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Apps that Stalk? Which ones are we missing??


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Whether you and dd believe him or not, please keep in mind that he was, by his own admission, intentionally stalking her on an app for a period of at least several days. Add in the coffee shop, and that's at least three times he 'followed' her and lied about it. I'm with those who vote 'still creepy.' 

Wanting to 'officially introduce' himself to the parents of a girl he has never dated, without her prior knowledge, strikes me as both creepy and paternalistic. 

I agree with Quill that 'girls have been throwing themselves at me for years' sounds manipulative. I also very much don't like him saying that the other boys treated your dd differently than other girls in the group, as though only certain girls are worthy of respect. I realize that he's talking about other boys, but he says it as though it's in your dd's favor - she talks to him like she does everyone else, she's kind, and oh yeah, the other boys treat her differently than they do the rest of the girls. 

He asked someone about his 'intentions' to your dd, which seems like a vast overreach and again paternalistic/controlling. 

He tried to nail down the specifics of why your dd found another guy 'dateable,' which is creepy to me. 

And so many other things, but let's not forget he said that he's pretty sure he's been in love with her for a long time. Claiming love for someone you have never even dated is such classic obsessive behavior that I would still have my guard up very high. And I'd probably be double-checking that Europe story. 

I'm not trying to convince you he's lying, but I don't want the actual creepiness of what he did to be lost in the romantic haze of a love letter in this thread. 

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