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This is not new information, but I thought a good idea to remind people of it, especially given people rushing to want to get sick sooner rather than later idea. 



it is not “just like” HIV..  HIV is a virus that binds to CD4 receptors, which T cells have on their surfaces , (not an ACE2 receptor binding virus as is SARS2/ CV19) so mechanism is different, but I think it is very worth keeping in mind that there’s very likely a similar immune system problem... and we may not know the long term effects of that for some time to come. 

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Israel update:  Over 400 new cases in the last 24 hours, and the rate is accelerating.  The government has banned travel in and out of several hard-hit areas, but unlike the first wave this time the community spread is all over the country, so isolated closures are not going to work that well.  The cabinet is bringing back the surveillance of people's phones for contact tracing purposes.  The security services themselves are very opposed to doing this work but have been overruled.  

142 new cases in the West Bank.  The Palestinian Authority has reinstated restrictions in several cities.  

Israel did such a good job locking down and such a terrible job opening up.  There was a plan!  It was supposed to be a gradual, careful, staged reopening.  And then they . . . just didn't do it.  And I cannot emphasize enough what a disaster the reopening of the school system has been.  


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21 minutes ago, JennyD said:

Israel update:  Over 400 new cases in the last 24 hours, and the rate is accelerating.  The government has banned travel in and out of several hard-hit areas, but unlike the first wave this time the community spread is all over the country, so isolated closures are not going to work that well.  The cabinet is bringing back the surveillance of people's phones for contact tracing purposes.  The security services themselves are very opposed to doing this work but have been overruled.  

142 new cases in the West Bank.  The Palestinian Authority has reinstated restrictions in several cities.  

Israel did such a good job locking down and such a terrible job opening up.  There was a plan!  It was supposed to be a gradual, careful, staged reopening.  And then they . . . just didn't do it.  And I cannot emphasize enough what a disaster the reopening of the school system has been.  


I feel sad for Israel and also worried for here because a similar thing is playing out. The states have careful reopening plans and all are being accelerated.  I guess the economy is scary and cases seem low.  I don’t know.  

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20 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I guess the economy is scary and cases seem low. 

This was some of it, for sure, but the single worst decision was fully reopening middle and high schools and that had nothing to do with the economy.  

Some of it had to do with a change in government personnel, some of it had to do with a PM who urgently wanted to turn to other personal and political goals, and arguably some of it is culture. (Israelis often describe themselves as great in a crisis and not-so-great at routine.)

In fairness, it does seem that epidemiologists and decisionmakers around the world have just wildly underestimated how difficult it is to 'live alongside' this virus.  

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1 minute ago, JennyD said:


This was some of it, for sure, but the single worst decision was fully reopening middle and high schools and that had nothing to do with the economy.  

Some of it had to do with a change in government personnel, some of it had to do with a PM who urgently wanted to turn to other political goals, and arguably some of it is culture. (Israelis often describe themselves as great in a crisis and not-so-great at routine.)

In fairness, it does seem that epidemiologists and decisionmakers around the world have just wildly underestimated how difficult it is to 'live alongside' this virus.  

I wish we could learn from other countries. I see what you’ve written about schools and wonder if the US will take other countries experiences into account when deciding about schools here but I fear it will not. To be honest I don’t think many countries are looking around and being guided by others. The UK is opening up now and I see what the government is saying as they go about it and think just look around you. It’s probably not going to go the way you hope.

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2 minutes ago, TCB said:

I wish we could learn from other countries. I see what you’ve written about schools and wonder if the US will take other countries experiences into account when deciding about schools here but I fear it will not. To be honest I don’t think many countries are looking around and being guided by others. The UK is opening up now and I see what the government is saying as they go about it and think just look around you. It’s probably not going to go the way you hope.

I think colleges and schools in the US want to open so badly that they're just going to do it no matter what, and then probably be forced to go back to remote. Here in Maine, there was a tiny wedding (24 people) in a tiny town, and now 8 people are in quarantine. I'm sure that's happening in tiny towns and big cities all over the country. I just don't see how schools can stay open for long. 

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anyone want to help work through the above article with me?




