sigh. 

Of course, y'all have closed the border anyway. Guess I'll stay here and mask up and hope people see the light. Ugh. 

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8 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

New York and NJ announced travel quarantine for people traveling from hotspot states. So, no, you did not miss the memo to travel for your summer vacation. If this trend continues, there will be more quarantines and travel bans this summer.

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5 hours ago, MEmama said:

To be honest, I’m not sure what would make me feel better today. My understanding is that the plan will come from the state, rather than individual districts (do I have that right?). If that’s true, it would explain why we haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t expect a solid plan to be put into place this early, I'm just feeling overwhelmed with all the uncertainty today. I know everyone is doing their best and I really don’t want to sound like I’m complaining; it’s just been a rough week. 

The college piece is part of it; it sounds like for us, the option will be online only. 

I'm worried for you too. I went through a similar dilemma with my job, though I didn’t come in contact with nearly as many people as you do. It's a terrible position to be in. 😞 

Maine did put out this last week: https://www.maine.gov/doe/covid-19/reintegrate

Similar to Vermont's guidelines: https://education.vermont.gov/sites/aoe/files/documents/edu-update-on-planning-to-reopen-vermont-schools-fall-2020.pdf

I think ME and VT are two of the states working together in New England, right? I can tell you that VT teachers have been told the plan is to start in person, with the first few weeks of school focusing on setting up google classrooms and distance learning plans for if/when we have to switch to distance learning. Forus will be on social/emotional first and foremost, starting academics at 10% at most, according to our district's plan. Teachers are planning units based on the possibility of moving to online at some point, so it's at the front of everyone's mind. My worry is that it could be a lost year, academically with so much focus on S/E.

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5 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Vic is getting serious about getting on top of the community spread. They are going to, overthe next 3 days, test 50% of all residents in the 2 worst suburbs. They are also going to test all staff, students and parents of a high school. They are going to set up mini testing at ends of streets, in ambulances, at car parks, as well as mass testing sites, doorknocking houses, they have called Medics from the defense team to help with the testing 

There are  33 new cases in Vic today 


Sounds like a great plan.  I'll be curious to see what the results are.  

I feel like the whole story of this pandemic has been As Goes Wuhan, So Goes the World.  

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Vic also mentioned using some testing that involves spit in a cup rather than nasal swab.  I noticed the Beijing testing was only throat swab.  I wonder if for large scale testing that’s sufficient then if there’s any suspicion you go back for the nasal test (as they indicated that would still be needed for some applications.   

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31 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Vic also mentioned using some testing that involves spit in a cup rather than nasal swab.  I noticed the Beijing testing was only throat swab.  I wonder if for large scale testing that’s sufficient then if there’s any suspicion you go back for the nasal test (as they indicated that would still be needed for some applications.   

The saliva test is meant to be a world first, they are hoping to start using it late next week 

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9 hours ago, AmandaVT said:

Maine did put out this last week: https://www.maine.gov/doe/covid-19/reintegrate

Similar to Vermont's guidelines: https://education.vermont.gov/sites/aoe/files/documents/edu-update-on-planning-to-reopen-vermont-schools-fall-2020.pdf

I think ME and VT are two of the states working together in New England, right? I can tell you that VT teachers have been told the plan is to start in person, with the first few weeks of school focusing on setting up google classrooms and distance learning plans for if/when we have to switch to distance learning. Forus will be on social/emotional first and foremost, starting academics at 10% at most, according to our district's plan. Teachers are planning units based on the possibility of moving to online at some point, so it's at the front of everyone's mind. My worry is that it could be a lost year, academically with so much focus on S/E.

The plan sounds okay for younger grades, but there isn’t the time, nor really the need, to set up tech for high schoolers. I mean, they automatically out-tech any adult, it’s like breathing. Lol. I know my son and his friends would lose their ever loving minds if they had to review online protocol—or, heaven forbid, talk about emotions— instead of learning their subjects. But I know that’s not your point, and doesn’t sound applicable to AP and senior classes anyway. 

I can’t begin to imagine how difficult creating multiple plans—in class, remote, hybrid— must be on teachers and admin. And dealing with the social/emotional piece for their students (and themselves) on top of everything else...it just blows me away. Heroes, every single one. 

