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Posted (edited)

Good morning!

Get dd started on school.  

Check Geometry and English.  

Tour a school for Ds.  

Figure out what to do on the other side of town while ds finishes his shadow day.

Time the drive home 

Make dinner - meatloaf, Brussels sprouts casserole, sweet potatoes.   

Tutor one student

Catch up with dd and prep for Tuesday.


Edited by ScoutTN
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Posted (edited)

Good morning!

  • hang wreaths, decorate tree, hang Christmas banner on fireplace
  • hopefully finish up Christmas shopping for kids
  • text hay guys
  • office work - pay bills (trying to get as much done as possible in the next two weeks so I can have time off between Christmas & New Year's)
  • vacuum upstairs
  • order 2020 calendar from Skydog Sanctuary
  • take Thor to vet at 2:00 for Lyme vaccine - talk to her about Beauregard, who still won't let me look in his mouth, & pick up food & meds
  • also need to call horse vet about test results
  • dinner: vegetable stew with dumplings
  • finish the Hallmark mystery that dh and I started watching last night
Edited by Selkie
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Back from the meet- pretty successful over all- one best time- but wow- the gossiping and meaness on the deck (who knew that injury was the fault of the swimmer, coach and parent?) and in the stands was fairly breathtaking. dd2, who is used to mean girls in a real way, was pretty upset by the end of the meet. Thanks for the welcome back, Colorado Swimming. 

Today is recovery- house, mind, school, bills.

  • coffee/paper
  • bills/bank/check receipts for meet
  • get dd2 off to school
  • ds3 up and working- papers due at the end of the week
  • need to write a check for tennis
  • work on some Christmas gifts
  • laundry- lots
  • general clean up- but dh and ds3 were gone much of the weekend- so things are pretty good
  • ds3 to tennis
  • library?
  • pick up ds3
  • figure out dinner
  • watch football

Have a great day!

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Rats. It's a rainy Monday morning, and the dc passed on their germs to me. I'm nauseated, which isn't far off my normal abdominal pain, just different. 😰

Done: Coffee, drove ds to school, grocery shopping

To do: Shop for plates and stuff for a potluck today, drive ds to basketball and co-op, work the potluck tonight. 

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Already completed my 5 mile walk

Do laundry, fold and put away. I also have about 20 banquet size table clothes to do from a church dinner on Friday night


Meet daughter for lunch 

Start a batch of peanut balls to get out on Thursday to DD and SIL

Take dog for his evening walk, DH is off on a hunting trip and this is usually his job.


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Posted (edited)

Howdy.  Yay for Monday.

I have at least one conference call which will stress me out pretty much all day.  And lots of work to do.

Sleep sucked last night, but I did get some.

  • Online shopping in the wee hours.  Minor but important stuff.
  • Not sure how much sleep I got, I was up a lot.  Had 3 things I was meant to finish before the kids got up....
  • Got some client work done, but it was more complicated than expected & still has not gone out.
  • Math reviewed.
  • School lunches ordered through the end of December.
  • Papers signed.
  • Kids up & off to the school bus on time.
  • A little house cleaning.
  • Fed the bird.
  • A little TKD practice.
  • A little calendar work.
  • A little reading.
  • Caught up on news, emails, social media.
  • On 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee ... not sure.

To do:

  • Many reports and document reviews for work.
  • Straighten my room as it's getting to me.
  • Hope to do some more exercise.  Would like to make all of us run, but it's raining outside right now....
  • Pay some bills.
  • Kids' work - need to crack down on finishing some work early since Tues & Weds will be too busy.
  • Kid2 has clarinet lesson.
  • Laundry.
  • Should probably feed the kids.
  • Whatever else gets done.
Edited by SKL
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dd2 off to school- unhappy and feeling defeated, not exactly great for a Monday- plus I never know exactly what is swirling on social media- so I worry

ds3 sloooowly waking up

laundry going

dishwasher- running for a second time- user error by dh last night

coat rack cleared off and cleaned out

bills paid and mail gone through

the sun is finally out from the clouds- I have a few things to do outside today

Next up:

more laundry

get ds3 working

eat a little breakfast

put away some things into the garage- more like dump them in an available spot- did I tell you dh has claimed repsonsibility for the garage?

finish cleaning the kitchen when the dishwasher is finished

read a little


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Human care done

pet care done 

medical care done 

was able to do the DMV stuff online but I still need to call them about what to do with the license plates. 

picked dd up and we are at the farther away independent coffee shop for school today 

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First load of laundry is done & second is in the washer

Kitchen is clean & dishwasher is running

Shoveled manure

Texted hay guys

Swept out hay sheds

Ordered calendar

Left a message for horse vet

  • Like 3

Third load of laundry in (actually ds3 put it in)

Dishwasher emptied

front porch cleaned off

last two solar fairy light strands strung on the rose obelisk (four strands total- should cover it- we will see tonight)

read through and gave suggestions for the first half of ds3's paper

worked through some missed math problems

finished a library book

started a bag for Goodwill

Next up:

lunch and some crochet

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Grocery shopped.

Got home.  A bag split open, cracking a big jar of pickles all over my front steps and seriously bruising my big toe.  Swept up the pickles and glass.  Hosed off the front steps.  Had to wash my broom and dust pan!

Left yet another message for the insurance guy. 

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I lived through the conference call.  Yay!  Guess I should be glad I feel so accomplished every time that happens.

Before the call, I fell asleep and slept for like an hour.  Bad me!  My important client report is still not done.

I need a shower.  Should I shower first or get the work done first?  I think I will shower first so I won't be a bad example for my kids when they come home from school ....

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Decided to come home and not hang out on the other side of town all afternoon. 

Dinner is made.

Sign Up Genius for Scouts done.

Lots of calendar planning.

Dishwasher is running.

Resting for a few minutes before I leave to pick up Ds. Going to have to get some audiobooks for the cross town driving that school will entail. 

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Drove with dd(18 in two days).  She's been learning with dh but this was my first time in the driving instructor's seat with her.  She drove me using city streets to our neighboring city and back.  She did very well.  I only panicked once! 

Got another jar of pickles.  Priorities. . .

Finally got a call back from insurance guy.  Boy, insurance is expensive. . .

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Well, it is a done deal. Ds is going to school in January. I am relieved, but also sad. Find myself crying all the time. He will finish the year there and we'll assess in April (homeschool tutorial registration ) to see how things stand. I suspect he will not return to homeschooling soon. 8th grade, high school .... too far away to call.  

We found a tiny, private middle school with excellent teachers and amazing financial aid. I think it will be a good place for ds to learn and grow, academically and as a whole person. 

January may be rough. Lots of adjustments for all of us. I need to work more to pay tuition, but will also have more time to spend with dd on her school. 

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(((Scout))) Change is so hard, but I hope it will be a good one for both you and your ds. It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into this and found a wonderful school! 

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