It was a reference in the Nature published study about SARS2 having AIDS- like ability to bind to T lymphocytes 

this study looks at something called EK1C4  (?) ability to inhibit SARS2

it looks possibly important but my brain isn’t coping today


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The first stage of school reopening in Israel was very promising.  They brought back 1st-3rd grades (who need childcare) and 11th and 12th graders (who have to take national exams).  The classes were held in a capsule format and the older kids were socially distanced.  Plus at that time most other things were still shut down, so people weren't moving around much.  

Israel was explicitly following Austria's cautious, methodical lead in reopening for some weeks.  But at some point they just threw caution to the wind.

The US plans for university and school reopenings seem like fantasies to me.  I think I've said this before, but my DS15 went back to school on a day that there were 5 new cases in an country of 9 million people.  Seven days later he (along with the rest of his school) was in mandatory quarantine and needed a corona test.  


Edited by JennyD
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25 minutes ago, Kanin said:

I think colleges and schools in the US want to open so badly that they're just going to do it no matter what, and then probably be forced to go back to remote. Here in Maine, there was a tiny wedding (24 people) in a tiny town, and now 8 people are in quarantine. I'm sure that's happening in tiny towns and big cities all over the country. I just don't see how schools can stay open for long. 

Happened here--a friend's daughter is on a local cheer squad; the squad started practicing and two weeks later one of the girls tested positive so everyone and their families had to quarantine. During quarantine several more tested positive.

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Cross post from mask thread re 

AIDS -like mechanisms for SARS2

For me, another reason for mask use:

Quotes are from article cited below.   My cut and paste may be out of order.

I am concerned that for some people what seems now to be Asymptomatic infection will turn out to have hiv like damage to immune systems that will only show up some time in the the future. Much like full blown AIDS is not usually an immediate result of HIV infection. 


I strongly suspect that China is taking this seriously and that it is a reason they are going into lockdowns for numbers of cases that a number of people on these threads here think are “fine” or low.  


A disease that could have AIDS-like future actions along with respiratory spread is ominous



“The immune system has many components that work together in protecting the body from foreign invaders. One of the most important types of immune cells is T lymphocytes or T cells, a type of white blood cell that acts as the core of adaptive immunity, the system that modifies the immune response to specific pathogens.

T-lymphocytes attack a colony of fungi. Image Credit: UGREEN 3S / Shutterstock
T-lymphocytes attack a colony of fungi. Image Credit: UGREEN 3S / Shutterstock

Now, a team from the United States and China revealed evidence that the coronavirus disease, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), attacks the immune system’s T lymphocytes. The worrying findings highlight the destructive power of the novel coronavirus, which can destroy the immune system, leaving the patient unable to fight off the infection.



Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Colorized scanning electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell (green) heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (purple), isolated from a patient sample. Image captured and color-enhanced at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Credit: NIAID
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Colorized scanning electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell (green) heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (purple), isolated from a patient sample. Image captured and color-enhanced at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Credit: NIAID

Taken as hostage


Surprisingly, the team has found that when the coronavirus and the T cell came into contact with each other, the T cell became prey to the coronavirus, wherein a structure in the spike of the coronavirus triggered the attachment of a viral envelope and the cell membrane. After, the genes of the virus entered the T cell and overwhelmed it, took it hostage, and deactivated its ability to protect the body.

The team then tried to do the same with the SARS virus, and another coronavirus, but these pathogens were not able to infect T cells. The researchers suspect that the SARS virus, which caused an outbreak in 2002 to 2003, has a lack of a membrane fusion function. The virus can only infect cells that have a particular receptor protein called the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). T cells contain only a few ACE2 receptor proteins


Further investigation shows that patients who died from COVID-19 had damage to their bodies similar to both SARS and HIV. ...”


A possible reprieve from the ominous implications :

“Also, the team found that unlike HIV that replicates faulty T cells, the coronavirus does not replicate, showing that the T cells and the virus may end up dying together.”


(But we really don’t know yet for apparently milder cases whether T cells and virus die together or not.  It may bide its time. ) 



and link to the scientific paper.

Wang, X., Xu, W., Hu, G. et al. SARS-CoV-2 infects T lymphocytes through its spike protein-mediated membrane fusion. Cell Mol Immunol (2020). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41423-020-0424-9


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22 minutes ago, maize said:

Happened here--a friend's daughter is on a local cheer squad; the squad started practicing and two weeks later one of the girls tested positive so everyone and their families had to quarantine. During quarantine several more tested positive.