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I will say that in my opinion, spending way more time on self care, emotional health, mental health, and teaching kids stress management, etc and less on academics is a good thing. I know a crap ton of professional adults who wish they'd learned that stuff in school, and less academics. They would be better served. And if the kids really do grasp taht stuff now, they will be better able to learn the rest of their lives, as we don't learn well when we are stressed. Stress management will make them more academically sound overall, by the time they are adults, even if they are a year behind academically. (whatever that means anyway....I mean, will it matter in life if a generation of kids learns multiplication a grade later? Will people be on their death beds in their 80's thinking..."if only I'd learned to carry the one that year during the pandemic!"? I doubt it. 

I am hoping that one good thing to come out of this pandemic is a realization that academics, and testing, and such are not the be all and end all of life for kids. 

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16 hours ago, MEmama said:

My understanding is that the plan will come from the state, rather than individual districts (do I have that right?).

I don't think anyone knows for sure, but from what I hear, the state will decide which parts of the state can reopen. After that, it's up to the districts how to reopen. The state will likely make "recommendations," but schools have to do what they need to do to actually have school. For example, if 10 kids per room is the recommendation, but there's no way that a school can make that work with the staff they have, the school may bump the number to 12 or 15. 

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26 minutes ago, Kanin said:

I don't think anyone knows for sure, but from what I hear, the state will decide which parts of the state can reopen. After that, it's up to the districts how to reopen. The state will likely make "recommendations," but schools have to do what they need to do to actually have school. For example, if 10 kids per room is the recommendation, but there's no way that a school can make that work with the staff they have, the school may bump the number to 12 or 15. 

That makes sense. Thank you! 

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4 hours ago, Kanin said:

I don't think anyone knows for sure, but from what I hear, the state will decide which parts of the state can reopen. After that, it's up to the districts how to reopen. The state will likely make "recommendations," but schools have to do what they need to do to actually have school. For example, if 10 kids per room is the recommendation, but there's no way that a school can make that work with the staff they have, the school may bump the number to 12 or 15. 

Virginia is having issues because the governor and Department of Health has issued guidelines like, "Students must be six feet apart at all times."  Among many, many other guidelines.  There are various phases for school opening that say things like, "One child per bus seat, and only every other bus seat filled."  Well, those things are flatly impossible, even with half the students.  Which is why they're dividing the schools into fourths and districts are saying kids can only come one day a week.  There are different guidelines for K-3 and special needs.  There's a 124 page book.  The districts can decide how to implement the guidelines, but they can't just say, "We don't have enough square footage to keep kids six feet apart, so we'll only keep them five feet apart."

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I was just watching a TED talk about self-driving cars and he mentioned the figure of 33,000 deaths from road traffic accidents a year, and said that that was equivalent to a 737 jet falling out of the sky every single day of the year. So then I thought that the Covid deaths are equivalent to over three 737 jets falling out of the sky every day of the year and we are only a couple months into the year. How horrendous! 

ETA: Also we wear seat belts for 1 jet falling out of the sky every day but we don't want to wear masks for more than 3 jets/day!

Edited by TCB
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This - this is why "but the death rate is still low" is not enough. NO ONE has time to deal with this! And she had to pay out of pocket for oxygen!!! (as does everyone it seems!)


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3 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

This - this is why "but the death rate is still low" is not enough. NO ONE has time to deal with this! And she had to pay out of pocket for oxygen!!! (as does everyone it seems!)


Um, I think you meant to link something else?

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5 hours ago, Terabith said:

Virginia is having issues because the governor and Department of Health has issued guidelines like, "Students must be six feet apart at all times."  Among many, many other guidelines.  There are various phases for school opening that say things like, "One child per bus seat, and only every other bus seat filled."  Well, those things are flatly impossible, even with half the students.  Which is why they're dividing the schools into fourths and districts are saying kids can only come one day a week.  There are different guidelines for K-3 and special needs.  There's a 124 page book.  The districts can decide how to implement the guidelines, but they can't just say, "We don't have enough square footage to keep kids six feet apart, so we'll only keep them five feet apart."

That does sound impossible for most schools. From what I understand, Maine has so far not issued any firm requirements yet. More to come soon, I'm sure.

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I can't tell if these two things are related, good news or bad news, total hogwash (80 times?!), or what, but putting them here for discussion and analyzing




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2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

This - this is why "but the death rate is still low" is not enough. NO ONE has time to deal with this! And she had to pay out of pocket for oxygen!!! (as does everyone it seems!)


Fwiw, this is not directed at you. I should probably let this go but I seem to lack that ability... 😋

I find this so frustrating. I know some people take a seriously long time to recover and I know that the disease can reemerge just when you thought you were getting better. This article tho... I don't actually think her husband had COVID originally. He tested negative twice by nasal swab and once through blood work. He would have picked it up at Home Depot and she believes his symptoms were coming on by that evening? 

