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Art of Argument without the videos--for credit?

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So the short story is we *hate* the videos.  We tried. I am learning our family has a low tolerance for this type of thing.

Anyway, I have a Word document with information about the various fallacies, including examples, and links to videos like the PBS Idea channel ones (I think I have Farrar to thank for those). Anyway, clearly this is not taking as much time as it would with the video discussion. 

I have added some "projects" where he will create a power point with the fallacies defined and examples. 

I could add more videos from you tube, etc. 

I was hoping to give him a half-credit for this as that is what the curriculum suggests, but hour-wise, he is probably not going to make it to 70 hours based on how things are going.

Suggestions on how to supplement? 

Or . . . can I count his completion of The Fallacy Detective in 6th and The Thinking Toolbox in 7th as part of this year's Informal Logic 1/2 credit?


Thanks for your help.

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I'd have him bring in examples of fallacies he's studied to talk about. The time looking around counts (although I've never had issues coming up with tons of these just by looking in a newspaper, magazine, or listening to the radio). Bonus, though, is the real life application of the topics studied. We often find there is a mix of fallacies but the debate on which ones is pretty fun.

I always do this class with a small group (3-5 kids) because it is more fun. I have never used the videos because the sample looked terrible.

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@RootAnn  thank you! I definitely would have liked doing this with more kids but my youngest was not ready for it and it didn't fly as a class for co-op, so we're doing our best just the two of us.  😃 If you teach the class again, I found some fun examples on the tvtropes site https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LogicalFallacies?from=Main.YouFailLogicforever  just be careful of some language/content.  One of my favorites so far was an example of tu quoque from Harry Potter.  😃  Actually, if you teach it again, I can just send you my word file where I copied and pasted things in from different sites.  

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I have taught it to my older 3 & have 2 left ... We don't do a co-op, just see if there are any others in the homeschool group who want to come over each week (and do the homework I send home). 

It is nice to have examples as a teacher but the kids honestly have more buy in when they bring/find the examples. I love to do the class when there is a presidential election coming up.

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