Since this is happening everywhere... makes me wonder if the virus is even more widespread than we think. 

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33 minutes ago, maize said:

Happened here--a friend's daughter is on a local cheer squad; the squad started practicing and two weeks later one of the girls tested positive so everyone and their families had to quarantine. During quarantine several more tested positive.

Here as well.  Extremely socially distanced graduation - it was spread over a week, with each student’s family group assigned a time to come independently.  Disinfecting between each group, masks, etc.  No contact between staff and students. I thought it was brilliant.

5 students testing positive so far, all families have now been contacted and asked to quarantine.

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31 minutes ago, Spryte said:

Here as well.  Extremely socially distanced graduation - it was spread over a week, with each student’s family group assigned a time to come independently.  Disinfecting between each group, masks, etc.  No contact between staff and students. I thought it was brilliant.

5 students testing positive so far, all families have now been contacted and asked to quarantine.

If there was no contact, why would they assume it came from the graduation? Or am I misunderstanding? Couldn't 5 students conceivably have picked it up independently elsewhere?

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I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

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2 hours ago, JennyD said:


This was some of it, for sure, but the single worst decision was fully reopening middle and high schools and that had nothing to do with the economy.  

Some of it had to do with a change in government personnel, some of it had to do with a PM who urgently wanted to turn to other personal and political goals, and arguably some of it is culture. (Israelis often describe themselves as great in a crisis and not-so-great at routine.)

In fairness, it does seem that epidemiologists and decisionmakers around the world have just wildly underestimated how difficult it is to 'live alongside' this virus.  

I don't know about Israel, but here, the opening the schools argument is directly tied to having kids occupied so that parents can go out and work in the economy. 

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21 minutes ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

I am. But me and my friends are the anomoly here. My parents are as well. My sister is going on multiple trips around the state. A friend just got back from a trip to texas. A neighbor just got back from a trip to north carolina. etc. 

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30 minutes ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We are cautious and most people I know are cautious here.  We did go on a day trip the other week to a coastal tourist town but stayed outside on trails with masks on.  And the couple of stores which were (legally) open, required masks and social distancing, which we did. 

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7 minutes ago, CuriousMomof3 said:

Other countries have started with the youngest students, those in most need of childcare, and have spread them out across spaces that are usually used by older kids. That's how Denmark's successful reopening has happened. 

Yes, that's what Israel did at first, too, and it worked really well. It was when they brought back all of the other kids that everything went pear-shaped.  

1 hour ago, kdsuomi said:


Except, there are endless numbers of US plans to reopen schools, since it goes on a district by district basis. The districts that affect our town haven't released their plans, but teachers I know here fully expect at least teens to be doing online at least the majority of the time. One district in another county released its plan, and older students will only be on campus twice a week and in smaller groups. The state colleges already said they're going to be online, too. 

That is fantastic to hear.  The in-person university reopening plans that we keep hearing about in our home city in the USA sound like magical thinking, and just today our home state released guidelines that seem to put districts in a very difficult position if they want to move online.  

One thing that did become clear here is that individual schools really need a lot of autonomy and authority to respond, fast. Israel's notorious centralized bureaucracy just isn't nimble enough.  The national education ministry has had to cede much more decisionmaking power to school principals and local mayors than it is accustomed to.  It will be interesting to see whether this has long-term consequences, beyond the pandemic.  


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1 hour ago, EmseB said:

If there was no contact, why would they assume it came from the graduation? Or am I misunderstanding? Couldn't 5 students conceivably have picked it up independently elsewhere?

I don’t know the answers to those questions, only what was reported in our local paper.  Which was that five of the graduates had fallen ill within a week or so, and the health department had done contact tracing, and subsequently told all families and staff who attended the graduation to quarantine and monitor for symptoms.

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2 minutes ago, DoraBora said:

I'll bet there was an after party.

This is similar to what the scuttlebutt is about a outbreak on a local construction project. They had quite a few positives. But when they looked into them -- the people involved lived together or commuted together in the same car -- even if they worked in different places once on the job site.

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13 minutes ago, DoraBora said:

I'll bet there was an after party.

Could be.  One would think the contact tracers would have been told about after parties. Article doesn’t give those details, only that all family groups that attended should quarantine.  I don’t know any graduates personally, so only know what I read reported.