Meanwhile, she is working as a nurse and could have been exposed at work. More likely imo, she was exposed by her husband after he had been hospitalized for days. She keeps blaming "Dr Typhoid" but maybe her husband truly didn't have COVID and was exposed while at the hospital. The timeline makes far more sense and it changes the entire picture of what happened in this household.

Ugh, it just frustrates me because we still have a very foggy picture of this disease. I wish stories like this could help clear this up, but this one does the exact opposite for me.

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On 6/24/2020 at 11:17 AM, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We went on vacation two weekends and days ago to the beach.  We social distanced and wore masks and weren't on crowded beaches and mostly were alone except for brief periods of time.  We did wear masks at the Subaru repair waiting area, for example.  Since then, we have gone on with our life as normal- doctor visits, therapy visits, etc for me, grocery stores, home improvement and pool store (all while wearing a mask),  going on walks, etc.  I am not in any large groups, don't crowd people anywhere,  and wear a mask.  I see absolutely no reason to stay at home more than I already do.

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1 minute ago, TravelingChris said:

We went on vacation two weekends and days ago to the beach.  We social distanced and wore masks and weren't on crowded beaches and mostly were alone except for brief periods of time.  We did wear masks at the Subaru repair waiting area, for example.  Since then, we have gone on with our life as normal- doctor visits, therapy visits, etc for me, grocery stores, home improvement and pool store (all while wearing a mask),  going on walks, etc.  I am not in any large groups, don't crowd people anywhere,  and wear a mask.  I see absolutely no reason to stay at home more than I already do.

I did see one family posting pictures on Facebook about how they were vacationing with five other families and making "look at how many kids" posts. They attend an activity that DD recently quit and today I got a group email from the activity director. He said after closing the business for three months, people that were vacationing in states with increasing cases and in groups were required to stay away for at least two weeks. He was even willing to refund partial tuition if it saved him from an outbreak and being closed again. I'm sure it the Facebook posts that prompted the email.

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26 minutes ago, TracyP said:

Fwiw, this is not directed at you. I should probably let this go but I seem to lack that ability... 😋

I find this so frustrating. I know some people take a seriously long time to recover and I know that the disease can reemerge just when you thought you were getting better. This article tho... I don't actually think her husband had COVID originally. He tested negative twice by nasal swab and once through blood work. He would have picked it up at Home Depot and she believes his symptoms were coming on by that evening? 

Meanwhile, she is working as a nurse and could have been exposed at work. More likely imo, she was exposed by her husband after he had been hospitalized for days. She keeps blaming "Dr Typhoid" but maybe her husband truly didn't have COVID and was exposed while at the hospital. The timeline makes far more sense and it changes the entire picture of what happened in this household.

Ugh, it just frustrates me because we still have a very foggy picture of this disease. I wish stories like this could help clear this up, but this one does the exact opposite for me.

Maybe, but the swabs are notoriously unreliable, and the blood test was for the wrong kind of antibodies . I don't think the eye thing is relevant like she does, but otherwise, symptoms starting days later would fit. 

Also, was she working at the time? I got the feeling she was saying that she WAS a nurse, past tense? My mom still called herself a nurse for a long time after she stopped working as a nurse. 

Edited to add - I googled, she stopped working as a nurse a few years ago. (probably after that neck injury if I had to guess)

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1 minute ago, Ktgrok said:

Maybe, but the swabs are notoriously unreliable, and the blood test was for the wrong kind of antibodies . I don't think the eye thing is relevant like she does, but otherwise, symptoms starting days later would fit. 

I didn't get the part about the antibodies. Thanks for clarifying that. Yeah, it could be that he had COVID, but his symptoms don't really fit either. Which would be good to know - if it was COVID here is another bizarre case to file away. I don't know. 2 negative swabs and atypical symptoms seem to point in a different direction.

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8 minutes ago, TracyP said:

I didn't get the part about the antibodies. Thanks for clarifying that. Yeah, it could be that he had COVID, but his symptoms don't really fit either. Which would be good to know - if it was COVID here is another bizarre case to file away. I don't know. 2 negative swabs and atypical symptoms seem to point in a different direction.

Fever, elevated cardiac enzymes, potentially clotting issues, etc seems pretty consistent with COVID symptoms I'm hearing about. So does diarrhea, actually. A significant portion never have a cough. 

