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Ack! House smells like smoke


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I'd open windows for a little while despite the cold, and put some potpourri on the stove (water, orange peels if you've got 'em, whole cloves, whole or ground cinnamon)--set a timer to ensure it doesn't get forgotten, but about a half hour of simmering helps a lot.

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Thanks everyone

I'm keeping this in my arsenal for later.  I suspect this will not be the first with my new gas stove.  I'm still trying to find a good splatter mat that will go on the bottom of the gas oven.  

What I did this time was I boiled the cinnamon on the stove and I've put out little bowls of baking soda around the house.  It's what I had on hand.  I also found several upstairs windows open last night...so there was that help too.  It was COLD up there! LOL. 

When I came home from church today I couldn't smell the smoke.  Yay! 



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