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1 hour ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We are and most people I know are.  We do get together outside, socially distanced with one family at a time and I let the kids ride bikes while I talk to the mother.  Most of the people I know are doing the same and in town I see 100%--no kidding--mask wearing compliance.  I do know a couple of families who aren't and don't get me started on Facebook friends in other states!!!!!  But we live north of NYC, so we know.......

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1 hour ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We are not back to normal though we are in a state that has opened up.  I know of at least two families at our tiny church who have traveled out of state in the past two weeks for vacation.  My oldest son is out of state on a missions trip this week with 36 other people from all over the states.  My brother and his family leave this week to head to FL for a week.  Graduation parties all over the place and we're the ones who are judged for questioning the wisdom of it.  I was going to visit my parents this week (in state but two hours away) but after listing out the risks, my mom and I agreed to cancel or rather postpone for a few weeks.  

Normal for us right now means that we are seeing our grandkids frequently, my teens are playing basketball with a small group of friends and our church is meeting once a week.  Oh, and my dh's prayer group is back to meeting with masks and social distancing once a week.  That's it.  

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1 hour ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We are, but it's easy for us. We're introverted homebodies, so other than wearing masks and avoiding hugging MIL when we visit (we still do that, at her request), and getting takeout instead of sitting down in restaurants, none of this has been a significant lifestyle change for us. A few weeks ago we did a 2-hour drive to visit DS24, but we didn't stop anywhere other than his apartment. He went out and picked up lunch at a nearby restaurant. That's been the extent of our travel since last fall. I think we're more the exception than the rule, though. People we know are going out more (restaurants, window shopping just to get out of the house, etc.), some have taken short vacations to the beach, one hopped on a plane to Boston to visit a friend, etc.

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5 hours ago, Kanin said:

I think colleges and schools in the US want to open so badly that they're just going to do it no matter what, and then probably be forced to go back to remote. Here in Maine, there was a tiny wedding (24 people) in a tiny town, and now 8 people are in quarantine. I'm sure that's happening in tiny towns and big cities all over the country. I just don't see how schools can stay open for long. 

Yesterday I lost hope that schools will return to in person classes in the fall.  I just can’t see how. As much as I want kids to go back, for all the reasons, it makes less sense to me to start classes only to be forced to go back to remote learning part way through. I think it would be so much harder on everyone than if they don’t go back in the first place.

I really, really hate this. 😞 

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2 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.

We are.

The farthest we’ve gone is half hour up the coast to go kayaking. We bought emergency sandwiches for DS at the natural food store, where everyone was masked, and otherwise we were alone on a lake.

DH is still working from home. I quit my job. DS hasn’t seen a friend irl since mid March. We are getting most of our groceries delivered so I only have to go the grocery every couple of weeks. 

We are in this for the long haul.

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3 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

I'm not sure where to put this. Is anyone still social distancing or staying home? Beyond the protests, riots, and campaign rally, if my Facebook page is any indication, people are traveling all over the place, not staying away from other people, and not wearing masks. That family went from Missouri to Alabama. That family from Virginia to Ohio and their relatives from Virginia to North Carolina. Another family is on their second beach vacation, one at the beginning of the SIP and another near the end, and they don't live anywhere near the beach. Those two families went from Ohio to North Carolina. That family went from Indiana to Maryland. That family went from DC to Ohio. I'm at home, mostly because every single thing I planned to do this summer has been canceled, but now I'm wondering if I missed the memo that I was supposed to take a vacation and/or visit the out of state relatives like we aren't in a pandemic.


I am and know a bunch of other people who are too. 


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16 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Yesterday I lost hope that schools will return to in person classes in the fall.  I just can’t see how. As much as I want kids to go back, for all the reasons, it makes less sense to me to start classes only to be forced to go back to remote learning part way through. I think it would be so much harder on everyone than if they don’t go back in the first place.

I really, really hate this. 😞 


What’s the current plan for where you are?


 I think current plan where I am is some sort of reopening—though I am skeptical it can work.


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1 hour ago, EmseB said:

So this seems like good news for libraries specifically and surface transmission in general.


I just curbside picked-up my first library book since this started.  It's in quarantine in my car for a few days, then I'll feel happy about reading it.  It's always been said it doesn't last long on paper, so I was thinking this would be the case.  Do the same thing with the mail.