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22 minutes ago, mom2scouts said:

I did see one family posting pictures on Facebook about how they were vacationing with five other families and making "look at how many kids" posts. They attend an activity that DD recently quit and today I got a group email from the activity director. He said after closing the business for three months, people that were vacationing in states with increasing cases and in groups were required to stay away for at least two weeks. He was even willing to refund partial tuition if it saved him from an outbreak and being closed again. I'm sure it the Facebook posts that prompted the email.

No we vacationed alone, just dh and I.  We went to a state park lodge run by Hilton.  We did see groups of people but we weren't in one and we would go to the beach when even less people were there so we were at least 25 feet away from anyone.  But what we did see was at the beach in front of the 10 or 12 story condo, the beach was completely packed by the time we were going out.  (Around 6pm every night).  That was one reason we chose the State Park-  the lodge had nowhere near as many guests.  One of the side effects of COVID on vacations at hotels is that it takes them so much longer to clean everyone's room and I am not sure they are at full employment either so housekeeping took forever.  One day, I just asked for them to take our trash out.   But they also had lots of newbies too. 

So many places were hiring and lots of restaurants are hiring here too.

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18 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Fever, elevated cardiac enzymes, potentially clotting issues, etc seems pretty consistent with COVID symptoms I'm hearing about. So does diarrhea, actually. A significant portion never have a cough. 

Blood work was consistent with a bacterial infection and he made a complete turnaround 24 hours after starting an IV antibiotic. The only reason they worried about clotting was when they thought it was COVID. 🤷‍♀️

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11 minutes ago, TracyP said:

Blood work was consistent with a bacterial infection and he made a complete turnaround 24 hours after starting an IV antibiotic. The only reason they worried about clotting was when they thought it was COVID. 🤷‍♀️



i don’t understand about the typhoid diagnosis— did they test him for Typhoid and found yes, he had it? Or he did not have it?

or were they scared to test that—look for Typhi bacteria under microscope?

the whole thing seems strange

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19 minutes ago, TracyP said:

Blood work was consistent with a bacterial infection and he made a complete turnaround 24 hours after starting an IV antibiotic. The only reason they worried about clotting was when they thought it was COVID. 🤷‍♀️

Yeah, that article doesn't make sense. And written with a lot of drama. I imagine that her pre-existing interest in epidemiology played a part in the way she was interpreting events.

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22 minutes ago, TracyP said:

Blood work was consistent with a bacterial infection and he made a complete turnaround 24 hours after starting an IV antibiotic. The only reason they worried about clotting was when they thought it was COVID. 🤷‍♀️

but no bacteria were found when they did cultures, so? Off to look up culture negative sepsis. 

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11 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

but no bacteria were found when they did cultures, so?


I missed where it said cultures were done ?


and it’s a reportable disease where CDC has to be notified— not a “let’s guess at a diagnosis “ type disease in USA.   Afaik. 

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8 minutes ago, Pen said:


I missed where it said cultures were done ?


and it’s a reportable disease where CDC has to be notified— not a “let’s guess at a diagnosis “ type disease in USA.   Afaik. 

Just went back and looked, maybe they didn't culture. "I thought, without a positive culture, there still was no definitive diagnosis. 

But I'll say that in the current time, Covid seems way more likely than typhoid, for him to catch. https://www.cdc.gov/typhoid-fever/sources.html

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Just read this about SARS (not the one that causes Covid 19) 

steroid use may further increase the viral load and prolong shedding of viable viral particles past the 1–2 weeks after symptoms disappear, potentially increasing the transmission of the disease and the duration of infectivity of the patient.


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4 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Just went back and looked, maybe they didn't culture. "I thought, without a positive culture, there still was no definitive diagnosis. 

But I'll say that in the current time, Covid seems way more likely than typhoid, for him to catch. https://www.cdc.gov/typhoid-fever/sources.html

I know — it seems absolutely bizarre to diagnose someone who has barely been out of the house for weeks with a rare disease that only infects ~350 people/yr in the US, most of whom have recently traveled abroad to areas where it's endemic, while insisting it can't possibly be a disease that currently afflicts millions of Americans and is known for false negatives on swab tests. 

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2 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

Just went back and looked, maybe they didn't culture. "I thought, without a positive culture, there still was no definitive diagnosis. 

But I'll say that in the current time, Covid seems way more likely than typhoid, for him to catch. https://www.cdc.gov/typhoid-fever/sources.html


I absolutely agree that Covid 19 is far more likely in Chicago area at this time! 

If there’s Typhoid at loose in suburban Chicago afaik, that should be being followed up on by health authorities. 


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