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23 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Yesterday I lost hope that schools will return to in person classes in the fall.  I just can’t see how. As much as I want kids to go back, for all the reasons, it makes less sense to me to start classes only to be forced to go back to remote learning part way through. I think it would be so much harder on everyone than if they don’t go back in the first place.

I really, really hate this. 😞 

Oh dear. I hate it, too. If it makes you feel any better, I'm almost certain that schools WILL open - at least in Maine - in the fall. We're planning on it, and we're going to spend a lot of time using the online platforms in class, so if/when remote schooling happens again, it won't be as haphazard as it was in March. 

Most of the Maine colleges are planning to go back... not sure how that'll work... or any of it really... but I'm not convinced that they WON'T open. 

In fact, now that I think they WILL open, I'm getting increasingly worried about being required to go back! Eek. 

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North Carolina Governor Cooper is putting our re-opening on hold. Instead of going to Phase 3 on Friday per the original re-opening plan, we will remain in Phase 2 until at least July 17. He's also mandating mask usage in all public places wherever maintaining social distancing from those not in your own household/residence isn't possible (indoors and outdoors). Exceptions for people with medical conditions and children under 11.

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16 minutes ago, Pen said:


What’s the current plan for where you are?


 I think current plan where I am is some sort of reopening—though I am skeptical it can work.


I don’t know what the current plans are. Usually our school has really excellent  communication, but so far we haven’t heard a single thing. DS has been in contact with teachers, who reply they don’t have any information yet, and has repeatedly emailed his guidance counselor, whom he hasn’t received a reply from. They don’t even have their class schedules yet which is making him really anxious. His plan is to take Calc BC/Calc 2 online through a university this summer, allowing him to take Calc 3 and 4 off campus next year, but who knows. In a typical year it could all be figured out, but we are resigned that it just might not this year.

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15 minutes ago, Pen said:

13 page pdf (Fig 4, 5, 6) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-020-0305-x.pdf

Here we generated a series of lipopeptides derived from EK1 and found that EK1C4 was the most potent fusion inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2 S protein-mediated membrane fusion and pseudovirus infection with IC50s of 1.3 and 15.8 nM, about 241- and 149-fold more potent than the original EK1 peptide, respectively. EK1C4 was also highly effective against membrane fusion and infection of other human coronavirus pseudoviruses tested, including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, as well as SARSr-CoVs, and potently inhibited the replication of 5 live human coronaviruses examined, including SARS-CoV-2. Intranasal application of EK1C4 before or after challenge with HCoV-OC43 protected mice from infection, suggesting that EK1C4 could be used for prevention and treatment of infection by the currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 and other emerging SARSr-CoVs.”

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14 minutes ago, Kanin said:

Oh dear. I hate it, too. If it makes you feel any better, I'm almost certain that schools WILL open - at least in Maine - in the fall. We're planning on it, and we're going to spend a lot of time using the online platforms in class, so if/when remote schooling happens again, it won't be as haphazard as it was in March. 

Most of the Maine colleges are planning to go back... not sure how that'll work... or any of it really... but I'm not convinced that they WON'T open. 

In fact, now that I think they WILL open, I'm getting increasingly worried about being required to go back! Eek. 

To be honest, I’m not sure what would make me feel better today. My understanding is that the plan will come from the state, rather than individual districts (do I have that right?). If that’s true, it would explain why we haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t expect a solid plan to be put into place this early, I'm just feeling overwhelmed with all the uncertainty today. I know everyone is doing their best and I really don’t want to sound like I’m complaining; it’s just been a rough week. 

The college piece is part of it; it sounds like for us, the option will be online only. 

I'm worried for you too. I went through a similar dilemma with my job, though I didn’t come in contact with nearly as many people as you do. It's a terrible position to be in. 😞 

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@mathnerd@sassenach @Pen San Jose middle school https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/06/24/sunrise-middle-school-san-jose-reopening-coronavirus-covid-summer-classes/

“Summer classes began at Monday at Sunrise Middle School on Julian Street. About 50 students are back at school for the 20-day summer session, with new routines in the age of the coronavirus.

Among the adjustments being made, students have mandatory temperature checks, handwashing and mask checks. To facilitate social distancing, there are no more than a dozen students per classroom.

Outside one of the buildings, a handwritten sign explained rules for students waiting to get into a classroom, which included lining up six feet apart, along with not hugging, touching or standing near other students.

“The kids seemed happy, the have been bored at home,” Principal Teresa Robinson told KPIX 5. “One student termed it as like being in a box, so lonely. They’re just happy, it seems kind of like normal again.”

Robinson described the summer session as a dress rehearsal for fall, when they expect to get all 270 students back.

Schools across Santa Clara County had been ordered closed since March 13.”

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2 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

@mathnerd@sassenach @Pen San Jose middle school https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/06/24/sunrise-middle-school-san-jose-reopening-coronavirus-covid-summer-classes/

“Summer classes began at Monday at Sunrise Middle School on Julian Street. About 50 students are back at school for the 20-day summer session, with new routines in the age of the coronavirus.

Among the adjustments being made, students have mandatory temperature checks, handwashing and mask checks. To facilitate social distancing, there are no more than a dozen students per classroom.

Outside one of the buildings, a handwritten sign explained rules for students waiting to get into a classroom, which included lining up six feet apart, along with not hugging, touching or standing near other students.

“The kids seemed happy, the have been bored at home,” Principal Teresa Robinson told KPIX 5. “One student termed it as like being in a box, so lonely. They’re just happy, it seems kind of like normal again.”

Robinson described the summer session as a dress rehearsal for fall, when they expect to get all 270 students back.

Schools across Santa Clara County had been ordered closed since March 13.”


A small trial like that seems like a good idea!

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I'm not sure if this was already posted. Newborn tripplets in Mexico tested positive for the coronavirus - tested on the day they were born.

Mexico City — Mexico's novel coronavirus cases mounted and added their youngest infections Monday, when triplets tested positive for the virus on the day they were born. Monica Rangel, the health secretary of the northern state of San Luis Potosi, said the triplets were born May 8 to a mother who was also positive but asymptomatic.

Rangel said the triplets were not believed to be in danger. She said the case was being studied to see whether the triplets were infected before or after birth, but said it appeared improbable they could have been infected outside the womb so quickly.


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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

I just curbside picked-up my first library book since this started.  It's in quarantine in my car for a few days, then I'll feel happy about reading it.  It's always been said it doesn't last long on paper, so I was thinking this would be the case.  Do the same thing with the mail.

My daughter just started back to job as a library page two weeks ago and they are quarantining the returns for 72 hours before they shelve them and there is only library staff in the building.  The staff is all wearing masks inside the building.  It seems to be the same at the other libraries in the area so it must be library association recommendations.

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42 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I don’t know what the current plans are. Usually our school has really excellent  communication, but so far we haven’t heard a single thing. DS has been in contact with teachers, who reply they don’t have any information yet, and has repeatedly emailed his guidance counselor, whom he hasn’t received a reply from. They don’t even have their class schedules yet which is making him really anxious. His plan is to take Calc BC/Calc 2 online through a university this summer, allowing him to take Calc 3 and 4 off campus next year, but who knows. In a typical year it could all be figured out, but we are resigned that it just might not this year.

I JUST got an email from our district yesterday that they are still working on it and hope to know more and hold some roundtable events with parents in July.

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46 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I don’t know what the current plans are. Usually our school has really excellent  communication, but so far we haven’t heard a single thing. DS has been in contact with teachers, who reply they don’t have any information yet, and has repeatedly emailed his guidance counselor, whom he hasn’t received a reply from. They don’t even have their class schedules yet which is making him really anxious. His plan is to take Calc BC/Calc 2 online through a university this summer, allowing him to take Calc 3 and 4 off campus next year, but who knows. In a typical year it could all be figured out, but we are resigned that it just might not this year.

Did you guys see this principal's version of "Let it Go" in answer to questions about when they'll have answers about the fall... newly entitled "I Don't Know"  🤣🤣 🤣


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5 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Did you guys see this principal's version of "Let it Go" in answer to questions about when they'll have answers about the fall... newly entitled "I Don't Know"  🤣🤣 🤣


Omg This is making me cry so hard. Both from laughter and sadness. Thank you!

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8 hours ago, TCB said:

Also several from an epidemiologist looking at transmission via sewers


This was a feature of the original SARS. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.info.gov.hk/info/sars/pdf/amoy_e.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiXpseys5vqAhX1pHEKHfIKDDgQFjAFegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0XEZb0BStxKRyCGB8RC6Wx&cshid=1593034387521


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